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NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)





NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)





















NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)


This procedure describes the contact ultrasonic method in which the probe makes direct
contact with the material and the ultrasonic instrument is a phased array unit. The probes
addressed by the instrument may be phased array or single element probes.

This procedure defines the requirements of mechanized pulse echo mode contact ultrasonic
examination of welds. This procedure shall apply to the general aspects of ultrasonic
inspection of welds using the phased array techniques and equipment.
These aspects include;

Monitoring the performance of the equipment.

Configuring the display and data acquisition parameters.
Calibration of time base and sensitivity.
Description of the recording criteria.
Identification and layout of the components to be tested.
Surface conditions required.
Details of the equipment used and the volumes covered.

Details of scanning shall be found in the associated technique sheets. Scanning for transverse
flaws may be done using either manual, fully automatic or mechanized techniques.
This procedure is applicable to ultrasonic examination of welded components for new and in
service welds.
Provisions are incorporated into this procedure and the special adaptations unique to their
implementation are described in this procedure and the associated standard practices
referenced by this procedure. Since the qualification of this procedure and associated standard
practices and techniques is unique to the EPOCH-1000i Phased Array instrument, this
procedure is not valid with any other instrument.
This procedure is valid for only those techniques that are identified and are recorded in the
latest revision of this procedure.

The following documents shall be referenced with this procedure:

ASNT SNT-TC-1A, Recommended Practice for Training, Qualification and Certification
of NDT Personnel
ASNT CP-189, ASNT Standard for Training, Qualification and Certification of NDT
Personnel ASME Section V, Non-destructive Examinassions.


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)


1. Personnel shall be qualified in accordance with

2. Personnel evaluating ultrasonic inspection results shall be qualified to a minimum of
Level II and Phased Array Ultrasonic Equipment shall be qualified.
3. The responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of an examination report is
verified by either Level II qualified ultrasonic personnel. Level I operators may perform
specific duties required for the examination.

1. Surface Preparation
The scanning area shall be rendered free of dirt, loose scale, weld splatter, machining
particles, or corrosion products. Where the surface cannot be made suitable for ultrasonic
inspection by light brushing and wiping, the Client representative and IES-Industrial
Engineering Service shall be advised. The base material or weld shall be prepared as
needed to permit examination.
2. Weld Marking and Inspection Area Location.
Numbers allocated to welds being examined shall designate inspection areas.
Each weld designated for inspection shall be marked with a reference index and position
numbers marked on the examination surface during initial examination. This shall include a
method for identifying the location of the weld centerline. If welds are to be permanently
marked, low stress stamps or vibra-tools may be used such that the marks are not deeper
than 1mm.
Unless specifically noted otherwise, all circumferential measurement shall be made clockwise
from the zero reference position on the weld when looking in the direction of product flow.


Examination Equipment
1. Ultrasonic Test Instruments
This procedure shall use the EPOCH-1000i phased array ultrasonic inspection unit exclusively.
The ultrasonic flaw detection instrument shall be used in the pulse echo or pitch-catch mode
with an A-Scan presentation used for calibration. The instrument is equipped with a stepped
gain control calibrated in units of 1dB or less. The equipment is capable of amplitude control
over its Useful range and Time Corrected Gain (TCG) shall be used in lieu of a simple Distance
Amplitude Correction (DAC) curve.


