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Instruction manual for students to access

online questionnaire
Step 1- How to Login to virtual labs?

Open a web browser of your choice. We recommend Google chrome.

a. Type in the address bar

b. Click Login

c. Please enter your unique login ID that you obtained from VALUE Virtual labs
IMPORTANT-Make sure each student login with their own User ID and Password from VALUE to count
their attendance and usage. For e. g. Username- srit.15.u4cv.001

d. When you login successfully, the name of the student (as given by the nodal coordinator) will
appear in the home page.

Step 2- How to access the online questionnaire?

The online questionnaire is located under the Physical Sciences. All students can attempt it irrespective
of discipline as it is general in nature.

After finishing the online feedback, submit it using Submit button at the end of the form.

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