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Grading System.

The faculty must make available the following information to the class by the first
class period:

A statement of the nature, scope and content of the subject matter, including the final
product, to be covered in the course.
All course prerequisites as listed in the curriculum.
All required textbook(s) and material.
The grading system, including weights as applicable for, midterm exams, final
exams, final products, and class standing in the calculation of the course grade.
The final grade or rating given to a student in a course should be based solely on his/her
scholastic performance.
Any addition or diminution to the grade in a subject for co-curricular
activities, attendance or misconduct shall not be allowed, except as may otherwise be
explicitly provided for by an individual in an appropriate issuance or publication, and
provided that such adjustments are relevant to the subject and content requirements.

The university adopts the Numerical Grading System with the following grade points and
descriptive equivalents:
4.0 Excellent
3.5 Superior
3.0 Very Good
2.5 Good
2.0 Satisfactory
1.5 Fair
1.0 Passed

No Final Exam

The bases of marks (or grades) in the course (or subject) and their corresponding weights
are as follows:
Midterm Examinations.. 30%
Final Examinations 30%
Class Standing . 20%
Final Product. 20%

Final Product - the product/task is aligned with all the Expected Lasallian Graduate
Attributes (ELGAs) and is performance-based where students apply what they learned
(skills, values, knowledge, competencies) in situations that are also encountered in the real

With the computerization of the grading system, the final grade in each co shall be
computer generated.
All grades in academic courses in Physical Education and the institutional requirements
in Theology (DECs order No. 58, S 1990) are included in the computation of a student's
Grade Point Average(GPA), except NSTP.
In determining the GPA for students who are covered by the old and new grading
systems, the point systems shall be translated into percentage of which midpoints shall
be the reference value.
Grades of courses taken by a student in other schools after admission to the university
will be included in the computation of his/her GPA regardless of whether or not the
subject/subjects taken in other schools are included in the curriculum of his/her course,

Dean's Lister Award. A student who is enrolled and completes a trimester of at least 15 units with
no grades lower than 2.0, no NFE grade, and with a general weighted average 3.0 and above
(excluding NSTP) shall be designated as a member of the dean's list. Categories for awards shall be
designated as follows:
With Highest Honors. 3.70 - 4.00
With High Honors 3.40 - 3.69
With Honors 3.00 - 3.39

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