Etica de Investigacao Online

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Progress in Human Geography 31(5) (2007) pp.


Developing a geographers’ agenda for
online research ethics
Clare Madge*
Department of Geography, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK

Abstract: This paper explores and advances the debate surrounding online research ethics. The
use of internet-mediated research using online research methods has increased significantly in
recent years raising the issue of online research ethics. Obviously, many ethical issues of onsite
research are directly translatable to the online context, but there is also a need for existing ethical
principles to be examined in the light of these new virtual research strategies. Five key issues of
ethical conduct are commonly identified in the literature pertaining to online research ethics:
informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, debriefing and netiquette. These are the issues that are
most commonly discussed in procedural ethical guidelines for online research. However, this paper
proposes that given the recent increased formal regulation and research governance over research
ethics in many countries, it is important that discussion of such issues continues as an embedded
part of professional self-regulation and procedural ethical guidelines are used as creative forums
for reflexive debate rather than simply being routinely applied by bureaucratic ethics committees.
Finally, in problematizing the role of procedural online ethical guidelines, the conclusions explore
how geographers can contribute to the future debate about online research ethics.

Key words: confidentiality, debriefing, informed consent, netiquette, online research ethics,
privacy, research governance.

I Introduction Davies, 2006), not to mention the spatial

Ethics is on the agenda in geography and implications of ethical commitments and
much time and effort has been spent in recent the general moral progress of the discipline
years exploring a variety of ethical issues (Smith, 2000; 2001; Cutchin, 2002; Lee and
and approaches. This tranche of work has Smith, 2004). More recently, the development
proliferated in debates surrounding pedagogy of more relational modes of understanding
(Hay, 1998a; Kearns et al., 1998; Matthews ethics and responsibilities has been the focus
et al., 1998; Vujakovic and Bullard, 2001; of attention (Popke, 2003; 2006; Barnett,
Epprecht, 2004; Jarosz, 2004; Howitt, 2005a; 2005; Brock, 2005). This broad range of re-
Israel and Hay, 2006), political commitment search has resulted in Richards (2004) arguing
and social justice (Hay and Foley, 1998; Cloke, that ethics may be the arena that can draw
2002; Beaumont et al., 2005; Valentine, 2005; together human and physical geography


© 2007 SAGE Publications DOI: 10.1177/0309132507081496

Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 655

and this has become most apparent in the in response to ‘advances in information and
arena of research ethics. Here there has communication technologies’, among other
been a proliferation of work exploring moral issues (ESRC, 2005: 27). Similarly, in Canada,
obligations to the environment (Baldwin, the Tri-Council Policy Statement on ‘Ethical
2004; Hillman, 2004; Richardson, 2004; Conduct for Research involving Humans’ de-
Armstrong, 2006) and the ethics pertaining veloped by Canada’s three national funding
to research among specific social groups, agencies also does not yet explicitly address
such as children, indigenous groups and those the ethics involved in internet-mediated re-
with disabilities (Skelton, 2001; Valentine, search (Kitchin, 2003). In the USA there are
2003; Howitt, 2005b; Gibson, 2006). Yet, only a few tentative explorations of the
while this interest in research ethics is cer- challenges that internet-mediated research
tainly vibrant, the geographical community poses to current Institutional Review Board
has remained notably silent about the issue practices (Johns et al., 2004; Penden and
of online research ethics, a form of ethics Flashinski, 2004).2
specifically pertaining to research mediated This paper therefore aims to address this
through the internet using online research gap in the literature on online research ethics.
methods. Its focus is on online research methods (ORM)
This is perhaps surprising given that Warf which include online questionnaires, virtual
(2004: 44) proposes that cyberspace is one interviews of various types, virtual ethno-
of the key ‘cutting-edge’ issues for the geo- graphies and online experiments, to mention
graphical community and more so given the a few. These have been collectively termed
burgeoning research interest in the impact and internet-mediated research (IMR) or online
implications of new media and information and research practice (ORP). As Mann and Stewart
communication technologies (ICT) on every- (2000: 8) so aptly recognize: ‘Because online
day life (Graham, 2005; and many others). So, research practice is still in its infancy, the critical
although there has been a small but growing researcher will be confronted by quandaries at
expansion of geographical projects utilizing almost every point in the research process.’
internet-mediated research (O’Lear, 1996; Thus the debate surrounding online research
Holloway and Valentine, 2000; Parr, 2002; ethics is a ‘work in progress’ and the ethical
Barker, 2005; Madge and O’Connor, 2005; challenges are not simple. Indeed, it is clear
Holdsworth, 2006), little has yet been written that many nuances to this debate will evolve
by geographers about the ethical issues involved as internet-mediated research becomes a more
in such research.1 But this silence is notable mainstream and sophisticated methodology.
among other social scientists more generally, The focus of this paper is to explore and
again surprising owing to the increased formal advance the debate surrounding online re-
regulation and research governance over the search ethics, and my argument goes as
management, monitoring and sanctioning follows. The use of internet-mediated research
of research ethics in many countries. In the using online research methods has increased
UK, for example, the Economic and Social significantly in recent years, raising the issue
Research Council (ESRC) has recently de- of online research ethics. Obviously, many
veloped a ‘Research Ethics Framework’ to ethical issues of onsite research are directly
provide ‘clear and practical guidelines on translatable to the online context, but there
the principles and process of ethics review is also a need for existing ethical principles
within UK social science research’ (ESRC, to be examined in the light of these new
2005: 27) but this document completely fails virtual research strategies.3 Five key issues
to discuss the ethics associated with internet- of ethical conduct are commonly identified
mediated research despite the fact that this in the literature pertaining to online research
ethics framework was explicitly developed ethics: informed consent, confidentiality,
656 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

