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2 Lack of Moral Education that Triggering Rampat the Corruption Case

In education, definitely be taught what the character is. Not just any theory, but
how we can applied that knowledge in real world. We directed for being person
that capable being honest, have a sense of togetherness and help each other.
But in real what we get from the character knowladge , cant fully apply yet,
even can we say that we dont apply that knowledge yet. Still more we can see
the despicable actions around us. For the example is cheating. Cheating is like
the hereditary culture wich hard to omitted from our world. The reason, cheating
culture still entrenched in school environment that is more respect for the grade
compared with the process that he student experience. Even thought, the
cheating culture is the initial step for being a corruptor in the future, because
both of it have the same background that is dishonesty. This is the reason how so
hard for eradicate the corruption in Indonesia. Because from child cant being
honest, our moral is very low that cause the quality of our human resources is
not advenced.

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