Soul in A Box

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S o u l

B y

i n

C h i e

B o x
C .

"Everything I did, I did it out of love."

Was what he said a few moments after he stabbed me? I can never forget the scent of rust that filled the
air as the crimson fluid oozed out of the knife stuck in my chest and what it felt like to drown with your
own blood. Dying, that feeling it was one of the many things he taught me.
"Everything I've done, everything was for her."
I clearly remember how teardrops kept on running down his cheeks...Was he crying for me? Was he
mourning for the act that he just did or for the deeds that I had done? Tears if regret perhaps?
"But I cant allow you to live...I..."
Slowly I closed my eyes...I felt too tired to keep them open...Dying felt strange it was a feeling unlike any
other...I didn't saw my whole life flash before me...No white light whatsoever...The only thing that was
there was darkness...and then, there came Death.
And Death was all but happy to see me dead.
Why are you here? Death asked me. You werent supposed to die this time or any other time for that
matter and yet you stand before me the way mortals do before I send them to where they belong.
I got killed. I told him Murdered.
Murdered? How amusing. You who took countless of souls through your eons of existence got
murdered by a mere doll maker. I would laugh if I had the right to ridicule you.
So, what happens to me now? I asked death and I really mean it.
You have duties to fulfill, people to kill, and papers to sign. And you cant do that if youre here, dead.
I dont want to kill anymore.
Dont want to kill? You were created for that purpose and now you say you dont want to kill. Its like
saying you dont want to live anymore.
Thats right. I no longer want to go back to the world of the living, maybe I can just go back to the
That would never be possible; you had lost your body in the current time. Without your body you cant
return to that place. Contrary to belief the underworld isnt a place for souls.
Then where do I go from here? Stay dead and stay with you?!
I could erase you from existence, since you cant continue to the cycle of rebirth being the creature that
you are.
No! If you do that then
I know exactly what would happen!
Then I
I will send your soul back to the world of the living.
As a soul? Then you expect me to become a ghost out there. And here I thought we were friends

Let me finish first you idioer. Let me finish what Im saying first. I will send you back to the time
before you even met the doll maker that killed you. You would live there as a living doll and then
eliminate him before he could kill you. But this will change your future, You will probably not remember
anything about this at all.
I CANT! He was my
Do not let your emotions get in the way. Remember the purpose of your existence, the weight of your
responsibilities. This is the only way.
Fine. Sorry if Im not a heartless bastard like you
A smile crept up his face. I can tell he is very pleased by my decision. How I wish I can be as happy as
A magic circle was suddenly glowing in the darkness; it was a type of circle I havent seen before.
Close your eyes and when you wake up you would be in a dolls body, you, may find it difficult to use at
first, but youll get accustomed to it through time. You only have three days to prevent your death. Else
you will fade into nonexistence Understand?
I nodded yes to his words.
Are you sure about this?
Trust me on this one. Bon voyage.
Whatever, I remember what happened the last time I did That.
I close my eyes then suddenly an odd sensation filled me. It was like my spirit was being torn apart from
my body. It lasted for a few moments and then it was gone. When I opened my eyes I was lying down the
bed where I used to sleep.
I recognized it right away because of the scent of lilies. I was in love with this white room the very
moment He gave it to me before. It was a place I called my own, and even though I was allowed to
change it as I please I didnt alter it in any way. I just love this as it was.
Im glad youre awake now.
To my right is a girl I have never seen before. She had long blond hair with curls on the bottom part.
Lillys a beautiful creature, just like the dolls that he made.
Where am I? I better act like I have no Idea of whats happening or else she might suspect something
is odd.
Youre inside the workshop at Cherry Street. Oh and this is my room.
Her room? Thats odd is she the previous owner of this place.
My brother and I found you unconscious on the road. I convinced him to let you stay in our home until
you recover.
Thank you
What do they call you miss? Im Lilly by the way.
My names Belladonna.
Im pleased to meet you. Belladonna huh. Our names are both taken from flowers. She giggled for a
LILLY, dinners ready.

