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Submitted By: Niraj Bohara

Roll No. 2072MST258

Tests on Bitumen
Physical Test
1. Penetration Value Test Test Temperature 27C. This test is done for the
measurement of the penetration by the standard needle for the standard time by standard
weight in one tenth of millimeter. This test signifies the hardness and softness of the
bitumen. These value are used for the gradation of the bitumen in Nepal. (Penetration
grade bitumen)
2. Determination of Residue of Specified Penetration After the heating of the bitumen,
the residual has to have certain specified penetration (100 penetration value). The
percentage of the residual is the test for the specified penetration. Test Temperature at
first at 265 C and followed by the penetration test (Temperature 27C.)
3. Softening Point / Ring and Ball Test This test is done for the temperature at which the
bitumen becomes soft (Soft means the state of bitumen when the steel balls from the
brass rings falls from a depth of 2.5 cm). The test signifies us about the temperature for
storage. Test Temperature depends upon the bitumen.
4. Specific Gravity Test It is the determination of the specific gravity of the bitumen. The
purity of the bitumen can be stipulated from the specific gravity of the bitumen which has
to be in between 1.00 to 1.05. Test temperature 27C
5. Determination of Loss on Heating The bitumen losses its weight and physical
properties on heating which has to be minimum. For the test, loss on heating test is done.
The test temperature is 165 C.
6. FRASS Breaking point of bitumen (IS 9381.1979) This is the test followed for the
performance of the bitumen in the lower temperature of the solid and semi solid bitumen.
It is the temperature when the thin bitumen starts to show cracks on cooling when certain
flex is provided. Temperature below 60C
7. Thin Film Oven Test Test for the effect of the heat and the air in the semi solid
bitumen. Temperature of the heating oven being 163 C for about 5 hours and
measurement of the loss of penetration value and loss of the weight are carried out. (the
sample is heated and produced in thin film which is again liquefied and retested with
penetration value test)
8. Ductility Test Higher the ductility, higher is the coating of aggregate by the bitumen.
Thus, ductility is the measure of the expanded length under axial force of molded
bitumen in a standard 8 shaped mould. Higher ductility represents good quality bitumen.
However, excessively higher ductility bitumen are susceptible to higher temperature. Test
temperature 27 C
9. Float Test It also signifies the temperature at which the bitumen gets soft. In this
method, bitumen is made soft with increasing temperature and the temperature at which
the water enters the float through the bitumen after the breakage of the bitumen is the
required value. Test temperature - varies with the type of bitumen used.
10. Viscosity Test (Industrial) The industrial viscosity is measured in terms of time for the
collection of 50 ml of bitumen from 4mm or 10 mm orifice at 25C to 40C temperature.
Higher viscosity bitumen cannot bind the aggregate and fill up the voids however lower
viscosity bitumen also cant bind the aggregate and acts as a mere lubricant.

Submitted By: Niraj Bohara

Roll No. 2072MST258
11. Viscosity Test (Absolute Viscosity) Bitumen has better adhesive property for a
particular viscosity. Nowadays, bitumen are graded with its viscosity value. Thus,
absolute viscosity is a test performed at for the viscosity value at 135 C.
12. Kinematic Viscosity Test The test is performed for Kinematic Viscosity of the
bitumen. Test temperature at 135 C for Bitumen and 60 C for Cutback.
13. Determination of Equi-viscous Temperature The temperature at which the viscosity
of the bitumen samples are same with 50 second as the required time to flow through an
standard tar viscometer. The test is performed as the test for the industrial viscosity test.
14. Flash and Fire point Flash test is the temperature at which the bitumen vapor burns
with blue flash and fire point is the temperature at which the bitumen vapor burns for a
time of at least 5 sec. The test temperature is generally above 170C
Chemical Test
1. Determination of Water Content This test is important to find out the water content in
the emulsion. The water amount has to be controlled in the bitumen emulsion. In other
bitumen water content should be less than 0.2%. The test is performed above 100 C for
water evaporation and water content is calculated in terms of the weight.
2. Determination of Ash Content Bitumen shouldnt contain any impurities. So, on
complete burning there should be no presence of ashes. The ash content should be less
than 1%. The test temperature is above 60 C
3. Solubility Test The test is for the purity of the bitumen. Bitumen are completely
soluble in organic solvent like Carbon disulphide, Toluene. The test temperature is below
60 C.
4. Distillation Test This test is also the test of impurities. The sample is heated at 360 C
and the impurities are collected as distilled products.
5. Wax Content in Bitumen (IS10512.2003) The test is performed to find out the wax
content of the bitumen. Cooling (crystallization) of paraffin wax from the heated sample
is done followed by the measurement of the paraffin wax for the wax content in the
sample. Test Temperature 125 C

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