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Sarah Bates

EDST 200
June 2, 2013
Educational Philosophy
When I first think of my own personal educational philosophy, I
think that Im not too sure about it. Then I think of the things that I
believe education should be. I am a believer in working together. I
think that group work can really help students learn more. Activities
should be a big part of learning to me because I think more learning
occurs when there is something to actually work with rather than a
lecture or bookwork. I think that the students should know the rules
and there should be clear consequences for breaking the rules. I think
that education should be individualized on each student instead of a
one size fits all attitude. In general I lean towards a progressive
philosophy in education.
When it comes to curriculum I believe in a progressive approach.
Students should be able to make decisions about what they are
learning so that they are more actively involved in the lesson. I think
that activities and projects should be a main way of learning for
students, because I truly believe that better learning takes place when
the students are doing the idea they are learning about rather than just
hearing about it. I dont really like the idea of standards because I
believe that teaching should involve focusing on each student instead
of grouping them all together.

When it comes to instruction I believe in a progressive approach

as well. I think that the teacher shouldnt be the main focus in
education. The students should be the center of learning. Teachers
should be there to guide the students on the right path and be a fellow
learner. I think that having students work in groups and having the
teacher spend a little time with each group will teach them to work
independently (without the help of the teacher) and work well with
others. In the case studies that we read the teacher that I most
identified with had different stations in her classroom and she would
visit each station while the students were working independently. I
really like this idea because I think it is important for students to be
able to work by themselves to focus on their own skill level.
When it comes to classroom management I believe more in an
essentialism approach. I think that students should have clear
instruction on the rules of the classroom. I think that is should also be
clear the punishment they will receive when they break the rules.
Although I do believe that everyone should work together I think that
the teacher should be respected, especially if they are giving directions
or leading a project. In class we talked about starting teaching with an
essentialism approach until I became more authoritative in my
classroom. After a few years of teaching experience I could switch to a
more progressive approach and have the students be more included in
the rule making of the classroom.

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