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

2. Search Units
Search units used for weld examinations shall operate at a frequency between 5 MHz. either
phased array or single element probes may be used. Phased array linear array configurations
shall have 16 elements or more having element width of 6mm to 15mm. Element spacing will
be search unit design specific and based on the calculations for element pitch to provide beam
steering of +/- 20. For typical shear wave applications the phased array probe will be placed
on a refracting wedge of suitable material and refracting angle as to be compatible with the
requirement to provide beam steering of +/- 20.
In addition to phased array search units, pulse-echo single element probes may be used where
geometry or resolution or other factors dictate that there is advantage to do so such as for
thickness assessments.
3. Couplant
Couplant used shall contain no ingredients deemed harmful to the test piece. For automated
or mechanised scanning, water shall be used. Alternatively, Ultragel or Glycerine or Lub oil or
soft grease may be used and diluted with water to reduce viscosity so as to facilitate its
movement through irrigation lines. Ultragel or Glycerine is also approved for use on the work
piece when performing manual transverse scans.
4. Calibration Blocks
Weld inspections using the EPOCH-1000i Ultrasonic Flaw detector shall be calibrated using
standard calibration blocks and blocks fabricated from material that is acoustically similar to
that being inspected and which has been subjected to minimum heat treatment required by
the material specification. The surface of calibration blocks is finished to approximately 10
micron Ra. At no time shall the calibration block surface be inferior to the test piece surface.
Calibration blocks are of 2 types
a. Range setting calibration blocks
b. Sensitivity setting calibration blocks.
a. Range Setting Calibration Blocks
Blocks used to set instrument range include:
1. International Institute of Welding (IIW) (BS A2) for range calibration
2. Din 54-122 (V2) (BS A4) alternative for range calibration
3. Standard Thickness Calibration Block (ladder step wedge)
Other range setting blocks may be used provided they are demonstrated to provide the
accuracy required for the materials examined.


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

b. Sensitivity Setting Calibration Blocks

Prior to fabrication, the block material shall be completely examined with a straight beam
search unit. Areas that contain an indication exceeding the remaining back-wall reflection shall
be excluded from the beam paths required to reach the various calibration reflectors.
When the component material to be examined is clad, the block shall be clad by the same
welding process as the production part.
For ultrasonic examinations the design requirements for the basic calibration block are
provided in Table 2. Hole placement and hole dimensions are detailed in Table 2. Aspects of
design such as minimum block dimensions should be considered based on the ultrasonic
techniques used.
Reference blocks shall be made with thickness and side-drilled holes in accordance with Table
Table 1
Ultrasonic Reference Block Requirements

Thickness of
Material to be
inspected (mm)

Thickness of block

10< t50

40 or t

50 < 100

75 or t

Diameter Hole

Distance of Hole
from Surface

2mm (+/-0.2mm)

t/2 and t/4

100 <t 150

125 or t

Additional holes are

150 <t 200

175 or t

allowed and

200 <t 250

225 or t


t > 2500

275 or t
6mm (+/-0.2mm)

For examinations in materials with diameters greater than 500 mm, a block of essentially the
same curvature, or alternatively, a flat basic calibration block, may be used.


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

For examinations in materials with diameters 500 mm and less, a curved block shall be used.
Unless otherwise specified, a single curved basic calibration block may be used for
examinations in the range of curvature from 0.9 to 1.5 times the basic calibration block


1. Equipment Calibration
a. Instrument Linearity Checks
All instruments are subject to the following linearity checks before use. Details of the steps
involved in the set-up of equipment for calibration can be found in the Standard Guide for Use
of EPOCH-1000i Ultrasonic Phased array. The results of these checks are recorded in the
Ultrasonic Instrument Linearity
Report forms (see standard practice for Verification of EPOCH-1000i Ultrasonic Phased Array
Linearity Performance) and are kept as part of the Inspection Record.
Instrument Linearity Checks are conducted:
a) on initial receipt of equipment
b) at the commencement of an inspection campaign
c) on a twelve-month cycle
d) after any electronic repair or physical damage
e) or for any other reason deemed appropriate at intervals less than 12 months

Screen Height Linearity Ultrasonic Phased array EPOCH-1000i shall provide vertical
amplitude presentation linear to within +/- 3% of full screen height over the range 10%
to 100% of full screen height. The method for evaluating screen height linearity is
outlined in standard practice for Verification of Ultrasonic Phased array EPOCH-1000i
Linearity Performance.

Amplitude Control Linearity (Calibrated Gain Control) - The accuracy of amplitude

control on the Ultrasonic Phased array EPOCH-1000i instrument is verified. The method
for evaluating amplitude control linearity is outlined in standard practice for Verification
of TD Scan Linearity Performance.