A familiar voice .Its him.

That was my brother, Sebastian. He was the one who carried you here.
I dont remember him having a sister.
Come and join us for dinner. Lets go and meet my brother.
She rushed out of the room like a child. Lilly seems so innocent looking, unlike her brother. The first time
I saw him I thought he was some sort of mean person who hates other people, I never really expected that
Ill be so attached to him like that. Of course until he killed me.
Its difficult to get out of bed, its like Im walking using shoes that are twice ,my size, I feel like my soul
would just come of this body Im currently using. Death was right; it might take a while to get
accustomed to this body.
I finally manage to get out of the room and into the dining room. It looks the same from what I
remembered. It hasnt been long but I feel nostalgia just by seeing the place. Lilly and Ian are sitting at
the table when I got there.
Hello. Lilly looked at me and stood up. Belladonna this is Sebastian my brother.
Hi. You can call me Ian. Ian had a very warm smile on his face. It was the only thing that was different
from what I remembered. He looked. He looked so innocent.
thank you for carrying me here and letting me stay.
I remembered the way he looked at me when I got killed. He stabbed me with tear filled eyes. As if he
couldnt do what he was supposed to do.
We started eating dinner, it was very delicious. I couldnt believe that Ian can actually cook nor smile like
an innocent boy.
Uhm were you really that one who cooked this? Its delicious. I asked him
Yeah. You see Lilly and I only have each other. And Lilly cant make a decent meal by herself.
Hey! Dont talk as if Im not here!
The last time you tried to cook dinner I thought that you were trying to poison me! Haha Im beginning
to worry about your future husband Ian continued to tease Lilly.
GAH! Ian you stupid jerk!
Hey Lilly dont cry haha
Belladonna I m sorry you had to see that
No its okay, you look so cute together I feel envious/.
I really wanted to ask this but, what were you doing in that part of the town, you know, where we found
yeah Im curious too. Lilly added.
I was looking for a place to stay, you see I travel from one town to another for personal reasons and I
just passed out. I remember being lost.
Oh.You can stay here if you want! Ian here needs a helper for the shop!
Is that really okay with you Ian? For me to stay here until I kill you?
Sure I dont mind. It seems lil sis here likes you a lot.

Thank you very much! for killing me.

Lilly was staying on the bed while I sleep on the couch. Its a good thing the room was spacious. I feel
somewhat relieve that I still get to sleep on my old room.
Belladonna, Im really happy you agreed to stay here. For some reason I feel as though Ive known you
for so long. Lilly talked to me all of a sudden.
Huh? Maybe because I look like someone you knew before. I dont even know how I look like.
When I saw you unconscious on the road, I had the sudden urge to just help you. Ians sister really is
nice. Unlike his brother from when I came from.
Youre really nice Lilly, Im really grateful to you.
Its nothing Belladonna, Uhm Can we be friends?
Sure thing Lilly
We can be friends until I kill your brother. Im sorry. I wonder, would this girl hate me someday?
Oh I have to go somewhere, I forgot.
Right now? But its late at night. Now thats suspicious.
I have to go and meet someone. Hehe please dont tell Ian.
I made a zipper like motion with my finger across my lips. She smiled at that and got dressed right away.
Maybe its Lillys lover or something. She left through the window.
Hmm I have a feeling I should follow her.
I sneak out the window and carefully followed Lilly. I was surprised by her mobility; it seemed as if she
was a cat pouncing around roofs.
She finally stopped near an old graveyard. There was a shadow standing there, a silhouette of a man who
could possibly be her lover, I know its none of my business but I feel like I have to follow her.
Lilly ran toward the man with excitement like I used to see on TV when a woman meets up with her
lover. The man waited for her ready for an embrace. When suddenly
She lunged at him like a wild beast. A beast that had starved for days, the man didnt even have the
chance to scream before he was torn apart like a piece of bread being fed t a flock of birds. I was
speechless at the spectacle I just saw.
I had to get out of the place, I ran away as if my life depended on it.
Lilly isnt human.
The words keep echoing in my head.
Lilly isnt human and she just literally ate a man.
I ran and ran and ran, until I finally reached the house at a cherry street. I climbed up the window and
went back to the couch closed my eyes tight as if I will wake up from this nightmare if I do so.
Lilly isnt human, Ians sister isnt human, and then what would that make Ian?
Ian doesnt know about his sisters exploits.
Death? Whatre you doing here?!

