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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol.


1. Introduction......................................................................................................1
2. Basic Content of Shop Drawings Design........................................................2
3. Design Standards and criterion......................................................................2
3.1 Material parameters...................................................................................3
3.2 Structural actions.......................................................................................4
3.3 Check of limited state and stress for components in long-term status......8
3.4 Short-term status.......................................................................................9
3.5 Occasional status.....................................................................................10
3.6 Structural stability under wind effect of main bridge..............................11
3.7 Calculation for buckling stability of main bridge...................................11
3.8 Structural durability................................................................................12
3.9 Fatigue design.........................................................................................12
3.10 Design for antiseptic treatment of steel structure..................................12
3.11 Other requirements................................................................................12
3.12 Geological and hydrometrical survey...................................................12
3.13 Bearing capacity test of pile foundation................................................12
4. Mayor dimensions of structure.....................................................................13
4.1 Adjustment to longitudinal dimensions of the tower..............................13
4.2 Adjustment to pile cap dimension...........................................................14
4.3 Adjustment to distance between cables...................................................14
4.4 Modification of pile cap top level of tower pylon for the main bridge...15
4.5 Issues caused at the junction between approach bridge and ramp bridge
5. Recommendation on the line shape on elevation.........................................17
6. Mayor calculation results..............................................................................18
6.1 Global calculations of structure..............................................................19
6.2 Analysis of transverse load on tower......................................................19
6.3 Calculation of pile cap............................................................................19
6.4 Calculation of pile foundation.................................................................19

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

6.5 Calculation of local stress on deck..........................................................20

6.6 Local analysis of anchorage box.............................................................20
6.7 Seismic analysis......................................................................................20
7. Monographic studies......................................................................................20
7.1 Seismic security evaluation on project site.............................................20
7.2 Study on seismic dynamic parameters....................................................21
7.3 Engineering physical survey...................................................................21
7.4 Engineering geological survey................................................................22
7.5 Underwater topographical survey...........................................................22
7.6 Riverbed evolvement and topographical survey.....................................23
7.7 Study of wind-proof capability of main bridge.......................................23
7.8 Study on shear resistance of shut connector...........................................24
8. Standards and Specifications........................................................................24
8.1 Chinese standards...................................................................................24
8.2 Indonesian standards..............................................................................26
8.3 British standards.....................................................................................26

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge

(Vol. 1)
1. Introduction

Suramadu Bridge is located in the northern part of east Java province of

Indonesia. With an overall length of 5.4 km, it spans Madura Channel and connects
Surabara with Madura. The main bridge is 818m long with 1344m approach bridge
on both sides. The ramp bridge near decharge is 3.36km long with 18.5m connecting
line on each bank.
Suramadu Bridge was preliminarily designed by Indonesia in 1993. Thereafter
an evaluation of the preliminary design was formed by VIRAMAKARYA Limited
Liability Company in Aug.2002. Some revisions on the structural style and span
length of main bridge, span and foundation of approach bridge, etc., were suggested.
According to the evaluating opinions, the preliminary design was further refined. On
Oct. 22, 2003, China Road & Bridge Corporation and China Harbor Engineering
Company, signed the agreement, Check of design ,Wind Tunnel Test and Technical
Study on Indonesia Suramadu Bridge, with Indonesia Regional Intermediate Bureau
of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure Development. The investigation into design
documents by China Highway Planning and Design Institute under China Road &
Bridge Corporation started in early January and the intermediate investigation report
was formed in late February. In early March, original design was optimized and
suggestion report was finished. In late March, a discussion on the optimized design
was conducted in Indonesia and a conference memorandum formed. In late April, the
final investigation report and all related dissertations on special topics, except for the
wind tunnel test, were finished. In early May, Indonesian delegation paid a visit to
China and was given a report on the investigation and optimization of Suramadu
Bridge design, and a conference memorandum was formed at the same time. In early
July, the dissertation (both in English and Chinese) on wind tunnel test was done.

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

2. Basic Content of Shop Drawings Design

The spans layout and main structure of Suramadu Bridge had been deeply
investigated and discussed for several times. We think they are rational and need no
further discussion at this stage.
Design work at shop drawing design is based on previous work especially
preliminary and optimized design. With the progress of design, some local
modifications on the previous design work may be made considering the structural
characteristics and the requirements of construction technology. And also in this stage
all the reports of related research topics will be finally finished.
The main tasks at shop drawing design stage include: firstly, to accomplish
monographic study advanced at the stage of optimisation; secondly, to accomplish the
structural analysis and construction documents scheduling.

