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Bicentennial Economic Summit

from October 21 to 23, 2016 in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

As part of the bicentenary of the retrocession of the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon to France, after many commemorative
and cultural events throughout the year, the Organizing Committee of Celebrations 2016 wish to add an economic component.
Picking up the common thread of the other events, the economic summit will highlight the regions of origin of our population :
Normandy, Brittany, Poitou-Charente and the Basque Country for France;
The Atlantic Provinces for Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador).
This business meeting is also organized in the context of the Regional Cooperation Agreement signed in 1994 between the
French and Canadian governments; one of the axes of this agreement is to bring closer the business communities of SaintPierre and Miquelon, France and the Canadian Atlantic Provinces and encourage economic exchanges between them all.
Finally, the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement offers new perspectives where the islands of Saint
Pierre and Miquelon can act as a privileged intermediary.
Three conferences will be offered:
The Canada-Europe Free Trade Agreement
The business culture of the various participating regions
Innovation as a driver of growth
There will also be two workshops on specific practical cases, allowing professionals to fully understand the issues and
challenges of international trade between our regions.

Clbrations 2016 18 rue Brue 97500 Saint-Pierre & Miquelon | BP 4445 tel : Siret : 807 526 579 00014

The workshop topics were chosen on the basis of activities and expertise that are essential to the regions attending the
economic summit; however, the approach is to be pragmatic and educational. Although the case studies prepared for the
summit may reveal potential economic opportunities, the primary objective is to answer the questions any business person
wishing to work beyond their borders may ask themselves:

1. What does international development really mean for my business?

2. What are the constraints and challenges?
3. Is my business ready? How do I get it ready?
Taking into account the specific realities of the regional economic environments,
the two workshops were look at three major sectors:
1. Industry
2. The Service sector
The workshop will touch on the constraints and challenges that businesses must face, and what needs to be done to
overcome them.
Summaries given during the plenary session will enable participants to transpose such cases to other types of businesses and
activities. It is therefore not mandatory to be a business in the chosen sectors to attend the summit.

Clbrations 2016 18 rue Brue 97500 Saint-Pierre & Miquelon | BP 4445 tel : Siret : 807 526 579 00014

Case 1 Fishery and value-added seafood: Towards a winning partnership

The fishing industry is ubiquitous in our Atlantic communities. Although some traditional resources are scarce today, the latest
reports from the Saint-Pierre et Miquelon islands show that other resources could be reasonably harvested. The markets exist
and promote dynamic business growth in the region. In addition, extensive expertise could be mobilized on the French maritime
coast. This workshop, covering a complex sector of the agri-food industry, will demonstrate the advantages of partnerships in
the global business context and will highlight a number of elements:

Partnership/investment between a SPM business and a Canadian business in a Francophone community

Strategies for accessing the European and American markets
Technology and know-how transfer / protection of intellectual property
Phytosanitary constraints
Specific and logistic conditioning

Case 2 Marine tourism and industries: Development of a regional cluster

Theme-based cruises are developing in the Atlantic provinces, and pleasure boating is also very popular. With its French sailing
school, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon has made its mark, and competitions such as the Halifax Saint-Pierre Route help to promote
this sector. At each port of call, regardless of the size of the ship, tourist activities need to be included in the global offering.
Marine industries related to these sectors can also benefit from this growth by joining forces. Based on success stories in France,
the workshop will demonstrate the advantages of local and regional partnerships and synergies and will review the following

SPM / Atlantic Canada partnership

Cultural aspects in relations and product definition

Engagement/involvement of communities and sectors development of a cluster

Joint promotion and commercialization

Cross-cutting Activities
A cross-cutting approach will be taken for innovation, ICTs, funding and legal constraints, because they are applicable to all
the case studies. These aspects must therefore be addressed in each workshop and be the subject of a specific post-mortem/
summary (by way of introduction to the innovation conference).

Clbrations 2016 18 rue Brue 97500 Saint-Pierre & Miquelon | BP 4445 tel : Siret : 807 526 579 00014

Friday, October 21:
7:45 pm: Cocktail reception and networking

Saturday, October 22:

8:00 am 9:30 am: Conference breakfast CETAs progress
10:00 am 12:30 pm: Working groups
12:30 pm 2:00 pm: Networking lunch
2:30 pm 4:00 pm: Plenary group session and debate summary
4:00 pm 4:30 pm: Tea la Saint-Pierraise
4:30 pm 5:30 pm: Business culture and innovation conferences
7:30 pm: Gala dinner Discover local specialties and enjoy cultural presentations related to bicentennial events.

Sunday, October 23:

10:00 am 12:30 pm: Exhibit of SPM products and business know-how, business visits and achievements
12:30 pm 2:30 pm: Musical brunch
2:30 pm: B to B meetings or guided tour of the island

To participate in the entire summit, registration fee of 250 will be requested.

Clbrations 2016 18 rue Brue 97500 Saint-Pierre & Miquelon | BP 4445 tel : Siret : 807 526 579 00014

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