Sweep Range Linearity (Horizontal Linearity) - The ultrasonic instrument must provide
sweep range linearity accurate to +/-2% of the total base line. The method for
evaluating sweep range linearity is outlined in standard practice for Verification of
Ultrasonic Phased array EPOCH-1000i Linearity Performance.

b. Search Unit Checks

Because the Ultrasonic Phased array EPOCH-1000i ultrasonic instrument is a phased array
instrument many of the parameters associated with standard single element probes such as


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

exit point and nominal angle do not apply. As well, probes using curved wedges to fit the
diameter of pipes, and components will not permit measurements of nominal angle and exit
points using the standard calibration blocks (IIW and DIN-54) as they cannot be used on flat
surfaces. Standard Practice for Verification of Performance of Probes used with EPOCH- 1000i
will be used as appropriate to assess the suitability of the probe and focal laws applied to
phased array probes. Guidance for Probe Performance is also found in this Standard Practice
for assessment of single element probes when used with the EPOCH- 1000i phased array
ultrasonic instrument.
Search unit Checks are conducted:
a) on initial receipt of equipment
b) at the commencement of an inspection campaign
c) on a one-month cycle
d) after any electronic repair or physical damage
e) or for any other reason deemed appropriate at intervals less than 1 month
2. Calibration - Weld Examination
1. Range and Signal Amplitude (TCG) Calibration
The EPOCH- 1000i is calibrated for each examination specified on the detailed technique for
both range and signal amplitude.

Range setting for both shear and longitudinal wave examination is detailed in Standard
Practice for Setting Range using TD Handy Scan
Time Corrected Gain is applied as detailed in Standard Practice for Distance Amplitude
Correction using EPOCH- 1000i

2. Calibration Confirmation
A system calibration confirmation shall be used to verify the sweep range calibration and DAC
and or TCG curve at the start and finish of each examination and at a minimum of once each
day during an examination session using the appropriate calibration block
Any change in search units, shoes, couplants, cables, ultrasonic instruments, personnel or
other parts of the examination system is cause for a calibration check.
Calibration checks are performed as follows:

The sensitivity control settings are adjusted to match those recorded for the calibrated
reference sensitivity of the middle focal law of a single angle Phased Array scanning
technique or the single element probe for non-phased array probe applications.

The search unit is positioned to detect the first and last points on the TCG using the
reference reflectors on the appropriate basic calibration block. The maximum signal
response amplitudes and horizontal sweep positions are observed.


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

If either point along the time base using the TCG has decreased by greater than 2 dB in
amplitude, all recorded data sheets since the last calibration check are marked void. A
new calibration is made and recorded and the voided examination areas re-examined.

If any point along the time base using the TCG has increased by greater than 2 dB in
amplitude, only recorded indications taken since the last valid calibration check need be
reexamined with the correct calibration and their values changed on the data sheets or
files rescanned.

If during system confirmation of calibration, any point on the time base has moved on
the sweep line more than 5% of the total base line, correct the sweep range calibration.
If recordable reflectors are noted on the data sheets, these data sheets are voided, a
new calibration is recorded and the voided examination is repeated.

3. Transfer Values
Loss of sound transmission due to surface geometry, or surface condition (roughness or
coatings), can be compensated using a transfer value. Transfer value shall be determined
using Standard Practice for Determining Acoustic Compatibility using EPOCH- 1000i.
Any difference between the transfer value obtained on the basic calibration block and the test
piece is added to the Primary Reference and this noted in the report. If a negative dB value
results from the transfer value determination, no adjustment to the primary Reference shall be
4. Temperature Control
For contact examination, the temperature differential between the calibration block and the
examination surface shall be within +/-10C.
5. Instrument Controls
Any controls affecting the linearity of the instrument shall be in the same position for
calibration, calibration checks, instrument linearity checks and examinations.
6. Encoding
Automated scanning shall use position encoders that are verified to provide position accuracy
of scans within +/-1mm in 100mm of scan length. All encoders shall be verified daily to be
correctly calibrated. Moving the scanning apparatus over a fixed distance (e.g. 150mm) and
comparing the start and end readings is sufficient to verify the calibration of the encoder. All
encoded distances recorded by the data acquisition system shall be accurate to within 2mm
over 100mm of actual travel. Encoders failing to maintain this tolerance shall be re-calibrated.

