Unit 1 Who We Are-Overview Letter To Parents

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Dear Parents,

We are very happy that the students are settling into their Kindergarten routines.
We are aiming to have them become more independent in eating, toileting,
looking after their belongings and forming new friendships. Below is some
information about our focus throughout the year.
Throughout the year in Kindergarten we will provide learning
experiences and opportunities for children to;

Become confident, show appropriate self-respect and are able to establish

effective relationships with other children and with adults.
Work as part of a group and independently and are able to seek help where
Become eager to explore new learning and show the ability to initiate ideas
and to solve simple practical problems.
Demonstrate independence in selecting an activity or resources and in
dressing and personal hygiene.
Be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and show respect for
Take turns and share fairly.
Express their feelings and behave in appropriate ways, developing an
understanding of what is right, what is wrong and why.
Treat living things, property and their own environment with care and

At home we ask that you promote all of the above as this will help your
child to become an independent learner.
Our Unit of Inquiry:
We will have a yearlong Unit of Inquiry, along with three separate Units of Inquiry
that will run alongside it. Our yearlong Unit of Inquiry will have a focus on Who
We Are This is an inquiry into an awareness of our characteristics, abilities and
interests which informs our learning and development.
We will inquire into;
- Who I am. Physical, Social and Emotional qualities
- What I can do.
- Myself as a part of the group
We will learn to;

Explore our feelings and emotions

Verbally /Physically/Visually express feelings and ideas
Identify the things that we enjoy and excel at
Keep practising the things we want to get better at
Respect and encourage others
Participate willingly in individual/ parallel/ group play
Enjoy responsibility of carrying small tasks
Demonstrate friendly behaviour
Understand that own actions affect other people
Be aware of the boundaries set, and of behavioural expectations in the

Negotiate and solve problems without aggression

Initiate conversations, attends to and takes account of what others say
Explain own knowledge and understanding
Ask appropriate questions with others

Some key questions that we will explore throughout the unit;


What are feelings?

What is a family?
Who are in your family?
Why is family important?
What makes some things important to you?
How do my feelings affect the way I interact with others?
What are the ways that you can help others?
What are the qualities and feelings that help us have a good day?
How can I develop/ foster the qualities and feelings that help us?
What qualities are important in working with a group?
What are your favourite things?
How are you similar/ different with others?
What makes you special?
How do we play alone or with others?
What can you do?
What makes a good friend?
How can we work together as a group?

Well-planned and well-resourced play activities which allow for progression in a

childs thinking and understanding will provide the context in which these
principles become the reality for all our children. Our learning areas inside
include opportunities for inquiry into:
- Dramatic Play
- Sand Play
- Water Play
- Messy/ Sensorial Play
- Listening
- Dough and Clay play
- Table top play
- Small world play
- Investigation
- Construction
- Creative play
- Junk modelling
- Writing and pre-writing
- Maths
- Reading
- Information Technology
Our learning areas outside include opportunities for inquiry into:

Imaginative Play
Creative Play (Art/Design & Music)
Horticulture (Gardening/Wild and Digging)
Large-Scale Construction

Sand and Water

Quiet experience
Wheeled Vehicles

As we introduce new Units of Inquiry we will update you on our Who We Are
learning focuses. You will be able to keep an eye on our progress through our
weebly/ newsletters.

Specialist Subjects:
Music- In Music students will be singing songs connected to greetings and
feelings, focusing on the Music Elements of Duration (staying time to a steady
beat) and Pitch (singing in tune). They also will learn some action songs to foster
self-esteem and self-confidence. Students will also learn a Vietnamese a song
about Moon Festival: Ruoc Den Duoi Trang Thu.
Physical Education- We will learn to demonstrate a general awareness of how
basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement
SK will start their first two Vietnamese language topics with Greeting and
Body parts. The students will learn how to greet others in a polite way as well
as how to name different body parts in Vietnamese. They will also learn a
Vietnamese children song called Li cho bui sng.
*Culture focus: MOON FESTIVAL
- Moon Festival Focus on the Legend of the Moon Festival
Kind Regards,
Julie Estacion
Senior Kindergarten teacher- SKJES
Jeremy Fitzpatrick
IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) Coordinator

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