3. Design Standards and criterion

In the stage of optimized design, the standards of Indonesia, China and British
were referenced to. All calculations were also performed based on these standards.
Since the Indonesian standard had adopted much foreign experience, especially from
BS5400, the bridge was analyzed according to BS5400 and the results was compared
to that according to Chinese Standard. By and large, the above three kinds of
standards include all the items of the design and construction of the bridge, and all
requirements should be satisfied.
Chinese standards are comprised of a series of national codes and industry codes;
it is developed on the basis of engineering practice for long years in China, and in
reference to the advanced theory and international experience. So Chinese standards
are advanced, reliable and credible. Significantly, specific codes for the special types
of bridges (for example, cable stayed bridge) that have the clear guidance for the
engineering design and construction have been implemented in China. In China, a lot
of long-span bridges were built in accordance with Chinese standards, for example,
Sutong Changjiang Bridge (cable stayed bridge with a main span of 1088m),Nanjing
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Second Changjiang Bridge(cable stayed, main span 632m),Sichuan Wanxian








Bridge(suspension bridge, main span 1490m),Hu men Bridge (concrete rigid frame
bridge, main span 270m),Zhijinghe bridge (concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge,
main span 430m). Construction of these bridges demonstrates the feasibility of
Chinese standards and the high level of design and construction of bridges in China.
BS5400 is a well developed standard in the world and it covers the design and
construction of such kinds of bridges as steel bridge, concrete bridge and concrete and
steel composite bridge, so it is rational to base design and construction of Suramadu
Bridge on this standard. Checking calculation of bridge components is detailedly
defined in BS5400, but items about the global bridge are discussed little. Clauses
about the analysis of earthquake resistance are even absent.
Indonesian BMS92 standard includes the codes of road, bridge, and pedestrian
bridge and develops the items in accordance with the special situation of Indonesia
and in reference to international advanced experience. It is convenient to direct the
design of structures. According to the classification of the code,a bridge with a length
of more than 100m belongs to a specially large bridge. Obviously, Suramadu bridge
is in this class.
All the above three standards are developed under the reliability methodology. A
design life of 100 years is assumed in Chinese standards, 120 years in BS5400, and 50
years in BMS92. Since a design life of 100 years is specified for Suramudo Bridge, it
should be designed as a special bridge.
In the shop drawing design phase, it is necessary to demonstrate how to consider
the special items of this project under the codes of Indonesia, China, and British. For
those items which are not specified in the above standards, other advanced, safe and
reliable theories and methods worldwide will be referenced to. If needed, some
special research will be done.
3.1 Material parameters
The construction materials are mainly from China and the areas near the bridge.
The manufacturing and technology should comply with the corresponding codes of
China. The parameters of structure and material mechanics will be identified by
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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

Chinese standards. These parameters include modulus of elasticity, density, Poissons

ratio, linear expansion coefficient, and strength, etc.
3.2 Structural actions
Structural actions include: permanent action, variable action, and occasional
action. Classification of the structural actions in detail is shown in Table 1.
Combinations of all possible actions will be used in the design phase.
Classification of Actions

Permanent action

Structural self-weight

Prestressed force

Table 1
Variable action
Vehicle load
Vehicle dynamic load

Occasional action
Seismic action
Collision force of ship or

Soil gravity

Centrifugal force
of vehicle

Soil lateral pressure

Collision force of

Soil lateral
pressure Introduced
by vehicle

Concrete shrinkage and


Water elevating floatage

Pedestrian load
(including motocycle)
Vehicle braking

Foundation displacement

Wind load

Water pressure

Ice pressure


and gradient


frictional resistance

The corresponding codes for various actions as follows

3.2.1 Permanent action
Permanent action is identified in accordance with the Chinese standard. It is

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

mainly introduced by the materials and workmanship.

