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Article 12 Patriarchal Culture: Authority, Belief and Obedience ...

for eternity
It 's rational to say that our species today is dysfunctional. Global
mistrust, fear10, drug and alcohol abuse, dozens of brothels in
every city, sex and race discrimination, anger and hatreds,
massive child and adult porn, conflicts and wars, mass belief, rape
cultures, great frauds, elitist politics, countless refugees, etc., all
in our so-called modern society. When life is defined by
patriarchy's phallic-bloated egos lording it over mandatorilybeautified submissive (wo) men-who-aren't-men for 11,000 years,
dysfunction happens. Both 'men' are trapped in belief that we are
(hu) man, where being man in reality entails only being male,
prevails. When we compare what we are today with what we
were 12,000 years ago, we have few truths about ourselves and
what we are as a species.
To better understand ourselves as a species today, we have to go
back to the beginnings about what, when, where, why, who, and
how the species, that evolved as minded beings, began to unravel
to become 'two men of opposite sexes' in (hu) manity. We need
to know the very origins and sources of authority, belief and
obedience. The idea that both sexes were 'men' took over "the
wheel of life" and bulldozed the species for thousands of years.
The earliest account we have of the purposeful creation of 'a
whole-idea' that would affect our species, as opposed to creating
a tool we needed to make physical life better, is the Sumerian
idea that 'the phallus is supreme creator god'. John Allegro 1. In
9000 BCE a few elitist males made names denoting phallus
creator god: us, ah, u, el, etc., as in Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, Ptah,
Buddha, Zeus, Jupiter, etc. In fact, all the 'gods' of all major
religions carry one of the names of Phallus as-god. Patriarchy
would have power over mind-and-body with this idea. (See
Patriarchy's Timeline)
From 9000 BCE to about 1000 CE phallic festivals, celebrations,
parades and processions took place over the inhabited parts on
the globe. On Google one finds a plethora of sites on phallic
worship. You'll also find a cornucopia of images of phallic artifices

made to be carried in parades and festivals. Up to 1000 CE then,

we had had nearly 10,000 years of unabashed phallic worship.
We can deduce from this that the few Sumerian males who
named phallus creator god simply assumed power-in-themselves
to do this. Believing themselves "above all others" they imposed
Phallus as a fact on the people. Over time belief in Phallus
became 'fact'. And in a few hundred years patriarchy could claim
to be the authority on Phallus. Phallus was "the generative organ
of all life," sacred, holy, divine ... Semen the first principle of
everything. The testicles testified to this truth. (See From Sacred
Phallus to Brand to Image)
But, males needed the vulva. Holding great phallic events for
centuries, "sacred prostitution" would take care of this problem.
Sacred prostitution gave men the right to use the not-divine body
of the feme to satisfy male urges. Today, we see the explosion of
prostitution in millions of brothels around the planet. In Divine
Phallus, sacred prostitution is moral.
In 2400 BCE Manu of the Hindi subjugated all femes to the male
sex, by law. The law tightened the screws of authority, belief, and
submission. The force of law made male domination a potent
tool. About 2000 years before Manu. in 4000 BCE patriarchy had
given birth to the religion, Hinduism. Manu knew what he was
doing. Hinduism, to this day worships Phallus. Almost openly.
Around 2000 BCE an Egyptian writer,
Ptah Hotep, put forth patriarchal beliefs clearly in
early civilizations: "If you are a man of note,
found for yourself a household, and love your
wife at home, as it beseems. Fill her belly, clothe
her back. . . But hold her back from getting the
mastery. Remember that her eye is her storm
wind, and her vulva and mouth are her strength."
The passage of time though, even when educated in patriarchy's
seminal ideology for 10,000 years, would have society become
more sophisticated. Today, we see that Phallus would not have
been a good name to convince people that a supreme male
creator exists.

In 200 BCE Roman patriarchy gave birth to Catholicism. Roman

Lords anointed one man with divinity and called him Jesus. At this
time, the Manus, the authoritative control of the husband over his
wife, was put into law, repeated three times in the Bible. The
Roman patriarchy knew what it was doing. (Allegro, page 49) The
guy named Jesus, though, might have been surprised.
In the 16th Century the Anglo-Saxon patriarchy invented the
name 'god' . Phallus was likely going to be distasteful, even to
the submissive masses. Be that as it may, I use the correct name
for the supreme male creator god, Phallus. 'God' is simply a
euphemism for Phallus. Today god is used retroactively back to
9000 BCE, even to prehistoric times, as is the name man, coined
in the 11th Century.
To make 'God' credible, great churches, temples and synagogues
were built to worship Phallus. Hymns were written, music
composed, rituals invented, rites developed, altars blessed,
appropriate clothing made, etc., proving 'God exists'. Nothing
stood in the way of 'proving' Phallus (god) exists.
It was before this frenzy in proof-building took place, that Manu of
the Hindi in 2400 BCE had subjugated the whole feme sex to the
male sex, by law. This tells us that Manu wanted to free men from
the responsibility for their own sexuality. The urgency in divine
sex ought to free the male from all constraints. From 2400 BCE
onward belief in Phallus, now as god, was expanded in law,
worship, song, buildings, ritual, rites, popular events, sacred
holidays, etc.
Phallus is the authority in the affairs of man, whole species.
Phallus, possessed by few elite powerful controlling males, is the
mace of authority, to this day.
Patriarchy claimed Phallus to be the active principle of generation.
Lords deemed the feme passive and submissive in the principle of
generation, gestation and birth. The ovum is not recognized as a
participant in the principle of generation.
Let's stop here for a moment. No matter
how early we look at evolution, both fem and
men would see hens, ducks and robins lay

