IELTS Speaking Answers

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The plan is as follows:

Summarize the topic to be as short as possible

Then learn by heart


1. Describe a museum
1) How often do you visit the museum?
2) Which type of museum is popular in your country?
3) Why do you want to visit the museum?

What do you think of the importance of museums in history?

How do you think of the heritage of a country?
Compare the museums nowadays and in the past

The greatest museum Ive ever visited was the .. museum in .city,
the state.
It had a large collection of .
It was a collection from the

th century

Museum, institution dedicated to helping people understand and

appreciate the natural world, the history of civilizations, and the record of
humanitys artistic, scientific, and technological achievements. Museums
collect objects of scientific, aesthetic, or historical importance; care for
them; and study, interpret, and exhibit them for the purposes of public
education and the advancement of knowledge. There are museums in
almost every major city in the world and in many smaller communities as
Museums offer many benefits to their visitors, their communities, and
society as a whole. As educational institutions, they offer unparalleled
opportunities for self-directed learning and exploration by people of
diverse ages, interests, backgrounds, and abilities. They are public

gathering places where visitors can be entertained, inspired, and

introduced to new ideas. Museums enrich local cultural life and make
communities more appealing places to live and to visit.
For society as a whole, museums provide valuable intangible benefits as
sources of national, regional, and local identity. They have the singular
capacity to reflect both continuity and change, to preserve and protect
cultural and natural heritage while vividly illustrating the progression of
the human imagination and the natural world.
This article provides an overview of the different types of museums and
explains how they acquire, care for, and exhibit their collections. It also
discusses educational programs at museums and profiles museum staff and
professional organizations. Other sections of the article trace the history of
museums and outline the major trends and challenges facing museums
today. Finally, the article describes major museums in countries
throughout the world.
Museums stem from the age-old human desires to preserve cultural
identity; gain social, political, and economic status; and pursue knowledge.
The word museumfirst used in English in the 17th...

Importance Of Historical Places

3. The important historic place

1) What is the place?
2) Where is it located?
3) Why do you think it is important?

What do you think of the historic place in the future?

Will the government increase or decrease the safety guard?
What are the changes to the local people and economy?
What is the impact on the historic place by tourists?

As tourists when we visit any historical place, we just see it, purchase some
mementos, books, pictures, and are out of that place. Also for a historical
tour, we spare minimum time or try to give very short time. We don't pay
attention that when that particular place was built, how many workers, and
what architecture the monument has. No wonder, we are impressed by by
the work of art, culture, and craft of the monument.
Ok this is good, but if should we give some more time to visit and try to
collect some historical knowledge about the monument and share it with
our friends. We can write about our experiences of that place in our own
words and get published in a blog, newspaper or magazine as an article. We
may suggest that the place is well maintained? All necessary requirements
for visitors are present there? If not then how can they manage to plan
their visit to that place. We may give our own idea for this or may write
comments in visitors book if they are available.
When we write story about that place, then give attention for some useful
points that is- from were you reach to that place (like bus station, railway
station, airport, or by private car,)? How far the place is like what is the
distance? How much it would cost if one take a bus, train, plane or hires a
car. What are the condition of approach roads and how is the behaviour of
local population? We may also explain that how much time should one

spend in that place. (Also write that how much time for actual visit to see
all). Guides have actual knowledge of that place or not? Official in the
place are doing their duty well or not. Is the place clean or dirty? And also
any other point that you noticed write clearly.
If we do this with honesty, then we do our duty as a tourist, historical
lovers and good citizen. Also try to take photos of that place (try -that you
are present in photo). With photo place your story for published.

When it comes to choose preserve or destroy the old historic buildings, I believe that
different people will hold different perspective to this question. In my point of view, a
city should preserve the old historic buildings. Being a container of human activity,
Building, obviously, is also a reservoir of human history and culture. To some extent,
preserving old historic building means respecting the previous generations.
The first and most important thing is that we need to preserve our history, it is a
commonsense. But the problem is How to preserve it? just write it in the book? Of course
not. Every building has its own historical background, especially the old historic
buildings from which we can know specifically something about the previous period of
history. For example, if the buildings of Ancient Rome have not been preserved till now,
how can we know about Ancient Rome's history precisely?
Furthermore, the old historic buildings of a city would accentuate a city's culture and
characteristic. The Kashgar city is the best example, although a new modern city have
been built near to the old one, the most attractive place of Kashgar is still the old city,
which has many old historic buildings. The people who want to know about Uyghur
culture, one of main culture of Central Asia, always go to visit the old Kashgar city.
Finally, preserving old historic building means respecting the previous generations.
Maybe some old buildings have negative effect on the cityscape or its function, however,
with the consideration of respect previous people, we have no right to destroy or
substitute them for modern buildings. On the other hand, we have the responsibility of
preserving them to our next generations so that they could have the opportunity to know
about their predecessors tangibly.
In conclusion, the importance of maintaining the historic buildings of a city could
outweigh the value of replacing them with modern buildings because of the reasons

