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The Sales Page Formula

Quote For This Session:

The answer to your customers

natural state of indecision is
duality marke-ng.
Jon Benson
2. As alternate landing pages
3. As exit pages (ar6cle format)
4. Rarely, it works best

When To Use Text-Based

Sales Pages
1. As modality shifters
2. As alternate landing pages
3. As exit pages (article format)
4. Rarely, it works best

The Sales Page Formula

Attention (Pre-Headline)
Sub-headline To Headline (Optional; Rapport + Backup)
You-heavy Rapport Intro (5 paragraphs; 3 lines)
* Optional Fact Style Intro (youre copying me)
One-line Heres What Will Happen Phrase
Sub-headline 1: The Big Problem Holding You Back
Did you Know Question-Centered Copy (Can use rapport
if story-based; 5-7 paragraphs)
Sub-headline 2: What It Isnt
What It Isnt Copy (4-7 paragraphs) + Listen Paragraph!

The Sales Page Formula

Sub-headline 3: What It Is/Answer: The Hook/Trademark
Description of Hook (3-7 paragraphs) + 4 Es Why Its True
(engagers (testimonials), evidence, experience, expertise)
Sub-Headline 4: Us Versus Them
Comparison Copy (Anchoring) + 1 Did You Know
About? Informative fact (total of 5-8 paragraphs)
Sub-Headline 5: Works For Anyone Who
Who It Works For (3-5 paragraphs) + Why? Because! (It
works for everyone because)
The Special Sauce (Works So Well Because It Has X
Features) As long as you need
Objections Answered

The Sales Page Formula

Sub-Headline 6: How You Will Feel
Description of Experience (3-5 paragraphs)
Sub-Headline 7: Everything You Need Is Here
Everything You Need Copy; Product Intro (1-3 paragraphs)
Recap Of What Weve Learned
Sub-Headline 8: Really Hard To Find These Answers
Why it took lots of testing/research; My Lifes Work In A
Handbook theme. Implies option of searching
yourself (3-7 paragraphs)
Sub-Headline 9: Cant Take All The Credit
Collaborative effort copy (3-5 paragraphs) however:

The Sales Page Formula

Sub-Headline 10: Dont Try This Alone
Nightmare Story About Trying It Alone (3-5 paragraphs)
Sub-Headline 11: Warning; Not For Everyone
Negative Qualification Copy (Optional Bullets)
Sub-Headline 12: Remember + New Fact
Its X (hook + benefits; 3-5 paragraphs or 7-10 bullets)
Sub-Headline 13: Why Its Just $X
Copy Centered Around Why Its So Affordable; Not
professionally published, not very long, no shipping
making negative objections positive (3-7 paragraphs)
Sub-Headline 14: Double or Triple Guarantee (Can Be

The Sales Page Formula

Sub-Headline 15: Scarcity/Act Fast
Why They Must Act Now (3-5 paragraphs)
Sub-Headline 16: Oh Did I Mention This?
Bonuses, Special Features, Or Value-Adds Here
Sub-Headline 17: Youd Be Stupid Not To Take It
Why Inaction Is Incongruent With Their Values (5-7
Sub-Headline 18: Heres A Better Choice (What Awaits)
Benefits, Future-Paced Description Of Life After (as long as
Order Button 1 (Optional Sub-Headline)
Signature + P.S. (Optional Full-Story P.P.S) + Order Now

Article Page Must-Haves

1. Short headline + byline!
2. Did you know copy (3-7 paragraphs,
including personal introductions, revealing
negatives, warnings, etc.)!
3. Sub-Headline: Acts As Headline!
4. 3-5 sound byte points; begin each point with
a command or verb!
5. Optional warning!
6. So, What Do I Do Next? + Next Page Link

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