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Tisdale Tidbits

(Math, Science, and Tisdale Homeroom Grammar)

August 31, 2016
Teacher Communication
The following parents have joined remind 101: Jon Burkholder, Rachel Burkholder, Tina Evans Parent, Ann Kvach,
Leslie Mitchell, Jennie Otto, Deanna Smith, Lara Tidmore, & Andrea Williams
You are missing weekly assignments and important information. Please follow the directions below:
@d726a to the number 81010
Youll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @d726a to (858) 386-7300.
**I understand that I must sign up for this option to receive information from my childs math
and Science teacher. **
Parent signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________________
Fieldtrips & Dates for this year

October 31 (after character parade): Path to Nature


Cost $5.00 and chaperones must ride the bus

Outside wear including tennis shoes & layered clothing.

Sack lunch

November (Date TBA): State Capital Trip


This replaces the overnight camping trip from last year.

Charter Bus

Cicis Pizza

Bring a morning and evening snack.

December 6 or 7: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever


Cost $5.00 children (chaperones may be higher)

Less than day

Wear nice clothes

March 30: Voices from the grave- Glenwood Cemetery & Depot

Dress for outside wear

Sack lunch

May 11: Water Power & Pioneers- Belvidere, TN


Cost: $9.00 for chaperones and children

Sack lunch

Out of County form required (details to come)

Homework August 31-September 7

Math- weekly homework sheet 3 went home on Friday, August 26 and is due September 2. Weekly
homework sheet 4 will come home September 2 and will be due September 9.
Science- quiz will be Wednesday, September 7 (Student drawing from 8/30- Student drew the parts
of the lightbulb and will need to know them.)
English- compound sentences quiz will be September 7.

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