Jujine S Adventures

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Jujines Adventures


Mrs. Maura Pascuale

Bruno Pascuale

Mr. Soderman

Mr. Giani Pascuale

Jordana Pascuale

Angela Rizzoli

Jujines Adventures
Chapter I
Jujine Pascuale is a Little boy, hes 10 years old .He got two siblings, one of them called
Bruno and his little sister called Jordana . He lived in a beautiful little farm in Louisiana;
his family is immigrant from Italy. Jujine got up at 6 a.m. he got dress very quickly with
his brown pants and his blue t-shirt , at 6:30 am hes having breakfast with his mom and his
siblings , he used to eat oatmeal with fresh milk , at 7:00 am hes gone to his school . He
used to stay at school from 8:00 a.m. to 4: 00 pm Jujine is a little troublesome. The school
s director always calls to his mom Maura. When Jujine arrived to his home , he helped to
his mom In the house chores and with the take care of their farm , he always feed the
chickens and the cows , on his free time hes very mischievous ,hes looked for frogs and
insects. He got a cat, it calls Bia- Bia , Jujine and Bia-Bia are inseparable . Maura gave
him Bia-Bia as a birthday present. Bia-Bia its a big black cat with enormous green
eyes, it looks like a mini-panther.

Chapter II
Jujine went to one of the Luisianas rivers with his sister Jordana , they were looking for
some bugs , frogs and alligators , Jordana found an enormous green caterpillar , she was
scared , so she called to her brother and Jujine keep it in to his pocket , he thought that
caterpillar was amazing , Jujine wants to become in a famous biologist because he loves the
nature . Jujine and his sister had been trying to cross out the river, but it was raining , Jujine
tried to helped to his sister , so she fell down . he was scared , so he jumped in to the water
and he swam faster than he can , affortunately he reached to his sister and he saved her ,
both arrived to their home soaked, their mom was upset and scared because she was
worried about them , it was too late around 9:00 pm , Jujine and Jordana were hungrier ,
Maura gave them a delicious chicken soup , she was happy their children were safe and
sound with her , they went to the bed ,Junine was very pleased in his warm and comfortable
bed with Bia-Bia , he dreamed with his adventure.

Chapter III
It was a lovely day , sunny , the birds were singing , Jujine woke up very happy , with a big
smile , he dreamed with his Nona Isabella . His mom called him for the breakfast, he
jumped out of his bed, and run to the kitchen and he ate eggs with bacon and fresh
handmade bread . He went to his uncles farm, he called Mario, he was very pleased with
the visit of his nephew . Jujine help him with the farms chores , Jujine went to the shed to
feed the animals , he saw a big white goose , he asked for gooses name to his uncle and he
told him it called Milo , Mario warned to Jujine about the goose , he told him Milo is very
dangerous be careful when you feed it, Milo peck Jujine was amazed with Milo , so he
feed it , but when he opened the sheds gate, Milo run away , Jujine run after Milo , he tried
to catch it . Finally ,Jujine catch Milo , but Milo peck him , Jujine saw the big wound on his
left hand , he cried and Mario comfort him , later Mario came along to Jujine , Maura was
worried , so she heel Jujines wound , and told him for the next time be careful mischievous

Chapter IV
It was a sunny Saturday morning , Jujine was lying down over the grass , thinking about his
dad , hes name was Giani , he lived in Florencia , he couldnt move with his family
because he was in charge of the Italias Army , he got the grade of Captain for his labor
during the second world war , Jujine was waiting for his dad , he missed him , they used to
play soccer every weekend at their farm in Florencia . Suddenly his mom called him and
she told him that Giani is coming for the holidays. Jujine was excited with the marvelous
news , he started to jump and danced with Bia-Bia . Giani is going to arrive in December
22 , Jujine started to counting the days . He went at school and he told everybody tales
about his father. Their friends were amazed with Jujines tales , he told them how his father
flew a Heinkel-60 the most powerful plane , Jujine said that his father was a hero for his
country , and he saved the people, but one of his partners told him your father is a
murder so Jujine get upset and started to fight with that boy , he started to cry and he was
shouting my father is not a murder , the schools director called to Maura , she was
worried for Jujine and she explained that the war was awful for everybody , and told him
that his father wasnt a murder . At night Jujine couldnt sleep, because he was thinking
about the war and how his father was suffering , he cried and suddenly he got to sleep.

