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Republic of the Philippines Department of Science and Technology Technology Application and Promotion Institute ivcus 25 June 2014 Dr. EDUARDO T. BAGTANG President Kalinga-Apayao State College Tabuk, Kalinga Ref. No.: 2014-0620-04 Dear Dr. Bagtang The Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI) is one of the service agencies of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) whose primary function is to promote the commercialization of technologies and market the services of other operating units of the DOST. TAPI through its Technology-Based Enterprise Development (TBED) Assistance Program aims to encourage development of new / improved technologies that may have potential for commercialization by providing financial and technical assistance for projects and/or activities under the Prototype Development, Pilot Scale Testing Field Testing and Technology Validation In line with this, we are pleased to inform you that we are now accepting project proposals for possible funding under the TBED Assistance Program covering the priority areas which are in-line with the DOST 8 Outcomes which focuses on developing and optimizing science and technology to help elevate vital industries in the country. Attached for your guidance and reference is a copy of the Implementing Guidelines of the TBED Assistance Program comprising details | mechanics of the program, format of proposal and checklist of requirgmrénts. Should you have further queries regarding the program, your staff may corftact / coordinate with Ms. Daryl E. Barrera oF Mr. Christoper Gealan at tel.nos. (632)-838-1127 / 837-2017 local 2157/2167 or e- mail us at and for details Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon Hao ig Very truly yours, ean Sapa yf te a . fee eel canis eee fe Do naslegson ie GARC! y (eirarle « Eee ARCIA Lorn Gres ple Z y OFFICE: TAP! Bde, DOST Compound, Gen. Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City ‘Trunk Line: 837-2071 to 82 local 2150 t0 67 / Direct Lines: 838-1115, 837-6188, 837-6188, 838-4132, 638-1170 Telefax Nos.: 838-1140, 837-6186, 838-1127, 837-2936 Website: http://wwwtapi dost gow ph / e-mail Encl. als Republic of the Philippines Department of Science and Technology Technology Application and Promotion Institute May 26 2004 TAPI Administrative Order No. 20! -087 Series of 2014 SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES OF THE TECHNOLOGY-BASED ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT (TBED) ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 1.0 Purpose 1.1. This administrative order is issued to provide guidelines and supplemental information for the TAPI Grants-in-Aid (GIA) funds providing financial assistance for projects under the Technology-Based Enterprise Development (TBED) Assistance Program 1.2, This program aims to harness the country’s scientific and technological capabilties 10 spur economic growth and development by providing funds to fast track the transfer, adoption, utilization and commercialization of developed technologies. Likewise the program will provide opportunity To Test he produc’ feasibility in the industry, to generate market interest and to acquire details from concerned and potential group of customers and/or adoptors. Background The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through the Technology Application and Promotions Institute (TAPI) opens awareness to strengthen that ‘Local Technology Works" by im ing_the TBED Assistance Bingeamt- In the course OT Ts program, fn locally devSlopew Teotrslone can be tested and validated in order to start the enterprise that can be a mode of an income/employment generating activity in a community. ‘The terms herein used shall mean as follows: 3.1. Counterpart Support — assistance offered by the proponent of requesting party in complemeniation to the financial assistance being requested from TAP. 3.2, Crude Prototype — refers to the unrefined model that enables individual to get a better feel for the basic premise of the product / machine / equipment. J « & = ‘TAP Bld., DOST Compound, Gan, Santos Avenue, itn, Taguig Cty Trunk Line: 837-2071 10 82 local 2350 1067 / Direct Lines: 836-2215, 837-6198, 637-6189, £38-2222, 838-1170 Telefax Nos: #38-1140, 837-5186, 838-1127, 837-2936 1 \Webste: ht:// / mal: of Po oe sal 3.4. 25) 36. 37, 38. 39. 