3.2.2 Variable action
Among the variable actions, the effect caused by centrifugal force, earth pressure
by vehicle and ice pressure is not existent; water pressure can be neglected because its
effect is too little. Bearing frictional resistance
Bearing frictional resistance is concerned with materials used for it. Chinese
standard is adopted. Vehicle load
Vehicle load, including the braking force and dynamic effect, is the mayor living
load of a bridge. The standards of China, Indonesia and British have the same type of
vehicle load model, which includes a uniformly distributed load and a concentrated
force, as shown in table.2
Vehicle load

Uniformly distributed load

Table 2

Lateral layout


q=10.5 kN/M


q=30 kN/M




all lanes


all lanes


within the range

q=151 1/L 0.475 kN/M for L30m and





q=80.5+15/LkPa for L30m

of 5.5m is q and
other area is 0.5q

The code of Indonesia BMS92 is applied for the standard bridge, in which load
length is less than 100m and design life is 50 years. Suramadu bridge is a special
bridge with a design life of 100 years. According to the methodology of reliability, the
coefficients of load should be multiplied by 1.1.
According to the code of BMS92, uniformly distributed load is derived from the
equation: q KPa =8 0.5+15/L on condition that the length of load is more
than 30m. But it cannot be directly applied to the Suramadu bridge, with a main span
of 434m and total length 818m. Therefore further investigation on BMS92 is
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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

Specified in BMS92, the distribution of heavy load is almost similar to other

countries in spite of the unique mode of traffic in Indonesia. Therefore, D loading
creates similar load intensity to HA loading in BS5400, and its corresponding load
coefficients refer to those of BS5400. In BS5400, a bottom limit of 9kN/m is set for
the uniform distributed load, but BMS92 has no such specifications.
Since BMS92 is mainly applied for normal bridges with a length less than 100m,
so the design traffic loading of Suramadu Bridge, with a main span of 434m and total
length of 818m, BS5400 being accepted is appropriate.
According to Chinese standard, the uniformly distributed load shall be taken as
10.5kN/m on notional lane, a value determined through the statistical analysis of
vehicle loading in China for a long period. It can used for reference to developing
countries with the similar situation. The traffic loading for shop drawing design shall
adopt specifications from Chinese standards and BS 5400 in order to ensure the safety
and reliability, and design values shall comply with the requirement of Chinese
standards and BS5400. Pedestrian load:
Loadings on footway lane of Suramadu bridge includes pedestrian and
motorcycle. Both the two kinds of load curves are defined in BMS92,of which the
loading value of pedestrian bridge is larger than footway lane of highway bridge.
Considering the importance of the bridge, the pedestrian load specification for
pedestrian bridge in BMS92 is adopted. Temperature action
Load effect due to temperature is closely related with climatic condition in local
area. The specification of load effect of temperature is also defined in BMS92, and the
temperature gradient has referenced to New Zealand standard. So design load for
temperature effect shall be in accordance as BMS92. Wind action
Modeling of wind load is important to the calculation of the effect introduced by
static wind pressure and the analysis of the structural stabilization under wind load.
Calculation method will be determined through special research and in reference to
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3.2.3 Occasional action Vehicle collision force
Since the bridge is located over ocean, the vehicle collision on piers are
impossible. The vehicle collision loads on bridge parapet shall adopt The Code of
Safety Facilities and Construction Technology for Expressway of China. Seismic Action
In this stage the analysis of seismic load is one of the most principal items and
the monographic study on this item is being carried out. Chinese standard is adopted
temporarily before the official study report is completed. Ground peak acceleration,
0.15g and 0.2g, shall be taken for controlling calculation and used to determine
damper parameters. Taking the ground class in the bridge site as class , preliminary
analysis has been carried out based on response spectra and the artificial seismic
waves derived from response spectra. Actual parameters of seismic load will be
applied for the structure design after the monographic study of seismic security
evaluation is completed. Ship collision force
The report, Evaluation on Suramadu Bridges Construction Process Design,
provides some regulations on collision force of ship as following:
a. The heaviest ship used for design is 2000 tons.
b. Navigation speed =(3.0+2.2)=5.2 sea miles with an 30collision angle to the
face of foundation.
c. Navigation speed=3.0 sea miles with perpendicular collision.
The calculation of the ship collision force is a complex problem and both
BMS92 and BS5400 have no specifications for it. Based on Woisins research, U. S.
AASTHTO specifies the equation of ship collision force as follows:
Psship collision forceN
Vcollision speedm/s
Dweight of ship
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Collision force of a ship more than 3000 tons is specified in General design code
for highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) and the calculation results by
AASHTO are similar to the values specified in JTG D60-2004. Because there is no
specification for the collision force of 2000 tons ship in JTG D60-2004, the equations
used to calculate ship collision force mentioned above is adopted.
3.2.4 Load Combinations
Load Combinations will be defined in accordance with BS5400 and JTG D602004 respectively, and the corresponding actions in the above two standards will be
3.3 Check of limited state and stress for components in long-term status
The long-term status means that the bridge bears the dead load, vehicle load and
other loads for a long time. In this status, ultimate limit state and serviceability limit
state shall be calculated. The methodology behind the standards of China and British
is consistent, but the resistance and load factors are different from each other.
Considering the importance of Suramadu Bridge, Chinese standard and BS5400 shall
be applied for design, respectively.
The corresponding requirements of main bridge and approach bridge under the
two kinds of limit states are described in the following Table 3 and Table 4.

