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MAD A ir LIBS %0 ROGER AND LEONARD STERN WACKY MAD LIBS III How To Pley Mad Libs: In this pad you'll find different kinds of stories with some words left out. One person picks out a story. This person is the only one who knows the story before it’s finished, Without telling the story, he/she asks the other players for words to fill up the blank spaces in the stories, then he/she writes them in the blanks. When the story is complete, he/she reads it aloud. After everyone stops laughing — someone else gets to pick a story and ask for words. To fill in the blanks in cach of the stories, you'll need to know the following parts of speech: NOUN; ADJECTIVE; VERB; ADVERB. ‘This edition of MAD LIBS is a selection taken from twelve fall-length editions of MAD LIBS published by Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers, Inc., 410 North La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif. 90048. They are available at book, gift, and sta- tionery stores or directly from Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers, Inc. ISBN 6-590-33184-1 Copyright @ 1958, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1970, 1974, 1976, 1977. 1978, 1986 by Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers, Inc. ,.Los Angeles All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 730 Broadway, New York. NY 16003, by arrangement with Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers, Ine. WU WeSTES 4” 78 98 0 LS Printed in the U.S.A. 10 SCHOLASTIC INC. New York Toronte Londen Auckiand Sydney A NOUN, as you know, is the name of a person, place, or thing, such as friend, school, or book. Plural means more than one. An ADJECTIVE is a word that describes a noun, such as sticky, quiet, or jumpy. A VERB is an action word. It tells what a noun does, such as run, read, or scream. An ADVERB tells how something is done. It describes a verb and often ends in “ly.” Easily, bravely, and truthfully are adverbs. Here’s a short example to get you going: The best thing you can do for a cold is to stay in your ——-raller-coaster__, get plenty of rest, and drink lots of maple syrup. For those aches and umbrellas . A LIQUID PLURAL NOUN take aspirin every___ 642____s hours, and be sure to call ANUMBER your ~-Blarm clock __ if your temperature goes up. Some purple tea or elephant soup can ADJECTIVE AN ANEMAL also help a nasty cold. And don’t forget to attack ‘VERB (PRESENT TENSE) your runny nose with soft tissues. Otherwise, you could end up looking like Rudolph, the red-nosed__ orangutan AN ANIMAL ‘Copyright © 1960 by Price/Starv/Siaan Publishers, 1ic., Los Angeles, Cabfornis 90048 MOVIE STUDIO TOUR Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am your guide for the famous Universal Studio Tour, one ef California’s come attractions. First, on the ri NDING IN CEST” " ight, you APIECE will see a huge fin which belongs to the terrifying .___. used in the movie, “Jaws.” Next, you will AFISH meet the Bionic ____. ou and see how it performs ee nt __ feats of strength. Then you will see the ACE famous Stary ee. eerie ey 1 A SCONE From the movie, NAMI GF PERSON WN ROOM ___.._________._.. Then you will see Universal’s daredevil Tie OF a MOE stunt __._.._..____. who ean fall from the unbelievable PivnaiNOtN height of nena fet and land safely on their x WONRER Cg ... Following that, a flash floed will engulf PLURAL our bus, and finally you will meet Frank- WDECTIVE . Please remain in your enstein, the famous __- at all times. Copyright @ 1880 by Proe/Stern’Sigan Publishers, inc. .os Angeles, Galornia 90048, AD FOR A NEW STEREO Hey, all you music lovers, here is a chance to get a new stereo. ADJECTIVE LAST NAME OF PERSON IN ROOM This set will play records and ADJECTIVE, cassettes. It comes with RDECTIV X NUMBER cassettes and five —.