3.13. Field Testing — actual setting | production: test conducted on the proposed areal location. Financial Grant — are non-repayable funds provided to the proponent on a particular project for a specified duration, Force Majeure — unexpected or uncontrollable event that shall include, but is not limited to strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, wars, blockages, insurrections, rots, epidemics, landslides, explosions and other similar events not within the control of man. GOs — refers to all Government Offices including DOST and its attached agencies and Regional Offices (ROS). ‘Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) — an agreement on the terms and conditions entered into and executed by and between TAPI, the proponent, the concerned DOST Regional Office and/or other cooperating agencylies for new projects funded thu TAPI-GIA covered under this Guidelines. Ownership — the ultimate and exclusive right conferred by a lawful Claim oF title and subject to certain restrictions to benefit from, occupy upon completion of the project and/or repayment. Pilot Scale Testing — refers to innovative scaled-up (greater than laboratory or bench scale) activity aimed at gaining experience that may lead to further technical improvement of product and/or production process prior to the commercialization Prototype — refers to the first unit of a product / equipment which is tested so that the design can be changed if necessary before the product is manufactured commercially RDIs - Research and Development Institutes andlor Institutions, refers to organization that perform research and develooment (R&D) to develop new products, to discover and create new knowledge about scientific and technological topics for the purpose of uncovering and enabling development of valuable new products, processes and services SUCs — State Universities and Colleges in the Philippines, refers to any public institution of higher learning and are fully subsidized by the national government TAP! Executive Committee - TAPI Execom is the approving body of the Institute composed of the Director and Chief of all the divisions namely Finance and Administrative Division (FAD), Technology Information and Promotion Division (TIPD), Invention Development 3.14 3.15. Division (IDD) and Investment and Business Operations Division (BOD) Technology Validation — refers to the activity or set of activities aimed at confirming technical targets or particular requirements for a given technology. Said activity or activities, which should provide documented evidence that the technology accomplishes its intended use or purpose, may include performance assessment and field testing or execution Working 1 Commercial Prototype -— refers to a model wherein development efforts and all features of the actual machine / equipment will be incorporated and put into use based on the initial test conducted including opinion and suggestions from experts to improve its performance. Classification of Project Assistance Coverage rogram encourages development of new/improved technologies (which , Software, equipment, devices or processes) that may may include have poten: | for commercialzation. The following projects and/or activities are eligible for TBED funding assistance: 44 ¢ a ie 42 Prototype Development - funds the fabrication or improvement of one (1) commercial prototype model and related testing costs. A prototype model can range from a crude mock-up or functioning/ working sample supported by detailed layout/drawing. However, more than one (1) unit could be assisted if these are for market/field testing purposes. The proponent can utilize a professional prototype company, virtual/ industrial designer, mode! maker, accredited fabricators in the region or construct it on his own. The financial assistance in the form of grant shall be provided to RDIs, SUCS other GOs, The proponent shall be Tequived- to” provae counterpart funds in_kind and/or in cash _in addition to the grant provided by TAP to implement and complete the project. Pilot Scale Testing ~ provides funds to activity/ies aimed at evaluating the acceptability / applicability of the product andlor production process prior to full scale commercialization: A financial grant to cover cost of equipment, raw materials, packagi ans ra TAIS, during production tials shall be provided to RDis, SUCs and GOs Field Testing — provides é tivity or activities aimed at testing the technolox he actual setting or production set-up ona pr area. This may lead to addifional adjustment of production setting prior 44. to commercialization of the process or, product and design of technology. A _financial_grant_to cover field testing or execution of the sai TREES GOST ST CAUTION Weaduct on thee fo pier ‘Giese within the region shal be protded iS RDIsang SUG Technology Validation - provide funds to support for the activity or set of activities aimed at confirming the technical targets sor particular requirements for a given technology. Said activity or activities should provide documented evidence that the technology accomplishes its intended use or purpose. DOST ROs shall be provided a financial grant to cover cost of raw materials and packaging materials during production trials for the ‘conduct of the technology validation on three (3) proposed areas within ‘the region 5.0 Financial Assistance Parameters The funds will provide support to projects and/or activities eligible for TBED Assistance Program shall be available thru a financial grant. 