I came here to remind you wasted your first day on sleeping. You have 2 more days to prevent your
yeah yeah. Wait what do you mean when you said Ian doesnt know about Lilly?
Lillian is already dead, Ian was thrown in despair when she was killed. Then a demon saw this as a
chance and made a covenant with him.
Covenant? Oh no..
She will be brought back to the world of the living but in return the demon would have her body so in
the end Lilly became an undead, and her soul was transferred into another vessel.
Kind of like me. Before you
Indeed she is an awful lot like you.
So since she was an undead her body sought for human blood. Why did Lilly die in the first place?
Some things are rather left untold.
He suddenly disappeared. Just like that. I think hes hiding something from me. He never kept secrets
from me before. Back when he wasnt known as Death. Ahh I miss those days. If only I No I shouldnt
think about that.
I walked around the workshop to take my mind of off things, I found Ian sitting by his desk staring at his
sketches for a new doll I was about to leave him alone but then he noticed me.
Oh its you whats the matter?
Cant sleep.
I gaze at his eyes, it no longer posses the cold color I saw when I first met him. This was a different Ian
from the Ian that killed me. This man sitting here had an air of innocence and love that the Ian I knew
could never have.
Belladonna right?
So whered you come from?
Haha very funny.
Im going back to bed
Sweet dreams.
thanks and sorry
The rooms seemed smaller when I got in. the smell of lilies were still lingering around the white room. It
felt so hauntingly pureI just lost the perfect chance to save me from my death but I let it pass by
because of a lingering attachment.

I close my eyes and reminisce about the past. I see myself standing beside Ian, seriously watching him
make beautiful dolls. They were so human like that anyone that saw those dolls mustve mistook them for
the real thing. His passion for dolls was the trait that I admired the most.
Ian taught me a lot of things. He taught me how to be human, to live and be kind to others, to value life,
and to feel death. But seriously, how can such an innocent looking Ian make a covenant with a demon?
Demons only make deals to people who bear great hatred
Ian! Ian, tell me a story, any story! Please~
Stop acting cute it doesnt suit you.
Fine. There was a demon from the underworld they call her the void witch.
Void witch?
Yeah, she was the epitome of evil. The Void Witch lost her memories one day, and woke up in the world
of mortals. There she was taken in by a magician.
Evil huh then what?
The magician took care of the void witch until all the evil in her disappeared. She trusted the magician
with all her heart. The magician however was plotting revenge on the void witch.
Revenge?! But I thought the magician was a good guy.
I never said he was. Sometimes, circumstances changes people.
I dont understand just tell me what happens next maybe Ill get it when you do. Why did he want
The Void Witch killed the magicians precious someone a long long time ago. He then promised to make
the witch for what she did.
Is it love?
Yes it was love that drove him to madness. It was love that destroyed him, but the void witchs new
found innocence drew him in. He could not bear the thought of killing her even though he already
imagined it a thousand times in his head.
So did he kill her?
It was very difficult for him, because the void witch had the face of his lover.
It was already morning when I opened my eyes. Lilly was on top of me.HUH?!
Uh.. Morning La Did you have a good night sleep? Uhm whatre you doing down there
I snuggle out of odd position and went straight to the bathroom to wash my face. I suddenly remembered
what happened last night, it somehow bothers me.
In the mirror stood a pale girl that was supposed to be me. My hair colors different it was bright red like
that of blood, my eyes were bright colored too. I cant believe this. The body I am in now is truly different
from the old one.
I miss my old body. But does that justify taking Ians life and Lillys future? Im getting confused.
Thats the spirit.

