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Rising Yeast

Christine Joyce S. Papagayo

In the silence of the night,
I reminisce the time
When by my side was you -A bright red apron hugging your waist,
Your gentle fingers kneading with easy grace
The ball of dough mixed perfectly:
Milk, eggs, water
Bicarbonate of soda, vanilla, self-rising flour,
And room-temperature butter.
Do not rush it to rise; let it rest,
You often said - the secret to warm, glorious bread.
You surrender the tray of dough
To the red hot brick oven.
Spellbound by the aroma, I am
Held captive by the promise of good taste.
The oven rings
And you bring forth a golden brown delight,
And we cannot help but smile
As with a knife you slice
That which, on the outside, is a perfect crust
With hints of rosemary,
And which, inside, is flavorful and soft Heavenly flavors dancing in my mouth.
I turn to you with eyes bright,
Asking for more,
And we enjoy the moment.
Now the apron, worn out, hangs by the door
It barely goes around your waist
And now instead hugs mine
As I try to master the art
You solely taught me.
I shall dream of you tonight,
And of the bread sublime.

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