Source 14 - The Invisible Crew - A Message To The Women of The Beaufort Division

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US S| OF THE BEAUFORT DIVISION BEAUFORT DIVISION — DEPARTMENT OF AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION tg Beaufert... ‘Typical of the transformation which hat come over Australian industry since the outbreak of war, the production of Weaufart Torpedo Bombers has Ttached a remarkable stage of development in alittle over thes yeas Commencing with an empty offe in September, 1939, the Besufore Divi sion of the Department of Airerafe Production & now one of the lags, if fot the larger, of single indotries in Australi, WAlthough sicrafeconsteuc- on ia Australis wat only in its embryonic stagenjbefore the war, manufse. foring-capacity has been developed locally for practically all the 39,000 diferent e¥pes of parts required for each Beaufort. New additions go Australis manufsceues ipelade complex Twin Row Acro Engines, constant speed propllen, intricate hydraulic landing eae, om turrece,elf-sesig fel ek, fying instrument, and chovsands of other parce Thich, thee shore Yeues ago, no one beliwtd the Commonwealth could Produce Australia’s Indystrial Infant Prodigy the face of tremendous supply difiulties and labor shortages, and ti a yrce of great pride to chore socnted indeed to all Australiany that these all-Austeslan-made aircitelate_comide from the assembly liner ina seady Ie is further ground for pride and gratification that Awstralian Heuforts ae playing” notable pare in the defence of Australi, sendy accounted Ff the toral of 10,800 employe eel also notable that 34 per cent of Beswfore tributed in a remarkable degre to the defence of ASSEMBLY LINE Yesels bees carrying out valiable did widespend. feconnaienice activites, «Division, apate from toe employed by some $00 sub-contractor, approximately 80 per ‘xperence in aitraft production Employees compise women who have sboWR great adapeaility in indurtcy and have con Acealin AUFORT TORPEDO BOMBERS FLY TO CHALLENGE TOJO psi women rene ped THE WOMEN OF BEAUFORT Drawn from all walks of life, the women of the Beaufort Division are performing an extraordinarily wide range of duties, Behind the production line stand many hundreds of office women, who perform not only the usual functions of secretaries, typistes, steno- geaphers, clerks and accounting machine and duplicator operators, but also serve as tracers, draftswomen, technical artists and purchasing officers. Al have done a splendid job, but their work is not glamorous and it is often forgotten that the production line could not funetion without this first-line stall of women office workers In many production departments, women have taken over men’s work and are doing it exceedingly well. Not only have they undertaken such tasks as viewers and examiners of aircraft parts in Beaufort stores, but they have also invaded the workshops and may be seen at any hour of the day or night working as machine operators, assemblers, riverters, welders, wood and fabric workers, and in scores of other capacities. Beaufort has found its women keen, alere, versi- tile and loyal, prepared to work the clock’ round) should the need arise, and cheerfully facing and overs coming difficulties and disabilities in the kjwledge chae chey ae backing up their menfolk in the fot TYPICAL BEAUFORT OFFICE WORKERS Top left—Clerks who maintain the Draw Top right—A section of the Typing Pool. ing Register in the Planning Department. Lejt—Typing Production Schedules, and a busy scene in the Planning Register Section. GLIMPSES OF THE MAIN ASSEMBLY PLANT IN VICTORIA Were major components are assembled into completed Aircraft. Top—A partly-completed Plane moves forward in the ‘Asembly Line Below left—At work on a wing. Right—The Assembly Line, showing Beaufort Torpedo Bombers nearing com- pletion PART OF THE MAIN ASSEMBLY PLANT IN NEW SOUTH WALES . . A Duplicate of the Victorian Plant Beauforts in various stages of assembly. Right—Women on Electrical Wiring at the Asvemb! Plant.

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