____., It has —._______ PLURAL NOUN A NUMBER dynamic speakers. Each speaker is covered with imitation guaranteed not to fade or A KIND OF MATERIAL ___ his stereo is ——_________ and VERB (PRESENT TENSE) TWO LETTERS ce es Maybe CVE TWO MORE LETTERS ‘THREE LETTERS Listen to your favorite on this stereo with its PLURAL NOUN fantastic, sound. And best news of all, it ADIECTIVE dollars. will only cost you A NUMBER Copyright © 1979 by PricerSternSioan Publishers, Inc., Los Angeles, California 60048 THE SPACE SHUTTLE In 1981, the U.S. launched the first real Space __________.. It was called a ________. Shuttle NOUN NOUN because it not only went up into__________ space, ADIECTIVE it also came back. It was named the “Columbia” and was piloted by two brave... They had practiced PLURAL NOUN for two years and were expert VERB ENDING [N “ING” . The Columbia took off from PLURAL NOUN sing its ful first stage ae using its powerful fir: gt At an altitude of PLURAL NOUN A NUMBER feet, it went into orbit around the —__________. After SOMETHING ROUND orbits, the Shuttle landed A NUMBER ADVERB at . It was a day for ‘A PLACE ADJECTIVE the U.S. Space Program. Copyright © 1988, 1982 by Price/Stern/Stoea Pubjishers, Inc., Los Angeles, California 90048 AN EXCUSE LETTER Dear Mr. —_________.____, LAST NAME OF BOY IN ROOM Tho, will excuse for bein: pe you NAME OF GIRL IN ROOM B absent from your —____.-_______-. —__.__._--- class. ADIECTIVE A SCHOOL SUBJECT I know she has been absent __..._________ times, A NUMBER but she had to stay home to help her father build a . She also had a dreadful cold in her Noow , and her nose was —_________. NOUN VERB ENDING IN “ENG” She still would have made it, but then her alarm clock broke and wouldn’t . You are her most VERB (PRESENT TENSE: . teacher, and I hope you will not ADIECTIVE her or give her a ‘VERB (PRESENT TENSE) failing NOUN Signed, Her Mother Copyright © +980 by Prisa/Starn/Sloan Pubsishers, Inc.. Los Angeles, Caltonia 90046 TRACK MEETS For years, everyone thought that the four-minute mile was a dream. Now every Tom, Dick and can run the mile in four minutes due A SILLY FIRST NAME to new training methods. Distance runners have to give up and__. They have to VERB ENDING VERB ENDING IN “ING eat plenty of ——SCSC—CSCSCSC tne ts off fresh 4 FOOD — vegetables. Then they must practice. Every morning they ____________ until they’re exhausted. VERB (PRESENT TENSE) Then they take a... shower and do two hours IByECTIVE Of pS, This strengthens their VERB (PRESENT TENSE) »— has run the PLURAL HEN NAME OF PERSON EN ROOM mile in less than five minutes, but of course he (she) was riding ona ——__________. A VEHICLE Copyright © 1977 by Price/Stern/Sioan Publishers, inc, Los Angeles, Calfomia 90048 EASTER VACATION Easter vacations usually fall around Easter time. The schools are closed and all the = __+_+=sSsss get PLUBAL NOUN weeks off. There are a lot of things to A RUMBER do on Easter vacation. Some kids loaf around and watch the Others go outside and play NOUN AGAME > while more ambitious students spend their time studying their AECTVE books so they will grow up to become . Kids also color 0 eggs, AN OCCUPATION OK Of ADJECTIVE Here’s how you color an egg: First mix a package of dye in a bowl full of ADJECTIVE A LIQUID . Then dip the _____ in the bow and rinse it off with NOUN SS . Then after it dries, you can paint on it with 2 Eg a brush. Then you show it to your friends who will say, “Boy, what a_______ egg” ADJECTIVE 8B Copyright ® 1970, 1982 by Price/Sterr’Sloan Publishers, Inc., Los Angeles, California 90048 CALIFORNIA California is the —.____.._________ state in the “ADJECTIVE ENDING IN EST" Union. It was admitted in 1850 and since then, the number of who here has PLURAL NOUN VERB (PRESENT TENSE) increased every year. It is noted for its ADJECTIVE climate, its air, and its —.