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Iris- Prologue

There once was a girl, a very beautiful girl for that matter. She
was tall, but not too tall. Slender, not too slender. Milk chocolate
coloured skin, and long dark hair that rolled off in waves. Long, curly
lashes that could stir up envy in the hearts of the beauties of the
kingdom. Lips so full, they looked as if they were going to burst out of
her face at any given moment. But the most beautiful feature of her
face were her eyes. Her eyes could be described as alluring, god-like
even to those that were fortunate enough to see her. At a glance, they
seemed like your typical shaped dark chocolate eyes, but at a closer
glance they were much more than they appeared to be. Streaks of
multiple colours ran from her pupil to the edge of her iris. In the
sunlight, her eyes sparkled all colours of the spectrum as if a rainbow
was dancing on the surface of her eyelids.
Despite her fortunate appearance, she was locked in a tower, a
very bland tower for that matter. The walls were made of dull, aged
brick, and the floors were made of stone. A high arching ceiling
covered the construction, but not a single light bulb hung from it. The
girl hated the tower, but unfortunately she had no means of escaping
her tall prison cell. The only method of exiting and entering her jail cell
was through a door, attached at the bottom of a tall winding staircase.
Each week, her mother would make a visit to the girl, and each
week the girl would ask whether she could go outside. Each week, her
mother replied with the same answer. Dangerous ambitions lead to a
dangerous destiny. The girls mother would then drop off the weekly
goods for the girl, and sneak back down the stairs into the open air.
The girl would then go to look out the window and sit on the windowsill
for hours on end. She dreamt of being in the open, running through
fields of grass. She dreamt of swimming, fish guiding her through the
deep depths of a deep blue ocean. She dreamt of fresh air rushing into
her lungs as she sang a melodious harmony with the birds around her.
She dreamt of being happy at last.
Little did the girl know about the happy life she once had.

Iris-Ch.1: Reflections
It was my 14th birthday. Thats right folks! Fourteen years of my
miserable, lousy life had gone by! Congratulations for living a life
worse than that of a prisoner! At least prisoners get some sort of
freedom. Lucky bastards
People say as you get older, time goes by faster. I think thats a
load of garbage. I lived in the tower for 8 of the 14 years of my life and
each passing day got slower and slower. When I was younger, I thought
living in a tower was awesome. No boundaries, no rules, no one to tell
you that you couldnt eat 4 cookies in one day. BUt as days turned into
weeks, weeks into months, months into years, I started to feel as if
time has been gradually slowing down. Seconds felt like days, minutes
felt like weeks, hours felt like months, and each passing day felt like a
year. Time in the tower crawled slower than a snail on molasses.
Every year on my birthday, mother would make an extra visit to
the castle that week to deliver my present. Last year I had noticed my
frying pan was getting old, and I had asked for a new one. Later that
week, my mother returned with not a spanking new frying pan in her
hand, but with an entire set of kitchen cookware. And yes, if your lousy
mind couldnt figure it out, I did get a brand new frying pan also.
On my 14th birthday, I had asked for a mirror. I know that youre
thinking, Who the hell asks for a bloody mirror on their birthday? Well
imagine this, youve been stuck in a boring brick tower for most of your
life, and had no access to the outside world or any other people for
that matter. For some reason, your home is lacking in the mirror
department, and when you ask your mother, the only human contact
youve ever had, what you look like she replies with the same,
annoying answer; Your appearance cant be put into words. That
answer eventually drives you mad and to the brink of insanity. What if
shes implying the fact that Im horrifically ugly? What if Im
breathtakingly beautiful? One very vague reply, two very polar
follow up questions. Now I bet youre thinking, Well, doesnt she have
a reflective surface, such a pan to see what her reflection looks like?
My response to that is yes, and no. Yes I do have a pots and pans
where I can see my reflection. BUt at the same time, I do have pots
and pans but I cannot see my reflection. Whenever I look into a pot,
my image becomes distorted in a way I can only outline some basic
facial features. That drives me even further to the brink of insanity. So
at fourteen lousy years, when other girls are fretting about their
appearance, I was also fretting about my appearance, only in a less
mentally-sane way.

