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| Precision Partners

Synergy and Synchronicity

We are a world source for BIM, Design Information
Management, and design process delivery,
seamlessly supplying solutions for architecture,
engineering, construction, interiors and space
planning to partners across the globe, via our remote
delivery systems- a proprietary leading edge process
that allows for increased speed and immense
business efficiencies.
Working in collaboration with thought leaders and
strategic thinkers far ahead of their time- we allow
access to their visions via value programs and
operational systems benchmarked on international
standards, as well as the expert skills and
competencies of our people, and organization.
We work in a global realm across continents where
borders and time zones have merged. We have
created and been part of a variety of project typesfrom retail to transport- in a number of locations in
the world. Whatever a contractor, architect,
designer or engineer in any part of the world can
conceive, we can create.

We work in multi dimension, harnessing technology

and human genius to solidify visions. We work in the
ways of the future, in two, three or multi
dimensions, giving length, depth and width to our
partners visions.
We are headquartered in the Philippines, and
registered in Hong Kong, operating out of high
capacity facilities using cutting edge technology to
deliver to our partners worldwide. We are capable of
working in various platforms our partners require, in
different modes and versions needed. As a value
proposition, we operate using trademarked and
tested business continuity programs, systems and
processes, and work in environments protected by
high grade physical and information security

Its working
together as
which enables
us to achieve

| Precision Partners

Company Background
We were established in Hong Kong in 2003 under
the name Re:Source Partners (RSP) and in the
Philippines in 2006 to be at the forefront of offshore design process delivery (DPD) catering to
multi-national interior design and architecture
firms. It is grounded on the experience of its
Collaborative), which has almost a decade of
design experience in the Philippines and three
years in Hong Kong. Both companies are
subsidiaries of Acrevo, which have other
subsidiaries offering services related to the
construction industry in the Philippines.
To thrive in a globally competitive business
environment, international design firms have
acknowledged and considered outsourcing as an
inevitable solution. It is fast becoming a widely
accepted option due to rapid developments in
communication and coordination, a key element
in outsourcing.

Our mission is to provide strategic partnerships for

BIM, Design Information Management, and design
collaboration built on commitment, competence
and capability. We deliver designs, schemes, and
plans that speak the language of construction. We
have in place systems, processes and standard
communication and coordination, document
control, quality control and project management to
ensure smooth delivery of the services. We share
with our clients our resources, scalable to their needs
to help achieve their business targets and growth

we achieve
more than
just results

| Precision Partners

Ethical and Environmental Statement

We aim to support and sustain the development and
skill of the Filipino graduates in the AEC field. This
we do through our talent pooling, by supporting
Philippine Architectural, Engineering and Interior
Design University activities and thrusts.
We also ensure that our employees compensation
package range, are always above Philippine industry
standards. This is to ensure the upkeep of talent
pool within the country, and to provide decent
quality of living.
Synove is highly committed in conducting
businesses in harmony with the environment. Our
guiding principles are Conservation, Reduction and

Our conservation efforts cover the efficient use of

energy and water like the use of LED, CFL lighting
and reflectors, along with water saving devices and
We also practice paper recycling in all business
operations to reduce waste and save resources. As
much as possible, we follow a paperless policy on all
our internal transactions. More so, we try to
minimize the use of equipment that emits carbon
dioxide. Our company upholds all relevant legislation
on environmental protection. We are also dedicated
to minimize environmental impact by using and
promoting environment-friendly products and office

1. Design Process Delivery

3. Design Information Management (DIM)

-Design Alignment

2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

-Cost Alignment
-BIM Administration

-Schedule Alignment

-Integrated Project Delivery

-Design Quality

-Developmental Functions

-Design Accuracy

a. Modeling

-Design Constructability

b. Model Development

-Design Completeness

c. Contract Documentation

-Design Timeliness

d. Multi-Platform Integration

-Design Analysis

e. Architectural and Engineering Integration

-Design Resolution

f. Multi-Platform Integration

-Owner Coordination

-Analytical Functions

-Consultants Coordination

a. Conflict Identification and Management

-Contractor Coordination

b. Quantity Survey Validation

-Project Compliance Review

c. Procurement Planning

-Regulatory Compliance Review

-Calibration Functions

4. Project Information Management (PIM)

a. Conflict Resolution
b. Construction Data Records

-Process Development Process Mapping

c. As-Built Documentation

-Process Integration

-Operational Functions

-Process Evaluation

a. Model Management

-Knowledge Management

b. Facilities Management

-Information Management

c. Building Automation

-Document Control
-Records Management
-Objectives Tracking

Other Services:

CADD Conversion and Design Visualization

| Precision Partners

Corporate Structure



We have a total of 250 personnel on production,

composed of Architects and Engineers. We also have
consultants and affiliations on the disciplines of
Planning, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design,
Conservation and Restoration.

Acrevo is a consortium of subsidiaries covering the

built environments. It capitalizes on the following
diversified specializations:
1. Verant Design Information Management, BIM
and Design Process Delivery, On-Shore
2. Synove- Design Information Management, BIM
and Design Process Delivery, Off-Shore
3. Arcent- Design
4. Sentidas Design-Build

All subsidiaries are supported by the Acrevo

Global and Regional Operating Headquarters for
its administration, accounting, budget planning,
human resources, workplace maintenance and
security, IT and other requirements in order to
function efficiently.
The Acrevo Group of Companies, with the
exception of Synove, works within the Philippines.

The qualifications for each position are aimed at

matching the required competency levels. The
minimum qualifications for BIM/CADD staff include
a diploma in technical modeling or auto BIM/CADD,
a bachelors degree in architecture, engineering or
interior design with at least 2 years work
experience. Officers are licensed architects and
engineers with at least 5 years work experience.
Managers should have at least 15 years work
experience in handling all project types while senior
managers have at least 20 years experience with
international exposure.

Personnel are required to spend 10% of their time

per year on training, to continuously enhance and
update their skills.

| Precision Partners

The Company Organization

We are composed of seven (7) groups namely: 1)
Project Services; 2) Design Process Delivery; 3)
Quality Assurance; 4) Client Services; 5) Manpower
Banking and Training; 6) Platform Knowledge
Support and 7) Business Management. These are
simultaneous streams operating on specific
objectives to deliver projects according to client's
standards. The Project Services Group (PSG) serves as
the client representative internal to the organization.
Its primary task is to coordinate with client for
project-related and contractual concerns. As the key
contact point of the client, it facilitates and
disseminates all info to the Design Process Delivery
Group (DPDG). It also ensures delivery of the projects
according to the scope, schedule and quality
committed to the client. The actual production of the
drawings and details rests on the DPDG. Close
coordination takes place between PSG and DPDG to
ensure clear understanding of project requirements.
The Quality Assurance Group (QAG), on the other
hand, conducts progress reviews and quality checks
to ensure deliverables are produced according to
client's standards and expectations. Each project
team is composed of a representative from each of
the groups with each team member possessing the
competencies required by the project type.

We are driven by highly competent and experienced

teams composed of architects, engineers, interior
designers and other disciplines. We build on these
teams and continue to source for up and coming,
promising new talents- nurturing them and putting
them in our intensive training programs to better
hone their crafts.

The Quality Assurance Group (QAG), on the other

hand, conducts progress reviews and quality checks
to ensure deliverables are produced according to
clients standards and expectations. Each project
team is composed of a representative from each of
the groups with each team member possessing the
competencies required by the project type.

We are composed of seven (7) groups namely: 1)

Project Services; 2) Design Process Delivery; 3)
Quality Assurance; 4) Client Services; 5) Manpower
Banking and Training; 6) Platform Knowledge
Support and 7) Business Management. These are
simultaneous streams operating on specific
objectives to deliver projects according to clients
standards. The Project Services Group (PSG) serves
as the client representative internal to the
organization. Its primary task is to coordinate with
client for project-related and contractual concerns.
As the key contact point of the client, it facilitates
and disseminates all info to the Design Process
Delivery Group (DPDG). It also ensures delivery of
the projects according to the scope, schedule and
quality committed to the client. The actual
production of the drawings and details rests on the
DPDG. Close coordination takes place between PSG
and DPDG to ensure clear understanding of project