privacy, debriefing and netiquette. These are can we directly translate ethical principles from
the issues that are most commonly discussed onsite research?5 It has been suggested that
in procedural ethical guidelines for online online research ethics raise many interesting
research.4 However, this paper proposes that, debates as the computer stands ‘betwixt and
given the recent increased formal regulation between’ categories of alive/not alive, public/
and research governance over research private, published/non-published, writing/
ethics in many countries, it is important that speech, interpersonal/mass communication
discussion of such issues continues as an em- and identified/anonymous (cf. Turkle, 1984;
bedded part of professional self-regulation Bruckman, 2004). These categories, of course,
and procedural ethical guidelines are used as are not simply dichotomies, but the boundaries
creative forums for reflexive debate rather than between them are blurred and fuzzy. It is the
simply being routinely applied by bureaucratic blurring of these boundaries that complicates
ethics committees. Finally, in problematizing the direct application of onsite ethical practices
the role of procedural online ethical guidelines, to online research. For example, there is still no
the conclusions explore how geographers can internationally binding legal agreement as to
contribute to the future debate about online whether online messages constitute private
research ethics. correspondence or published public texts and
whether ‘lurking’ is a defensible online research
II Exploring online research ethics technique or if seeking consent is required in all
There is mixed opinion as to the success of virtual venues. As Jones (2004: 179) suggests:
internet-mediated research (Illingworth, ‘At present for most internet researchers it is
2001; Madge and O’Connor, 2002; Hine, likely that gaining access is the least difficult
2005; Stewart and Williams, 2005). There aspect of the research process … What has
are, however, several commonly suggested become more difficult is determining how to
general advantages of online research. It is ensure ethical use is made of texts, sounds and
proposed that it enables the researcher to pictures that are accessed for study.’
contact a geographically dispersed popula- Thus, according to Hine (2005: 5), ‘Online
tion and so can be useful in internationalizing research is marked as a special category in
research without adding costs to the fund- which the institutionalized understandings of
ing body. It is also stated to be useful in the ethics of research must be re-examined’,
contacting groups often difficult to reach, supporting the argument that at minimum we
such as the less physically mobile (disabled, do indeed require discussion about the ethical
in prison, in hospital, etc) or the socially practices specifically pertaining to the online
isolated (drug dealers, terminally ill, etc) environment. Indeed, given that ethics at its
or specific online communities. Savings in simplest is a moral philosophy that involves
costs have been recommended (eg, costs ‘how we systemize, defend and recommend
associated with travel, venue, data entry for ideas about what is right and wrong, given the
questionnaires, transcription of interviews). particular cultural context’ (Thurlow et al.,
Moreover, according to Denscombe (2003: 2004: 85, emphasis added), it might not be too
51), the quality of responses gained through extreme to suggest that the particular cultural
online research is much the same as responses context of the internet might demand some
produced by more traditional methods, war- new thinking about what constitutes ethical
ranting ‘guarded optimism’ about the validity inquiry. Indeed, according to the Association
of this new methodology. of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Ethics Working
But is there anything special about the Committee (quoted by Ess, 2002: 180), online
online research environment that necessitates research can entail greater risk to individual
the development of a set of ethical guidelines privacy and confidentiality, greater challenges
specifically pertaining to the virtual venue? Or to a researcher in gaining informed consent and
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 657

greater difficulty in ascertaining participants’ those taking part in a project should not feel
identities. Hewson et al. (2003: 51) concur, threatened or challenged by the researcher
proposing that ensuring that pre-existing who, through inadequate preparation, in-
ethical standards are properly met online can sensitivity or simple ignorance, may comment
be more difficult, due to the novel features of unwisely on implicit cultural, ethnic or reli-
the internet environment. gious beliefs’. Similarly, any benefits or com-
Given the relative infancy of internet- pensation that might be received should be
mediated research, it is timely to review the clearly explained, both to the individual and
key issues that are emerging in the literature also in terms of the ‘greater social good’.
with respect to online research ethics. These Particular care must be taken with informed
are informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, consent if the research includes potentially
debriefing and netiquette, and these are each vulnerable individuals such as children. Per-
discussed in detail below. Some of these issues mission must be obtained from parents or
closely reflect the basic ethical principles of guardians for individuals under 18 years
onsite research but, in other instances, specific old. Gaining consent should never involve
issues arise from conducting research via the coercion. All participants should be made
internet. It must be reiterated that many of aware of the complaints procedure and be
the ethical issues discussed below are still able to withdraw from the research at any
under discussion: online research practice is point.
above all else a living process so new ethical Clearly, these principles should also apply
problems and issues continually arise. As Johns in the online environment. Participants must
et al. (2004: 109) correctly observe, there are be made fully aware of the purpose of the
still widespread differences of opinion as to research project. Generally written information
what constitutes appropriate online ethical about the aims of the project, the roles of the
conduct.6 participants and any potential risks should be
provided, as an email, on a dedicated website
III Informed consent including or bulletin board, or by conventional mail. If
withdrawal and deception gaining consent virtually, a consent form can
Informed consent in conventional onsite be provided as an email attachment or on a
research involves treating the participants project website, but getting the participants
of social research with respect, using easily to sign it may not be straightforward. Ideally,
understood language to inform them of the the consent form would be downloaded
nature of the research, the time needed to electronically and the signed form returned
be involved, the methods to be used and the via surface mail or fax to the researcher. In
way in which any findings might be used, practice this may discourage respondents, so
before gaining their consent to take part an alternative consists of including a tick box
(cf. Mann and Stewart, 2000; Vujakovic (‘I accept’) on an email or web attachment
and Bullard, 2001). Any potential physical, that the respondent can return online to the
economic or psychological risks (for example, researcher. Alternatively, sending participants
distress, embarrassment, loss of esteem) must a password via email and needing this password
be explained and attempts made to militate to join the research project is an option and this
against these. If this is not possible, the re- can also ameliorate problems with potential
search should be abandoned, for these risks hackers. However, without written signed
should be no greater than those encountered consent any project formally contravenes
in normal daily activity for the research European data protection legislation (Mann
participants. According to Matthews et al. and Stewart, 2000: 49).
(1998: 316), this should also involve ‘cultural Moreover, some concerns have been raised
safety’ (cf. Dyck and Kearns, 1995) ‘whereby about verifying the identity of consenting
658 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

participants in internet-mediated research. be achieved by locating a withdraw button