I strolled over to my beloved window sill. The place where I could

momentarily escape the brain-numbing dullness of my home. The
window was small, about two feet tall and two feet wide. Despite its
small size, it had given me more insight to the world than any of my
books have. I began to gaze out the window. The cloudless sky was a
stunning shade of cerulean. As if thousands of diamonds lined the very
fabric of the heavens. Once snow covered ground is making its
departure as only a few stubborn chunks of snow lay on the ground.
Patches of grass begin to peak out under the brown remnants of last
years lawn. Birds begin making nests in the trees surrounding the
tower and small, rare chunks of ice lazily float in the nearby river. I
closed my eyes, letting my body soak generous rays provided by the
sun. Days like this are days where I can almost jump out my window to
be out in the open. Almost.
Ever since I was a little girl, Ive dreamt of being outside. So
whenever my mother would stop by for her weekly visit, I would ask to
go outside. My mother, being my mother would always reply with the
dreaded seven words. Dangerous ambitions lead to a dangerous
destiny. She would warn me that the outside world was perilous,
crawling with criminals, good-for-nothing people, and creatures that
would brutally kill you with their saliva. I had always shrunk at these
stories and they would nearly kill my dreams of going outside. But
whenever I looked out my beloved window, these dreams were
suddenly revived, as rich and vivid as ever.
All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps pounding on the floor
boomed through the tower. I jumped out of my nature induced trance,
and dart off the windowsill. I sprint over to the bookshelf, grab a book
and dash right back onto my rickety bed. I pretend to be fully
engrossed in the novel when my mothers head pops up from the
I looked up from my book and plaster a smile on my face, Hello
mother, I greet respectfully.
Good Morning, Iris she replies, Happy 14th birthday! she
strides over to the bed and pinches my cheek. My little girl has grown
so big! She hugs me and nearly squeezes the air inside of me.
During the literally breathtaking embrace, my eyes wander to
the box wrapped in red wrapping paper. The box is long and thin. My
heart begins to beat faster. Is this it? Did my mother buy me a mirror!
My mother pulls back from the hug and catches me eyeing the gift.
She gives me a smile and hands the box over to me.

For a moment I just stared at the box in plain awe. This is the
moment Id been waiting for all my life. The chance to finally see what I
look like. I slowly peel back the wrapping paper from the box, taking in
every moment. Once the wrapping paper had all been torn off the box,
I slowly opened the box. I dug my hand in the box, my heart beating
faster and faster. Suddenly, my fingers feel something. But its not
hard the way a mirror should be. Not at all. It feels like...cotton! I rip
my hand out of the box, bringing the fabric out with it.
Instead of looking at a mirror, im looking directly at a dress! A
jumble of emotions stir up from within me. Rage pulses through my
veins, travelling to every point of my body. A sea of tears pushes
behind my eyes, but they refuse to come out. My limbs feel weak,
paralyzed even.
I hope you like your gift Iris, my mother said from behind me. I
turned back to face her, fury burning in my eyes.
I asked for a mirror I said, my voice as loud as a whisper but
carrying the fury of a scream.
I know, honey
I asked for a mirror! I repeated, my voice much louder this
Sweetie, I hope you underst-
I ASKED FOR A MIRROR! I shrieked, my voice shaking the tower
as if an earthquake rolled through the area. The second those words
left my mouth, my mothers eyes morphed into something darker. Their
once gentle appearance had turned stone cold in an instant. Her jaw
was clenched, and her eyes became narrowed.
You cant have a mirror! Youll never have a mirror! You can
never know what you look like!: She yelled back at me. I stared at her
in pure awe. My bottom lip started to quiver. I opened my mouth to say
something, but it was if I was if my own words were choking me.
Sweetie my mother said. She reached over and put a gentle hand
on my shoulder. Your appearance just cant be put into words, she
said softly. She rose from my bed, and started to make her way
towards the staircase.
Is there anything you would like to ask me, sweetie? she asked.