nguyenhathu178Threads: 2
Posts: 8

Jul 22, 2010, 10:34am #2

That is an interesting essay in my opinion. however, something may be change to make

the essay better
1.In 2nd passage.
-the sentence " But the problem is How to preserve it? just write it in the book? Of course
not" is probably far from the topic. This causes the passage lacking coherence.
- Every building has its own historical background, especially the old historic buildings
from which we can know specifically something about the previous period of history
=>Every building has its own historical background, especially the old historic buildings
that help us to know more about the previous period of history.
2.In 4th passage . "responsibility for" instead of "responsibility of".
- On the other hand, we have the responsibility of preserving them to our next generations
so that they could have the opportunity to know about their predecessors tangibly.
- On the other hand, keeping the old historic building is the act bringing more opportunity
for our next generations to know about their predecessors tangibly.
-In conclusion, the importance of maintaining the historic buildings of a city could
outweigh the value of replacing them with modern buildings because of the reasons
=>In conclusion, the importance of maintaining the historic buildings of a city could
outweigh the value of replacing them with modern buildings. That is the reason why we
should preserve instead of replace them.
nguyen thi ha thu
EF_KevinThreads: 33
Posts: 14,320 [Moderator]

Jul 25, 2010, 07:41pm #4

Hello, I'm sorry it took me so long to see your essay. Usually you would have goten more
responses by now.
When it comes to choosing whether to preserve or destroy the old historic buildings, I
believe that different people will hold have different perspectives on...
The first and most important....
.... the buildings of Ancient Rome had not been preserved until now, how could we know
about Ancient Rome's history precisely? (add a sentence to support your thesis, like this:
The fact that preserving buildings helps to preserve culture supports the argument that we
should preserve buildings as a matter of respect for our ancestors.)

Then do the next paragraph:

Furthermore, the old historic buildings of a city would accentuate...
If you end the first paragraph with the statement about "respect," it is good to end some of
the body paragraphs with sentences that show how the paragraph supports that thesis
statement at the end of the first paragraph.
You can help a lot of people by visiting the "Unanswered" threads!
annmichelle7Threads: 2
Posts: 7

Jul 26, 2010, 07:18am #5

That is an interesting topic.

But I think that a city should preserve its old, historic buildings. Since those buildings are
the root and start of all modern buildings we have right now. Those buildings were the
standard of building more complex and modeled buildings. We should keep something
old and unique in our city, those buildings are a big piece of a city.

The U.S. federal government designates historic districts through the U.S. Department of
Interior, under the auspices of the National Park Service. Federally designated historic
districts are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.[10] Historic districts allows
rural areas to preserve their characters through historic preservation programs. These
include "Main Street" programs that can be used to redevelop rural downtowns. Using
historic preservation programs as an economic development tool for local governments in
rural areas has enabled some of those areas to take advantage of their history and develop
a tourism market that in turn provides funds for maintaining an economic stability that
these areas would not have seen otherwise.[11][12]
A similar concept exists in the United Kingdom: a Conservation area is designated in
accordance with the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 in
order to protect a zone in which there are buildings of architectural or cultural heritage

The newly built modernized districts should be set up in new zones away from the ancient part
of the city," Han said.
"Tourism and trade can be carried on in the old districts, while high-tech industries and
skyscrapers can be developed in the new places."

The local government has also decreased the population living within the ancient city wall area
from 450,000 to 250,000 in recent years.
Historical sites in the country were most affected after reform and opening-up policies were
adopted in the early 1980s, according to Zhao Zhongshu, a researcher of city planning.
"In the early years of reform, the central government had little time to think about the
protection of heritage. But, now the increasing awareness of the government and people will
reduce the amount of destruction of these areas," Zhao said

What is the important invention

before the age of computer?
6. What is the important invention before the age of computer?
1) What is the invention?
2) Why do you think it is very important?
3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the invention?

What is the significant impact of modern inventions on life?

