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A Practical Approach to Cardiac

Anesthesia, 5th edition
Hensley FA Jr, Gravlee GP, Martin DE. Philadelphia, PA:
Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
2012. ISBN: 978-1-4511-3744-6. 1145, $79.52 (USD)

Practical Approach to Cardiac Anesthesia, fifth edition, is the

latest version of this paperback textbook, first introduced
in 1990. This book functions in between a comprehensive
reference book and a basic introductory text for trainees. In
this respect, it lends itself to a large audience of practitioners
with varying degrees of experience. With 27 chapters and
>800 pages complete with colorful illustrations and images,
outline format allows this reference to encompass a large
variety of topics with reasonable detail. In the opinion of
this reviewer, this book would serve as an excellent resource
for a trainee learning the core topics of cardiac anesthesiology if used in conjunction with a larger comprehensive
reference book. This text may be a stand-alone resource in
outline format for practitioners who have advanced beyond
the introductory stage.
The fifth edition of A Practical Approach to Cardiac
Anesthesia appears different in presentation when compared
with its previous edition published in 2008. Although the
outline format of this text has been preserved, the gloss finish of the print paper contained within the text allows the
publication of crisp, color-enhanced images. This is particularly significant with respect to 3-dimensional echocardiography and 2-dimensional echocardiography with color-flow
Doppler, as well as digital illustrations and images, that
serve to enhance the text.
There are new updates to some critical topics within
this revised edition. A section entitled Cardiovascular
Physiology & Pharmacology has been added and incorporates 2 introductory chapters, Cardiovascular Physiology
and A Primer and Cardiovascular Drugs. The former chapter is a welcomed addition in basic physiology. The chapter
on Cardiovascular Drugs was previously placed within the
section for the Anesthetic Management for Cardiac Surgery
Copyright 2014 International Anesthesia Research Society
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000138

is now more appropriately situated within a separate basic

science section. In addition, the topic of congenital heart
disease has now been divided into 2 separate chapters and
expanded on. One chapter addresses the anesthetic management for pediatric patients with congenital heart disease,
while the other chapter addresses management in the adult
patient. This new emphasis on adult congenital heart disease
is a welcomed addition as this area continues to gain importance for this expanding population of patients undergoing
cardiac and noncardiac surgical procedures. The unique
management of adult congenital heart disease is discussed
with respect to patients who have survived to adulthood
with uncorrected lesions as well as the clinical sequelae of
pediatric congenital cardiac surgery in the adult patient.
A separate chapter regarding Blood Transfusion has
now been added, with a particular focus on the risk-benefit
analysis and review of evidence-based outcomes regarding
blood product transfusions in patients undergoing cardiac
surgery. The tables entitled Fast Facts come directly from
the American Red Cross Compendium and provide key
points regarding known characteristics of administered
blood products.
Perhaps arguably, the most important feature of this
recent version is the addition of key points at the beginning
of each chapter, which outline important concepts. This
allows the practitioner to rapidly cover the highlights of the
chapter, which may serve as an initial overview or as a final
Overall, this text keeps in line with The Practical Approach
series and provides a hybrid resource between a comprehensive textbook and a review book, encompassing the
essential topics in the field of cardiac anesthesiology. Its
unique outline format, updated content, and digital images
allow this resource to maintain its traditional following
while providing a more contemporary presentation.
Kamrouz Ghadimi, MD
Stuart J. Weiss, MD, PhD
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Transesophageal Echocardiography for Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Erratum

Due to errors in the publishers production process, Transesophageal Echocardiography for Transmyocardial Laser
Revascularization" was published without author corrections in the March 2014 issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia. The corrected version appears here in the May 2014 issue on page 1146. The publisher regrets this error.

May 2014 Volume 118 Number 5 1145

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