Chapter V
It was the night before Gianis arrival, Jujine couldnt sleep , he was exited , he was
thinking what would he do with his father , he though we are going to play soccer, we will
build the little wood house above that big tree near to my house . The next morning
someone was knocking the door , Jujine got up quickly and he run downstairs , he opened
the door , it was Giani , he looked like the Emperor Nicolas II from Russia , with deep blue
eyes and mustache , Giani hugged and kissed to Jujine , he was very happy , his father was
amazed with Jujine because he grew up faster . Then Bruno and Jordana run to his fathers
arms and Maura started to crying of joy, Giani gave them special gifts , for Jujine it was a
beautiful small red car , for Jordana it was a precious doll with long blond hair ,and for
Bruno an amazing book David Copperfield from Charles Dickens . Finally he gave to
Maura an expensive French fragrance. Giani was very tired his trip was to long around 3
weeks in ship , but he was happy with his family , he couldnt believe his children grew up
so faster , he though I will never leave them . Maura cooked pasta with Bolognese sauce,
it was Gianis favorite dish, the Pascuale family were reunited after 4 years , they were very
happy .

Chapter VI
Jujine was enjoying his family dinne , then he told him to his father, if tomorrow they will
build the wood little house , Giani told him , of course my son , tomorrow we will do
whatever you want . Jujine was happy , he asked him how was his Nona , Giani told him
Nona is fine , she is a stronger women , she miss all the family , I hope she will come
soon . Maura told the children is too late go to sleep, let rest to your father. Jujine and his
siblings go to bed, that night Jujine dreamed with the little wood house . The next morning ,
Maura called him for having breakfast , he got dress quickly and went to the kitchen , there
were all his family , Giani was happy , they were eating calzone (its a popular Italian patty
with cheese , onions , and tomatoes). Jujine asked to his dad if he was ready , Giani told
him yes , lets go , they went to the forest looking for wood , they found fir , they carried
out the wood , it was heavy but Jujine helped to his father . Finally they arrived to their
home , Bruno went out to help them , they started to build the little house , first they
beginning with the floor , then with the walls, and the little door at the end they build the
ceiling , Jujine was amazed with his little house , then they started to painted it , the door
was red and the ceiling too , the rest of the house was painted in white , they were happy ,
the day is finally ending it was around 7:00 pm , Maura called the boys for the Dinner .

Chapter VII
In a blink of an eye , it was Christmas eve , the Pascuale family were reunited singing
Italian songs , waiting for the holy Jesuss born , Maura Cooked a delicious Baccal with
noodles and for the dessert the struffoli (Neapolitan noodles with honey) it was the Jujines
favourite dessert , they enjoyed their dinner and went bed , the next day Jujine woke up
early and run downstairs and he looked for his present , he found an amazing blue bicycle
he was exited then he called to his siblings , it was a lovely Christmas day . Jujine asked for
permission to his parents , so he went with his bicycle near to the river , he heard an
unusual sound near to the river , he went to see what was that bag , when he opened , he
found 2 beagle puppies , he called to Jordana and Bruno , Jordana was very happy with the
puppies , Jujine told them we should take it home , Bruno wasnt sure about that idea , but
they took the puppies , when they arrived ,Maura saw the puppies , and asked them were
they found them , Jujine told her he found the puppies near to the river in a bag , somebody
leave them , the children beg to their parents for the puppies, Giani told them ok , but you
must to take care of them , the two new members of the family were called Ciccio Bello
and Rubi , the children were very happy Ciccio bello was in charged for Bruno and Rubi
for Jordana . Jujine was hugging to his lovely cat , he told to Bia Bia I will never
change you.