Limit State of Approach Bridge



Table 3

Approach bridge
serviceability limit state

Ultimate limit state


a. limitation of compressive stress



of concrete, tensile stress not

capacity reached in the











prestressing reinforcement
c. limitation of deflection

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)



a. limitation of the width of crack




b. limitation of deformation

capacity reached in the


Limit State of Main Bridge



Table 4

Main bridge
Serviceability limit state

Ultimate limit state

Concrete and

a. limitation of compressive stress of



concrete, tensile stress not allowed

capacity reached in the


b. limitation of stress of prestressed





c. limitation of deflection


a.limitation of the width of crack




b.limitation of deformation

capacity reached in the


In Chinese standard, the calculation for the serviceability limit state and ultimate
limit state is specified, and the stress calculation for prestressed structure and steel
structure are also defined. Besides the calculation of limit state, stress checking shall
be taken complying with Chinese standard.
3.4 Short-term status
Short-term status means the status that the bridge bears the temporary loads. In
this case, the ultimate state and section stress shall be analyzed. Short-term status is
closely related with construction process, workmanship and devices etc. Different
construction methods will result in different statuses. Since the project is contracted
by Chinese corporations, and also short-term status is detailedly defined in Chinese
standard, checking of the bridge under short-term status shall be carried on in
accordance with Chinese standard.
3.5 Occasional status
Occasional status means the situation, which is encountered occasionally during
its service period. For this bridge, occasional status mainly refers to the cases of
earthquake and ship collision.

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In occasional status, the seismic action takes main effect to the bridge. Most of
the codes for design of earthquake resistance in the world are suitable for ordinary
bridges. Earthquake effect on large span bridges must be specified according to
different situations (for example, Caltrans:San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East
Span Seismic Safety Project, Design Criteria, 1999 China Sutong Changjiang
Bridge). The specifications in EUROCODE, 8, Part 2 is merely on probation. Even in
BS5400, no clauses about earthquake are mentioned at all. So the seismic action shall
be determined through monographic study.
Considering the current seismic theory in China and worldwide, and the
importance of Suramadu bridge, earthquake-resistant design shall abide by the
following two levels:
Level : Basic seismic intensity. The nominal loading to be adopted shall have a
value to ensure the major structure in good condition and under elastic state when
considering 475 years return period. Stress shall be checked for superstructure of
main bridge and approach bridge, and bearing capacity of tower and substructure at
ultimate limit state also need to be checked.
Level : Scarce earthquake. Considering the return period as 2475 years, minor
damages could occur in the structure, cracks on the superstructure of the main bridge
and approach bridge and the appearance of plastic hinge at tower and foundation are
also acceptable. Stress of superstructure of the main bridge, bearing capacity of the
approach bridge, bearing capacity of tower and substructure considering ductility
(when necessary) shall be checked. Meanwhile, deflection of structure and ductility
factor of components shall also be checked.
Other requirements for earthquake resistance design shall be in accordance with
Chinese standards.
3.6 Structural stability under wind effect of main bridge
Stability of wind resistance shall be taken as monographic study. The design
wind pressure head is determined in accordance with the current Indonesian BMS92.
General area: 25kg/m2(Corresponding wind velocity 20m/s)
Area to seacoast within 5km: 40kg/m2(corresponding wind velocity 25m/s)