____ ADJECTIVE ADJECTIVE beaches and palm trees. Grapes, which are used to make fine or when he barks. If a dog wags his tail, it can mean or A GREETING AN EXCLAMATION QUESTION: When frightened, does an ostrich stick its x in the sand? ANSWER: No, it can run away very fast because it has such long PLURAL NOUN QUESTION: What is the biggest laid animal alive today? ANSWER: The elephant. It weighs —_________ tons. ANUMBER: Tthasa______ trunk which it uses to ADIECHIVE squirt — Ee its back when it is hot. Copyright © 1979 by Price’Stern/Sioan Publishers, Inc., Los Angeles, California 90048, SLEEPING BEAUTY Once, a king and queen had a ——aaE daughter and invited seven___________ fairies to be the child’s WHECTIVE godmothers. But a wicked ——aig trast a spell on the little girl, On the morning of her fifteenth birthday, the princess __________ and fell into a____________. VERB (PAST TENSE) ADJECTIVE sleep. She slept ..________. for one hundred years. ABVERD Then a handsome young a came riding up NOU to the castle. He dismounted, went inside, and found that allthe... === we re asleep. He searched every PARAL NOUN and finally he — NOUN VERB (PAST TENSE) the princess. She was so__________ that he could not ADJECTIVE, help himself. He kissed her, and she woke up at once. He married her, and they lived ________ ever after. ADVE! Copyright & 1974, 1977 by Prica/Starniioan Pubsishate, inc., Los Angotae, California 90048 INVITATION TO A DANCE As a member of the —_-_____ dass of ADJECTIVE ys yourare invited to the annual Spring Dance. NAME OF A SCHOOL Dress is. Butt we hope you will not wear ADJECTIVE PLURAL NOUN or dirty PLURAL NOUN . Music will be provided by the “Rolling eee fea- turing Bruce Springsteen and —_____________.. The NAME Of PERSON IN ROOM dance will be held as usual in _____ which A PEACE will be specially decorated with red, white, and blue ——___..___, and many colored _.______.. The price PLURAL NOUN PLURAL NOUN of admission is __________. dollars and this includes one A NUMBER free glass of —_ma— Boys will be expected to buy a corsage of ___________ for their dates. PLURAL NOUN Copyright © 1978 by Price/Sterr/Sioan Publishers, Inc., Los Angeles, California 90048 CAR RACING Parnelli Jones and ___.._.__— finished in that NAME OF PERSON iN ROOM order in the famous ..._________ Speedway 500 Auto ACH Race. Jones was last year’s International ADJECTIVE Champion. He drove a modified with dual NOON and a _________.. suspension. PLURAL NOUN ADJECTIVE Racing against Jones were a custom-made —___-_- cylinder A.NUMBER and a four-wheel-drive... AN FLALIAN WORD A GERMAN WORD . who drove a —_________, A MOVIE STAR A FRENCIE WORD was leading in the 40th lap, but went into a skid on the turn andhad aflat_______. Then ADRCTIVE NOUN lones_______.____ to the front and won easily by eight is VERB (PAST TENSE) . Afterwards Jones said, “It was a PLUHAL NOUN race. The other drivers are all ADJECTIVE sports, and I would like to ADJECTIVE them all.” VERB Copyright & 1977 ay Prce/Stern/Siogn Publishers, inc, Los Angeles, Catfornla 30048, SLLLY SUPERSTITIONS Although we believe ourselves to be ADVERB civilized, most of us are really ____________ at heart PIAIRAL NOUN because we still believe in ________________ superstitions ADJEGHVE that began while man still lived in — —________. PLURAL NOUN Some of these superstitions are: 1, Ef you spill salt, throw some over your left NOUN 2. Ifa black runs in front of you, you are CARNAL, in trouble. 3. If you break a a ggg YO will have years of . luck, A NUMBER ADJECTIVE 4, Never under a ladder. VERB (PRESENT TENSE) 3. If your a itches, it means you will have a visitor. 6. If you want to keep vampires away, always wear a _____ ona string around your —__.____.. A FOOD NOUN Copyright & 1962, 1976, 1982 by Prce/SterySipan Publishers, Inc., Los Angeies, California 90048

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