Which skills do you want to study in the future?
Do you think its necessary to develop modern invention in the countryside?

Describe the best gift you have received

19. Describe the best present you have received

1) Who sent it to you?
2) When did you receive it?
3) Detailed information about the present

Do you think that present giving will play an important role in Chinese daily life? Why?
Do you think that the brand name is very important for sales?
In terms of the media, which do you think will play a main role in present giving,
television, newspaper or Internet?

Last year , my wife celebrated my birthday at home. She bought a electronic

dictionary as birthday gift. I like the electronic dictionary very much. It's
blue and quite small. It fits into my pocket. I remember at that time, my wife said to me :"she decided to
immigrate to Canada with me. In future, we must study
very hard .And she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my English." On that day,
I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate to
Canada finally. Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary , I made such
rapid progress that before long I began to write articles in English.
1) In China, when will people send the present?
Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party. During Spring
Festival, people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowers and
2) Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present
that people now are receiving, what's the difference between them?
( try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift
children received now )
Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received a
notebook as gift. But now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such as
flowers, wine, food, clothes etc.
3) Just image the gift in the future children will receive.
In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual
gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.
4) Just image the gift in the future people will receive.

In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other. I think flowers will be
the most popular present.

important events
11. Describe a happy event in your life?
1) When did it happen?
2) Where did it happen?
3) What was it?

Tell me how you organize your study time?

What do you think is important in achieving happiness?
How do Chinese celebrate some happy events?
What do the camera and video play in celebrating?

Three events... and they are important because

they were things that seriously affected the rest of my life.
These three events were all "roads not taken" decisions, so they've shaped who and where
I am today.
1) I turned down a graduate program in Georgia, and stayed where I was instead. This led
to marraige and the birth of my children. I have NO IDEA what I would have done had I
taken that opportunity; changes are very good that I wouldn't be a writer, now, though, or
if I was, it wouldn't be the same kind of writing--I wouldn't have married my husband,
had my kids, or become a technical writer.
2) I had kids. No matter what else, if you have and raise kids, that changes the course of
your life forever. Initially, of course, once you become pregnant, your identity changes to
the rest of the world (as anyone who's had a total stranger come up and pat their belly)
knows, and while that shifts and grows and changes, you're still not that single individual
any more, and you never will be that again.
3) A particular friendship led me away from a bad relationship in a bunch of ways: it
gave me the confidence to realize that I was doing the right thing; it showed me that I
didn't HAVE to always cling to the secure situation; it showed me that I could be
successful at something worthwhile that was all my own. Without that friendship, I
wouldn't be who, what, or where I am today.
SOmetimes you know a decision is going to change your world, sometimes you don't.
Looking back, I knew the first two would change things before I did them. The third?
Totally unexpected, but I can see now that it is key to a big part of who I am now.

Interesting question!


11. Describe a happy event in your life?

1) When did it happen?
2) Where did it happen?
3) What was it?

Tell me how you organize your study time?

What do you think is important in achieving happiness?
How do Chinese celebrate some happy events?
What do the camera and video play in celebrating?

Happy event, I think its when my sisters from Australia went to visit us here, in the
Philippines. We gather together, the whole family. It was the perfect day that once
happened in my life being with my whole family again after a long time.

In my life, I think a happy event is when I knew I had passed college. That
was one morning on August 22,2010. when I have just got up, my friend
called me and inform me about college scores. When heard she talked Im
very happy, but I still felt suspicious, so, immediately after, I asked operator.
She told me about my scores: English 4.25, Math 6.25, literature 6.25. now,
I was really happy because I knew I passed college. I ran to inform my
parent about my score, I hope my parent will happy and congratulate me.
But they still suspicious about chance to pass college, they talked may be
have many person get higher mark than you, they make me worry. So I
must asked operator again, I asked her about my position, she told my
position is 10. too joyous, I told her thank you, thank you many time. Gayer
than new years day, I ran to inform my parent again and they congratulated
me, my mother told I will cook everything you like today, so tell me what
do you want to eat? I told many food and my mother did all my wishes.
That day is the day I cant forget, it bring me to one new page of my life and
that day braved in my memories

happy event in my life is the day that I met him, who became an important part in
my life
I still remember it was a summer night, when I was sitting in a bench along the lake
next my house. The people pass to and from was very crowded. I was having a
sorrow about my family so I feel very sad. Friends and entertainments can not make
me feel better, so I cried.
He came by me and sat down beside me , he said nothing and just heard I cry. He
also did not ask me why. He only told me a joke. It was very funny so I laughed. I
really felt better a lot.
From then on, we became close friends. He is a kind person, energetic and free
thinking. He is always ready to help people, because he says that seeing people smile
make him happy. He is always listen and share with me when I feel happy as well as
sad by all his heart. He also encourage me in my study and overcome difficult in life
to achieve great success in life.
Hes my moral support. We will try to keep our friendship lasts forever.

