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20 ‘The Synergy Between Theory and Practice in Geo-Engineering Author: BAR. Hemmen Organisation : GeoDel 1, GEOBRAIN GeoBrain is faity at GeoDelf withthe purpose to provide society ‘wth al relevant geo-engineering knowledge and experience in 8 ‘Srutured way, On the basis ofthe availble knowledge and experience ‘nginers, decision makers and consiaton supervisors can come 18 fas reproducible and objective choice, aking into account the Consequences. The paper presents examples from the GeoBrain txpeicnce databases and forecasting models developed for fundation feineerng and directional dling, or "GeoBran Foundations” and SGeobrain Dring’ {GeoBrain is losing the gab between theory and practice. Iti aimed. ‘detyacreding uncertain andthe costs offre, thereby ‘ncreasing the quit of roesion and miiesing the rik in go gineering works 2, FOUNDATIONS AND DRILLING TECHNOLOGY In curent engineering practice, the reliability of proposed foundation soltions sucha sheet piles, peab concrete ples, sel tubes and other Kinds of foundation element in driling projects horizontal directional tilings end iero-tnnes is dsapponting. Olen sheet piles donot ‘each their planed depth orm to thei lcks. Simi, theoretical prediction of around movernents and performance using mathematical and computational modes is generally poor. The consequences for ny works are very serious, leading to cost and time overuns, This [nck of rei bas eased loss of contience inthe profession and damaged the image ofthe constuction seo. “The causes ae largely in the considerable gab between theory and ‘practice in geo-engineering, Many factors such asthe length ofthe Fundation element, the characteristics ofthe chosen element the pe equipment used and te sol affect the performance. The sil nd txpeience ofthe operatives onsite and the designers also pay an portant role. Although from calculation results the outcome may be ponte conceming the stability and bearing capacity of he onstruction, the uildability of the proposed designs oen not taken {nto account, Similarly, ground movements in practice may be ‘rcesive or averse compared to hase theoretical predicted affecting Sarounding utes and stuctres, “This ga stems fom the fact tht there as bee, hitherto no possibility ‘Of systematic lsming from case histories of completed projec Practicing engineers have, from tie tote, proposed aoe rules and ‘unions based on experience and Held observations but no united ‘Famowork of disseminating bas been available o engineers till wn eet yar, the development ofthe tools of computations intligence ‘Sich as firey logic ond artificial neral networks ec. make it possible forensincr to analyze field or monsored” data of constuction and truly apply “observational” methods as reeommended by varius codes ‘prac. Up tonow geotechnical istues and engicers have Concentrated on the development of computational end nalytcal ‘model (equations) ost the observations of engineering practice Ai ied sucess, Geos aims at binging te vast experience on ‘avious aspects of foundation constuction together and mak t ‘ilble to design sod practicing engineers the form ofeaily {ble ool for losing the gap Between theory and pace am. 3. OBJECTIVES OF GEOBRAIN ‘The general objectives are to decreas skin constuction projec, redute loses, improve te image of conirsctors and geo-engnees, Improve working conditions ensure completion of these projets ‘vithou unforeseen delays and ast but nt least the reduction of Insurance fees. Especially in foundation engineering andthe ii technology itis ard to insure projects, The fes fora policy are very high and moet of themes the policy doesnot cover major fires Geofirain is addressing these problems diel by developing a experience databace from case histories and disseminating these texperenes vi the ltemet. Tis database, complemented wih expert Jinowledge, canbe used to make pediztions wih an Atif Inteligence (Al based ethology. There are therefore a less (wo nds of ouput fom the total GeoBain system: experiences and predictions (Fig Pie | Using estore he experiences re clei na database. he Capone a det ovale ate mera ond dein for In {Eersipe we nil nln th our det sefare sch se! ond tee Sone fare The predtins base on Arif Ineligece std area het and wi be cl sere. om. 4, WHAT IS AN EXPERIENCE ? In setting up GeoBrai, one ofthe fist challenges was o define exacly how experiences coud be eaptured. Our intention aso bring real cae history experiences othe designer or enginoe. In tis context an txpencce isa collection of data systematically describing the euseof| Consequences induced by an act, fo example insaling sheet ples. The Experience mus alo inclode the solution adopted to mitigate the Consequences, An experience database therefore has have the following seuctr: et, consequences, causes and solutions. ‘The definition ofan act isthe execition of ebwique leading 1 particular set of consequences are solely to blame o that act. A leak in building pitcan have many cause, which cannot be Blamed solely on tne ac, such problems with nstaling the shots. her emses| may elo be to blame, such asthe lnk of an adaguate conning clay layer This decision, to collect experiences based on at, fundamental othe GeoBrain approach. In the GeoBrain system we ‘allt experiences based ona parular ac, which leads to Consequences, We donot collect experiences based on consequences fr which eases Have wo be found |A project can have more then one experience. An experince is ‘niguly defined bythe typeof element (seet-ple or prefab coneete pil) the ype of equipment wed and the sil conditions. fone ofthese “erin a project this leads to anew experience. This way the “erences between material equpment an sil canbe sen. In fot ‘of caves contractors ure another ype of wate ifthe fist one did not ive the desired result In some ze the sol conditions othe ype of ‘Sheet ple ater, resting in diferent consequences. 5. QUESTIONNAIRES “To got the appropriate input forthe experience database questionnaires have been used, Different questionnaires for diferent acs. Up to no we tackled five acts the instalation of shet pls, prefab concrete Piles, vibro-combination) ples, the extraction of hee ples in Foundation engineering and horizontal dectinaldilings in the 7

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