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Few clauses about wind velocity is specified in Indonesian BMS92, and for
Suramadu cable stayed bridge with large span, these clauses are far too inadequate. To
determine reference wind velocity, Chinese trade standard Design code of wind
resistance for highway bridges (JTG/T D60-01-2004) prescribes:
When enough data can be collected from local observatory, probability
distribution type of local maximum wind speed can be adopted. Mathematical
expectation of centenary return period is reckoned based on annually maximum wind
speed within 10 minutes.
The design reference wind velocity is specified in JTG/T D60-01-2004
considering amendment factors of altitude in accordance with 3.2.1 and transition of
roughness category in accordance with 3.2.2.
The value of design reference wind velocity during construction phase shall be in
accordance with Clause 3.3.1 or 3.3.2 in JTG/T D60-01-2004.
3.7 Calculation for buckling stability of main bridge
It is necessary to calculate the buckling stability because the main girder and
tower belong to bending-compression structural member. The specification is defined
clearly in Design code of highway cable stayed bridge (tentative)JTJ027-96. So
buckling stability shall be checked in accordance with Chinese standards.
3.8 Structural durability
The factors influencing durability of concrete includes: the thickness of cover to
reinforcement, water/cement ratio, compaction rate, character of cement, climate,
environment, and so on. The requirements only in the thickness of cover, the width of
crack, etc are specified in BS5400, but the specifications for durability in Chinese
standard are more detailedly defined, so the structural durability shall abide by
Chinese standard.
3.9 Fatigue design
The calculation of fatigue is specified clearly in Chinese standard, so checks in
this area will comply with Chinese standard.
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3.10 Design for antiseptic treatment of steel structure

The design for antiseptic treatment is continuously being renovated with the
development of materials used for prevention of corrosion. For this aspect, Chinese
standard the protection coating or railway steel bridges against corrosion (TB/T
1527-2004) offers clear requirements. According to Chinese standard and the
experience of antiseptic treatment for the offshore bridge, advanced, reliable and
reasonable treatment will be provided.
3.11 Other requirements
Specifications not listed above should be in accordance with Chinese standards.
3.12 Geological and hydrometrical survey
The aim of geological and hydrometrical survey is to provide the basic data for
the design of bridge and the evaluation of seismic security. The operational procedure
and test method for survey shall be in accordance with Chinese standards.
3.13 Bearing capacity test of pile foundation
In order to guarantee trouble-free construction and reliability of structure,
ultimate pile bearing capacity shall be considered with self-balanced method to test
trial pile in accordance with the relevant standards. The purposes of test are described
as followed:
a. Provide ultimate pile bearing capacity, limit frictional resistance of each soil
layer, and limit bearing capacity at pile toe.
b. Analyze bearing mechanics of lateral frictional resistance and end bearing
c. Determine mechanical parameters via testing trial pile, decide if the soil under
pile toe needs to be strengthened by jacking slurry, or socket length of piles needs to
be modified.
The number of trial piles in accordance with Chinese standard: 1 trial pile per
tower foundation of main bridge, 2 for approach bridge, the total number for bridge is
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Chinese standard will be adoped for the test of piles.

4. Mayor dimensions of structure

Design of shop drawing is processed based on optimized preliminary design,
which has completely assessed the scheme of structure, structural security, etc, and
mayor dimensions of structure have been designated. Designs of shop drawing
follows this basic principles and perform a further research work, including adjusting
dimensions of some parts of the bridge allowing for specific construction methods to
be used. For the detailed modifications to the original design, please refer to
Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 2)
4.1 Adjustment to longitudinal dimensions of the tower
In the beginning time of optimized design, column of this tower used loop prestressed structure and its section dimension is 6 m in the longitudinal direction and 4m
in the transverse direction. After then, the column of this tower was re-designed to use
anchored steel girder beam to fix up cable. Because this new design uses some space
inside the section of the towers column and reduces operation space for operation of
drawing cable, the longitudinal dimension of column is re-designed to be 6.5m long,
and the transverse dimension remains the old value. Also the thickness of columns
wall should be correspondingly modified.
4.2 Adjustment to pile cap dimension



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Figure 1 Adjustment to plane dimensions of pile cap

The bridge has a navigation headroom of 40035m. In the original design, the
dimension of pile cap is 5235.2m, which has intruded the navigation headroom.
Now the new design revise the dimension to be 57.234m to ensure the enough space
of navigation headroom.
4.3 Adjustment to distance between cables
Optimized design determined that the distance between cables was 11m. In that
case, the cable No.1 would be too much close to the tower, leading to girder No.1 to
be too short to put a crane in. In addition, cable No.1 was designed to be very hard to
be constructed, because the angle between the main girder and the cable was too
sharp, and it went across a very long distance in the tower. The new design modifies
the distance between cables No. 1 of side span and mid span to be 18.5m, and 11m
between other cables.


