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Assassins have remained controversial in history.

Looking closely to them, Assassins

means “murderers”. They have been accused to kill people and create fear among
the masses. There were many allegations against Nizari Ismailis , which were found
to be false such as , they were killers , they took hashish a drug which hallucinates,
they used to enjoy dance of beautiful women in the garden of their castles.
Moreover, it has been claimed that Fidais (Assassins) used self immolation tactic to
kill people .Many contemporary scholars also believed that today Taliban has taken
inspiration from Assassins, tactics such as Suicide bombing. Lastly, Fidais scholar,
warrior, and leader of the tribe named as Hassan bin Sabah, claimed to play a role
of villain in the Middle East to capture the castles.

Firstly, historians who have prepared the history of Assassins, either carried an Anti-
Ismailia perspective, they were either Christians or under the kingdom of Sunni
Seljuk leaders written history. Christians were not well acquainted with Muslim
history and believes. Secondly, they had to relinquish their religious and political
stance because in past they had many defeats from Muslims. And, Political
subversion of Christians to Muslims was also a cause to write Anti view about them.
Moreover, they didn’t have first hand knowledge about Muslims. Many of the writers
have been accused to mix up between Sunnis and Shies. Anti-Ismailia thought was
also provoked due to kingdom of Ismailis. Generally, every government has an
opposition, and political domination and rule was generating negative world of
mouth by rivals. In addition, Sunnis Seljuk’s were badly hurt by Assassins, it is
pretty obvious that Seljuk’s would have been tried to make Ismailis infamous.
However, things which were in favor of Ismailis , was destroyed by Mongols .
Mongols burnt all Al-Mout Libraries, books and articles in favor of Ismailis .And,
Mongols are known to be ruthless, villainous because of their mass killings. In short,
every political regime has it own critics, these critics has provoked Anti view against


Secondly, Christians are the one who manipulated word “Hashish” a drug with
Ismailis. Later, Malihada’s or Ismailis were generally known to be as Assassins. The
word Assassin means murder in general. It is true that Ismailis had killed many
people for their cause. People who were generally killed were soldiers, leaders and
manipulators of opposition. The man who came up with idea of killing individuals
named as Hassan bin Sabah. His main cause was to defend his land and people. In
order to keep a hold, he developed a strategy to kill enemies individually rather
than killing masses. This strategy was effective because he did not have ample
amount of army and want to kill innocent people. Moreover, it was mandatory to kill
Sunni Seljuk’s because of their tyrant behavior. And , if they did not kill them,
enemy must have killed them . So, it was defensive and aggressive strategy at the
same time to avoid war. And, to capture land and political dominance. Wars are
never good for any side; it only creates tons of dead bodies only. Criticizing to
Assassins for killings becomes quite questionable because their strategy was safe
for everyone.

Thirdly, using “ hashish” as drug by Fidais in order to remain in semi

consciousness was another allegation. Substance abuse can be correctly use to
mention their situation. It is a general perception; people who take drugs are
generally addicted. That means, they remain in semi consciousness most of the
time. On the other hand, highly trained, skilled military soldiers, who are efficient in
killing leaders of opposition can remain in semi consciousness most of the time?
However, addictive drugs make you lethargic, dull and lazy. Where as, Assassins
were found to be active, energetic and attentive all the time.

Marco Polo has accused Ismailis for enjoying the dance of the women in their
gardens of Castle. However, a historian named as Juwayni who has written Anti-
Ismaili thoughts said that he didn’t see any such kind of garden in Ismailis Castles.
Moreover, it is found that Marco Polo has written history on the oral references,
local informants told him about Assassins. However, history is already a doubtable
thing where a person sees writes and quotes things from his perspective. And,
another person sees things from his own perspective. Where as, oral traditions is
found to be weak in historical terms generally.

Surprisingly , Assasins are now been associated with Talibans, who are using a
tactic of self immolation for their cause. Contemporary Scholars said, Taliban took
inspiration from Assassins. However, cause of Assassins to sacrifice their life for the
religion, to protect their people and to defend their land. Killing masses was not
their strategy. Killing people who are innocent was wrong in their view. However,
Taliban are creating fear among people, killing masses and sacrifice their life for
religion. Killing innocent people is not wish of God, it is highly unethical. On the
other hand , Ismailis have always supported esoteric ways of life than exoteric. Self
Sacrifice was a spiritual sacrifice not a physical one always. Many people have
confused it with in exoteric way, giving physical body rather than spirit. However, it
is true that many fidais gave physical sacrifice for the sake of religion. But, soldiers
are always meant to sacrifice their life for their cause. In brief, Cause of Taliban and
Assassins might be same but strategies, and view to see world and religion is
different. And this should not be confused.
Lastly, strongest argument of medieval writers was that ‘Old Man of the mountain’
Hassan bin sabah was the conspire and bone of contention to other political leaders.
It is said, if Hassan were to ask life from fidais , they drink hashish and fall from top
of the castle in order to show sacrifice. Where as , Hassan was found to be
charismatic leader and political genius. Initially , in the rule of Seljuk, he invaded
into Al-mout as normal person. His aim was to capture Al-mout for his community.
Mingling with people, satisfying their needs was his general courteous behavior.
After few months, people started accepting him as their leader. Prime objective
was to preach and lead in Al-mout. And to protect his community people.Al mout
was found to be a hub of Iran, and person who has Al-mout can have rule in whole
Iran.It was great a opportunity to accomplish his objective. He slowly and gradually
captured whole Al- mout. After few months, Hassan asked Seljuk leader Nizam-ul-
mulk to leave castle, in return the leader will not be harmed. However, historian
peter willey and Farhad Daftry said , material related to Hassan was burnt by all
Mongols in their kingdom. They found very less first and resource on Hassan Bin

In conclusion, Assassins had been portrayed in negative image because of rivalry

and Anti-thoughts. Many false allegations made them infamous. Real facts are very
less. Less people know about actual history of Assassins.

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