For example, it has been suggested that gain- available at all times in the chat window.
ing informed consent online can be more prob- But during virtual interviews the sudden
lematic than for onsite research because it is withdrawal of a participant can be met with
potentially easier for participants to deceive confusion: does the interviewee no longer
the researcher, particularly regarding their age. wish to participate? Is there a technical prob-
In the virtual anonymous realm, how can the lem with the internet connection? How should
researcher verify the participant’s identity? In the interviewer follow up this withdrawal
practice, however, according to Hewson et al. to find out? How many follow-up emails to
(2003: 52), this type of fraudulence is both rare determine where the participant has gone
and easily detected. Moreover, these issues are would be considered spamming or intrusive?
also present in onsite research, for example These are issues still to be decided upon.
postal questionnaires (Johns et al., 2004: 117). However, as Johns et al. (2004: 116) suggest,
However, this does suggest that particular withdrawal is also significant in onsite re-
care must be taken in gaining informed consent search and in fact a participant may feel freer
when using internet-mediated research with to withdraw from an online project as there are
minors, and here there are several useful case fewer face-to-face social pressures.
studies to draw on (Bober, 2004; Stern, 2004). So, while the issue of informed consent
Despite this, overall, Bruckman (2002a) con- shows many similarities to onsite research,
cludes that the manner in which to gain con- there are also some differences in the virtual
sent varies with the nature of the research realm. This is a particularly thorny issue
project. She suggests that consent may be regarding not gaining informed consent for
obtained electronically if the risks to subjects participant observation in the online environ-
are low, but otherwise consent must be ob- ment. Deception involves researchers delib-
tained by a signature on paper returned by erately concealing the purpose of their study.
surface mail or fax. In theory any research should not involve
The above points relate largely to gaining deception, but in practice there is a contested
consent for online questionnaires. The situ- debate over the issue. Some researchers, such
ation with respect to online interviewing is as Denzin (1999), argue that postings on bul-
more straightforward. When using chat letin boards are public so there is no need to
facilities or conferencing facilities for virtual proceed without disclosing research activity
interviews, it is likely that the interviewees while Glaser et al. (2002) concede that there
have been through some sort of process of are occasions when disclosing research activity
self-selection and so informed consent can would jeopardize important research aims.
be gained during this process (as detailed For example, in their research they (Glaser
above). Indeed, consent should not be left et al., 2002) collected data from chatrooms
until the actual interview is about to occur as associated with white racist groups. They
giving consent requires some prior thought wanted to discover the circumstances in
from the participants, the form may take which individuals advocated physical vio-
some time to download, and time is required lence against ethnic groups. They covertly
for the researcher to receive the written signed conducted semi-structured interviews with
form (if considered necessary). 38 participants through these chatrooms.
The ability to withdraw from the research They did not seek informed consent, arguing
at any time is a further central tenet of in- that revealing the researchers’ identity and
formed consent. Withdrawal from an online purpose of the research would have deterred
questionnaire can be facilitated by locating open expression of views. Glaser et al. (2002)
an exit button next to the submit button. were able to gain approval of the ethics com-
Withdrawal from a virtual interview can mittee at Yale University on the grounds
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 659

that the respondents’ statements were made informed consent is considered essential
in a public form, the deception was neces- whereas in open-access forums (newsgroups,
sary for the research to be undertaken, and bulletin boards), it is suggested that informed
the respondents’ identities were carefully consent may not always be essential. Ess and
protected. the AoIR Ethics Working Committee (2002:
Similarly, Langer and Beckman (2005) 5) recommend that the greater the acknow-
argue for the legitimacy of covert internet ledged publicity of the venue, the less obligation
research on sensitive topics, suggesting that there may be to protect individual privacy and
existing onsite ethical guidelines with regard the right to informed consent. A second key
to informed consent may need to be revised. issue emerging out of the online ethics debate
Chen et al. (2004: 164) propose that ‘lurking’ is that of confidentiality.
is an important research act prior to gaining
informed consent, in order to understand the IV Confidentiality issues including data
topics and tone of exchanges in a mailing list security and subject anonymity
or newsgroup before becoming involved. Clearly, online research should aim to ensure
But, although lurking as socialization into the the confidentiality of participants, as with
online culture of a group may be considered onsite research. However, online research
an important prerequisite for research, Chen adds additional issues of concern with respect
et al. (2004: 164) also found that moderators to confidentiality. These revolve around
and group leaders generally disapproved whether collected data is securely stored
of ‘lurking’ as a data collection method, so and whether participants’ identities are
that observation without participation was protected.
generally considered unethical research prac- Regarding data security, ethical issues
tice. Eysenbach and Till (2001) support this arise in using online research methods. For
view, contending that researchers ‘lurking’ example, messages posted to a bulletin board
in online communities might be perceived as or a chatroom can be copied and distributed
intruders and may in fact damage some com- without the knowledge of the writer, and
munities. They therefore suggest that the the content of the message easily altered.
online researcher must tread very carefully in Online questionnaire software may contain
order to respect their participants’ lives. As undetected bugs or viruses while guessable
Hine points out (personal communication, passwords for synchronous interviews might
November 2005), however, the issue of compromise data security. Also, despite
deception is often not clear-cut: ‘A researcher efforts to protect anonymity of internet com-
may set out to tell everyone concerned about munication, for example through encryption,
their research, but as new participants join a according to O’Dochartaigh (2002: 82) it is
forum and as existing participants forget, the still possible for security agencies and gov-
research can effectively become more covert ernments to trace most forms of internet
as time goes on. The issue can be particularly communication back to an individual. Emails
troubling in online forums with high turnover, can also be stored by servers for many years.
like chatrooms.’ Vigilance regarding informed Hackers may also potentially be able to access
consent is therefore essential throughout the computer files with respondent responses,
research process. which is of particular significance if conducting
So clearly informed consent is high on the studies dealing with sensitive, personal or
ethics agenda for online researchers. Overall, illegal subjects.
while there is still much debate, there is an In these cases, data security can be improved
emerging consensus regarding informed by the use of web-based questionnaires rather
consent. Generally speaking, for private or than email questionnaires, or the respondent can
semi-private sources (mail, closed chatrooms) be encouraged to complete the questionnaire
660 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

