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Clashes over cattle theft leave 4 people

dead in Unity State

Thursday 27 May 2010

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By Ngor Arol Garang

May 26, 2010 (TURALEI) — Deadly clashes over cattle theft in the southern state of
Unity involving forces from the SPLA has left four people dead and others wounded.

This came following reports alleging that armed criminals operating in the territories
of Parieng County in Unity State entered the eastern part of Heglig six days ago
where a number of Arab nomads of Palata origin were seeking water and grazing
lands for a total of 1500 herds of cattle.

The Arab nomads followed the footprints of their cattle to Parieng and subsequently
reported the incident to the local authorities for immediate recovery. After having
learned the presence of armed criminals in the area, local authorities dispatched police
forces to confiscate the stolen cattle from cattle raiders. Clashes occurred as the cattle
raiders reacted violently to the police.

Mayik Nyok, a local official from Parieng , told Sudan Tribune that, on Tuesday at 6
am, joint forces from the local police forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army
(SPLA); have twice clashed with cattle raiders in the area, resulting in the death of
two cattle raiders, one SPLA officer and one Arab nomad.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, General Kuol Deim Kuol, Spokesperson of the
SPLA in Juba, confirmed the clash and clarified that it was not direct fighting
between the SPLA forces and the local civilian population.

He added that "the information extended to my office from the SPLA forces in Unity
State clearly indicates that our forces did not in any way initiate direct clashes with
the local population but responded to a request made by the local authority to help the
local police forces recover stolen cattle."

Describing the whole incident based on information given to him from the field,
General Kuol said six days ago, groups of elusive cattle criminals operating in the
territories of Parieng County in Unity state entered east of Heglig and stole 1500
herds of cattle from Arab nomads reported to be members of the Palata tribe who
were seeking water and grazing lands. When this incident happened, the Arab nomads
followed and traced foot prints of their cattle into territories of Parieng and
subsequently informed local authorities of the incident.

"The cattle criminals wouldn’t return the cattle when they were caught by the local
authorities. Because the police forces were outnumbered, they resorted to requesting
support from the SPLA forces .This was how SPLA forces became involved,"
explained General Kuol .

"This could have been a force task, but our forces having received a request from the
local authorities, had to intervene because it was becoming a security issue," he added

General Kuol further confirmed that one SPLA soldier was killed along with one
Arab nomad and two cattle criminals while an SPLA solider sustained non-fatal


• Clashes over cattle theft leave 4 people dead in Unity State 27 May 16:44, by

That is really geting so complicated! The SPLA + Police forces + Arab

nomades against the Unity State people.

What is it that we have to do so that our people have to be protected by the

people that support to protect them rather than killing them. Well, Dim Kuol
has put the ball on Taban Deng that Taban’s authority asked SPLA and police
forces to kill the unity State people.

o Clashes over cattle theft leave 4 people dead in Unity State 27

May 18:41, by ethiopia


Seek for medical doctor to treat your mental disorder, how comes
Taban to kill his own peoples

 Clashes over cattle theft leave 4 people dead in Unity State

29 May 19:02, by bakuluk

choldit don’t need psychiatrist is you who have mentald

disorder,you need to check yourself,Taban doesn’t care about
parieng people.Parieng is dinka county priod.and,that where
incident occurred,and why?they SPLA attacking apandang
juvenility who pussyfooter they Arab Cattle.everyday I heard
the new from Warrap State,thousand of people got killed and
stolen their Cattle, by Nuer of Unity State, but they never been
attacked by SPLA army.

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