I shook my head and she headed down the stairs. I was going to
ask her once again if I could go outside, but I couldnt bear to face a
second disappointment today.

Iris-Ch.2: Hiroshi
That evening, I looked out my windowsill once more. The sun was
low in the sky, only a sliver of its radiating glow hung low on the
horizon. The setting sun usually brought a sense of hope into my heart,
its final rays reaching out to me and giving me a hug before
disappearing for the dark night. Only this time, the feeling of happiness
was absent, and the feeling of heartache was more present than ever.
Instead of joy rushing into my heart, I felt nothing but pure, utter
disappointment. The cool breeze usually was a reminder of what it was
like to be free, but tonight it chilled my already cold demeanor. Ill
never know what I look like. Ill die old and wrinkly never
knowing what my wrinkles look like. I thought darkly. Why me?
Why me of all humans on this planet? Why did it have to be
me? I buried my hands in my head and began to cry. My vision became
blurry, as the scenery around me turned into incoherent splotches. My
shoulders began to spasm uncontrollably and my nose became runny.
The tears came slowly at first, rolling gently down my gently cheeks
like a gentle stream, but soon the stream had morphed into a raging
waterfall. I cried because I had no one to talk to. I cried because I
would never see a mountain, or visit a cave, or even go to a bakery. I
cried because of the horrible fate I was destined to live out.
All of a sudden, the sound of a door squeaking opening abruptly
stopped me from my self-mourning session. The sound of footsteps
started up the winding staircase. Is that you, Mother? I thought to
myself. The tower was suddenly covered in a blanket of darkness as
the last ray of sunlight disappeared under the horizon leaving the
premises in an ominous state. The footsteps got louder, and I realized
they sounded nothing like my Mothers footsteps. Mothers footsteps

were light and delicate as if she was walking on fragile glass. These
footsteps were heavy and violent as if they wanted to destroy glass. In
a frenzy, I ran to the kitchen. My hands scrambled all over the place,
searching for something that could use as a feasible weapon.
Whoever-what ever was coming up the stairs meant nothing but harm
to me.
In fury I grabbed a rolling pin. I spread my legs in an athletic
stance and held it high above my head like a baseball player awaiting
a pitch. The footsteps got louder and louder, and my heart was beating
harder and harder. I could hear the intruders breathing, and in turn my
own breathing became ragged. All of a sudden, the shadow of a head
popped out of the staircase. I braced myself for the swing, shut my
eyes, and my rolling pin went flying through the air with my hand.
Hello? Is anybody ho- CRACCKKK! The rolling pin had hit the
back of the persons head. Their body crumpled up in an unnatural
state, and they tumbled to the stone floor. The strange human lay
there silently and still, and a horrid realization sparked through my
brain. Did I kill him? Did I kill the very first person Ive ever
seen aside from Mother? I suddenly dropped to the ground, put my
ear to their chest, listening for a heartbeat. After what felt like hours,
the familiar beating of a heart came to my ears. I sighed in relief, and
began to stand up.
I dragged the unconscious body and sat it down on a chair. I
grabbed a roll of twine and began to wrap the body to the chair. I
wrapped the twine across the chair and the persons torso, trapping
them in the chair. I bound their feet and hands together with the cord,
so they had no way of escaping.
I tried to make out the facial features, but the darkness of the
room prevented me from doing so. My mother always insisted on
keeping the tower dark once the sun set. She said it prevented
monsters from entering our home. Guess she was wrong this time. I
stared at the dark figure, curiosity sparking in my brain. Should I
light a torch so I can see this person? Should I obey mother
and keep the tower as dark as usual? Suddenly a dark thought
crept through my brain. But mother didnt listen to my why should I listen to hers!
I out of fury, I lit a torch and finally got a good look at the person.
It was a boy. He looked to be about my age, 14 years old? No older
than 15. Short, black hair the fell over his face like a mop. His white
skin was as pale as the moon. He had long, thin eyes and he looked to
be a few inches shorter than me.

