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Feel Like You're Politically Homeless?

Personal Issues

Military service should be all voluntary. (No draft)

Government should not control radio, TV, the press or
the Internet.
Repeal regulations concerning sex for consenting
Drug laws do more harm than good. They should be
People should be free to come and go across our
borders; to live and work where they choose.
Total Number of "Y" answers is

times 20 =

Total Number of "M" answers is

times 10 =

Total Number of "N" answers is

times 0 =

ADD Totals to determine Personal Issues Grand Total


Economic Issues
Businesses and farms should operate without govt.
People are better off with free trade than with tariffs.
Minimum wage laws cause unemployment. Repeal
End taxes. Pay for services with user fees.
All foreign aid should be privately funded.

Total Number of "Y" answers is

times 20 =

Total Number of "M" answers is

times 10 =

Total Number of "N" answers is

times 0 =

ADD Totals to determine Economic Issues Grand Total

Remember the Grand Totals for both your Personal Issues and your
Economic Issues and click on the link to determine your true Political

To determine your true Political Philosophy locate the point where the score for your Personal
Issues Grand Total converges with the score your Economic Issues Grand Total. For example; if
your Personal score was 60 and your Economic score was 40 follow the 60 diagonal from the left
side to the 40 diagonal line from the right, indicating you would be slightly left of Centrist in your
philosophy as shown by the red dot on the chart example.

Libertarians are self-governors in both personal and economic matters.
They believe government's only purpose is to protect people from coercion
and violence. They value individual responsibility, and tolerate economic
and social diversity. They are strong constitutionalists.

Left-Liberals prefer self-government in personal matters and central
decision-making on economics. They want government to serve the
disadvantaged in the name of fairness. Leftists tolerate social diversity, but
work for economic equality.

Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize practical
solutions to current problems. They tend to keep an open mind on new
issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as a check on
excessive liberty.

Right-conservatives prefer self-government on economic issues, but want
official standards in personal matters. They want the government to defend
the community from threats to its moral fiber.

Authoritarians want government to advance society and individuals
through expert central planning. They often doubt whether self-government
is practical. Left-authoritarians are also called socialists, while fascists are
Our thanks to the Advocates for Self-Government, Inc. and to David Nolan
who created and developed this test.

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