You have less than forty eight hours to get the job done.
Shut up. I thought we could be friends
Dont get too soft. The time you spent with him may have made you human like. But please dont try
and be something that youre not.
And once again he disappeared.
Who were you talking to Belladonna.
Huh?! Myself !!! Lilly! Did she overhear the conversation?
Okay. See you around then.
Do I really want to do this? Do I really want to erase Ian from my life in exchange for living?... Im
confused. Damned if I do damned if I dont.
Why are you helping me Ian? I can clearly see you dislike me but still you help me and teach me a lot of
.. I do it because I like it. Everything I do I do it out of love.
Fragments of the past keep surfacing in the ocean of long forgotten memories. From what I remember he
hated me at first but despite that he still took me in. I didnt had the chance to fully understand Ians heart,
but the time I spent with him was enough to make me realize a lot of things. He gave me a weakness.
He granted me the humanity I wasnt allowed to have.
Still having second thoughts?
You dont have to think just stab him and get this over with.
I wanted to be human you know...
Sentiments dearest? It doesnt suit you.
That day I was waiting in the garden. But you never came.
Oh that.
What? Did you run out of words to defend yourself?! I was waiting there like an idiot waiting there
hoping youll come and take me away from the path of blood that was ahead of me!
It was for the best
For you. You condemned me so that you can have eternity as Death. I believed in you back then!
A surge of dark energy came out; I couldnt hold my hatred in. It was never possible for us to be friends
I see youve been accustomed to your new body.
Ian was just like you! Ian may have destroyed my physical body but you killed my heart.
Tears had fallen from my eyes; I was being human again being a weak human driven by stupid emotions.

You think it was easy for me? We were no longer children during that time! If we ran away that time
imagine what couldve happened to the world?! I am Death; I guide souls into the cycle of rebirth, a
catalyst of the living and the dead. I became immortal so I---
I am death and you are the void witch. The heart of this worlds existence. If you fade into nonexistence
we can never do anything to change that.
What are you trying to say now? That I should kill Ian and wait for you again? That I should allow
myself to be fooled by you again?
think, dont you know how difficult it is for me to be unable to call out your name? Demons names
are their ultimate weakness. If I even whisper it you will witness how Death may die.

Dont be too one-sided. You arent the only one in this world that experienced pain,
Ive been such a fool. How could I not think about what he felt?
Ive become too self centered and absorbed by my own pain that I forgot to consider the others.
I have to do what I have to do.
I crept in the work shop took out a knife and with one swift stroke I said goodbye to the man I once loved,
To the precious moments, the lessons that he taught me, the fairytales, and for Death.
It was like eating freshly bake chocolate cookies that were too hot to be eaten but still difficult to resist.
Lilly came out she saw what I did with her brother. Her eyes suddenly turned into an inhuman color and
lunged at me.
This knife. VOID WITCH! you werent contented with my death before that you came back to finish
me off?!!!
Lilly I
She took the knife away from me and stabbed me near the heart. Slowly she pulled it out as if to make it
more painful.
With this knife I am power with this power I am god, a god that can slay a monster like you! You who
took the sun away from me and trapped me in this crimson filled reality! MONSTER!
Blood was coming out of the wound. I remember the scent of rust. I remembered how much it hurt. I
remembered Ians crying face. I remembered killing a girl who had the same face as I had. I remembered
how her brother screamed as I took the life away from her. Screamed like the young girl who wept as her
lover betrayed her trust. I remembered how that girl became a heartless murderer who needed to kill for
survival. I remember how her lover was then called Death.
I died once, and once was more than enough
I stood up from the ground and called forth all of my remaining energy.
Im sorry Lillian.
Belladonna devour her
My knife reacted when I called its name. It emitted surge of black energy that consumed everything that
crosses its path turning them into a memory, something that is a part of the past.

A memory. A dream. A reality.

I awaken at a tub half filled with water.
I dont remember what I did last night, but Im pretty sure it was a something that I would never regret...

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