I continued to study his face when all of a sudden, his eyes flew
open. At first he looked perplexed, eyes darting around the room as if
his eyes were following an annoying bug around the room. But his gaze
softened eventually softened from their previous frenzy. But once his
face settled on mine, his eyes grew so wide, I was afraid they were
going to fall out of their sockets.
"Where... am I? He asked slowly, dragging his words out.
"The better question is, why did you break into my home?!" I
replied, my voice more hostile than intended.
Who are you? He asked, his words still drawn out slowly.
The very last person youll see if you dont tell me what youre
doing here!
Your face... its He said as if he ignored my last sentence. He
was looking intently at me, eyes sparkling with something I couldnt
Whats. Wrong. With. My. Face. I said, my words spoken through
a pair of tightly clenched teeth.
N-nothing, you just remind me of someone I know. His face fell
to the floor. Was he embarrassed, bashful, maybe even shamed?
Am I that ugly?
Silence hung in the air, as if both of us had suddenly became
illiterate. I kept my icy, hard gaze on him and he only glanced at me
from time to time. Each of his glimpses at me ended in him looking
once again on the floor. After what felt like years of this stupid stare
down taking place, he finally spoke.
I needed a place to stay for the night He said softly, his voice
barely a whisper.
What?! I said, eyebrows raised high above my eyelids.
I needed a place to stay for the night...thats why I came here in
the first place, I gave him a skeptical look. I wasnt buying this lie,
even if my life depended on it.
The boy took in a deep breath and continued to speak.
Look...You see, Im an orphan. Both my parents died when I was little,
and I have no one to look for me. Instead of playing each day like the
other children, I spent my time looking for abandoned homes to spend

the night in. I came here thinking this tower was abandoned, but turns
out I was wrong. Im sorry for any troubles I may have caused you.
Hiroshi looked down at the floor, as if he was ashamed of his past.
A deep rumbling of unidentifiable emotion brewed from inside of
me. Guilt, pity, remorse? Whatever it was, it caused me to feel as I
should help the strange boy. He looked as if he were in a far worse
predicament than I was, and me playing the role of prison warden
wasnt going to help his situation.
With a sigh, I close the distance between us, and began untying
the twine. As I methodically twisted my fingers, untangling the rough
chord, I could feel the boys gaze on me. I looked up and caught him
staring at my deep into eyes. For a second he just sat there, staring
openly in pure awe. Suddenly, looked alarmed, and pretended to focus
on something off in the distance. I continued to work at untying his
hands, but it wasnt long until his gaze returned to their original
position, my eyes. Out of frustration I stood up.
Could, you stop looking at me for a bloody moment! Im trying
to help your sorry ass here. I know Im a girl and youre a boy, and you
got all these weird hormones running through you. But could you
please do me a favor and stop looking at me as if Im food and you're a
starving cat!
Sorry...its just he began.
Its what! I countered, my voice still dripping with rage.
Nothing The conversation came to a halt, and I continued to
finish untying him. Finally, once all the twine had fell to the floor in a
cluttered heap, I pointed to a rug on the floor.
You can sleep there. I only got one bed, and Im sure as hell not
sharing it with you.
The boy gave a polite nod and I expected him to make his way to
the rug, but he only stood up and extended his arm.
The names Hiroshi. I gave him a skeptical look, and warily took
shook his hand.
Iris, I hope you find your stay pleasant. I said sarcastically.
I already have. He flashed a toothy grin, and before I could
utter a response, he was laying on the mat, back facing me.

I took a deep breath and made my way to my bed. I wrapped

myself in the warm blanket and waited for the wave of
unconsciousness to descend upon me.