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(b) Original
Figure 2 Adjustment to distance between cables
4.4 Modification of pile cap top level of tower pylon for the main bridge
The original design level of the pile cap at tower pylon is 8.5m. For aesthetic
reasons, it was reduced to 5.5m in the optimized design. But the level of pile cap was
restored to the original level via many times of analysis and research. The reason is
described as following:
a. After the dimensions of pile cap modified, the length in transverse direction is
5m longer than the optimized design, and 1.18m shorter in longitudinal direction. The
distance between two shafts of tower pylon should be increased in order to make
stress on the pile foundation more uniform. This can be satisfied by increasing the
level of pile cap on the condition that the change of the inclination angle of tower
pylon is small.
b. Pile cap supports large weight of the bridge, thus its engineering quality is
significant for the bearing capacity of structure and durability. The area of pile cap is
large, the technology to verso concrete under water is complex, and contruction
process suffers from a lot of indefinite factors. In order to reduce the unnecessary risk
and ensure the construction schedule, the level of pile cap should be increased. By
doing so construction can be carried out above water level instead of underwater,
which is very advantageous to control quality and guarantee the construction period.
c. To avoid the problems in optimized design, the concrete apron boards are to be
set up, which are 3m long and extend under the lowest water level. The pile

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

foundation can not be seen at any water levels. The apron boards can also prevent
drifters from entering the plie foundations.

Optimized design

Shop drawing design

Figure 3 Modification of pile cap level

Design level of pile cap in approach bridge will also be modified according to
the principles above.
4.5 Issues caused at the junction between approach bridge and ramp bridge
All the followed issues are related to ramp bridge during design of approach
aDesign of movement joint
bPlacing of bearings of main bridge and approach bridge
cStructure of parapet
dPosition of lighting posts
The drawings of pier 36 and 57, configuration at the end of main girder, the
layout of lighting posts and parapet are necessary to solve the above problems.

5. Recommendation on the line shape on elevation

In all former preliminary designs, longitudinal ramps at intervals on elevation of
the approach bridge were set, but no vertical curves were used between these
longitudinal ramps. In the shop drawing design, by auditing the line shape on

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

elevation, it was found that levels between P42, P43, P44, P45 was not consistent with
the drawings. If conversely computing the longitudinal ramps based on specified
levels, gradient of longitudinal ramps should be 2.838% between P43 and P44, and
1.5417% between P44 and P45, not the marked 2% on the drawings. Because the line
shape on elevation was designated in the original design, it needs to be reviewed and
confirmed now.
Proposals: Suppose the traffic speed on this bridge to be 80km per hour, vertical
curve should be set where the slope gradient difference between two lines are larger
than 1%, which will improve driving comfort. What is more, composition of curves on
elevation will increase aesthetic feeling to the bridge. In this design, vertical curves
are set for main bridge and approach bridge. All the adjustment of vertical linearity is
on the main bridge and bridge approach, which can satisfy the headroom for
navigation and will not interfere with ramp bridge. Comparison between levels of
original and new design refers to Table 5. This is only for your information.

Comparison table of design levels

Table 5

Pier No.


Original design level

Revised design level





























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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

















Mid span
















































6. Mayor calculation results

Calculation of Suramadu bridge shall be taken according to the standards
mentioned in part 3. The results of calculation are to be listed in Presentation of Shop
Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol.2).
6.1 Global calculations of structure
Global calculations are carried out to simulate the actual construction
procedures. Plane analysis model are used in approach bridge. Two models, plane and
space, are both adoped to analyze the main bridge, and the results of the two models
are compared and checked each other.
a. Plane model
Plane beam elements are used in the analysis model of Suramadu bridge.
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Composite section consisting of concrete and steel is introduced to simulate the main
girder, equivalent Youngs ratio is used to simulate nonlinear effect of stay cables, and
deflection of foundation is considered with the use of equivalent gantry frame.
b. Space model of main bridge
The model is established based on space gridiron theory. Elements are defined
according to the actual structure considering the influence of shrinkage and creep of
concrete on the composite beam and spacial behavior of structure.
6.2 Analysis of transverse load on tower
Transverse performance of tower and strength of members are calculated,
considering the effect of transverse load in accordance with the model of plane
beam elements.
6.3 Calculation of pile cap
Pile cap shall be calculated in accordance with space model. Space shell
elements are adopted for pile cap, and beam elements for piles.
6.4 Calculation of pile foundation
m method is adopted to calculate ultimate vertical bearing capacity and
bending resistance of pile foundation.
6.5 Calculation of local stress on deck
The space model shall be adopted to calculate the local stress on deck under
vehicle load. Results are combined with those of plan model, used to check
calculations of space model.
6.6 Local analysis of anchorage box
Space models are established for the anchorage boxes both in tower and in main

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

6.7 Seismic analysis

Since the monographic study on earthquake has not yet been finished, ground
peak acceleration uses 0.15g and 0.2g respectively in the present analysis to control
calculation and determine damper coefficients. Analysis model adopts three main
girders and allows for warp rigidity. Foundation deflection is simulated with springs
in three directions.