Chapter VIII
It was January 6 , Jujines Birthday , he was excited , all his family were there , his parents
told him , go to play with your siblings, so he went to the forest with Jordana and Bruno ,
after them were the Two puppies Ciccio Bello and Rubi , meanwhile Bia-Bia prefers the
commodity of Jujines bed . Anyway the three kids were to the forest and they started to
play , when the owner of the following farm Mr. Soderman came near to the kids , and saw
the puppies , he told them , that puppies are mine ,the last week I lost them , and Jujine told
him , he found the puppies near to the river in a bag , Mr. Soderman was a lonely mean
man , he told them , yes I leave them because , I didnt wanted them , but now I want my
puppies , so Jujine run away with the puppies and their siblings followed him , when they
arrived to his house , they told to Giani , what happened with Mr. Soderman , Giani told
them calm down boys I will talk with Mr. Soderman , they feel relive . Mr. Soderman
Knocked the door , Giani opened , and he told him , those puppies belongs him . Giani told
him calm down , we are neighbours , today is my sons birthday , please share with us your
company , so he invited him to Jujines Birthday party , Mr. Soderman was happy , he
enjoyed with the company of Pascuales family . Giani and Mr. Soderman find an
arrangement , the children were working in Mr. Sodermans farm around one Month for
paying the puppies , the children agree , It was an amazing Birthday party ,everybody were

Chapter IX
It was the first February weekend . Jujine and his siblings were working at Mr. Sodermans
farm , there was a lot of things to do , like feed the chickens, cows and getting shower the
pigs , took sheeps wool and soaked the vegetables fields , Jujine and his siblings started to
play with water , it was very funny. Mr Soderman felt alive with the childrens company .
Mr Sodermans story was very sad, because he lost his wife when she was pregnant of their
first child, he was destroyed inside. By the end of the month , the children finished the work
at Mr. Sodermans farm and the unexpected arriving of Angela Rizzoli at the Pascuales
house was special. Angela Rizzoli was the Mauras younger sister and Jujines good mother
, she was a doctor and she came to America to studied the mythical nature medicine from
the voodoo people. Angela was at the Pascuales garden when she met to an Mr. Soderman
it was love at first sight , they click right away. The Next morning Angela and Jujine went
to the Luisianas market looking for Madame Shaniqua. Jujine is a mischievous boy , so he
found Madame Shaniquas store , the desk was filled by any kind of bugs and frogs, there a
little yellow frog, Jujine picked up ,he didnt know that frog was venomous , he felt ill ,
Angela was worried about him , she asked for help to Madame Shaniqua , with voodoo
medicine she heel to Jujine , Angela felt relieve and grateful with Madame Shaniqua.

Chapter X
The time run faster it was July . Jujines father was called to serve to his country , Jujine
was very sad , he didnt want to his father go away , he cried, Giani hugged him , and told
him he will back soon , Jujine told him please Daddy , take me with you Giani got sad
and kissed to his little Jujine , say goodbye is hard even for the tough captain Pascuale.
That day Jujine didnt play or eat , he was in his bedroom all day , his mom worried , called
him and gave him an Honor medal form his father , he was happy because with this medal
his father will be with him every day. The next morning Jujine went to the forest with
Bruno , they were looking for some plants for Jujines school project ,he climbed to
enormous tree , but he fall and he lost his medal , he was deeply sadly , Bruno helped him
looking for the Medal , but there wasnt any signal of it ,it was too late , Jujine went to his
bedroom suddenly he saw to Bia Bia with something shinning in his mouth, for Jujines
surprise it was the honor medal , he was happy and grateful with Bia Bia .Jujine and Bia
Bia sleept very pleased .

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