Iris-Ch. 3: Smiles
I woke up to the sound of pots and pans clanging against each
other in a faulty symphony. The familiar aroma of bacon and eggs
frying rushed into my nostrils. Sunlight peaked through the window,
giving the tower a pleasant glow. The tower was warm and cozy as if a
quilt of comfort dawned upon the building.
I jumped out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen. There
Hiroshi was making breakfast. He jumped from the kitchen to the
dining table , as if cooking was a dance. The plates started out as
empty, but with each visit a new item was placed on the dining table.
First eggs, then bacon, then toast, then pancakes. Soon the plates
were overflowing with so much food you wouldve thought Hiroshi was
making a meal for 12 rather than 2! It all looked delicious, and I was
tempted to gobble it all up in one bite, until a wave of realization hit
me. Theres a stranger in my house making breakfast!
Swarms of horrid images flew through my brain. My mother had
always told me about the sinister crimes humans did to one another.
One of the scariest ones, was poisoning. She told me that people would
pretend to be friends with another human, and they would cook their
Friend a meal. Unknowingly, the victim would eat the food, only to
find out that the food had been infused with poison. The victim would
have a slow painful death, and the culprit would steal the victims
possessions as if they all suddenly belonged to them.
I stormed over to Hiroshi and grabbed an empty pan out of his
hands. I know what youre trying to do....Dont you dare try fooling
me, I said, my voice coarse and dark.
Hiroshi jumped back, shocked at my outburst. Im cooking
breakfast! I was trying to say thank you for letting me sleep here last
night! I hope you dont mind. He said with an innocent smile.
Is that the same smile you use after youve poisoned your
victims? I narrowed my eyes, and jabbed the end of the frying pan in
his stomach.
Wait, what! You think Im trying to poison you? Thats crazy! He
looked taken aback. You know what, Ill prove that Im not poising
you! He strolled towards the dinner table. He took a piece of toast
from both of the plates, and took a bite out of each slice. See, if I had
poisoned your meal, I would be on the floor, vomiting my guts out right

I looked at the two plates on the table. The food looked

completely normal, delicious even. My stomach began to growl. I
guess I'll take One little bite. It couldnt hurt, right? I strolled
over to the dining table and took the plate closest to me and sat in one
of the chairs. Hiroshi took the other plate and sat in the chair facing
me. There were only two dining chairs at the small table. One for me,
and one for Mother. Except Mothers chair was now occupied by the
strange boy who slept on my rug last night. We sat in silence and ate
our meals, only exchanging words when exchanging salt or pepper
shakers. Finally, once both of our meals were finished, Hiroshi took the
plates and started washing them in the sink He rolled up his sleeves
and I could see his skinny arms poking from underneath the fabric.
Nice home you got there! Hiroshi called from behind the
kitchen island. I nodded in response. Parents out of town? He asked.
You can put it that way I responded. Hiroshi gave me a
quizzical look and his eyes softened as the wave of realization
descended upon him.
You live here all by yourself, dont you he said and lowered
his gaze. I shrugged and diverted my gaze to the mural on the wall. I
remember I painted it when I was 11. It was an image of a girl looking
out a window. The girl was obviously me, but her back was facing the
viewer. Mother was completely outraged when I drew the mural. She
said it destroyed the authentic look of the tower. I thought it gave it the
touch of colour it needed. Hiroshi followed my gaze to the mural.
Did you paint that? he asked.
Theres only one person who lives here. Of course I painted that,
you stupid idiot! I muttered under my breath. He lowered his gaze and
suddenly became immersed in dishwashing. I felt bad for insulting him
while I barely knew the guy. I decided to apologize.
Sorry. Its just I took a deep breath, It gets really lonely at
times I said softly.
You here in this huge castle...with no one to talk to.
It gets quite lonely at times
If its so lonely, then why dont you escape? He asked, his
secksay eyes intent on me.