Weld Examination - General Description


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

Each weld configuration has its own individual technique that describes in detail the type and
extent of the examination. Techniques will be described using the format detailed in Standard
Practice for Technique Layout and EPOCH- 1000i parameters.

Inspection Area

Each inspection area is identified with a unique "weld" number. The width of the inspection
area extends beyond the point of maximum width of the final weld preparation for a minimum
distance of one-half the material thickness or
25 mm, whichever is less. The weld zone is defined as the weld and the base metal up to 10
mm (Heat Affected Zone -HAZ), from the edge of the final weld preparation, as illustrated in
Figure 1. The base material on either side of the inspection area of pipe welds need not be
examined for laminations that would interfere with shear wave examination if these materials
have been inspected for laminar inclusions at some previous stage in fabrication.

Inspection Area / Weld zone / Scanning zone

Weld Profile Will Showing Inspection Area and Weld Zone

Non-Relevant Indications


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

Signals which are determined to result from metallurgical discontinuities and/or geometrical conditions
(such as weld root geometry, or weld to base metal interface) are classified as geometric reflectors.
Such reflectors are not characterised as indications nor compared with allowable indication standards.
They are clearly identified, located, and recorded in the
Inspection Record for future reference.
The presence of geometric reflectors is confirmed either by reviewing the fabrication drawings of the
weld preparation, the previous Inspection Records or by supplemental inspection results.
TOFD scanning may be used to aid in discriminating between flaws and geometric reflectors where
surface scanning areas permit. When TOFD is carried out, guidance on its use shall follow the
instructions in BS7706. Every root indication shall be carefully examined to determine its nature
(crack / LOF / LOP / geometrical).

In respect to weld configuration: With a single V a root indication will be masked by a surface indication
as per 10.0 note 5.
In a 50/50 double V TOFD can support findings like LOP / LOF / center line cracking.

Inspection Scan Types

Automated weld inspection for laminar flaws is carried out using a phased array linear raster scan using
focal laws providing a 0 beam in the inspection volume when possible. Restrictions due to geometries
of surroundings shall be reported.
Automated weld inspection for axial flaws is carried out using a phased array linear raster scan using
focal laws providing angled beam examination of the inspection volume. Restrictions due to geometries
of surroundings shall be reported.
Manual or automated transverse scans in two directions either side of the weld cap will also be carried
out where access permits. Restrictions due to geometries of surroundings shall be reported.
All automated scanning shall be position encoded at sampling intervals of 1mm.


1. General
The fundamental criterion for the evaluation of the existence of an ultrasonic examination indication is
the amplitude of the indication in relation to a specified reference level. The reference level is
established during calibration of the test instrument on the sensitivity calibration block and set so that
the amplitude from the applicable notches or holes are set to 80% full screen height using TCG.
Scanning shall be done at the Primary Reference level plus any gain required for transfer value.

EPOCH- 1000i Phased Array ultrasonic instrument is a digital instrument. Analogue to Digital
Conversion will be at a rate suitable to ensure that the recorded peak signal is within 1dB of the
analogue peak. This shall be considered achieved when the digitization rate is set to at least 5 times the
nominal frequency of the probe used1. Actual digitization settings shall be specified in the Technique.
2. Sequence of Examination Reporting
The Site Examination Record is a record prepared by the ultrasonic technician containing the data
pertaining to an examination of a particular weld. This is the raw data collected in the EPOCH- 1000i
software.The Ultrasonic Inspection Data Record Sheet 2 is the official source of ultrasonic records on
which observed reflectors are plotted, and all inspection results are permanently recorded.


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

This form will include weld number, technique number, project information, minimum thickness noted
and the status of the inspection (accept/reject) with pertinent indications noted if repairs are required.
Standard Practice for Report and Data Display using IES Industrial Engineering Service
provides instruction on the preparation of the Report. The site examination record data file shall be kept
on file with the Ultrasonic Inspection Data Record Sheet.


