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3rd Go Kart Design Challenge


In Association with


Safety Partner



Section A
Guidelines for testing report and Video Submission
Driver must wear full safety gear as stated in Rulebook.
There must not be anybody near the vehicle during testing.
Testing must not be done in any public area and it must not cause any injury to anyone.
If team found doing any kind of movement in any of the public areas, strict action will be
taken against them.
The last date of submission is 15th Jan for both Testing Video and Report Submission. No
further extension will be given to any team. We advise you to submit it on time to
survive further in competition.
One team member must always hold a fire extinguisher in his hand. Testing without Fire
extinguisher and proper safety gear will not be accepted.
Video must cover all the tests with different camera angles as given below in
No need of professional video making, you can just manage to keep it clear and visible.
We just need to make sure that every vehicle coming on to track gives a tough
competition to other teams.
The video must display the name of the team, Team ID and College name.
The report format and video making must be done in full accordance with the
instruction given in Section B. No other format will be accepted.
Name of the video and report must be in below format:
Team must upload the testing video in their own YouTube channel and must share the
link using the report format in Section C.
The Report must be submitted to .
Team must also provide the recorded data of testing, using the sample report provided
by the organizing body.
Teams failing to submit the testing report will be directly disqualified from the event
and will not be entertained in the Final Round.
We again advise the teams to manufacture the vehicle on time and do submit the
testing report and video on or before decided deadline.
All the Chennai teams can submit the report by 25th Jan.
For any type of query regarding the format, please write us @ !! .
NOTE: The extension is given only to Chennai teams who are affected by recent flood. All other
team must submit the report and video on or before 15th Jan.


Section B
Instruction for different Test to be Performed
1> Dynamic Test
Brake and acceleration
i. Camera Positioning
1. There must be one camera installed at starting point focusing
from the top of the kart. It must clearly show the vehicles top
view along with the driver. Refer the Camera name C1 in
figure 1.
2. One camera must be installed focusing towards the finishing
line in between the track to show the movement of the
vehicle in longitudinal direction. Refer Camera name C2 in
figure 1.
3. There must be two cameras installed from both the sides in
the Braking zone. It must be focusing the rear wheels. Refer to
the Cameras C3 and C4.
ii. Track Setup
1. The track can be made on College Roads, Locality Road, Basket
Ball Courts but it must be a smooth pavement.
2. The total track length must be 30m as given in the Rulebook.

Figure 1


iii. Process
1. The vehicle must be accelerated and must reach and maintain
the speed more than 35 km/hr.
2. The driver must do the panic braking as soon as the front tires
reaches the finishing line.
3. The driven wheels must be locked and vehicle must not flip to
any of the side. The acceleration time must also be noted
down in Testing Report.
4. This is one of the qualifying round for dynamic event. So
clearing Brake test is mandatory.
b. Skid Pad Test
Camera Positioning
1. There must be one camera installed at the starting point of
the vehicle and one must be at finishing point. Refer the figure
2. Other two cameras must be installed in such a way that it
covers the whole skid pad track. Refer the camera name 3 and
4 in figure 2.
ii. Track Setup
1. The track must be a figure of 8 with minimum track width 3m.
2. Refer the Below Figure for Dimensions. All the dimensions in
figure 1 are in meters.
iii. Process
1. The vehicle must complete two rounds on the track which is
shaped in the form of figure 8.
2. Timing will be started once the front tires of the kart crosses
the starting line and the timing will be stooped once the rear
tires of the kart crosses the finish line.
3. The Best timing for both the drivers must be noted down in
Testing report given in Section C with their names.
4. This is not the qualifying round.
5. Driver must try not to hit any of the cones and also must not
let the kart go out of track.



c. Autocross Test
i. Camera Positioning
1. One cam must be installed at the starting line focusing from
the top of the vehicle. Refer to the camera C1 in figure 3.
2. One must be installed at the finishing line focusing laterally to
the vehicle stopping point. Refer to the camera C2 in figure 3.
3. Two cameras must be installed in-between the track focusing
in the longitudinal direction opposite to each other. Refer to
the camera C3 and C4 in figure 3.
ii. Track Setup
1. There must be a zig -zag track of minimum length 70 m.
2. There must be common starting and finishing points.
3. Teams are advice to use traffic cones or waste tires to make
the zig-zag pattern of the track.
4. Refer figure 3 for Track Setup.



Figure 3
5. The distance between the two cones cannot be more than 3.5
iii. Process
1. The vehicle must be driven as fast as possible without
touching the cones or tires placed on the track.
2. The track will be a close straight zig-zag patch. The vehicle
must start from the starting point and must end at the same
point by taking the whole round of the track. Since the vehicle
is driven 2 times on the 70 m patch, the total distance covered
by the vehicle will be 140 m exactly.
3. Please refer the figure 3 for track Setup.



Kart Number: XX

Section C
Testing Report Format
Team Name
Driver Name (1)
Driver Name (2)

Team Manager
Team Captain
Team Faculty Advisor
YouTube Video Link
1. Brake and Acceleration Test.
Total Distance
Locking (Left Wheel)

2. Skid Pad Test

Driver No
3. Autocross
Driver No


Locking (Right Wheel)


Acceleration time

Driver Name

Best Timing (sec)

Driver Name

Best Timing (sec)

1> The drivers who are shown driving the Kart/mentioned as drivers in the testing report
must be the same individuals who would be driving the Kart during the Final Round.
2> It is mandatory to mention the best timings of each respective driver in this report.
3> Same Testing Reports will be verified in Final Round.


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