Well, you see I would. Theres a slight issue. You see, I cant
exactly leave the tower. The only person whose able to come in and
out that door is mother...Well that was true, until you got here. I said
with a sad chuckle, That reminds me, how did you get in here
Well, its a little secret Im willing to share-
My heart quickened, and my lungs were filled with joy! I could
finally escape this prison I call home! I can finally be happy!
Youll really do that for me?!
Yes...but only if I get something in return.
Ill do anything! Just tell me how!
Ill need a place to stay for a bit. So if you give me a place to
sleep every night for six months, Ill see what I can do about showing
you my breaking and entering skills. he said with a smirk.
My heart fell at that moment. Every night for six months! Hes
gotta be out of his idiotic mind! But at the same time, I was pretty
mentally insane too. So many things to consider though. Where
would he sleep? How would I keep him away from Mother? She
cant know Im renting out the tower in exchange for criminal
Deal! The words were out of my mind before I could stop them,
and I instantly regretted them. But before taking the words back, a
thought crept into my mind. Ill be free! Six more wretched
months and Ill be free! Hiroshi gave me a smile and started to walk
towards the stairwell. He grabbed his coat and slung it over his
shoulder and descended down the spiral staircase.
Where are you going? I asked. Hiroshi looked up and he flashed
me a smile.
Ive got a job in Havensford as a construction worker.:
Havensford? Ive never heard of a place called Havensford
before. Well to be fair, Ive never heard of any places before.
Hiroshi mustve noticed my puzzled expression so he spoke up. It's a
city about 5 miles west of here. Off in that direction, he said,
pointing at the direction of my mural. I brought my bike here so I
could get there faster. Theres a road not too far from here that takes
you straight to Havensford.

I nodded, pretending I was listening to what he was saying. My

mind was more focused on the fact that there was a city 5 miles away
from here full of bustling people and Ive never known about it at all!
Could I get anymore oblivious!
Well, Im going to be late for my first day at work! Ill see you in
a bit! he said with a wave as he resumed descending the stairs. I
silently waved back in return and watched him spiral down the stairs
until he reached the door.
Just as he was about to open the door, he looked up and flashed
me a dazzling smile. His twinkling eyes were cheerful with a hint of
misery, and his lips broke apart, revealing a pair of perfectly aligned
teeth. And that was the smile that haunted my thoughts for the rest of
the day.

Iris-Ch. 4: Wounded
I spent the rest of the day in a bored trance, thinking about
nothing except
for Hiroshis smiles. Whenever I tried to clean the tower, an image of
his smile crept through my brain. I couldnt get past 2 pages in my
novel before fantasizing about the way his lips curled up in a grin. The
worst was when I let my thoughts wander. The second I closed my eyes
a vivid image of him appeared. There he was, in my mind, with his
smiles. Never departing, always returning. Sometimes, it was as if
Hiroshi was still there. Sometimes he would appear in the kitchen.
Other times by the bookshelf. Sometimes I even felt myself smiling
along with Hiroshi as if he was actually there.
Later that day, when the sun was low in the sky, I was mindlessly
doodling on my sketchpad when a loud crash came from the stairwell.
My heart was overflowing with joy and I rushed down the stone steps.
Hiroshi! I called. There was no response. Hiroshi? I called
again, my voice slightly louder. Once again I was greeted with the

sound of ominous silence. Fear began to pulse through me. Hiroshi?!

