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SAT Vocab.

List #11
1. assuage (verb): to provide relief from something stressful or painful
a. The cruise ship tried to ASSUAGE the problem of flooded bathroom passes by offering
free airline tickets to every passenger; the captain thought it would lessen the passengers
anger at the wet mess.
2. anodyne (noun): something that soothes, comforts, or relaxes
a. Warm cookies and milk are the perfect ANODYNE for a long and hard day; they always
make me feel calm and well.
3. acclivity/declivity (noun): an upward (acclivity) or downward (declivity) slope on a hill.
a. Once the ACCLIVITY of the hill become too steep to hike, I had to pick up Sren to help
him make it up the trail, but he had no problem coming down along the DECLIVITY.
4. undulation (noun): a wavy motion or curving form/outline, especially one in a series such as a
a. The UNDULATIONS of the belly dancer were both beautiful and seductive.
b. After I threw the rock into the pond, the water rippled in UNDULATIONS larger than I
expected, rocking the boat to a dangerous level.
5. unequivocal (adj): cannot be doubted or misinterpreted
a. The results of the scientists experiments were so strong this his findings were considered
entirely UNEQUIVOCAL and are now simply facts that cannot be argued.
6. sanguine (adj): cheerfully optimistic and hopeful
a. Having studied at length for the exam and spoken to my teacher in advance, I entered the
test completely SANGUINE, happy that I knew I would succeed.
7. equanimity (noun: composure, evenness of temper even under stress
a. I was shocked at the EQUANIMITY of the pilot during the extreme turbulence; he stayed
calm and didnt even break a sweat, which helped ease the fears of the passengers.
8. tepid (adj): showing little enthusiasm or warmth
a. Although she loves chocolate and flowers, her response to his Valentines gift was TEPID,
for she simply did not share his romantic feelings; seeing him only as a friend, she was
very unenthused.
9. vacillate (verb): to be indecisive, to change ones mind repeatedly back and forth
a. I stood in front of the candy counter for nearly fifteen minutes because Sren
VACILLATED between a Twix bar and gum; he just couldnt make up his mind!
10. trivialize (verb): to treat something as though it is less important than it really is.
a. The movie completely TRIVIALIZED the horrible crime; it made it seem as though
burning a building after robbing it was no big deal by making a joke of such a serious

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