7. Monographic studies
A series of monographic studies are carried on to match the construction
7.1 Seismic security evaluation on project site
The project mainly includes four parts according to the requirement of
Technical regulations of seismic security evaluation to project site GB 177411999.
a. Investigation, reconnaissance and analysis of earthquake fault and its impact
analysis in the near field region.
b. Engineering geological survey in field region.
c. Analysis and evaluation of seismogeological catastrophe at bridge site.
d. Fatalness analysis of earthquake, response analysis of soil laye, and
determination of dynamic parameters at bridge site for design.
7.2 Study on seismic dynamic parameters
The design ground motion parameters, which correspond to the earthquakes of
return period of 475 and 2450 years, respectively. The design ground motion
parameters include:
a. Horizontal PGA and its exceeding probability curve,
b. Horizontal and vertical design acceleration response spectra (critical damping

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

is 0.05 and 0.02, period is not less than bridges natural period) in the bases of each
bridge tower and pier,
c. Duration of ground motion that contains 95% of the total energy,
d. 3 groups of time history, each contains 1 horizontal time history perpendicular
to bridge, 1 horizontal time history along bridge and 1 vertical time history for two
tower basements. The response spectra (0.05 critical damping), which contain 150
period points, must also be given. The relative errors of the spectral value to target
spectrum are between 5% and 10%. The inter-correlation coefficients between the 18
time histories are not large than 0.1,
e. Horizontal shear-wave velocity and horizontal compressional wave velocity.
7.3 Engineering physical survey
Subbottom seismic exploration is adopted for physical survey, with control depth
150 meters below sea bed. The surveying line is vertical to structural trend. All is to
accomplish the following purposes:
a. To detect the distribution of rupture tectonic zone, fault location and width of
fracture zone around pier.
b. To detect the embedded deep fluctuation of bedrock and underground burrow.
c. To macro-control geological structure at bridge site by means of physical
7.4 Engineering geological survey
To meet the engineering requirement of Suramadu Bridge, detailed rock-earth
parameters and engineering evaluation of ground base will be provided. Some
suggestions on soil category, foundation type, and preventive and treatment measures
of ill geological conditions will also be put forward. All these will provide basic data
for ground design and construction. Specific work are followed:
a. To find out rock-earth structure under the quasi-construction site, analyse
characteristic thickness and engineering character, and analyse ground bearing
capacity, stability, uniformity, and fundamental scheme by means of field drilling,

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

sampling, in situ testing and indoor experiments.

b. To collect the information in the location about the distribution ranges,
formation types, characters of ill geology, and bring forward some preventative and
treatment measures.
c. To find out site hydro-geologic conditions ,evaluate the

influence of

environmental water on design and construction of foundation, predicate the water

corruptive effects on building material, and investigate the tidal regularity of
seawater .
d. To judge type of field soil and category of building site,and evaluate field
seismic effect.
e. To evaluate feasibility of pile foundation, study construction condition for pile
and its effect on environment.
f. To analyse and evaluate bearing capacity, sability, uniformity of ground base,
and scheme of foundation, and work out a report on engineering geological survey.
7.5 Underwater topographical survey
To obtain bathygram, topographical map, shoreline vicissitude and some
information about the design requirements to provide some basic data for hydrologic
analysis and bridge design.
7.6 Riverbed evolvement and topographical survey
To research the influence on marine bed after bridge being built and determine
the scouring degree of foundation, monographic study is carried out with the tidal
sediment model in plat two-dimensions within large area. The result of research is
described as following:
a. Study the water dynamic properties, sediment distribution, delivery tendency,
motion characteristics and evolution regularity of marine bed.
b. Study on the stream current pattern and the variation of current velocity on the
condition of present boundary, underwater geomorphy and hydrodynamics near the
construction area fore and after execution time.

