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A Magic School

Democracy in school este o colecie de eseuri scrise de ctre elevi din

clasele a VI-a B i a VIII-a A, sub ndrumarea d-nei prof. Oelariu Daniela.
Tema eseurilor -,,Democraia n coal- se nscrie ntr-o tematica mai
ampl a Proiectului Comenius ,,Un vot,un gnd (One Vote, One Thought),
proiect aflat n derulare n cadrul colii noastre.
Tematica proiectului abordeaz aadar conceptul democraiei concretizat
n valori ca: egalitatea, drepturile omului, libertatea cuvntului, valori ce-i
gsesc aplicabilitatea att n context social, ct i n context colar i
Fiecare eseu este expresia autorului i reflect viziunea personal asupra
realitii educaionale n care nva.

I wish that Romanian schools could be like

those in Europe. My opinion is that schools should
have electronic boards, the children may listen music
during breaks. All schools should have a small fast food
inside. The schools should be interested in what children know and not in how they look like. An important
chapter for me is to have more sports competition. This
is the school that I want.
Oana Palcea

My School
In my school I would like to have a smart board and a
TV, wireless, three canteens and I want teachers to stay
with us in the classroom and let us not shout at each
other, but talk to us.

Reia, 2012

I want my programme to be from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm,

with a long break for lunch. I want my colleges to stop
fighting and swearing. I want them to be good, to collaborate and be friendly. I want them to help people, to
be faithful, to be understanding. So I want to be my
Eduard Codrea

School in Romania

"Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are

extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people."

Romanian schools are good, but in terms of school

learning we are the best in Resita. Our school has all:
laboratories for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Technology education and thats all.
I mean we want our class to have , especially computers.
Still, so much we want to have fun in the school yard in
special places where we could play games, such as a
football field, a tennis court, a handball hall.
Those schools from other countries have these things.
And we would like to have meals in school and especially to have long breaks.
We understand the word democracy by:
Standing in line when we enter school, children should
no longer push each other on the stairs , and should not
swear or hit each other!
Thats how we want school to be in Romania !!!
Lorena Lic

Harry Emerson Fosdick

"Never do anything against conscience -- even if the

state demands it."
Albert Einstein

"Everybody's for democracy in principle. It's only in

practice that the thing gives rise to stiff objections."
Meg Greenfield

"Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never

really won you earn it and win it in every generation."
Coretta Scott King

"The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to

say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist."
Maria Montessori


Our modern school

by Ciule Bogdan, 8th grade A

A school in Romania is totally different than a school

form United Kingdom or from PortugalIts
dissimilar in every aspect of it: look, technology,
democracy and rules.
The technology in schools from Romania is much under
other schools from foreign countries. Im disappointed
about it as we can improve things, but we dont want to.
As far as I am concerned, I am totally against the short
and many breaks at school.
We cant even go to the toilet, but to eat, to talk with
colleagues or to play something?! When can we do this?
During the class when, in fact, we arent allowed to. We
also need to take a good breath of air! For example,
other schools, like the one from Italy, have breaks of
one or two hours when pupils can play, eat and other
requirements for every person.
It seems to me that some Romanian schools rules are
annoying. Why? Simply because at some classes we
arent allowed to ask any question (about the lesson)
because we must not disturb the class. In other
countries, the pupil is rewarded with a mark for his
answers and activity at classes.

I want my school to be upgraded, in classroom I want to

be computers and different useful devices.
Relationship between students and teachers should be
open and friendly.
Teacher should be as a friend or as a parent.
I would like to be possible to do homework at school
with a teacher .
We also should be allowed to have at school mobile and
MP3's .
There should be a wireless router in each classroom and
lessons should be taught with the help of the projector.
So I want to be in the school!
Nyko Sivulca