Are you there?! My heart began to palpitate at an accelerating rate. I
pushed my feet off the stair I was on, and plummeted down the
twisting staircase. The further I descended down the steps, the further
down my fragile heart fell. AS I reached the bottom of the stairs, the
outline of a human body sprawled across the stone floor.
He lay there, frighteningly still. The only motion came from the
slow, gentle rise and fall of his chest. Hes alive! Thats one less
thing to worry about. The light at the bottom of the stairwell was too
dim to see Hiroshis face, so I began to drag his body up the steps.
Higher and higher we slowly climbed. Sweat rolled down my face, and
my muscles burned like fire. On multiple occasions was tempted to
drop his near lifeless body on the stairs, but then the image of his
smiles crept into my mind once more. His smiles were the fuel to my
weary body.
I lay him on the rug he used as a bed, and lit a candle. I held the
flame right above his face, and nearly dropped it due to the horror
right before my eyes. Multiple cuts were on his face, some severely
large. His face was plastered in so many bruises, there was more
discoloured patches than healthy skin on his face. I slowly inched the
torch down his body towards his arms. His hands were severely
calloused and blistered. More gashes were dispersed among his arms,
and a large bruise covered a large portion of his right arm. He looked
as if he chewed up and spit out by a huge monster. I gaped at him and
his injuries openly. What are you doing Iris? Staring at him isnt
going to help him heal any faster? With that thought I set the
candle beside Hiroshis unconscious body, jumped up from the rug, and
to the kitchen where my medical kit was stowed.
When I was younger, mother had bought a First-Aid kit as I kept
on foolishly injuring myself. Whether it be from running into a wall,
stubbing my toe on the dining table, or foolishly deciding to see how
hot the open flame on the stove was, I always managed to wound
myself in one way or another. Mother had taught me to care for my
wounds, and I became quite proficient at it. She said I could become a
wonderful doctor. I didnt find out what a doctor was until later that
I violently pulled the First-Aid kit out of the cabinet and sprinted
back to Hiroshi. I decided to start with the cuts first as they would be
the easiest to treat. First, you have to clean the wound. Mothers
voice echoed through my brain. I quickly navigated the sterile pads,
and pressed the pad to a cut right above his left eyebrow. Hiroshis
eyes flew open and he suddenly and abruptly sat up.

I-Im fine, sir, Ill get right back to work! he yelled in a formal
yet weak rasp. I gave him a puzzled look. There were no other males in
the room other than him, and I certainly wasnt giving him a task to do.
Its fine Hiroshi. Its me, Iris, I cooed softly. I lifted the candle up
to my face. See? Its only me. Hiroshis face slowly relaxed, and his
once tense muscles loosened up. Stared blankly at the wall behind me,
his eyes passive yet anxious.
You shouldve seen the things they made me do, Iris! he
whispered harshly.
Its all going to be fine Hiroshi, calm dow-
Theyre horrible people! he said, substantially louder this time.
Calm down Hiroshi, theyre not here.
The next time I see them, I swear Im gonna-
Itll all be fine. I said. I was lying to both me and Hiroshi. Deep
down inside I knew it wasnt going to be fine, and it will never be fine.
But I needed Hiroshis mind off his horrid job for me to prevent his
wounds from becoming infected. How about you tell me about life
before coming here? I suggested. I needed him to calm down, and the
only way of doing that was to take his mind off the tortures he had
endured earlier today.
Hiroshi nodded and started talking about his past life.
I was born in <<insert name of Asian city>>, a bustling city in
the Eastern Asia Alliances. I gave him a puzzled look.
What is this Eastern Asian Alliance you speak of?
Youve never heard of the Eastern Asia Alliances? he asked. I
shook my head in response. He took in a deep breath and resumed
talking. A long time ago, the land in the world was divided up into
things called countries. There were many of them at times, hundreds
even. Each country was different. Some were barely visible on a map,
others were enormous in size. Countries featured different landforms.
Some countries showcased soft, sloping hills and endless fields of
wheat. Others were known for the beauty of their majestic, snow
capped mountain ranges. Beautiful beaches were formed by waves
crashing onto rocky coastlines over millions of years. The world was a
beautiful place.

