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ENES 221 Final Exam Review

Problem 1: A car door is inadvertently left slightly open when the brakes are applied
to give the car a constant rearward acceleration a. Derive expressions for the angular
velocity of the door as it swings past the 90 position and the components of the hinge
reactions for any value of . The mass of the door is m, its mass center is a distance rG
from the hinge axis O, and the radius of gyration about O is kO.




Ox = ma1 G2 (1+ 2cos   3cos2  )

Oy =

[3cos  2] sin 

Problem 2: The two slender bars, each having a mass of 4 kg, are hinged at B and
pivoted at C. If a horizontal impulse
is applied to the end A of the
lower bar during an interval of 0.1 s during which the bars are still essentially in their
vertical rest positions, compute the angular velocity 2 of the upper bar immediately
after the impulse. Ans: 2 = 2.50 rad/s

Problem 3: The 2-lb piece of putty is dropped 6ft onto the 18-lb block initially at
rest on the two springs, each with a stiffness k = 3 lb/in. Calculate the additional
deflection  of the springs due to the impact of the putty, which adheres to the block
upon contact. Ans:  = 0.212 ft

Problem 4: The system is released from rest with  = 0. The cord to the 1.5-kg
cylinder is securely wound around the massless 50-mm-diameter pulley at O, to
which are attached the massless arms and their 2-kg spheres. The centers of the
spheres are 250 mm and 375 mm from the axis at O. Determine the downward
velocity of the 1.5 kg cylinder when  = 30. Ans. vA = 0.0714 m/s

Problem 5: The load L is lowered by the two puylleys which are fastened together
and rotate as a single unit. For the instant represented, drum A has a counterclockwise
angular velocity of 4 rad/sec, which is decreasing by 4 rad/sec each second.
Simultaneously, drum B has a clockwise angular velocity of 6 rad/sec, which is
increasing by 2 rad/sec each second. Calculate the acceleration of points C and D and
the load L.
Ans: aL = 1 j ft/s2, aC = -0.267 i +3 j ft/s2, aD = -2 i + 0.733 j ft/s2
Problem 6: The 2-kg disk shown in the figure rests on a smooth, frictionless
horizontal surface and is attached to a 0.5 m long elastic cord that has a stiffness k =
20 N/m and is initially unstretched. If the disk is given an initial velocity magnitude
of 1.5 m/s perpendicular to the cord, determine the rate at which the cord is being
stretched and the speed of the disk at the instant the cord is 0.7 m in length.
Ans: (vD)2 = 1.36 m/s, ds/dt = 0.838 m/s

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