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Grade 8 Humanities Syllabus

Ms. Kaufman
Course Description: The 8th grade Humanities curriculum encompasses both
English Language Arts and Social Studies. We will be learning and improving on
skills from both of these subject areas, but we will do so by combining these skills.
The Social Studies arena covers European and World events beginning with the
European renaissance and moving up to the United States and French Revolutions..
The course is a thematically based exploration of the big ideas represented in
history and geography and is aligned to the AERO Social Studies standards, which
have been specifically designed for independent international schools. The overall
theme for the class is Connections, and it is focused on the following units of study:
the European Renaissance, The Protestant Reformation, Scientific Revolution and
the Age of Exploration, and Revolutions. During each of these historical units, we will
also be looking at modern events that are similar to better understand the world we
live in, There will be an ongoing S ervice Learning project throughout the year, and
we will be trying new ideas and skills such as Virtual and Augmented Reality (think
Pokemon Go!), as well as improving our skills in critically analyzing historical
sources, composing written pieces, and think critically about the past, the present,
and the future.
For the English component, we cover literature through literature circles,
presentations, creating a character journey, reading, writing, and improving our oral
communication skills. Hopefully we can add some drama and music to this over the
year, and I encourage everyone to read at least 20 minutes a night (any book you
want - check our library for some great titles to get started).
Year at a Glance (This is all subject to change, but gives you an idea of what we
will be doing)
An Introduction to Understanding
Enduring Understanding:
Knowledge of the past helps to explain the present.
Understanding others through literature helps us understand ourselves
The Renaissance

Enduring Understanding: T
he European Renaissance began the modern
world and created a new understanding of the world and ourselves
Essential Question: Why do we study the Humanities?
Summative Assessment: Putting on a Renaissance Fair! We will work as a
whole grade to put on a fun, engaging, and informative Fair about the
Renaissance for the whole school
Protestant Reformation
Enduring understanding: C
hallenges to a major belief/institution have
multiple effects and create long-lasting power struggles/
Essential Question: How do people decide what they believe?
Scientific Revolution
Enduring Understanding:
Historical change, generally the key feature of the study of history,
stems from causes that disrupt or modify patterns of continuity.
Essential Questions:
How can a new technology change the balance of power within a
society or between societies?
How do people learn?
What is ethical about learning?
Age of Exploration
Enduring understanding: The modern world was created by European
explorers and the beliefs and social structures they carried with them
Essential Questions
What makes people explore?
How can one culture influence another?
The Key Thinkers and Ideas of the Enlightenment
Enduring Understandings:
Many people today believe that there are universal rights, even though
societies do not fully agree on what those rights are.
The modern concept of universal rights originated in the European
Enlightenment and in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the American
Revolution of 1776, and the French Revolution of 1789.
Essential Questions
What role do ideas play in bringing about change?

How revolutionary are revolutions?

What is the best form of government?
Are universal rights really universal?
Enduring Understanding:
Revolutions are created by political, economic, and social
circumstances and generally follow similar patterns throughout history
Essential Questions:
How are revolutions over history and the world similar?
Service Learning


*syllabus is subject to modification.

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