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If I would be the President of Pakistan………….

If I would be the President of Pakistan, I would have brought revolution in it. I

studied history of Pakistan and I got to know that Pakistan did not get any
visionary leader like Quaid-e-Azam. Although, there were many supporters of
Bhutto. Even, Zia managed to get much support. There are many criticisms
on these two visionary leaders. Every government has been criticized for
governing not the way people wanted. Anyway, I will bring following reforms,
if I would be President of Pakistan.

Firstly, I will change the education system in Pakistan. I will bring my

education system, where there will be no Cambridge Board, Aga Khan Board,
Punjab Board, or any other board. There will be only one board, and that will
be Pakistan Board of Education. It will deal all kinds of degree such metric,
Intermediate, University degree and all the necessary degrees. It will not be
nationalized; it will be private institute where stake holder will have complete
authority. According to me, there should be no discrimination among
students. Each student should get same quality of education. Moreover,
teaching profession would be highly paid profession in this industry. Master
in Education would be the minimum criteria. Also, Teachers would get
promotion in every 2 years for their motivation to teach. Also, research
would be mandatory and the key for every teacher to enhance the quality of
education. There will be only English Medium. Also, my annual budget’s 50%
would be on education. No fees for any student. Either there would be elite
or poor student; nobody has to pay any single penny. Moreover, Books and
Stationary will be provided by Schools. After every 2 year, books of two will
be revised, examination policy will be revised. No rote learning at all. In
addition, system would be Co- education. Student will also be judged on
extra curricular performance such as speeches, debates, sports, and many
more. Every year, high profile teachers will audit teacher’s quality of
teaching. And they will report to school and school will report directly to
stake holders. Finally, there will be no student federation in government,
however they can join youth parliament after 18. Youth parliament would be
only one body which will cater student politics. Also, our student can go
abroad to study, but on scholarship they have to come back and serve
country. They can never work in other country, if they have taken
scholarship from any of financing institute of Pakistan.
Secondly, I will work on Industries of Pakistan. All industries would be
privatized. But private institute will be curbed by the government. However,
Imports will be heavily taxed. We have to make our things on our own. But
export will be appreciated. As, our steel mill, railway, Airline and many
organization are under the government, will now be separate entity. But all
institutes will be answerable to Pakistani government. Technology, Research
and value added products would be appreciated by incentives. An
organization, which did not, improvised its products; its management will be
changed. That firm will have to bring a good change in 6 months. Also, our
software companies, engineering and scientific institutes are not going well.
It has not been productive yet. Strict changes will be made. Also, all the
incentives will be given by government. Moreover, government will give
extra benefit to the place from where production has been done, for example
Sui. From construction till education, government will provide everything but
decisions can be also taken by the industries as well.

Thirdly, Islam has taught us to give equal opportunities to women but

someway or the other, we have failed to provide those opportunities. So, I
would like to bring drastic changes in terms of opportunities. I will Provide
50% seats in National Assembly. Women can do any job they want; either
they want to drive a taxi or any thing. Also, women has the potential to do
many jobs, since they can not because of their house hold responsibility,
they can have 3 month rest in a year. We need to respect women; they are
equally talented as men. We need to trust them. Lets not be gender bias
from now.

Fourthly, Political party system will definitely change. For example, no PPP,
no PML, No MQM, there would be only democrats and republicans. And, a
person more than 45 year can not be eligible fro any post in national
assembly or Senate. He will not be able to apply for Prime Minister of the
country. More over, Provinces will support the ideology not their people or

Lastly, people who found in corruption will be heavily punished. Judicial

system will define the corruption, and if judges are corrupted as well, they
will be punished and dethroned as well. More over, President is the only
authority, who can take decisions for everything. He will be answerable to
People. But, he has to complete his tenure at any cost. And if people do not
want him, still tenure should be completed for at least 4 years.
In conclusion, there are many unidentified things would be corrected and
amended. And, President’s main objective is to think good for nation. His sole
responsibility is to improvise nation. And, Clear the gap between his nation
and developed nation.

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