I closed my eyes, absorbing in Hiroshis words. His stories about

the outside world were turned into a series of images. I could feel the
bristly wheat, tickling my fingertips. I could smell the frigid,
mountainous air rushing into my lungs. I could hear the sound of
powerful waves, crashing onto the shores, slowly morphing the jagged
stone into smooth sandy beaches. Hiroshi mustve seen the
romanticized look on my face, and he gave a sad smile. I braced for
what was about to happen next. I knew from that smile, that what he
was about to say, would be anything but pretty.
Unfortunately, this beautiful utopia didnt last forever. As time
grew on, the world slowly became... lopsided. The poor countries
became poorer, and the rich countries became filthy rich. The poverty
stricken were living right beside the prosperous. At this point of time,
power was measured in wealth. The richer a country was, the more
power the had. The rich countries became extremely powerful, and
with this, became extremely power hungry. For these countries, having
lots of money wasnt enough. They needed to control more people.
They thought it was their duty to conquer others. People called this
belief manifest destiny.
I laughed at this, despite the inappropriateness of the situation.
Manifest destiny sounded like some sort of cheesy sci-fi novel with
huge guns and overhyped spaceships. Hiroshi sent me a dirty look my
way, and I my childish giggling came to a stop. After a moment of
serious silence, Hiroshi continued on.
The power hungry countries soon came to realize that the best
way of controlling large amounts of people, was by invading other
countries. They called up massive troops of men and women to invade
smaller countries. These men and women slaughtered innocent men,
women, and children, all in the hopes of conquering smaller countries.
People thought as what they were doing as right. They thought they
were serving their country in an honourable way when really, they
were bullying the poor, small and weak. Overtime, the boundaries of
smaller countries began to disintegrate and groups of people began to
lose their identities.

But the troubles didnt end there. Global warming became a

reality, as ice sheets started melting at an accelerating rate.
I shot Hiroshi a puzzled look. Whats Global Warming? Sounds
like some sort of holiday.

Well, a long time ago, people burned harmful fuels into the
Earths atmosphere, causing the planet to heat up. This led to large
sheets of ice melting away, destroying coastal cities, and shrinking
borders for many countries. Floods destroyed homes, and millions of
people were killed because of this. People became angry at the
government for not going anything about the pandemonium and
started committing terrible acts. Hiroshi trailed off at this. Something
dark gleamed in his eyes, as if recollecting horrid memories from the
past. Violent riots began to occur, and many people were brutally
murdered. Looting became so common, that people would just ignore
alarms from homes and cars. Combined with the massive warfare,
these events decreased the worlds population from an astounding 12
billion, to a meager 2 billion over the span of a few decades. They
called this time, the Savage Age.
I gasped at this. So mother was right, people were evil. They did
evil things, only for the benefit of themselves. Despite these horrors,
my ravenous brain still craved to be filled with new information, so I
nudged Hiroshi and gave an encouraging nod for him to keep on going.
Luckily, a group of very important men and women from around the
world decided to meet in an undisclosed area. They called themselves
the <<Insert official sounding group name here>>. They decided they
had to do something to stop the chaos happening around them. With
the help of many followers, they began arresting rebel groups, rioters
and looters. People began to fear these men and women, and the
violent acts stopped. This didnt all happen overnight though, it took
years of hardwork and effort to happen. At the end of the Savage Age,
the <<insert official group name>> drew up new boundaries for
newer, larger nations. They thought that dividing the world into larger
nations would stop violence between countries. They divided the world
into 6 lands, the United European Union, the African Republic, the Latin
America Confederacy, the Oceania <<Treaties?>>,the North American
Democracy, where were living right now, and the Eastern Asian
Alliance, where Im from. These super countries now live in peace with
one another. And everyone lived happily ever after Hiroshi said the
last sentence with a goofy grin and I cracked up at the sudden shift in
Once the laughter had died down, I gave one final inspection of
the wounds. Half of his body was covered in an array of bandages and
gauze and it was certain he wouldnt be going anywhere anytime soon.
Hiroshi tried to stand up, but he grunted as he tried to be on his feet
once again. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and he stared back
at me with wide confused eyes. Go to bed Hiroshi, I said softly.
Hiroshi continued to stare back at me blankly. You need to rest for
your wounds to heal, you know? He slowly and laboriously lowered

himself back onto the rug. I grabbed a nearby blanket and draped it
over him. I stood up and walked back to my bed and tucked myself in.
Good night, Hiroshi.
Good night, Iris.
And with that I blew out the candle, draping the tower in
complete darkness.

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