Detailed Examination and Recording Sequence

Calibration of Equipment

The examination equipment shall be calibrated as described in item 8.0 herein to verify linearity and set
range and sensitivity.
2. Thickness Measurements
Thickness Measurements - Weld Inspection At the examination site, the ultrasonic operator takes an
initial thickness measurement. The thickness is compared to the thickness indicated on the detailed
technique to confirm that the
technique and related range settings are applicable. This thickness assessment may be made using a
separate zero degree probe with EPOCH- 1000i unit or as part of any required scan results from a 0
Thickness measurements are to be noted at the edge of the weld cap and at 50 mm either side of the
weld at 3 points around the circumference of the weld. The minimum thickness reading is recorded.
3. Shear Wave Scanning and Recording
The instrument is calibrated as described in Standard Practice for Verification of Performance of Probes
used with EPOCH- 1000i, Standard Practice for Setting Range using EPOCH- 1000i, Standard
Practice for Distance Amplitude Correction using EPOCH- 1000i and Standard Practice for
Determining Acoustic Compatibility using EPOCH- 1000i. Calibration checks are performed when
required as outlined in item 8.0 herein.
4. Scanning Sensitivity
Scanning of all welds is performed at a gain setting equal to the Primary Reference Sensitivity plus any
transfer value. On the Data Acquisition display an evaluation threshold is set using a colour threshold at
6dB below the Primary Reference level. Typically Primary Reference level is set at 80% Full Screen
Height and the evaluation level is then 40% FSH.
5. Scanning Normal to the Weld (Axial Scan)
The probe is directed at 90 to the weld centre line and mechanically moved so that the ultrasonic
beam passes through all of the inspection area. This is accomplished by an electronic raster or S-scan.
Where possible, the weld is scanned from both sides of the same surface. The speed of scanning is such
as to ensure that coupling and data acquisition integrity is maintained.
Data recorded will ensure encoded samples along the weld are at 1mm intervals and not greater than
10% of data points shall be missed in a weld scan with not more than 3 adjacent samples missing in a
single scan.
6. canning Parallel to the Weld (Transverse Scan)


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

The search unit is aimed essentially parallel to the weld centre line and moved along the weld so that
the ultrasonic beam passes through the weld zone. Scanning is done in two directions essentially 180
to each other. Swiveling of the probe is not possible when using shaped wedges.
Probe motion may be made manually. The speed of scanning is such as to ensure that coupling is
maintained. Where access permits the weld is scanned from both sides on the same surface.
Due to weld cap configurations the surface of the weld may not be a suitable scan surface. When the
weld cap is not a suitable scan surface the probe will need to be positioned close to the weld cap edge
and the beam directed towards the weld centerline (i.e. essentially parallel to the weld axis) where
curvature permits.
7. Recording and plotting Axial Shear Scan
All A-scan waveforms shall be recorded using a digitisation not less than 5 times the nominal frequency
of the probe. Recording shall be in the form of an RDT data file and evaluation of the scan results shall
be made using B-scan or S-scan and C-scan projections with colour pallets that allow the operator to
discriminate between signals above or below the evaluation threshold.
Relevant indications greater than or equal to -6dB reference shall be evaluated against them applicable
acceptance criteria. Reject able indications are plotted showing dimensions, location relative to the weld
center line and vertical extent when required. Length shall be determined
using the 6 dB drop method for signals less than 80% and for flaw signals with amplitudes greater than
80% length shall be determined to the 40% limits
When vertical extent is required it shall be determined using the tip diffraction sizing technique. Vertical
sizing methods are described in Standard Practice for Determining Vertical Extent with EPOCH- 1000i.
Results of weld inspections to this procedure will be compared to the requirements of the referencing
code unless otherwise instructed by written instructions.
After each inspection an Inspection Report shall be prepared. This report describes the work done, the
equipment used, the qualification of the inspection personnel and the results. Additional inspection
results (if any) are also reported and alternate methods of inspection described.
The final report for each weld shall include;

Project name, contract details

Procedure and technique identification
Equipment used (UT instrument, probes, cables, manipulators, couplant)
Computer programme identification and version
Instrument gain settings sensitivity or reference target
Weld Identification
Scan Surface
Record of rejectable indications locations or areas cleared
Areas of restricted access
Personnel and their qualifications


NDT Inspection, Electrical Inspection & NDT Instrument & Training

(Reg. Address: 19/1-D, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)

Date and Time of the examination

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