8.1, Financial assistance thru grant shall be available for RDIs, SUCs and 52, L = a GOs. The amount of financial grant that will be provided to the proponent will be determined after the deliberation of the project proposal along with the Line-Item-Budget (LIB) and upon the approval of the TAPI Executive Committee. The exoense item/s 1 in the approved LIB shall_be the counterpart fund of the proponent or pariner instiution{s)_ The following maximum amounts allocated per projec ‘category may vary depending on the final approval of the TAP! Executive Commitize: 5.2.1. For prototype development, financial assistance thru grant of 250,000.00 per project. 5.2.2, For pilot testing purposes, financial assistance thru grant of 250,000.00 per project. 5.2.3, For field testing purpose, financial assistance thru grant of 50,000.00 per project or P150,000.00 may be considered to cover the three (3) proposed areas within the region. 5.2.4. For technology validation purposes, financial assistance thru grant of 100,000.00 per project. A maximum of R300,000,00 can be considered for a region to cover three (3) projects for implementation for the current year. 6.0 53. The proponent must_provide_counterpart ‘support _for_the project imancial grant provided by TAP! will not include expenses io cover Salaries, labor cost and/or operating expenses in the form of a capital Equipment Ownership and Provisions 64 63. 64. 6.5. Ownership of the equipment purchased through grant funds shall remain with TAPI until the completion of the project and/or such time that all administrative requirements are completed then owpership shall be transferred to the proponent subject to existing government accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The ownership of the equipment may be transferred upon the request of the proponent and prior approval by TAPI (as the Funding Agency) subject to existing government accounting and auditing laws, rules and regulations. The transfer of the equipment shalll be on an “as is, where is" basis and that all charges and expenses that may be incurred for the. repair, maintenance and/or improvement upon the effectivity of the transfer shall solely for the account of the recipient, TAPI thru the Program Manager shall prepare a directory or master list of all equipment procured through the assistance program which shall include essential and relevant data such as: Project Title, Proponent, Concemed Regional Office / Provincial S&T Centers, Location of Equipment, Custodian, equipment purchased with _ individual description / specification, etc. TAPI through TBED Program unit shall conduct physical inventory of the equipment and periodic field evaluation to monitor progress of the project implementation and help resolve problems, if any. This shall be conducted by TAP! and/or concerned DOST Regional Office and reports shall be generated. All equipment shall be labeled with the standard DOST-TAPI Assisted Project sticker during the conduct of physical inventory. Eligibility Requirements cal ae 73 The proponent can be any of the following = Research and Development institutes (RDIs) «State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) = “Government Offices (GOs) The proponent must be a Filipino citizen, of good moral character and have not been convicted of any case involving moral turpitude. Proponents with no previous accountabilities with TAPI 7.4, Any proponent who would like to avail the financial grant / assistance shall comply with the following requirements: 7.4.1. Letter of interest to avail the assistance addressed to TAP] Director, 7.4.2. Endorsement letter from DOST Regional Office (with preliminary evaluation as to validity of the information provided in the proposal) = 7.4.3. Project proposal following the format in ANNEX A; 7.44. Curriculum Vitae of Proponent and other co-tesearchers / implementers; 7.4.5. Copy of letters of patent (if applicable); 7.4.6. Quotation from at least three (3) fabricators (if applicable); 7.477. Test results (if applicable). General Criteria The project proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 8.1. Validity / Workability — technical soundness, maturity and advance feature of the technology / invention over existing products with the same function Commercial Viability — financial feasibility, market potential and comparison of the technology / invention over existing product in the market; Market competitiveness; Sustainability of technology if commercially operates: Affordability for consumers / users; Social significance Relevance to DOST's development thrust / priority areas; Existence of a working drawing (if applicable); Commercialization development plan (if applicable); and 9.0 8.10. The applicant demonstrates a personal commitment and there should be favorable contacts to determine the applicant's qualifications and background Implementation Procedures 94 92. 