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Espaol III

Syllabus 2016-2017
Seora Wroblewski
Huron High School Room 4320
This year you will continue your exploration of
Spanish language and culture. We will work
towards building proficiency through
interpretive activities (reading & listening),
presentational activities (writing & speaking),
and interpersonal activities (reading/writing,
listening/speaking) all within a cultural context.

MATERIALES DIARIAS / Materials to bring daily


Partici- 10%


Semester grade=
Quarter 1 (20%)
Quarter 2 (20%)
Exam (40%)


*I NEVER round grades, as there are extra credit opportunities.

LA TAREA / Homework:


A binder with a 3-ring system (2" or larger recommended)

A set of 5 dividers
A spiral notebook or loose-leaf lined paper (at least 100 pages)
A pencil (sharpened or with enough lead)
A pen (any color except black)

Daily practice is essential! Expect

homework 3-5 days per week.
May include: worksheets, readings,
real world homework, recording
yourself speaking, studying,
watching a video, online work, etc.
Must be completed before
entering class each day. Often
checked or collected. Poor quality
or incomplete= lost points.
Check the Google Classroom page
to see our assignments each day.

Huron IB World Language students

will develop international
understanding and responsible world
citizenship by exploring how to
communicate across cultural
boundaries in an increasingly
integrated world.

PARTICIPACIN / Participation:

Bring Your
Own Device
on designated

Language learning is only possible

through active participation!
Using spoken Spanish DAILY
during partner work, group work,
volunteering, socializing, etc.
Also includes in-class work like
warm-ups, readings, learning
stations, self-evaluations, and
listening activities.
You may lose points if you are not
on task, do not complete activities,
or use too much English.


Usually 2-3 final

assessments per
unit, varies by unit
Based on real-life
language skills
(reading, writing,
listening, speaking)
vocabulary or
grammar quizzes
Projects are also



AUSENCIAS / Absences:

Accepted for 50% credit
# of days missed= # of days to
Turn in with name, date, and LATE
make up or will be late or zero

at the top
Turn in with name, date, and
Must be turned in before the end of
ABSENT at the top

the unit or will be a zero
Make-up tests in class or before

school, schedule w/ Sra. W

Check absent binder and Google
**If you know about a test, project, or quiz ahead of time
Classroom for missed work
Tell Sra. W if you know you will be
and are absent the day before, you are still expected to be
gone to get make up work
prepared for it on the day it is scheduled.**

Deshonestidad acadmica /

Academic Dishonesty
EXPECTATIVAS / Expectations:
We follow the school honor code.
All behavior should ensure an environment where
Any online translator use= zero.
maximum learning can happen. Think before you act
and evaluate what you do. Respect is expected.
Work that isnt your own= zero.
1. BE HERE- Your success depends on your
Sharing work? The person who copied
attendance in class! Arrive on time every day!
and the person who shared will receive
2. BE READY- Come to class with all materials
prepared and a positive attitude.
Parents and guardians will be
3. BE ACTIVE- Participate! Use Spanish, take risks,
informed of violations.
ask questions, and reflect! Your best effort, always.

4. BE COURTEOUS: Treat others with kindness

and support. Follow class procedures: raise your
Sign up for Remind Class website QR code:
hand before speaking, follow directions the first

time asked, stop, look & listen on the quiet signal.

Treat classroom materials with respect.

We will discuss classroom expectations more in

the first few weeks of class.

TECHNOLOGA / Technology:

We will complete many online assignments

Make sure you have a district-assigned Google e-mail address!

Important sites:

o = resources

o = assignments.

Codes to join: 1st hour: aj6p03, 2nd hour: ogam2nq

On Bring Your Own Device days or at designated technology work times,

devices are ok. If not, they will be confiscated.

If you need help please do not hesitate to ask! I look forward to working with you
this year and exploring Spanish together! J

~ Seora Wroblewski

(734) 252-9580

SYLLABUS SIGNATURE FORM- Spanish 3 Sra. Wroblewski

Dear Parents/Guardians:
Im looking forward to partnering with you this year as your student continues in Spanish! Please do not
hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns throughout the school year.


Please check PowerSchool regularly. I will always do my best to keep it up to date.

I usually send out Remind texts for important announcements for students. If you would like to
sign up for Remind for your students class, see the graphic with the phone on the previous page.
Phone (this is a Google Voice number that directs to my cell): (734) 252-9580
If you would like to schedule a meeting, please contact me ahead of time. I am split between 2
schools and 3 classrooms so I am constantly moving and need to set a location and time.

Resources: = class resources and extra practice. = can only be accessed through an AAPS Google account, will be
used to list the daily agenda and homework downloads. Parent access is in development.

You may keep the top half of this form for your records.
Please detach the bottom half and return with your student.

-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S): _________________________________________________
1. When is the best time to call you? ________________________________________
2. Telephone number(s): ___________________________________________________
3. Email Address: ________________________________________________________
4. Students are frequently asked to complete online assignments for this class. Does your
son/daughter have regular computer and/or Internet access at home?


(Circle one)

5. I often send reminder text messages about quizzes, tests, and homework through the service
Remind. Phone numbers are kept fully confidential. Do you give your student permission for me
to send these messages?


(Circle one)

6. Do you have anything that youd like bring to my attention concerning your student?
(please write on back)

By signing this form I confirm that I have read through and understand the syllabus and
have discussed it with my student/parent. I will abide by all expectations set forth in this
document. I realize that violations of expectations will result in consequences.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________

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