on an anonymous machine in a library or domain names), verbatim quotes are not used
internet café and then print it off and post it if search mechanisms could link these quotes to
to the researcher. But this anonymity is clearly the person in question and some false details
not possible in the situation of a synchronous might be introduced deliberately so that a
virtual interview, and particular care must be subject might not recognize themselves. In
paid to confidentiality if the researcher uses this way someone seeking a subject’s identity
this virtual method. Encryption can ensure would be unable to do so. Clearly, the level of
email messages can only be encrypted by disguise depends on the research project, the
the intended recipient, but equally it may researcher’s ethical philosophical position and
complicate a research project because all recommendations from ethical committees.
participants must use email software that In some instances, following these procedures
shares the same encryption capability and might ensure more thorough protection of
the researcher and participants must have the research participants than is available through
necessary technology to use the software. face-to-face means (cf. Johns et al. 2004: 119),
Additionally, encryption is illegal in some particularly owing to the added anonymity of
countries and may be viewed suspiciously the virtual realm. For example, in Coomber’s
by some governments. These issues may all (1997) research with drug dealers, respondents
act as a disincentive on participation levels were concerned that they might be traced
(Mann and Stewart, 2000: 43). A further and be subject to criminal investigation. The
general way to increase data security is to researcher was concerned that he might be
regularly back up research data and store it required by law to hand over email addresses
in the most secure location possible. These of those who had completed his survey to
problems with data security lead Mann and the police. In reality this did not occur and
Stewart (2000: 43) to argue that, although Coomber was able to protect the identity
researchers can promise confidentiality in of respondents through hiding the origin of
the way that they use data, they cannot pro- responses.
mise that electronic information will not be AoIR (Ess and the AoIR Ethics Working
accessed and used by others. Care should Committee, 2002: 7) has produced some
therefore be taken in making promises about general guidelines on the issue of informant
confidentiality, but equally researchers should confidentiality, stressing that this varies with
be confident that, if all reasonable precautions the nature of the research venue. It is suggested
are taken to secure data, in most cases of that generally if internet participants are
research this should be sufficient. understood as subjects (eg, chatrooms, Multi-
Subject anonymity is a further issue relat- User Dungeons/MUDs) then a greater sense
ing to confidentiality. Prior to the start of the of confidentiality is required. If the participants
online project, the researcher must decide are understood as authors (weblogs, web
whether the subject’s identity is to be disguised, pages, emails to large listservs) then there
and to what degree. According to Bruckman is less obligation to confidentiality. Indeed,
(2002a), subject confidentiality can range authors of weblogs or web pages may not
from no disguise, light disguise, moderate want subject confidentiality, and not to refer
disguise to complete disguise. In no disguise, to material by direct quotation and specific
pseudonyms and real names can be used with name would be considered infringement of
the permission of the individual and the indi- copyright. Thus, in order to respect individuals
vidual’s claim to copyright over their words who share their ideas on public lists, the
is respected. In contrast, complete disguise names of these participants should be properly
involves no naming of groups, pseudonyms attributed (cf. Barnes, 2004: 212). Bassett and
and other identifying features are changed O’Riordan (2002) explore this through a case
(such as places, institutions, user names, study of an online lesbian activist site, and
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 661

suggest that ‘protecting’ participants through can reopen wounds to a significant extent’
subject anonymity may well work to reinforce (quoted in Chen et al., 2004: 160).7 Another
broader social marginalization of the lesbian response from a devilbunnies newsgroup
community. A third issue that has arisen out reported: ‘Such endeavors are almost univers-
of discussions of online research ethics is that ally seen as an intrusion into the world we’ve
of privacy. created’ (quoted in Chen et al., 2004: 161).
Other responses about online researchers were
V Privacy and the public/private more welcome. For example, the owner of a
debate mailing list for women who were second wives
According to Spinello (2001: 140), ‘Privacy responded: ‘I have a positive feeling towards
is under siege as never before thanks to the researchers and journalists – I believe the
power of digital technology’. Thus, Thurlow second wife/second family situation is a seri-
et al. (2004) suggest that privacy is the most ous one and needs as much support/exposure
important ethical issue for online researchers. as it can get’ (quoted in Chen et al., 2004: 164).
On the internet there is no clear agreement So it is important to remember that the spe-
about what is public and what is private in cific venue of research is important when
‘conception, experience, label or substance’ considering the privacy issue. Cyberspace is
(Waskul and Douglass, 1996, quoted by a differentiated and heterogeneous space and
Bruckman, 2004). This problematization of so privacy issues will vary in different virtual
the simple binary division between public venues (Madge and O’Connor, 2005).
and private internet space has led to a vibrant Additionally, expectations of privacy are
debate surrounding privacy issues. For ex- perhaps the significant issue and different
ample, is a researcher ethically justified in venues may have different expectations.
using publicly available information as data Barnes (2004: 206) argues that many social
for a research project, even if this was provided messages exchanged over the internet can
by the internet user for private consumption? foster the illusion of privacy because cor-
Should a researcher be able to ‘data mine’ respondents do not see the numerous people
from newsgroup postings and individual web reading their messages, including lurkers to
pages? There is much debate over such issues sites; so individuals often believe they are
but Hewson et al. (2003: 53) conclude that communicating with a small group rather
data that have been made deliberately and than a large audience. For example, many
voluntarily available in the public internet people communicating in public chatrooms
domain (including on the world wide web or discussion groups perceive their conver-
and newsgroups) should be accessible to a sations to be taking place in a private setting.
researcher providing anonymity is ensured. In contrast, public lists, such as academic
Hacking into individual’s files or email discussion groups, require proper citation to
accounts is clearly unacceptable. be given to materials used in their discussions
But this issue is not clear-cut. Chen et al.’s (Barnes, 2004: 220). So a key issue facing the
(2004) research on using mailing lists and online researcher is whether the individual
newsgroups for research purposes elicited or group considers their correspondence to
responses from a variety of sensitive/contro- be public or private. Ess and the AoIR Ethics
versial mailing lists. Many of the responses Working Committee (2002: 7) suggest that if
included animosity towards the ‘research the participants of the research believe that
paparazzi’ in cyberspace. A member of a mis- their communications are made in private, or
carriage support group, for example, stated: if they are understood as subjects participating
‘We are bereaved, frequently openly grieving, in private exchanges via chatrooms, MUDs or
and therefore fragile. Just asking questions MOOs (MUD Object Oriented), then there
about our current situation or experience may be a greater obligation for the researcher
662 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

