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The Multi-Select ribbon provides an option to move the selected contiguous featu

res in any
direction and create a break on the pipe run.
7. Select the three features again to open the Multi-Select ribbon and de-select
the Move Along
Leg option.
Figure 20: Move Along Leg Option on Multi-Select Ribbon
SP3D Piping Tutorial: Manipulating Piping Objects
Copyright 2009 Intergraph Corporation
Last Updated: June 22, 2009 for SmartPlant 3D 2009 Service Pack 1 Page 246 of 347
8. Select the Move smartstep on the Multi-Select ribbon.
9. Select the gate valve port1 as the origin of the move vector, as shown in Fig
ure 21.
Figure 21: Origin of the Move Vector
10. Key in 0 ft for E, 0 ft for N and 1 ft for El on the PinPoint ribbon to move
the selected features
1ft up. Before you accept the placement position, the selected features after mo
ving shouldSP3D Piping Tutorial: Routing Pipes from P & ID
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Last Updated: June 22, 2009 for SmartPlant 3D 2009 Service Pack 1 Page 143 of 347
Figure 28: Placed Component
20. Now, continue routing the pipeline using the off-page connector (OPC). Open
the continuation P&ID INT02. Click SmartPlant > View P&ID command.
21. The View P&ID dialog box appears. Select the drawing INT02 and click Open.
Figure 29: Open P&ID File Dialog Box
The P&ID File Viewer window appears.
SP3D Piping Tutorial: Routing Pipes from P & ID
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Last Updated: June 22, 2009 for SmartPlant 3D 2009 Service Pack 1 Page 144 of 347
Figure 30: P&ID File Viewer Window
22. Now, click the Route Pipe button on the vertical toolbar.
23. Select the Select From P&ID option in the Run drop-down list on the Route
Pipe ribbon.
Figure 31: Route Pipe Ribbon
24. The P&ID File Viewer window appears. In the P&ID File Viewer, click the P268 pipeline, as shown in Figure 32.
SP3D Piping Tutorial: Routing Pipes from P & ID
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Last Updated: June 22, 2009 for SmartPlant 3D 2009 Service Pack 1 Page 145 of 347
Figure 32: P-268 Pipeline in the P&ID INT02 Drawing
25. The New Pipe Run dialog box appears. The system populates the New Pipe
Run dialog box automatically by using P&ID and design basis. Click OK to
accept the default values and close the dialog box.
Figure 33: New Pipe Run Dialog Box
SP3D Piping Tutorial: Routing Pipes from P & ID
Copyright 2009 Intergraph Corporation
Last Updated: June 22, 2009 for SmartPlant 3D 2009 Service Pack 1 Page 146 of 347
26. Select the end feature of the pipe to start the routing. You now see an outl
ine of
the pipe run in your model now. Click in the graphic view to place the pipe run,
as shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34: Placed Pipe Run
27. Click the Insert Component button on the vertical toolbar.
28. Now, position the cursor along the Pipe Straight Feature, as shown in Figure
and click to define the active placement point.
Figure 35: Pipe Straight Feature
29. The P&ID File Viewer window appears. In the P&ID File Viewer, click the gate
valve, as shown in Figure 36.