The three (3) groups are supported by the Client

Services Group (CSG); the Manpower Training and
Recruitment Group (MBTG); Platform Knowledge
Support Group (KPSG) and Business Management
Group (BMG). These groups ensure that we have a
continuous pipeline of projects and continuous
supply of creative and skilled talent to cover both
current and future requirements.

| Precision Partners





Shared Services

President & CEO

Information Technology


Human Resources


Production &

Project Development Asia Pacific

Project Development Middle East
Project Development Europe &
North America

Project Development Philippines

Project Development Officers



Design Information
Management Group

Business Support

Project Control



Project Services


Project Admin

Mechanical, Electrical,

Documentation Control

Other Disciplines
Quality Assurance/
Quality Control

| Precision Partners

Work ProcessessPart
Project Team Composition
A typical project team is composed of a Project
Coordinator, an Officer for Quality Assurance, an
Officer for Design Process (Production) and a
number ofBIM/ CAD Designers depending on the
project scale and timeline. This team is closely
monitored by Senior Architects/Engineers who
head the Project Management Group, Quality
Assurance Group and Design Process Delivery
Group during the duration o f the project.

Coordination Procedures
For every project, the key contact persons for
coordination and communication are 1) Project
Manager; and 2) Client's Project Coordinator. As
all production work will be done in Manila, the
role of our Project Manager is to facilitate
communication and follow-up with the Client
and ensure updated information reaches our
Manila production office.

The objective of the kick-off meeting is for all

members of the team to personally meet each other,
estab lish c on tac t d etails,establish
communication/coordination procedures, discuss
project requirements, agree on milestones/time line,
and turnover of information ie. approved schematic
plans, engineering design criteria, relevant codes,

The same team may be placed on client location

sites as well.

All other issues shall be handled during

coordination meetings in clients location
between our Project Administrator and Clients
Project Architect/Coordinator and through
regular e-mail or telecon.

The modes of coordination shall be as follows: 1)

team coordination meetings via video conference
or tele-conference 2) daily coordination through email and/or teleconference;

Further, all forms of communication shall be properly

documented and acknowledged by all parties

| Precision Partners

Quality Control Procedures

Our quality management systems are guided by
documented flow charts and management
checklists aligned to ISO 9001:2000. Review and
quality control of plans and drawings are conducted
atthree (3) levels prior to submissionto client.
1. The first level of review is conducted by the
CADD/BIM Team Leader who ensures that
drawings are well coordinated and are consistent
with Client's BIM/CADDstandards.
The second level of quality control is at the
Officer level who reviews technical integrity of the
plans and details as well as the completeness and
a c c u r ac y

3. The third level of quality control is handled by

the QA Group and Project Manager who ensures
that architectural plans and details are well
coordinated and consistent with engineering plans.
He is also tasked to do the final review and approval
for submissionto Client.
In the course of the work, clarifications are initiated at
all levels and consolidated by the Project
Coordinator in consultation with the DPDG
Manager. All clarificatory issues are documented and
forwarded to Client. Responses to clarifications are
documented and forwarded the same route from
the Project Coordinator down to the DPDG Officer

| Precision Partners

Communication and File Transfer

All deliverables (plans and drawings) shall be
transmitted through File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
site. A dedicated password shall be supplied to the
Client's Project Coordinator for access into the
specific folder assigned to the project. This shall
ensure security of data and information.

Confidentiality and Information

Protection Procedures
To assure redundancy in our network, we have
established two data centers on separate sites.
Should an accident or unexpected event occur in
one site, data can still be retrieved from the other
site. Furthermore, to ensure security of data, only
staff assigned to the project shall have access
to the projec t folder.

IT Infrastructure and Facilities

As a commitment to our clients, we only use
licensed software and branded hardware to assure
quality and reliability in our systems. Proof of
certification by software dealers shall be supplied
upon request. We have likewise made arrangements
for regular preventive maintenance, regular upgrade
and a ramp up strategy for supply of IT requirements

: +1866 978 5553

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