to protect individual privacy. But if the research At this point, the researcher can determine
focuses on publically accessible archives, and whether the participant has suffered any
inter/actions by authors/agents are public and harm from the research process and can take
performative (for example, email postings to measures to address this, if necessary. In
large listservs or USENET groups, production internet-mediated research, this debriefing
of weblogs and home pages), then there may might involve an email to all participants or
be less obligation to protect individual privacy. setting up a dedicated website to locate any
Barnes (2004: 219) notes that the situation for published materials, both including a contact
discussion lists is complicated – they may be address and invitation for comment. While
considered both public and private and here there is no guarantee that the participant
she cautions that the researcher must respect will read the email or visit the website, lack
the specific privacy guidelines of the online of participant involvement in the debriefing
group. Indeed, many discussion groups now process is not confined to online research
state their privacy or citation policy when you but also takes place in onsite research. This
join them and the online researcher should debriefing situation is complicated in cross-
check the welcome message of public discus- national online research projects. Distance is
sion lists for guidelines on how to properly cite likely to restrict face-to-face debriefing and
email messages. this may be picked up by ethical committees.
The privacy debate has recently moved Anders (2000, quoted by Mann and Stewart,
on with Bakardjieva and Feenberg (2001) 2000: 55), for example, was required by her
arguing that ‘alienation’ not privacy is the ethics committee to make sure that she could
core ethical problem of online research. For organize counselling in the state and country
these researchers (2001: 236) alienation is the of her research participants if necessary.
‘appropriation of the products of somebody’s Moreover, particularly in the situation of
actions for purposes never intended or fore- cross-cultural research, debriefing must be
seen by the actor herself, drawing these prod- sensitive to the cultural make-up of the online
ucts into a system of relations over which research venue and the cultural values of its
the producer has no knowledge or control’. participants.
Berry (2004) explores the issue in more Chen et al. (2004: 171) go further, arguing
depth, arguing that privacy is infact a mis- that this debriefing should also include the
leading and confusing concept to apply to sharing of research results, so that the online
the internet, with non-alienation being more community is made aware of the informa-
resourceful in addressing ethical issues. On tion that has been gathered from them. This
this basis he argues for the principles of ‘open sharing of research results can promote more
source ethics’ to be applied in online research egalitarian research relationships and can
which includes a more participatory and demo- result in corrections to the researcher’s an-
cratic research method. A further feature alysis and interpretation of data. In this
pertaining to online research ethics is that of manner, sharing research results will ‘repel
debriefing. the feeling of being used by the researcher
for selfish gains’ (Chen et al., 2004: 172). As
VI Debriefing and feedback procedures Breuder (personal communication, 2005) so
Onsite ethical guidelines generally expect aptly observes, since the amount of online
the researcher to debrief the participants research conducted is increasing rapidly, often
after the research process. In onsite research, too little is done to build a long-term positive
this might involve a face-to-face meeting or research environment. Many researchers are
a written report to explain the results of the far more concerned with ‘harvesting’ cheap
study and to invite comment and queries. participants than with providing an equitable
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 663

research environment. This leads Breuder to relevant to the intended discussion. This raises
suggest: ethical issues for the online researcher. The
best practice is to approach the moderator
Apart from things that should be standard, of the list or newsgroup or discussion forum
like a thorough debriefing and the possibility
for the participant to provide feedback, one
directly to get permission for the invitation
way to go seems to be to provide detailed indi- posting, but to be sensitive to the fact that such
vidual feedback, for example, on questionnaire an invitation may be considered spamming and
results. This has its own ethical problems unacceptable to the online community.
and, unfortunately, ethics committees at this Based on their research with newsgroups,
stage are often reluctant to agree to it. Still,
Hall et al. (2004: 244–47) recognize six further
apart from monetary reward, it seems to
me nearly the only way to achieve what is issues of importance where netiquette is
ethically prescribed: equal gains on both sides concerned. First, the wording of the subject
of the research process. (Breuder, personal header used in any posting to a newsgroup is
communication, 2005) important, to ensure that no misunderstand-
ings between the researcher and newsgroup
This issue clearly requires much greater members occur. Second, self-identification
attention and here online researchers have and self-presentation of the researcher are
much to learn from the literature on partici- critical, as readers will form their evaluations
patory geographies (Kindon, 2003; Hickey about the credibility of the research and the
and Mohan, 2004; Pain, 2004). A final issue researcher based on these presentations. A
of concern, one more specifically pertaining to formal verifiable means to disclose the iden-
the online environment, is that of netiquette. tity of the researcher, for example through a
link to an institutional website, can increase
VII Netiquette including flaming and the credibility of the researcher’s claimed
online harassment identity and shows respect and courtesy to
Research etiquette on the internet requires members of the newsgroup (see Madge and
special consideration, raising some differences O’Connor, 2002). Third, the researcher must
compared to etiquette required by more con- be familiar with the common language used
ventional research approaches (Hall et al., on the specific newsgroup, including jargon,
2004: 243). Netiquette is the term used to abbreviations, acronyms, emoticons and com-
describe the code of conduct between those mon grammatical rules. The ability to ‘speak’
communicating on the internet. It is concerned the newsgroup’s ‘language’ shows respect
with internet courtesy and protocols and is to the rules and conventions of the group.
directed at preventing aggressive and insult- Fourth, the researcher should always ask
ing behaviour. It includes often unspoken rules appropriate questions, not ones that could
about what is considered appropriate, polite have been answered by a library or archive
and respectful behaviour online. Netiquette is search, and to do this the researcher must
inevitably flexible, as different types of online acquaint themselves on the subject matter of
venues will have different rules and conven- the online community before asking for help.
tions. Some examples of netiquette can be Fifth, the specific culture of the newsgroup
found in Mann and Stewart (2000), Rinaldi should be attained through online acclimation
(1996) and Scheuermann and Taylor (1997). or reading FAQs and archives, prior to ‘jumping
Such guidelines for netiquette have impli- in’ in order to understand the nuances of group
cations for online researchers. Hewson et al. interactions. Finally, the researcher has an
(2003: 116) suggest that netiquette demands obligation to be ‘up front’ about the purpose,
that postings to a newsgroup or discussion nature, procedures and risks of the research.
forum should be relevant – but most researchers’ In addition to netiquette, online research
invitations to join a research project will not be also raises issues with respect to ‘flaming’
664 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

