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Stacey Besherse
August 23, 2016

Raft Task Card

This RAFT Card is designed for __3rd_ grade level.

ROLE (student)
Reporter for television Viewers of the

Interview Harriet

What was it like



helping slaves

television show

Row 1

cross to the
Your friend

Row 2


You and your

A slave making a map

friend got

for his friend to find

separated but you

the Underground

left him a map


telling him how to

get to the
Railroad and find

Abraham Lincoln

Slave owners

Town Hall Meeting You are giving a
speech and
convincing slave
owners that

Row 3
keeping slaves is
wrong and why
they should let
them be free.

RAFT Row 1
Objective: ISTE STANDARD 1. Creativity and Innovation. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and process using technology. B. Create original works as a means of
personal or group expression.

Student Role: Reporter for a television show


Viewers of the television show


You are interviewing Harriet Tubman on national television.

Topic: You are asking Harried Tubman questions about what it was like helping the slaves
escape through the Underground Railroad.

1.) Write questions that you would like to ask Harriet Tubman
2.) Visit and type in Harriet Tubman and find the answers to
your questions about her.
3.) Answer the questions that you wrote down.
4.) Have a classmate record you and another classmate in an interview style setting.


Assessment: You will be graded on how well your questions were. You must use an
interview style setting. Your paper must be error free and you must have had at least 10
questions that you have written out for Harriet Tubman to answer.

RAFT Row 2
Objective: You will be making a map for your friend to be able to find the Underground
Student Role: You are the map maker

Your friend.


Making a map

Topic: You and your friend got separated on the way to the Underground Railroad but you
left him a map showing him or her how to find you and the Underground Railroad.

1.) Visit brain pop jr. com and type in underground railroad and pay attention to the
way the underground is set up.
2.) Then visit and learn how to make a map
3.) Make a map for your friend and make sure that you have a legend and a compass
and your directions are clear.


Assessment: I will be grading you on how well your map making skills are. I want to be
able to see your legend and understand what each symbol means. I am looking for if you
included a compass and how well your directions are. I am also looking for creativity.

RAFT Row 3
Objective: 2. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance to support individual learning and contribute to the

learning of others. A. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences

using a variety of media and formats.
Student Role: Abraham Lincoln

Slave owners


Town Hall Meeting

Topic: You will persuade slave owners to free the slaves they have because it is wrong to
keep them as slaves.

1.) Visit and type in Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg
2.) Look at his speech that he made and think about how you can make a speech that
would persuade others to release the slaves.
3.) Make a rough draft of your speech, and revise it and then type in the computer.
4.) Remember you are Abraham Lincoln and think about how he would have talked to
the slave owners.

Assessment: I will grade your ideas and your rough draft and make sure that you used
revising and editing on your paper. I will make sure that your paper is persuasive and gets
to the point.

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Teaching can be fun and often times it can be very stressful as well and teachers need
ways to keep the students attention and have them have fun as well and learn new things.
Technology has come a long way and when students are able to get involved and think and plan
ways to make their assignments fun and they get to be creative and learn something new about
technology. Students should be able to get roles and plan things out and pretend if they were in
someone elses shoes how they would make their lives different and how would they make it fun
and get their points across. It is a great idea to have them try and act like adults so they can see
that later on in life they may use technology to create speeches, make maps, thing through.
Students can create projects like making an interview, creating a map for someone to follow, and
then creating a power point to convince someone to change their minds about a certain issue.

Name of Technology Tool: Interview like setting

When creating lesson plans doing the same thing over and over can get pretty boring and
lets face it kids these days know a lot about technology already. They may know more than their
teachers sometimes. Todays digital natives expect more from their teachers than did students in
decades past (Downes, Bishop, 2012). Students like recording themselves and being creative as
well. Students would get the opportunity to research someone they would like to interview and
pretend to ask him or her a question. They could interview someone that lived a long time again
or someone that is alive now. They could be an actress, a famous person, an interview anyone
they chose to interview. They can do research and think of questions they want to know and then
answer the questions. Then the students can create mock interview sessions and pretend they are
asking the person the questions but it would be based off of the answers they have researched
about them.
ISTE Standards
3. Research and Information fluency. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate,
and use information. A. plan strategies to guide inquiry. B. locate, organize, analyze,
evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
Name of Technology Tool: Map making concepts
Art classes do not use technology as much as they should because they are mostly using
creative ways to create projects. One thing that teachers must realize that it is about learning and
it is soley about the learner and it has always been about the learner and should always be about
the learner (Gregory, 2009). The lesson should not be about how easy it is but they should think
about how much the learner will know. Students will create maps and make a legend and give

directions and how to get to a certain place in their school. Students will use compass skills and
know how to use legends to show pictures and show their friends how to get to their destinations.
The students will then find a partner and their friends will see if the directions they told were
accurate and got them where they needed to be.
ISTE Standards
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Students use critical
thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make
informed decisions using appropriate, digital tools, and resources. B) Plan and manage
activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
Name of Technology Tool: Powerpoint
Students will use power point in a presentation to persuade students to show who they
should vote for. They pick a person they think would be a good candidate for president and they
do research on that person. They then create slide that they person can come up with to show
why their candidate would be the best person for the job. They must create the PowerPoint with
facts and pictures and make their PowerPoint creative. They will learn how to use transitions
and sound effects and how to make their PowerPoint appeal to other people as well. The teacher
must be well trained in using PowerPoint because students will need her help and if she is unable
to help her then her lesson will be useless and the students will no learn from her. Students using
PowerPoint will give students the chance to be able to learn what skills they need for later on in
life and when they get a job because they may need to use power point in their career at some
ISTE Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct

knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology. B).
Create original work as a means of personal or group expression.
Pros and Cons
The pros of using technology are that it gives the students a chance to learn many new
ideas and to play around with tools that will need. Students have the chance to use their
imagination and become creative and be inventive. Teachers must be informed of the literacy, be
able to show students how to research on the internet and she must be able to practice what they
need to learn to become successful in their tasks (Holum, Gahala, 2001). The only down side
would be that sometimes the teacher may rely too heavily on teaching straight from the internet
and use the tools and if they do not have a backup plan then it keeps the students from learning
other ways to be creative and inventive.
Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences)
Technology has be so creative and has helped teachers in so many ways and that is a great
idea. Students get the chance to plan out how they want to be creative and they get to put their
plan on a presentation and find ways to make it work. The students get to become inventive and
learn how to organize and see how certain things come together and how they do not work when
their plans are not thought out.

Downes, J; Bishop, P (2012). Educators engage digital natives and learn from their experiences
with technology. Middle School Journal
Gregory, D(2009). Boxes with fires: wisely integrating learning technologies into the art
classroom. Art Education
Holum, A; Gahala, J (2001). Critical issue: using technology to enhance literacy instruction.
Guides Non Classroom

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