eggs. No pleading here that men were not

aware of the ovum can be justified. Phallus
knew! He knew all along! (See Cultural
Femicide) See
As the Lords of Phallus proselytized that sperm was the whole of a
new being, the believing "masses", fem and lesser men, became
the generically passive and submissive collective of believers in
patriarchy, the real authority.
The Sumerian Patriarchy had made the masses believe that
wasting semen, sperm, was sin. Non-consenting fem would stop
the sperm from creating new being. Gays don't use their sperm
to create new being. Lesbians refuse all male advances. Abortion
in sin. Being sinners we had to obey the laws of Phallus to be
saved from damnation in hell. "Fill her belly" is in "Go forth and
multiply." As things stand today we are the generically passive
and submissive collective rallying for Phallus. 80% worldwide
believe 'god' exists.
The moral order of the minded species was thrown in the garbage
the day the Sumerians named Phallus god. Horst E. Richter 3, in his
book, All Mighty, A Study of the God Complex in Western Man,
says, "Anything which enhanced power was good, anything which
weakened it was bad." To patriarchy good was a malefic rung on
the ladder to power.
Authority. Belief. Obedience. The chain-of-behaviour in the Trinity
of Divine-Male-Power, Father-Son-and-Sacred-Phallus, is the belief
that obedience to the authority in Phallus got you life-after-death
in heaven. This worked.
Once patriarchy put fear-of-hellfire in its belief-system, the Lords
of Patriarchy went on to develop whole systems of phallic worship,
religions, that would not appear to be phallic worship, but "the
worship of God." Patriarchy gave birth to Hinduism in 4000 BCE,
5000 years after Phallus, Supreme Being, made His debut in
Sumerian language. The Roman patriarchy gave birth to
Catholicism over 3000 years later, about 200 BCE. The Arab

Patriarchy gave birth to Islam a few thousand years later, about

600 CE.
Authority. Belief. Obedience. Since about 4000 BCE territorial
pockets of rich elite powerful males, claiming their sexual
sacredness in more populated kingdoms, proceeded to invent
religions of their own, claiming a true distinctive Phallus in their
midst. So many, that one of the youngest religions, Islam,
actually means submission. Patriarchy's phallic celebrations
today are alive and well.
The authority that is humanity, man and (wo) man, is the cult of
man, a belief system created by patriarchy demanding blinded
obedience. It's irrationality not to be exposed.
Authority. Belief. Obedience. As believers in "mankind" we are
the generically passive and submissive collective rallying for
Phallus. Credulity wins.
So, today, there are a great number of people who stand against
science, against knowledge, against truths, against evidence,
against any attempt to return to our evolutional beginnings as
sapiens, against fem and men being partners in the adventure of
life as sapiens, against the adventure of developing rationality in,
with and through language, against knowledge and the rational
self, against the processes that define us as real thinking-andfeeling beings.
For 11,000 years sapiens were fooled by patriarchy's Lords. No
consultation, no consensus, no collaboration, no checks-andbalances, no partnership, no cooperation... just bold confidently
assumed patriarchal authority in Phallus being 'sacred', imposing
belief in this, and obeying patriarchy's authority.
Authority. Belief. Obedience. A formidable trinity.
No one has the right to damage your mental health like this. No
one has the right to impose irrationality on you. No one has a
right to make you believe in falsehoods. No one has the right to
make you doubt your capacity to think. No one has the right to

make you feel unable to trust anyone, including yourself, because

patriarchal lies were touted as being "knowledge."
No one has a right to steal your life like this, nor mine. Because I
examined 20,000 items of speech embedding male bias, and my
abhorrence at having my life defined in malefic terms for me and
my whole gender, is why I wrote the papers I did and uploaded
them on My hope is that someone will pick up the
torch of sapient truths and run with it.

References, with comments

1, John M. Allegro. 1970. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross.
London: Hodder and Stoughman. Copyright 1970 by John M.
Allegro. Copyright 2009 by the Allegro estate and Gnostic
Media. (Pages 49, 57, 80, 102, 130, 182 are particularly
2, Eva C. Keuls. 1985. The Reign of the Phallus. New York: Harper
& Row
Keuls did not know of Allegro's book when she wrote
her book. I did not find any mention of Allegro in her book.
Allegro is not in the index. Allegro's book, 1970, had been banned,
and many destroyed. It was reprinted in 2009 by Judith Anne
Brown, who had bought a copy of the original. She had it
reprinted in 2009, 14 years after Keuls wrote her book.
3, Horst E. Richter. 1984. All Mighty, A Study of the God Complex
in Western Man. USA: Hunter House. Born in Berlin, he does not
mention Allegro in his book. Having read his book, he didn't know
the Sumerians had named the phallus supreme creator. Allegro's
book was republished in 2009.

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