and online harassment. ‘Flames’ are hostile guidelines for research, and this debate is
and aggressive interactions online. This can explored below in the light of virtual research
include vicious verbal attacks and derogatory, strategies.
obscene and inappropriate language. Verbal
disagreement can escalate to mutual abuse, VIII Online ethical guidelines: saviour
threats of violence and what has been termed or menace?
‘flame wars’. Overall, O’Sullivan and Flanigan The development of procedural ethical guide-
(2003) suggest that flaming is extremely com- lines has been considered important for some
plex because the expectations and experiences social science researchers and forms the
about what is acceptable and normal behav- backbone of some ethical endeavours. So,
iour varies between individuals, cultures and according to Mitchell and Draper (1982: 3,
geographic locations, and with time. That said, quoted by Kearns et al., 1998: 298, emphasis
online researchers must ensure that their re- added), ethics involves ‘the study of standards
search project never incites research partici- of right and wrong, or the part of science in-
pants to flaming, because flaming is not just volving moral conduct, duty and judgment …
aggressive and unpleasant but it may also be a concern about explicitly developing guidelines
potentially libellous (although international to aid in determining appropriate conduct in a
laws have been slow to catch up with the given research … situation’. Frankel (1989)
implications of cyber libel). Moreover, if a is in favour of this development of procedural
researcher acts inappropriately or unethically, ethical guidelines, arguing that a profession
they may find themselves subject to flaming. acts as a moral community and a code of ethics
Additionally, a small minority of people can act as an anchor for that community.
are also involved in systematic sexual, racial DeLorme et al. (2001: 273) agree, suggesting
or homophobic abuse online. As with offline that codes of research ethics have several
interactions, such harassment is totally un- benefits for research communities and
acceptable and online harassment is subject society at large: they can protect research
to the same laws as elsewhere, with law participants from harm, provide a consistent
courts having the potential to deal with the set of expectations regarding the actions of
matter ultimately (O’Dochartaigh, 2002: 83). researchers, encourage ethical behaviour,
In my opinion, the online researcher has an provide guidance to researchers in making
ethical obligation not to collude with online decisions and protect researchers against
harassment for the purpose of the research legal and moral problems. Thus, according
project. Cyberstalking is also an uncommon to Hall et al. (2004: 240), procedural ethical
but significant (for those victims of it) feature of guidelines are important, for ‘trial and error’
online interactions. Here, too, the researcher approaches do not enhance our understand-
will have to consider several controversial ing of online ethics, nor do they eliminate dis-
ethical issues. What is the moral responsibility tress as a result of ethical misconduct.
of the researcher to inform victims (and per- However, the general purpose of proced-
petrators) of cyberstalking? What can a ural ethical guidelines is not without critics
researcher do if they become subject to and currently represents an area of lively de-
cyberstalking? (See Tavani and Grodzinsky, liberation. Hammersley (2006), for example,
2002, for details.) argues that the strict application of ethical
The five issues discussed above have guidelines is questionable as disagreements
formed the backbone of debates surrounding over ethical practice are common, owing to
the conduct of online research ethics and they differing philosophical positions, varying
feed into procedural ethical guidelines for online conflicts of interest of different groups within
research. There is, however, mixed opinion as society, because different ethical principles
to the general utility of such procedural ethical can clash and because ethical guidelines must
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 665

always be interpreted in context. This sug- agencies/participants and not just take these
gests that procedural ethical guidelines and guidelines on board as internally embedded
increasing institutional regulation can only regulatory mechanisms.
be considered part of the ethical research Bearing in mind these important critiques
process and, in reality, practical judgements of regulatory ethical procedures, my position
about ethical decisions rarely amount to the is that at this moment it is still worthwhile
straightforward application of such guide- considering the guidelines for online research
lines (Hammersley, 2006: 5). Hay (1998b) ethics that have been produced to date as
further calls for the need to repudiate insti- they can provide a ‘baseline’ from which to
tutional claims to moral authority and the reflect on ethical online praxis and to develop
prescriptive approaches to ethics commonly a ‘repersonalized’ online ethical researcher.
allied with those claims. In doing so, he en- This endeavour is particularly important for
courages a move away from heteronomous online researchers for several reasons. First,
approaches towards a repersonalized ethics owing to the relatively novel status (about a
which encourages critical autonomous decade old) of internet-mediated research,
thought about ethical behaviour and situ- the debate about online ethics is still in its
ated reflexivity. This suggests the need to infancy and so some baseline might be useful
create and support ethically informed prac- to online researchers (even if that baseline
tice by researchers (rather than to simply is continually contested and transformed by
develop procedural ethical guidelines) sen- them). Second, owing to the ‘cheap and quick’
sitive to creating paths to justice, respect and feature of some internet-mediated research
beneficence (cf. Hay, 1998b: 6). Without strategies, there is genuine concern that the
researcher commitment to ethical conduct, ‘glowing attractiveness’ of internet fieldwork
no amount of rules, regulations or guidelines may result in ‘shoddy cowboy research’ (Dodd,
will yield ethical practice. In sum, procedural 1998: 60) and so, without any guidelines,
ethical guidelines must presuppose an ethical ethical misconduct might proliferate. Third,
researcher. However, it is also clear that in a time where prescriptive guidelines for
researchers do not work in a vacuum and they onsite research are becoming increasingly
are under increasing institutional pressure common, there is the risk of the internet be-
to meet the demands of a growing body of coming a kind of ‘free for all’ research space,
ethical regulations in many different countries. where the usual rules of confidentiality,
Israel and Hay (2006) explore this simultaneous privacy and debriefing need not apply. Finally,
operation of ethical conduct in practice and the development of ethical guidelines for
regulatory compliance mediated through online research has also been important in the
institutionally produced procedural ethical process of legitimizing internet-mediated
guidelines. This has led, they suggest (2006: research as a robust and valid methodology
144), to ‘an adversarial culture’ between re- (particularly to ethical review bodies).
searchers and regulators. Accordingly, they Moreover, given that early online re-
suggest social scientists have to negotiate searchers showed little common agreement
the competing claims of ethical conduct and on ethical issues (Elgesem, 1996; Szabo and
regulatory compliance, but in doing so they Frenkl, 1996; Schrum, 1997; Cavanagh, 1999;
urge researchers to engage constructively Sharf, 1999; DeLorme et al., 2001; Eysenbach
with the local and national regulatory bodies and Till, 2001), I believe the development
that create procedural ethical guidelines. Israel of guidelines has been an important stage in
and Hay (2006) are therefore suggesting the online ethics debate. The forum on ‘The
that researchers need to have the skills and Ethics of Fair Practice for the Collection of
ethical knowledge to negotiate and transform Social Science Data in Cyberspace’ (Thomas,
procedural ethical guidelines with regulatory 1996), for example, illustrates the variety of
666 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