Romanian School
Nowadays, school in Romania isnt very attractive. It doesnt have as many facilities as necessary.
There are many schools where the students wear uniforms. The classrooms are not always large or warm
enough so that the students could find the school a nice
place for learning and spending a lot of time. The
schoolyards should be set up like the park with benches,
wooden tables and playgrounds. Every school should
have laboratories and libraries .
There should be a canteen in every school where
children could have their lunch. Of course the timetable
should be organized with a short breaks and a longer
break for lunch .
The schools should provide materials for interesting workshops and after school activities .
The teachers should be more relaxed, always
smiling and in a good mood. They should be professional and well rained for the subject they teach .
As a conclusion, school in Romania is far from
being the ideal, but I am optimistic and hope that due to
my school and my teachers I will be a good doctor .
Carina Dimcea

As for the democracy in schools, in Romanian schools,

pupils choose a representative who talks with teachers
and discusses about everyones problem. It seems a very
good thing to me as teachers cant see everything and
solve it instantly.
Another thing that, from my point of view, is realized in
every school is that every pupil receives a task like:
clening the blackboard, bringing the corns and the milk
and so on. I think that every grade has discussed about
these matters and named some student for every task.
Some forms have their own personalized tasks.
But, as I said, this is only my opinion. Some people
think that this system of the breaks is very good as we
can ,,refresh more often than if we had long, fewer
And some humans say that the task facility isnt good as
the children arent going to school to work. And have as
a solution , hiring professional cleaners who can
manage some classes.
These opinions where put on the paper by a student
about how he sees the democracy in school and his
school facilites. I believe that, if the ones who made
these rules would have been in the pupils shoes, there
would have been different rules.
This is not a strict overview of our schools, its only an
opinion of a kid of thirteen years old.

by Maria Sorca

I would change the education in the Romanian school.

Each class should have a smart board, laptop, sanitary
sink, mirror, and comfortable chairs. Each child should
be allowed to dress as he wants, but to a certain limit.
Students should buy their own textbooks and pay
school meals. Students who have a bad financial situation should receive free textbooks and a meal every day
at school. Students who have bad marks should be
helped much more and the best students should be rewarded. Children should be calm, obedient, but teachers
shouldnt be allowed to scream at them, but teach children to like school. Children could consider them their
friends and respect the teachers.
There may be benches in the yard, two stadiums with
artificial grass, two gyms, a church and a swimming
pool. Schools should have two large libraries and a
laboratory for each subject.

My dream school
One night I went to bed thinking to dream
beautifully.I had a successful day at school, I got good
grades and I was praised. I went to sleep and I dreamt of
My dream school.
My dream school was a big and beautiful
building.Outside the school there was a football pitch,
handball, volleyball, bascketball land and a track for
atlethics. In the yard of the school there was a garden
with different flowers and many trees. On the alleys of
the garden there were benches where children could
recreate. Inside the school there was a large and long
corridor with white wardrobes. The classes were
modern, with a laptop for every child. In the school
there was a gym with proper equipment for gymnastics.
The teachers teach for 30 minutes and the break lasted
30 minutes. Lunch could be served at 1.00 oclock in a
special room.
In the morning I woke up thinking that, maybe,
my school will become My dream school.
Darian Fenyes

Democracy in our school

Democracy in our school is so old. We should vote
for everything : the class president, the school president
and others. Our class does things like that, but the others
maybe not.
If we want to have our original style we should
have it without being judged....for example I wish to be
a rocker, but my parents dont let me look like one, because they say it is a shame to go like that to school and
the teachers will say that I look sloppy, plus the fact that
we have uniforms and we must wear them, even if we
dont like them.
Maybe some time it will be that kind of democracy in our Romanian schools as it is in America,
France, Italy, Portugal...but sometime....
Ana Roca

Breaks should last 20 min. and one hour - when children

can eat. Students shouldnt be criticized because they
dont have good marks or boys because they have long
hair, everyone has his life. It shouldnt exist competition
between children. In school students might learn a lot
about democracy making projects with other countries.
Romania is a wonderful country, with great faith, and so
we must take care of it, hoping that one day we can call
it a civilized country.

