U.S. Patent 197,585, Entitled - Improvement in Pocket-Boxes For Violin-Strings-1877.

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Pooketr-Boxfor Violn-Strings..
No. 197,585.

P'tentedNov. l27,1877;





Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 197,585, dated November 27, 1877 ;~ application filed


19, 1877.

' yserving as abacking to keepthe .strings in

, .
Be it known that I, JOHN S. ASHMAN, of place on that side, and prevent >them from
Boston, in the county of Suffolk and State of projecting out, so as to interfere with the
To all whom it may concern:

Massachusetts, have invented a Pocket-Box

shutting down of the top or cover a of the

for Containing Violin-Strings, vof which the

The two portions@J b, instead of being .
following is a full, clear, and exact descrip
tion, reference being had to the accompany hinged together, as shown, may be made sep

ing drawings, making part of this specica

tion, in which-



arate, if desired, and be held together bythe '

flanges alone.

Figure l is a perspective view of my box - The above-described box may be made of

open. Fig. 2 is a perspective view of the pasteboard, leather, or other suitable mate
same closed, and Fig. 3 is a cross-section rial, and may, if required, be provided with a
catch or fastening for keeping theportions a
through the center of the same.

My invention has for itsobject to provide

b together.

a neat, cheap, and convenient box for contain

It will be seen that the violin-strings are

in the vest-pocket, the box, when open, expos

ing the strings in such manner that any par
ticular one can be easily selected and with

improved box, which thus enables a musician

to carry a supply of extra strings in his pocket,
where they are always at hand, ready `for use,

drawn, the strings, when thus carried, being

and the inconvenience of opening the violin- -


apartment,is thus avoided. Furthermore, the

ing violin-strings, which can be easily carried protected from injury when inclosed in my

always at hand, ready for use, whichis not the box, in which the strings. are now usually
case when placed in the violin-box, as hereto kept, and which is frequently in another

To enable others skilled in the art to under construction/of the box causes it, Whenopen,
stand and use my invention, Iwill proceed toV to expose the stings in such manner as to
describe the manner in which I have carried Vfacilitate the selection and removal of any par
it out.


In the said darwings, A represents a circu

ticular string which may be required.

Vhat I claim >as my invention, and desire

larbox of narrow width, formed' oftwoportions, to secure by Letters Patent, is

a b, each of which is of semicircular form, or

The within-described pocket-box for con

nearly so. These portions are hinged together taining violin-strings, consisting of the two
at c, the lower portion, b, being provided on the narrow semicircular portions ab, the latter
inside with two anges, d e, the rear one, e,be- being provided with ianges d c, to confine the
. ing of semicircular form, and projecting up strings in place when the box is open, sub
above the front one, d, both of these anges, stantially as set forth.
Witness my'hand this 7th day of April, A.
but more especially the rear one, e, serving to
guide the cover or portion a, when the box is D. 1877.

being opened or shut, the two flanges also

Aserving to hold the cover in place when down.
The violin-strings f, coiled in the usual man
ner, are placed within the lower portion b of

the box, between the iianges d e, the ange e

In presence of



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