ethical positions held for online social science Thus Ess (2002: 181–84) argues that while
research in the early days (see Allen, 1996; we are witnessing a convergence in general
Boehlefeld, 1996; King, 1996; Reid, 1996). approaches to online research ethics, this
However, more recently there have been is simultaneously augmented by an ‘ethical
moves towards a growing consensus as to pluralism’ in which there is a continuum of
what ethical research practice online might legitimate ethical choices available to the
entail (Mann and Stewart, 2000; Buchanan, online researcher. So, while shared agree-
2004; Ess, 2004) and greater recognition of ments on the basic norms and values of ethical
the similarities between online and onsite online research are emerging, the actual
research ethics (Ess, 2002; Thomas, 2004). practice or application of these will depend on
These important moves have culminated precedents of previous researchers, personal
in the Association of Internet Researchers ideological ethical position, disciplinary back-
(Ess and the AoIR Ethics Working Committee, ground, online research venue, institutional
2002) making recommendations to inform context, government and funding institutions,
and support researchers, organizations and ethical committees and specific cultural inter-
academic societies responsible for making pretations and laws.
decisions about the ethics of internet-mediated This suggests, therefore, that procedural
research. But their document is very careful to ethical guidelines can act no more than as part
stress ethical pluralism, cross-cultural aware- of a process of ongoing critical debate about
ness, and guidelines not recipes. internet-mediated research, a debate that will
So, although there is an emerging con- go well beyond formal institutional bound-
sensus about ethical research practices online, aries. Moreover, since there is no one, fixed,
this consensus also holds in tension that such normative set of ethics for online research,
practices are contextual and so must inherently it will be impossible to develop a universally
be flexibly applied. This flexibility is essential applicable set of formalized codes that can be
because of the variety of online research applied as a simplistic template or imprint for
methods available, the great range of research research governance purposes. Rather, ethical
topics investigated and the many different dis- guidelines might be more fruitfully thought
ciplines that can be involved in online research. of a springboard for critical reflexivity rather
Moreover, the variety of virtual venues in which than a prescriptive set of rules (cf. Johns et al.,
internet-mediated research can occur and the 2004: 108) which will need to be creatively
varying expectations of the research subjects in flexible given the ever-changing nature of
those venues will further influence any ethical cyberspace. Finally, in problematizing the
research practice. As Bailey (2001) correctly role of online ethical guidelines, what new
observes, research ethics are relational and avenues of ethical inquiry are suggested for
contextual, suggesting that different online the online researcher? How can geographers
methods and different online venues will contribute to this future debate about online
produce different research relationships research ethics?
and so online research ethics will vary with
methodology as well as virtual research IX Conclusions: a geographers’ agenda
context. Moreover, it is clear that there are for online research ethics
different ethical philosophical frameworks
(deontological, teleological, virtue, etc), 8 New technologies might … provide an
opportunity for interrogating and understanding
so, as Ess and the AoIR Ethics Working our methodological commitments. In the
Committee (2002: 4) correctly observe, moments of innovation and anxiety which
there is more than one ethically defensible surround the research methods there are
response to an ethical dilemma: ambiguity, opportunities for reflexivity. Seizing these
uncertainty and disagreement are inevitable. moments for reflexivity depends, however,
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 667

on not taking the radical capacities of the new Additionally, as with any research project,
technologies for granted, nor treating them it is easy to spout high ideals in theory but
as poor substitutes for a face-to-face gold
hard to achieve in practice, as research ethics
standard. (Hine, 2005: 9)
are complex, messy and negotiated through
A moment for such reflexivity exists now the research process, often with unforeseen
as the technological artifact of the internet consequences and many imperfections
opens up possibilities for a ‘research ethics (Bailey, 2001). As Thomas (2004: 200) so
frontier’ (Kitchin, 2003: 397). We can mould rightfully reminds us, ‘ethical conundrums
the contours of this frontier and I would pro- are never easily solved, and dialogue, critique,
pose it is currently an important moment to constant vigilance, and accountability seem
do so, given recent increased governance far preferable to more rules and increased
and research regulation, the growth in ethics oversight’. It must be remembered too that
committees and institutional review boards ethical issues are often superficially considered
and the resultant pressures to comply with by more conventional onsite researchers, so
procedural ethical guidelines. If care is not care must be taken not to have higher expect-
taken to intervene in the debate, it is possible ations for online researchers than we do for
that ethical guidelines for online research onsite researchers!
could become routinely applied by bureau- However, in embracing this reflexive
cratic ethics committees through institutional moment, I would go further than this too. I
regulation and training rather than becoming wish to suggest that (just at the point of
embedded within a culture of scholarship and hegemonic incorporation), it is time to unsettle
knowledge based on openness and profes- the normativity of procedural ethical guide-
sional accountability (cf. Boyd et al., 2006). lines, to question whether internet-mediated
My position is that if procedural ethical guide- research would in practice really get regulated
lines for online research are to be of any use through institutional regulation, and to ask
to researchers and society alike, they must be whether more ethical research would actually
applied intelligently, reflected upon sincerely be the result of increased regulatory control?
as part of an ongoing research process and My personal preference would be to promote
must be considered critically in context of a more fluid way of thinking ethics, ethics as
each specific research project. process, ethics in motion, ethics as a tapestry
In sum, given the growth and impact of the weaving its web through a constant process
internet in recent years, it is both timely and of reiterative dialogue (including dialogue
of utmost significance that online research with regulatory bodies) that will in practice
ethics are given some consideration. But produce more ethical researchers and more
online research ethics are probably best ethical research (than any set of formalized
characterized as new variations of old prob- codes ever could!). Also, in thinking through
lems: many of the issues and problems of these threads of an ethical online tapestry,
conventional onsite research still apply in how, specifically, might a geographer’s agenda
the virtual venue. Issues of power between for online research ethics develop?
researcher and researched (who defines the Here, there is much work to be done but
research parameters, who decides on the I believe there are three important strands of
methods, who ‘tells the story’) and structural future inquiry. First, if online/offline worlds are
power relations of the academy (who funds mutually constituted, and we carry our ‘real-
the research and how this alters the research world’ assumptions, norms and behaviours into
agenda, where and how the findings are cyberspace, then we can clearly draw on onsite
published and disseminated, whose lives are ethics for online research practice (see sup-
changed by the research) are often similar port for this viewpoint from Boehlefeld, 1996;
to conventional onsite research projects. Jones, 2004; Thomas, 2004). But, further
668 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