Shopping centers
14. Describe one of the shopping centers you often go to
1) Where is the shopping center?
2) How often do you go to the center?
3) Why do you often go to it and its characteristics?

Will smaller shops survive in the current business system?

What are the characteristics of shopping malls and smaller shops and their
What is the trend of future shopping centers?
Talk about Internet shopping

The best
During weekends I and some friends of mine often go shopping, and one of the
supermarkets we always go to is bigC supermarket in Hanoi.
In bigC we can find everything we want. Specially, the prices are very cheap. They
are even cheaper than those of small markets or stores. Besides, most products there
have good quality. I like the way items of commodities are organized in BigC:
everything is easy to find and attractively arranged, which makes me want to buy
The good strategy of bigC is that it has 2 floors. The first floor has clothes, electrical
equipment and adornments. The second floor has foods, household appliances and all
other items of necessities. Thus everyone going to the second floor for their more
needy items has to go through the first floor where they cant miss other items such
as clothes, adornments, etc... and most of them will likely buy some items there. BigC
has sold a lot of commodities this way and its cost is cheaper as a matter of course.
To me BigC has a very good business model, which is helping it grow very quickly.
Besides its commodities a supermarket also has its employees: salespersons, cashiers, etc. Give
your observation on how they do their job and serve their customers. It will make your text more
interesting. If you can write about the other shoppers, it will be even more interesting.

try to go shopping with my friends at least 3-4 times a year. Before school starts, christmas,
spring/summer. I don't go a whole lot. I'm saving for a lot of things. So I don't spend a lot. I only
get things on sale or clearance.
whenever i have money:)
once a month maybe??
but i dont buy much.

probably no more than $50.

but if its like a back to school,or my birthday money i buy as much as i can cause i always loose
my wallet/money:/
i usually go after school with my friends because the mall is right down the street
i just buy whatever i see that looks cute, usually 5 items
every weekend.. sometimes i buy stuff..
i sometimes i just go to look around..
u know.. have fun..
but i ALWAYS go shopping like twice a month for sure..
one afternoon in two weeks!! so that they dont get at me for being shopping addicted but I m
always fashion!!!

20. Describe your holidays
1) Where do you go for the holidays and how long do them last?
2) Who do you go with?
3) Talk about any interesting thins happening during your holidays

What do the Chinese people mostly do in their leisure time?

What's the difference between holidays today and 5 years ago and the reasons for the
Do you think people will spend more time on leisure or working in the future?

1. Describe the country you went and the places of interest you visited.
2. Describe how you got to know more about the life of the people there.
3. Describe how you felt when you had to leave the place.
Last year, my family and I spent one whole week in Sri Lanka which was once
known as The Paradise of the East. It turned out to be the best holiday we had
ever had.
Our flight on Singapore Airlines was uneventful. The stewardess managed to
distract us with food, duty-free goods and their pretty smiles. As we approached
Sri Lanka, I was enchanted by what I saw of the awesome mountains and thousands
of coconut trees.
The journey to the hotel in Colombo was interesting though humpy. The driver had
to contend not only with the other vehicles but also with the unpredictable dogs,
cats, cows and pedestrians. We toured various places of historical and cultural
interest. The Sigiriya Rock, the home of an ancient king, fascinated me the
most. The king had defended his realm from the Rock which was in the shape of a
lion. The shaky stairs leading to the castle ruins on top of the rock were not easy
to climb. However, the preserved frescoes of beautiful maidens made the climb
The south-western coast of the island is lined with beautiful, white, sun-soaked
beaches. The sea was a deep sapphire color, sparkling under the sun on the day of
our visit. There were few tourists around and so the beaches were practically

Most people on the island speak English well. From them, we had an insight of the
lives of the local people. I made friends with a teenaged boy called Siri who took
me to his village. There, he introduced me to his large family and we played their
local games. Form dinner, I was served rice and vegetables grown on their own
plot of land. It was much more delicious than the hotel food we had been served.
The week passed b too quickly. I was sorry to leave the island which had lived up
to its name: The Paradise of the East.

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