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Rea | 805 300 5028


San Francisco
Assistant Account Executive

August 2015 August 2016
Highlights include crafting a tweet for client (PayPal) that was retweeted by @FLOTUS (350 retweets, 1,100
likes) and developing content for a real-time conversation with Old Spice hero Isaiah Mustafa
Executed new brand launch (PayPal Is New Money") across all clients social platforms and shared content
during the airing of clients first Super Bowl commercial, resulting in the highest volume of organic discussion on
social channels and the most native video views ever recorded at PayPal, reaching an estimated 118M people
Managed and updated clients daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly editorial content calendars for Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest
Created and managed campaign-specific editorial calendars for larger social campaigns, such as the PayPal and
Airbnb Meet Halfway campaign which resulted in 4,239 nights booked on Airbnb, 18,539 new PayPal user
sign-ups, 2,000 shares across Facebook and over 232 million impressions
Developed content for clients social platforms, including day-to-day content and larger, campaign-specific
content, and handled posting and scheduling via native platforms or Hootsuite/Curalate
Reported on weekly, monthly, and campaign-specific performance, utilizing Simply Measured, Curalate, Twitter
Analytics, and Facebook Insights
Crafted email marketing content to integrate social campaigns with clients larger marketing initiatives (Back to
School 2016, Travel 2016)
Digital Intern

June 2015 August 2015
Participated in clients social campaign to announce status as an independent company
Wrote and developed content for clients social media platforms, including day-to-day content and larger,
campaign-specific content, and handled all posting and scheduling via native platforms or Hootsuite/Curalate

Los Angeles
Communications Officer

September 2014 June 2015
Produced pitch decks and other presentation materials which generated interest from Amgen and helped secure
funds in a seeding round

Los Angeles
Marketing Intern

June 2014 August 2014
Created pitch deck for Beauty Industry West conference, edited consumer newsletter, and wrote copy for new
products and Saks Fifth Avenue store launch promotional material

Los Angeles

Communications Specialist

November 2013 May 2014
Devised email marketing campaign with highest ever click-through rate and developed brand positioning with
new website copy that received over 1,300,000 visits in 2013

Editorial Intern

September 2010
Developed online promotions material for company titles, wrote cover briefs, and worked directly with authors
on paperback copy (Hinterland, Caroline Brothers)

MA, Communication Management, USC Annenberg, U.S.A., 2015 (3.94 GPA)
BA, English and Related Literature, University of York, U.K., 2011

Proficient in/with MSOffice, Hootsuite, Curalate, Simply Measured, Radian6, Twitter Ads, Twitter Analytics,
Facebook Ads Manager, Facebook Insights
Moderate fluency in French (Alliance Franaise Diploma awarded at highest level in 2006)
Certified Jivamukti Yoga Instructor (300-Hour Certification awarded in 2012)

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