93 Program implementation shall follow procedures for the proposal evaluation, approval, releasing of project funds, implementation and monitoring in the stipulated TAP! Quality Management System (QMS) Procedures Manual and Work Instructions. See ANNEX E Jor process flow of project evaluation and approval. Upon approval of the project, a MOA between TAPI, DOST Regional Office and the proponent shall be generated incorporating all the obligations of each constituent. The implementation of the project will be conducted in close coordination with the DOST Regiona! Office, LGUs and NGOs. Termination or failure of project due to force majeure shall be upon validation and recommendation of the DOST Regional Office and subject to the approval of TAPI, Notice of loss shall be filed within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of the incident Reportorial Requirements The proponent shall submit documents / report that outline the wrk that has been done, issues that have been addressed through the use of funds of which details shall be stipulated in the MOA and the reports to be submitted shall include / but not limited to the following 10.1. Project Status Report including photos / videos of the project implementation to be submitted quarterly following the prescribed format as shown in ANNEX B. 10.2. Audited Financial Report (AFR) to be submitted to TAPI (see ANNEX ©), 10.3. List of Equipment Acquired to be submitted to TAPI (see ANNEX D) Effectivity ‘This order takes effect immediately. Approved by: pnt 2 AR |. GARCIA rector ANNEX A PROJECT PROPOSAL FORMAT Project Tile ] Proponent : Name / Address / Tel/Fax / E-mail | Project Site a | Project Duration cae | Background of the project / Rationale S ] List of Beneficiaries — list / number of beneficiaries that will benefit from the | project; (if applicable) | Technical Aspect - Fabrication drawing with complete specifications | indicating the materials used for each part; Identify features and operating | conditions that are new and innovative: (if applicable) Marketing 7 Economic Aspect - Discuss associaied cost and/or construction techniques. Estimate the selling price of the eventual product and compare the price with existing competitive products; Employment Generation - impact in terms of employment generation from the assistance to be provided: (if applicable) | Financial Aspect | a. Line-tem-Budget - details of activities and expense items intended for | TAPI's financial assistance with the corresponding counterpart of re | proponent; b. Financial Assumptions - projected income / cash flow balance fea and financial analysis for three (3) years; | Environmental / Social Aspect - - Consider that the project will favor | sustainable environmental development and no potentially permanent immediate and long-term hazards on the environment as well as in health and safety; Existing Equioment Used - detailed specifications, rated capacity, repair service and supplier / fabricator of equipment; (if applicable) Proposed volume of production per project — Plant location, plant layout and total plant area, (if applicable) Proposed skills / training needs, schedule of training, resource person/s Dither cooperating agencies / institutions and its role / counterpart support | Work Pian / Gantt Chart of Activities ie ANNEX 8 PROJECT STATUS REPORT Status Report as of, PROJECT TITLE: 1 4 UL NV. Vv. vi vil vill Proponent . Cooperating Agency (if applicable) Funding Agency TAPL Amount invested by TAP! Status (Include photos, if any) a. Completed — Highlight program success and limitations / constraints b. On-going — Highlight areas for improvement, problems met, triumphs gained c. Proposed — Highlight project's viability Problems Encountered Discuss perennial problems and solutions formulated including weaknesses/threais and strength/opportunities of project, Impact Indicators Income generated Employment generated Environmental / Social Impact Value of Business Generated Volume of production / sales pooon Plans to improve operation Action Plan Outline/set-up new/progressive vision/policy direction regarding program implementation, Discuss plan/s of actions for strengthening/reinforcing the program's thrust and emphasize new ideas/innovations on program concerns. dau paruouny ON osuo/ ted p04 fouay s9pe0 20}2ujp1009, ‘ey \canouady ‘aon ‘a31steaA, "193409 CLSLLUS9 Wwior atipng pases SaRv a Tabpng panonddy rane (eu) won wor (a) wor tal wl uoneig woudojarag g ysseasay/Kous6y Bunuow) area uonaiduios (a) aa Hes (I Talia sureiBoud wone2na (e) sapuag epee yso.euin.009 (2) 2 4NOd3Y TWIONWNId GaLIGNY xan a ne ate ANNEX D. LIST OF EQUIPMENT ACQUIRED Project Title Project Duration: Proponent: . Cooperating Agency: (if applicable) No. of Units Items. [Unit Cost, Total | i \ | | | | I TOTAL | cd Prepared by: Certified Correct: Proponent Accountant \K Inspected by: 4 TAPI/ PSTD DOST Region / PSTD a Noted by: Regional Director eive project proposal [rom the proponent (with endorsement letter from the DOST Regional Office) Create TaPI Technical | Evaluation Committee (TEC) | or inter-Agency Committee (IAC) (For funding more ‘ i than P300,000) ei a | (PM) to cond | intatevatution | Pig ceo conics evaluation or site visit (if necessary) Is the proposal complete / workable? PM will submit report and recommendation based from the evaluation and site visit Present to TAPI Executive Committee (the Gocuments to the Proponent may be required to make a concerned DOST-RO / Proponent presentation to the TAPI Js the financial

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