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Computes Day

The computer1 2 ( English : computer , and this Latin: computare , estimate ' ),
also called computador3 1 u ordenador4 5 ( French : computer , and this Latin:
ordination ) , is an electronic machine that receives and processes data into
convenient and useful information. A computer is formed, physically, by numerous
integrated circuits and many other components of support, extension and
accessories, which together can perform various tasks very quickly and under the
control of a program.
They constitute two essential parts , the hardware , which is its physical
composition ( electronic circuits , cables, cabinet , keyboard , etc.) and software ,
which is the intangible part (programs , data, information , etc. ) . One does not
work without the other.
From a functional point of view is a machine that has at least a central processing
unit, a main memory and a peripheral or input device and one output. Input devices
allow data entry, the CPU is responsible for processing (arithmetic-logic
operations) and output devices communicate them to other media. Thus, the
computer receives data, processes it and outputs the resulting information, which
can then be interpreted, stored, transmitted to another machine or device or simply
printed; all at the discretion of an operator or user and under the control of a
The fact that it is programmable, allows you to perform a variety of tasks, this
makes it a general purpose machine (unlike, for example, a calculator whose sole
purpose is to calculate limitedly). Thus, on the basis of input data, you can perform
operations and troubleshooting in the most diverse areas of human activity
(administrative, scientific, design, engineering, medicine, communications, music,
etc.), including many issues directly would not be solvable or possible without your

Basically, the ability of computer hardware depends on its components, while the
variety of tasks lies primarily in the software that supports and contains run
While this machine can be two different analog or digital types, the first type is
used for very specific purposes and few; the most widespread, used and known is
the digital computer (general purpose); so that (even popular) Generally speaking,

when talking about "the computer" is referring to digital computer. They are of
mixed architecture, called hybrid computers, being also these special purposes.
In World War II mechanical analog computers aimed at military applications were
used, and during the first digital computer, which was called ENIAC was
developed; she occupied a huge space and consuming large amounts of energy,
equivalent to the consumption of hundreds of current computers (PCs) .6 Modern
computers are based on integrated circuits, billions of times faster than the early
machines, and occupy a small fraction of the space. 7
Simple computers are small enough to reside on mobile devices. Laptops, such as
tablets, netbooks, notebooks, ultra-books, can be powered by small batteries.
Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are
what most people think of as "computer". However, the embedded computers
found in many current devices, such as MP4 players; cellphones; fighter aircraft
and from toys to industrial robot.


The first mechanical calculating machine, a precursor of the digital computer was
invented in 1642 by French mathematician Blaise Pascal. Device that used a
series of wheels ten teeth in each tooth representing a digit from 0 to 9. The
wheels were connected so that numbers could be added making advance the
correct number of teeth. In 1670 the German philosopher and mathematician
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz perfected this machine and invented one that could also

The French inventor Joseph Marie Jacquard, in designing an automatic loom, used
thin wooden plates perforated to control the fabric used in complex designs. During
the 1880s the American statistician Herman Hollerith conceived the idea of using
perforated cards like Jacquard plates, to process data. Hollerith managed to
compile statistical information for the census of 1890 US using a system that
pretended to punch cards over electrical contacts.

Also in the nineteenth century British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage
elaborated the principles of the modern digital computer. He invented a series of
machines, such as differential machine designed to solve complex mathematical
problems. Many historians consider Babbage and his partner, the British
mathematical Augusta Ada Byron (1815-1852), daughter of the English poet Lord
Byron, as the true inventors of the modern digital computer. The technology of the
time was not able to transfer their successful practice concepts; but one of his
inventions, the Analytical Engine, and had many of the features of a modern
computer. Including a current inflow or as a package of punch cards, a memory for
storing data, a processor for math operations and a printer for permanent
registration. first computers Analog computers began to be constructed in the early
twentieth century. The first models calculations performed by rotating shafts and
gears. With these machines numerical approximations too difficult to be able to be
resolved by other methods equations they were evaluated. During the two world

wars analog systems were used, later first mechanical and electrical, to predict the
trajectory of the torpedoes on submarines and remote operation of pumps in
Electronic computers

During World War II (1939-1945), a team of scientists and mathematicians working

at Bletchley Park, north London, which created the first fully electronic digital
computer, was considered: the Colossus. By December 1943 the Colossus, which
incorporated 1,500 valves or vacuum tubes, was already operational. It was used
by the team led by Alan Turing to decode encrypted radio messages from the
Germans. In 1939 and independently of this project, John Atanasoff and Clifford
Berry had already built a prototype electronic machine at Iowa State College
(USA). This prototype and subsequent investigations were carried out in
anonymity, and later were overshadowed by the development of Calculator and
Numerical Integrator digital electronic (ENIAC) in 1945. The ENIAC, which
according showed evidence was based largely on the 'computer 'Atanasoff-Berry
(ABC, which stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), obtained a
patent that expired in 1973, several decades later.
This unofficial national holiday was originally sponsored by the Institute for
Business Technology in the year 2000.

February 13, 2017
February 12, 2018
February 11, 2019
February 10, 2020

Today you can have the impression that computers are running several programs
simultaneously. This is known as multitasking, and is more common than the
second term is used. Actually, the CPU executes program instructions and then
after a short period of time, change a second program and executes some of its
instructions. This creates the illusion that you are running several programs
simultaneously, dividing the CPU time between programs. This is similar to the film
that is formed by a rapid succession of frames. The operating system is the
program that usually controls the distribution of time. Concurrent processing
computer comes with more than one CPU, giving rise to multiprocessing.

People is working for governments and large corporations also used computers to
automate many of the tasks of collecting and processing data, which were
previously made by humans; for example, maintaining and updating accounting
and inventory. In the academic world, scientists from all fields began to use
computers to do their own analysis. The continued decline in prices of computers
allowed its use for growing small businesses. Companies, organizations and
governments began to use a large number of small computers to perform tasks
that were previously done by large and expensive mainframes. The meeting of
several small computers in one place called server farm [citation needed].

By the late twentieth century and early twenty-first, personal computers are used
for both research and for entertainment (video games), but large computers still
used for complex mathematical calculations and other uses of science, technology,
astronomy, medicine , etc.
Perhaps the most interesting "descendant" of the intersection between the concept
of the PC or personal computer and so-called supercomputers either workstation
or workstation. This term, originally used for equipment and recording machines,
recording and digital sound processing, and now used precisely in reference to
workstations (literally translated from English), is used to name computers, due
mainly to its utility specially dedicated to scientific computing tasks, efficiency
against the clock and user accessibility under professional and special programs
and software allow to perform work lots of calculations and operational "force". A
Workstation is essentially oriented personal work with high calculation capacity and
superior to conventional PCs, still have components of high cost, due to its
oriented design in the choice and synergistic combination of performance
equipment it's components. In these cases, the software design is the foundation
of the team, claiming, along with the user's requirements, the final design of the

The computer, that indispensable in everyday life today also known by
the name of computer or computer equipment, is an electronic
machine that can process and accumulate data. The term comes from
the Latin computer (estimate " ).

Ministry of Education
Colegio Elena Chvez de Pinate


Hilary Valeiro, Justin

Level: 9G
Teacher: Marta Perry
Day computer
Date of delivery: Friday

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