than this, if there is a dialectical relationship global in the ethical field, complicating both
between cyberspace and geographical space, scale and presence and absence by bringing
then a consideration of online ethics may together face-to-face relationships immedi-
actually challenge conventional onsite under- ately, therefore potentially heightening re-
standings of ethics. For example, it begins sponsibilities and giving potential for global
to challenge the human-subjects paradigm research alliances of knowledge and power.
so dominant in the offline geography-ethics As Popke (2003: 304) argues, ‘Our respons-
nexus, but, as Bruckman (2002b) suggests, this ibility is unconditional, and holds equally to
is not the only model from which to consider those who are “distant” as those who are
ethics. Other models, such as the humanities located near’. Through internet-mediated
approach, might be more relevant for internet- research it may then become increasingly
mediated research, and this approach has difficult to deny interdependence and co-
the potential to radically alter the analysis presence and thus a moral responsibility for
of ethical inquiry (see, for example, Bassett others (but this does not necessarily mean we
and O’Riordan, 2002; White, 2002). As Ess will choose to act morally given the parochial
(2002: 179) explains, the human subjects self-interest and individualism neoliberalism
model makes the analogy of persons (= human encourages). This is particularly because
subjects) in space. This leads to very different internet technologies are not all-powerful,
ethical inquiries than a humanitarian model simple, deterministic or top-down impositions
in which analogies of textuality and persons but can be used in transgressive, resistive, cre-
as authors emerges, resulting in a ‘hybrid ative and participatory ways to expose and
model of relational ethics that incorpor- dismantle inequities. So I would propose that
ates text, space and bodies’ (Bassett and an exploration of geographies of responsibil-
O’Riordan, 2002: 233). Internet-mediated ities through internet-mediated research is
research may therefore result in rethinking a fascinating future subject of online research
the human-subjects ethical paradigm which ethics.
presents challenges to conventional onsite Finally, I would like to suggest that geo-
researchers too. graphers are particularly well placed to seize
Second, geographers have much to this reflexive moment to think through how
contribute in thinking through the dynamic and why online research ethics might be (re)-
spatialities involved in online research ethics. imagined through a postcolonial frame. This
Geographers, with their sensitivities to flows is important, for, as Carey (1997: 57, quoted
and inequalities between places, are well in Christians and Chen, 2004: 21) notes: ‘For
placed to examine variations in the technol- all the vaunted capacity of the computer to
ogies of the internet and the ethical situations store, process and make available information
that arise from its use, showing how these alter in densities and quantities heretofore un-
in different sociocultural settings according known, the pervasive tendency to monopolize
to varying global relations of power, flows of knowledge in the professions and data banks
money, ideas and people, locally grounded continues unabated.’ A new starting point
power relations and often subtle variations (and for online research inquiry grounded in post-
similarities) in cultural values. Moreover, since colonial politics and sensitivities may be
the internet has the potential to ‘compress’ one way to avoid such monopolization of
physical distance for some, it directly challenges knowledge. Such a project might involve
ethical inquiries based on the premise that making transparent how northern research
distance reduces the feeling of responsibility.9 management practices feed into a certain
Internet-mediated research therefore has the notion of online ethics which might support
potential to challenge the static boundaries the status quo of social science as imperial-
of thinking geography, collapsing local and ism (Ake, 1979). It might involve thinking
Clare Madge: Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics 669

through how internet-mediated research and Madge, 2006) – for example, a shift from
might be destabilized and provincialized a focus on funding, academic publications
through a reorientation of its ethical terms of and short-term projects towards projects
reference to encompass a multipolar world involved in engagement and longitudinal
(Radcliffe, 2005). It might also move towards projects to develop long-term relationships
a politics of engagement and intervention and commitment to particular people and
to produce contextualized notions of online issues (Cloke, 2002) – to genuinely move be-
ethics which have political accountability yond an unequal relationship of academic
and open up spaces for productive alliances imperialism mediated through particular
(Bessio, 2005). spatial divisions of labour and mobility of neo-
Yet, to saturate oneself in postcolonial on- liberal capitalism. But caution must be taken
line ethics, geographers may have to refute here too: postcolonial online ethics must avoid
the universalism of Eurocentric-based ethical becoming an ‘academic hobby’ and remain
endeavours and consider whether procedural ever attuned to the politics of ‘giving voice’
ethical guidelines are indicative of a (hidden) by constructing knowledge from the histor-
ethical colonialism (cf. Pitt, 2004, but used in ical, political and methodological circumfer-
a different context by him), or perhaps more ences of ‘the subaltern’ (Chilisa, 2005).
accurately, the postcolonial form and legacies/ In exploring online research ethics through
realization of colonialism. In other words, the frame of postcolonial critique, I believe
geographers can play a role in acknowledging that geographers can ‘think outside of the
that present-day internet-mediated research ethical box’ (Thomas, 2004: 198) and this, in
is only possible through past and ongoing my opinion, is the exciting future for online
(neo)colonial relationships in which power, ethical research inquiries.
prestige, technical infrastructure and the
ability to define research agendas are linked Acknowledgements
to the spatial delineation of difference which Thanks to the Media, Technology and
was so instrumental to colonial projects, and Culture Research Group in the Department
have continued to have lasting impacts into of Geography at the University of Leicester,
the present (Popke, 2003: 311). Thus the and to Martin Breuder, Francis Harvey,
myopias of online research often map onto Christine Hine, Pat Noxolo and Parvati
more familiar geographies and spatialities Raghuram, for general discussion on online
of inequality and normative assumptions research ethics.
and expectations of what ethical practice is
may well have flowed from colonialism into Notes
1. Hence the interdisciplinary review nature of
present-day ethical guidelines. In attempting
this paper: there is a lack of geographic material to
to move beyond this ethical colonialism, geo- draw on.
graphers may have to listen to and draw on 2. As Jankowski and van Selm (2005: 203) correctly
non-western philosophical traditions and observe, the vast majority of internet-mediated
indigenous ethics (see, for example, Rose, research is presently conducted in the Anglo-
American context, hence the focus here on ethical
1999; Smith, 1999; NHMRC, 2003; but see research governance in the UK, the USA and
Briggs and Sharp, 2004, for a critique) which Canada.
will involve making some serious emotional 3. Here I have opted to use the term onsite rather
investments and acute attention to the multi- than offline/conventional/place-based/traditional,
but also recognize that many researchers will use
scaled, multifaceted and complex nature of
a multisited methodology which includes both
ethical inquiry in place. This may also require online and onsite methods and locations.
changes to the neoliberal ideological focus of 4. The distinction between procedural ethics and
the academy and what it values (Raghuram ethical conduct is employed in this paper (following
670 Progress in Human Geography 31(5)

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