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Dalys Kindergarten Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Kindergarten! I am going to outline some of the things that you
will need to know for the year. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Please communicate your childs transportation information with me. Please
keep in mind that we have a 2:00 dismissal every Monday. If this is
different than the rest of the week please include that in the information.
Please send an email or note to me and our secretary Jennifer Keeler
( if the arrangements change.
Kindergarten students should not be responsible for knowing travel
information changes. This is regardless if it is a one day event or permanent
change. Please also note that older students will not be allowed to pick-up
siblings from the Kindergarten wing.

Grading Scale
Our Kindergarten report card and midterm-grading scale is similar to those
in 1st and 2nd Grade. Student progress is based on the Kindergarten critical
objectives. There will be a score of 1-3. The numbers are as follows: 1- not
making adequate progress, 2- making adequate progress, and 3- goal met.

Report Cards go home with the student every 12 weeks. That is a trimester.
There are three trimesters in a school year. Please sign the envelope and
return only the envelope to me. That way I know that the report card made
it home to you.
Midterms go home in the middle of each trimester. Again, please sign and
return only the envelope.
We will have daily snack time. On our monthly calendar I will include our
snack schedule. Each night the snack bucket will be sent home with the
student responsible for bringing snack the next day. Please make sure you
provide a healthy and nutritious snack. Due to allergies, please no peanuts.
No homemade snacks please. They must be store bought.

Clothing should be appropriate for the weather. We will go outside as long as

the wind chill temperature is above 0 degrees. Please LABEL everything such
as jackets, boots, mittens and snow pants to avoid confusion.

Book Orders are optional. The books through book orders are often
cheaper than those you can purchase anywhere else. If you choose to order
you may place your order online or send a check. Make the check payable to
Scholastic Book Clubs, not the school. Students will always be encouraged to
use the library to check out books to read.

Book-It Program begins in October. I will be sending a note home at the

beginning of each month during this program (October-March). To complete
this program you will need to read to your child or have your child read to
you. You will receive a coupon for a free personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut for
participating in the program. The coupon is valid for 30 days.

Attendance: If your child is ill and will be absent from school that day,
please call the school to report the absence.
You may e-mail Jennifer Keeler, our school secretary, if you know your child
will be leaving early for an appointment, or missing an entire school day. If
you copy the e-mail to the teacher as well, there will be less confusion.
If you are taking your child out of school for an appointment you will need to
sign out in the office.

Communication: Each student will have a blue Morris folder provided by the
school to use as their take home folders. This is where your child will have
information for you to read. Please check this on a regular basis! He/she
will have their papers in the folder and any notes that I will send home to
you. Students will be responsible to check their folders every morning to see
if they have any notes or other important items to give to me. Please send
their folder back each day.
You may also contact me by phone or e-mail
School phone: 967-6361
Class website:
Behavior: While your child is in kindergarten, we will begin using a Clip it!
behavior chart. We will also be using a Pom-Pom Jar to help recognize
positive behaviors in the classroom.

Pom-Pom Jar
At the beginning of the year, we will be starting with an empty jar that will
later be filled with pom-poms. When the teacher notices a child showing
good behavior, such as being a nice friend, saying nice words, helping,
following directions, etc., they will earn a pom-pom, which will be added to
the pom-pom jar. The children will work together to fill the pom-pom jar.
After the pom-pom jar has been filled each time, we will vote together as a
class how we would like to celebrate our good choices at school. We will earn
special days, extra time outside, or other things that the students suggest.
Please keep your eyes out for notes letting you know what our special thing
will be and when they will be happening at school. If they choose something
such as a costume party, pajama party, etc., please be sure to help your child
find something appropriate to wear to school on that particular day. This is
also a great time to recognize how proud you are of your child for their good
choices at school, so please be sure to congratulate them!
I know we can expect a year full of Pom-Pom Jar celebrations!

BEST Tickets
BEST tickets are a school-wide positive behavior support. BEST tickets are
handed out when students are showing Bondurants BEST. When children
receive a BEST ticket, they cut on the line, and keep the small portion of the
ticket. The large portion goes into a jar, and on Friday, each classroom
combines their jars of BEST tickets. Tickets are drawn from the grade level
jars, and those students are awarded with Bondurants BEST certificates
and get to pick from a prize cart. This is a very exciting thing for the
children to earn, so when they come home with BEST tickets, please be sure
to tell them how proud you are of their positive behaviors at school!

*If you are planning on eating with your child on a certain day, please let me
know by 8:45 AM. That ensures enough lunch items to be prepared for the
day. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DO! Our lunch time is 11:05-11:30.
*Make- Up work is not necessary for kindergarten. Students will hear me
say If you miss school, you miss the fun! However, if a student has missed
an excessive amount of work, then some of the make-up work will be sent
*Every Monday will be a 2:00 Dismissal for Staff Development.
* Related Arts Art, Music, PE, Library and Guidance will be on a
rotating schedule.
*Please check your monthly calendar to check what day it is!
Day 1- Music
Day 2- PE
Day 3- Guidance
Day4- Art
Day 5- Music
Day 6- PE
Day 7- Library
Day 8- Art
*Recess will be held at the following times:
Monday: 11:45-12:15
Tuesday-Friday: 9:30-9:50 am and 1:30-1:50 p

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