SmartPlant Layout is a new solution for preliminary 3D plant layout, including pr
oposal development, early design estimates, and plant layout optimization from I
ntergraph. Based on the next-generation 3D design solution, Intergraph Smart 3D, S
martPlant Layout is a standalone product extending the SmartPlant Enterprise sui
te through the addition of tools for automatic pipe routing, layout case managem
ent, and cost estimation.
SmartPlant Layout enables preliminary designs to be reused by carrying forward i
nitial layouts into detailed design without additional remodeling
saving time an
d improving design quality. Because SmartPlant Layout is built on Smart 3D archi
tecture, software administrative burden is significantly diminished in compariso
n to using standalone early design software.
SmartPlant Layout significantly streamlines the preliminary layout design proces
s. The interface is simple to learn and use all application commands are availab
le in a single, consistent environment. We have optimized the resulting plant la
yout workflow to ensure you achieve high-quality layout options with minimal des
ign modifications by the designer.
You can initially define the location of major equipment, pipe racks, and other
important space reservation zones used by the integrated pipe autorouter, such a
s attraction, avoidance, and obstruction areas (see Figure 1). Supporting this s
tage, you can define and apply rules that monitor and enforce your design standa
rds to ensure consistency, including layout of pipes inside pipe rack volumes, a
nd minimum nozzle standout distances.
Following initial zone definition, pipe runs are either directly input by the us
er, imported from an externally created line-list spreadsheet, or derived from P
&IDs (see Figure 2). The integrated SmartPlant Layout pipe autorouter then calcu
lates and displays the lowest possible cost pipe routes for a given plant layout
and applied rules.
Case management enables the display and comparison of
results from various layouts. At any point in the preliminary design process, yo
u can generate preliminary layout drawings and review models. Similarly, SmartPl
ant Layout s advanced reporting capabilities help you create a wide variety of sta
ndard and user-defined reports, including summary bulk materials quantities for
cost estimation purposes.
SmartPlant Layout offers powerful tools for preliminary plant layout and design,
Comprehensive Smart 3D equipment, piping, structure, and space management comman
User-definable design layout rules used to monitor and, where necessary, enforce
industry or project design standards for equipment and rack spacing, piping con
figuration, and object placement.
Available pipe-run interface options:
Direct user input.
Import from line-list spreadsheet(s).
SmartPlant Layout-integrated pipe autorouter to calculate and display the lowest
possible cost pipe routes for a given plant layout and applied design standards
Automated definition of Smart 3D drawings and
reports, including bulk materials quantities reports for cost

estimation purposes.
Ability to publish SmartPlant Review visualization model(s) of
the preliminary layout.
Case management enabling the display and comparison of results from various layo
Figure 2: Highlighted zones help control the piping paths generated by the autor
outer in SmartPlant Layout. For example, the connection zones are highlighted in
yellow, the attraction zones are highlighted in green, and the avoidance zones
are highlighted in red.
Figure 1: The results of autorouting are dictated by the specifications and rule
s used.
All runs are orthogonal, and flanges are automatically placed (specification-dri
Intergraph Corp. All rights reserved. Intergraph is part of Hexagon. Intergraph,
the Intergraph logo, and SmartPlant are registered trademarks of Intergraph Cor
p. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. Microsoft is
a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other brands and product names
are trademarks of their respective owners. 10/14 PPM-US-0004E-ENG
All of the equipment, pipe racks, piping, and other plant objects created as par
t of the preliminary design process in SmartPlant Layout are intelligent, Smart
3D objects. SmartPlant Layout customers already using Smart 3D for detailed desi
gn enjoy the benefits of eliminating up to 90 percent of the remodeling normally
required when transitioning from
preliminary design applications and formats to detailed design.
By using SmartPlant Layout in conjunction with Smart 3D, the preliminary design
simply evolves into a more comprehensive, detailed design.
SmartPlant Layout supports the industry s leading commercial databases, Oracle and
Microsoft SQL Server, enabling it to be deployed in full compliance with your co
rporate database standards. Since SmartPlant Layout is based on Smart 3D technol
ogy, customers who use both products today realize significant savings through e
limination of administration overhead, reference data management, and training b
SmartPlant Layout is an integral part of the SmartPlant Enterprise. The SmartPla
nt Enterprise suite enables you to create, capture, and maintain engineering inf
ormation and knowledge throughout a plant s life cycle, from design and build thro
ugh operations and maintenance. Enjoy improvements in operational excellence and
safety, profitability, and protection of knowledge assets.
Intergraph helps the world work smarter. The company s software and solutions impr
ove the lives of millions of people through better facilities, safer communities
, and more reliable operations.
Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) is the world s leading provider of enter
prise engineering software enabling smarter design and operation of plants, ship
s, and offshore facilities. Intergraph Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG
&I) is the leader in smart solutions for emergency response, utilities, transpor
tation, and other global challenges. For more information, visit www.intergraph.
Intergraph is part of Hexagon (Nordic exchange: HEXA B;, a lead
ing global provider of design, measurement, and visualization technologies that
enable customers to design, measure, and position objects, and process and prese
nt data.

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