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

c. Study on the change of water level within the project influence area after the
construction completed.
d. Study on the influence caused by construction of the project over motion
characteristics of sentiment and scour-and-fill regularity of sea bed near the project.
e. Study on the scouring status at the bridge site
7.7 Study of wind-proof capability of main bridge
Study of wind-proof capability is carried out according to the trade standards
recommended by PRC Specifications for wind resistance design of highway bridges
(JTG/T D60-01-2004). The main topics are listed as follows:
a. Statistics of mean wind speed and determination on relevant wind speed
Referring to Indonesian BMS92 Regulation, collect observation data on relevant
wind speed from local observatory, adopt the probability distribution type of local
maximum wind speed ,calculate the mathematical expectation of centenary return
period by annually maximum wind speed of 10 minutes.
b. Computation of structural dynamic properties
Single-beam model is used to calculate structural dynamic properties,
Considering the structure with twin towers and double cable faces, compare the
results with three-beam model to determine the reasonable simplified model for the
main bridge structure according to relevant requirements of Chinese standards.
c. Wind tunnel test of segmental model
Testing on vortex shock oscillation and flutter critical wind speed, and
identification of flutter differential coefficient are main tasks of wind tunnel test of
segmental model. Obvious vortex shock oscillation is observed while testing, and
research into vibration control should be made correspondingly.
d. Air-spring model test on entire bridge
Test on vortex-shock response in homogenous flow field and turbulence field
,test on flutter feasibility in homogenous flow field ,and test on flutter response in
turbulence field are mainly carried out during gas-spring model test on entire bridge

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

e. Calculation of wind load

Wind load is divided into three parts: mean wind load, response components and
resonance response component based on flutter wind load. The first two parts will be
combined in calculation to form equivalent static gust. The detailed computation is
carried on with the concept of flutter reaction spectrum.
7.8 Study on shear resistance of shut connector
Shut connector is so vital to the connection of concrete and steel girder that its
stress capability must be fully analyzed. Space model is used by choosing typical
structural segment and taking various combinations of adverse loads into

8. Standards and Specifications

8.1 Chinese standards
1. Technical standard in highway engineering (JTG B01-2003)
2. General design code for highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004)
3. Design code for reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures of
highway bridges and culverts (JTG D62-2004)
4. Design code for ground base and foundation of highway bridges and culverts
5. Design code for steel and timber structures of highway bridges and culverts
6. Design code for highway cable stayed bridges (JTJ027-96) (tentative)
7. Unified standard for structural realiability design in highway engineering
(GB/T 50283-1999)
8. Specifications for earthquake resistance design in highway engineering
9. Specifications for wind resistance design of highway bridges (JTG/T D60-01-

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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

10. Technical specifications of construction for highway bridges and culverts
11. Technical specifications of corrosion prevention for concrete structures in
harbour engineering (JTJ275-2000).
12. Design code for highway route (JTJ011-94)
13. Code for investigations of geotechnical engineering (GB50021-2001)
14. Design code for ground base and foundation of buildings (GB50007-2002)
15. Code for engineering surveying (GB/T50123-1999)
16. Code for geological survey in highway engineering (JTJ064-98)
17. Technical specifications for security assessment of earthquake on engineering
filed (GB 17741-1999)
18. Design rule for the municipal bridges (CJJ 11-93)
19. Design code for steel structures (GB50017-2003)
20. Technical provisions for hot condensed polyethylene used in cable stayed
bridge (GB /T18365-2001)
21. Hot galvanize steel wire used in bridge cable (GB/T 17101-1997)
22. High strength low alloy structural steels (GB/T 1591-94)
23. Carbon structural steels (GB700-88)
24. Alloy structural steels (GB/T 3077-99)
25. Structural steels for bridge (GB/T 714-2000)
26. Carbon low alloy soldering wire for gas shielded arch welding (GB8110-95)
27. Welding rod of carbon steel (GB5117-95)
28. Welding rod of low alloy steel (GB5118-95)
29. Carbon steel electrodes and fluxs for submerged arch welding (GB5293-99)
30. Method for manual ultrasonic testing and classification of testing results for
ferritic steel welds (GB 11345-89)
31. Basic form and dimensions of weld seam groove gas welding, manual arch
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Presentation of Shop Drawing Design of Suramadu Bridge (Vol. 1)

welding and gas shielded welding (GB985-88)

32. Representation for welding symbols (GB324-88)
33. The protection coating or railway steel bridges against corrosion (TB/T 15272004)
34. Basic rules for design of railway bridge and culverts (TB/T 1527-2004)
35. Code for fabrication of railway steel bridge (TB 10212-98)
36. Load code in harbour engineering (JTJ215-98)
8.2 Indonesian standards
1. Bridge Management System (BMS1992)
8.3 British standards
1. BS5400: Steel, concrete and composite bridge (BS5400)

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