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Calculation of the max ASL temperature to let Forwarding Pumps

avoid cavitation
Values used:
ps , (minimum measured) suction pressure during starting transitory: 0,87
bar (g), 87000 Pa
pa , atmospheric pressure at site: 1 bar, 100000 Pa
pv0 , ASL vapour pressure at 38,5 C (100 F): 0,54 bar, 54000 Pa (7,8 psi)
pv0, actual ASL vapour pressure
, ASL specific gravity: 780 kg/m3
NPSHreq at rated point: 3,6 m
hs , safety margin on NPSH: 0,5 m
g, acceleration of gravity: 9,81 ms-2
Formula of NPSHav used:

NPSHav = (ps+pa-pv)/g

Cavitation might occur if:

NPSHav = NPSreq + hs

By substituting (1) into (2) and by resolving:


(ps+pa-pv) = (NPSHreq +hs)g

(3 bis)

pv = ps+ pa (NPSHreq +hs)g

By substituting in (3 bis) the values to be used:

pv = 187000 31372 = 155628 Pa, 1,56 bar (22,6 psi)
The temperature at which pv exceeds 22,6 psi is estimated by using the
enclosed Cox Chart with drawn in red the line corresponding to the ASL (pv0
= 7,8 psi): the said temperature is about 71 C (160 F)
Note that ps depends form the actual level of ASL in the tank, unknown
when ps was measured.
Higher levels will let the max temperature to avoid cavitation increase, while
lower levels will let the said max temperature decrease.

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