In Romania schools are disorganized. In this country
schools arent so good like in Portugal, Poland or
England. But we have an advantage: teachers are better
than those in other countries.
To be the country with the best schools, we need
modern equipment.
It should be a longer break to do more things between
In our school, there is democracy. We can express our
opinion and bring ideas to improve our school.
Vlad Ionete


by Oana Gogoeanu

Romanian schools still have not reached the level that

we want. The technology used in schools from other
countries, as well as teaching methods, based more on
practice and not on theory, are far from being easy or
interactive learning. Laptops, video projectors,
computers and smart boards are just some of the modern
equipment that enjoy students from other countries. This
equipment helping students learn to operate on the
computer is very important today.
Clothing for students in schools of other countries is
diverse, but decent, and by dressing differently each
student is permitted to show his personality.
Long breaks and lunch in the cafeteria enable students
to know each other and to get closer to important
abilities in life, such as communicating or working in

all that our children will be over twenty years. Romanian students would like a modern school like the one
described above, but we all know that school that they
dream of, they will have it in about two decades.
Dumitracu Rebeca

The Perfect School

I like my school as it is!
But, I dream of a different school: each classroom
should have computers for each student. The school
should have a canteen for students and teachers. The
breaks could be longer and the classes shorter.
The students should express themselves how they
feel ( but dont cross the line). Thats democracy!
The school must have a student who represents
the others. Students dont like uniforms, so each of them
should wear what they like.
That would be the perfect school for me! And I
think for all Romanian children, too!
Denis Bios


School for me is very important because with its help
I will succed to be someone in life .
However good might be at school , there should be
some changes. For example, classrooms should be more
spacious and better equipped .
I would like to organize different activities more often:
excursions, balls, competitions.
And democracy is very important for me in school
which means that all students and teachers should
follow the rules.
This is my opinion and changes should be made in
school .
Alexandra Ilie-Haegan

School in Romania now does not compare with
schools in other countries such as Italy, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Austria etc., maybe about twenty years in
Romania school will be modernized with touch screen
panels, laptops for each student; instead of textbooks to
be iPods for each student, student to have a chair and
his own desk etc. We students will not get them because

In my opinion democracy in schools means students

freedom to express themselves, to have access to
modern facilities at school, to have freedom during both
breaks and during the courses, but not to surpass the
limits, and do their duties.
In Romania this democracy could be in schools in the
country, if information facilities and opportunities
would be the same as everywhere in Europe.


In Romania, there is not a dream school because of the
students and the people who are indifferent.
The school that I dream of is like this: Id like to have a
canteen. The classrooms should be decorated with pictures. The garden of the school should be clean.
Students shouldnt chew gum in the classroom and drop
it on the desks.
If the students are fighting, they can receive one warning and at three warnings they can be expelled.
The classrooms should have DVD-player, TV, computers and laptops. This is my dream school.
Sebastian Srbu


by Luisa Bogdan

I would like to have computers, a video projector,

speakers in each class, so that books can be replaced
with notebooks or PC tables. I would like school boards
to have touch screen, to write with your finger on the
Besides school, I would like to have a swimming pool, a
climbing panel, special courts for football, basketball
and handball. Breaks should last for 15 min. and we
also should have a long break of one hour.
We hope that someday we will have a school life like
Nicola Teodor Andrei

I wish as school in Romanian have got the
following conditions: a pool in the school, the students
should not come in uniform, classes should not last
more than three oclock, we should have a church,
parking for bikes, a big library, a snack bar, a small
break of twenty minutes, a longer break of two hours,
online mark registers, two large sports halls and a
marching band. Democracy means to be free !
Andrei Vintil

I like my school, but I think it isnt modern.

This is the modern school where I would like to learn.
Each student would come with a laptop at school and
the lesson must be on the computer.
Teachers should tell us what site to open and we solve
exercise. Teachers shouldnt give us marks. Computer
gives marks to the children.
All subjects must be practice, we learn playing and
working. After lessons, teachers must explain the lessons to children who didnt understand.
A school must have a football, handball, and basketball team. The school must have a swimming-pool
where children can learn to swim and a big library
where children can find all the books they need.
So is the school which I wish to learn in.
In my opinion democracy in school means when children can say what they are thinking, when children tell
the teachers what they dont understand and the teachers
dont get angry. If children dont agree with their marks,
they can tell the teachers and he or she should explain
the students why that marks is right.
Democracy means when teachers recognize they are
wrong too, not only the children.

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