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Table of Contents
& Related Literature



Introduction & Related Literature

Rizal and our progenitors have shared their thoughts regarding youth as the hope of our
country. Given his enthusiastic belief systems, it's likely protected to expect that he related to all
Filipino youth, not only the individuals who fit in with the political and instructed first class,
when he put forth such expression. In any case, when news reports about road children carrying
out frivolous crimes in the city even visible to everyone turned out. People presently having
questions if our youth still can possibly turn into the hope of this country. Theres also some
news demonstrating a "batang hamog" being pounded by a few terse men that was seen in
national TV, concentrating more on their blamelessness than the crimes they have carried out.
"Batang hamog" is the road term used to relate to those children included in robbing and
different crimes like what "bukas-kotse" posse do to clueless passengers and drivers.
Theft is the top crime carried out by children in view of police records. Theft is a
destitution crime. Children take since they have to eat and survive. The test is to prevent children
from taking and the best approach is to guarantee that we can furnish them with basic social
needs. Give them proper education, housing, food, clothing, and emotional support to shield
them from the world of crime. Prevent all the child abuse in families to help the moral and
psychological state of children.
Past studies reported relationship between low self-esteem and a scope of measures of
violent behavior (Ellickson and McGuigan, 2000; Toombs et al., 2000; Hollister-Wagner et al.,
2001) and folks are essential for the advancement of their children's self-esteem (Sieving and

Zirbel-Donisch, 1990). Since the arrangement of self-esteem happens in the family, family
functioning and parent-child connection had been of enthusiasm to numerous looks into (Kernis
et al., 2000; McCormick and Kennedy, 2000). High self-esteem has likewise been connected to
scholarly accomplishment (Filozof et al., 1998) while low self-esteem is firmly connected to
depression (Lin et al., 2008). Contemplates have likewise demonstrated that broken family
functioning can be a block to positive and high self-esteem in young people. Lau and Kwok
(2000) showed that broken family situations are identified with low self-esteem.
According to Philippine Republic Act No. 9344, a child thats 15 years old or younger
shall be exempted from criminal liability while children above 15 years old and below 18 years
old shall likewise be exempt from criminal liability and be subjected to an intervention program.
Juvenile delinquents as a rule came from dysfunctional family foundation and their delinquent
behaviors are presented by their own families (Quinn and Sutphen, 1994; Thompson et al.,
2007). Delinquent behavior creates and is kept up inside of the family social setting (Loeber et
al., 1998). Bischof et al. (1995) found that juvenile delinquents with sexual criminal behavior
contrasted with non-delinquent young people were lower as far as their impression of their
family attachment. So also, Kim and Kim (2008's) discoveries demonstrated that delinquent
young people indicated more broken parental accomplice progress, poorer family functioning
and more elevated amounts of family savagery contrasted with non-delinquent teenagers. What
they found in Korea were reliable with those reported in different nations. Jr Huey et al. (2000's)
study demonstrated that family relationship, for example, family functioning, family union and
parental control were indicators to lower delinquent behavior among juvenile delinquents. Clark
and Shields (1997) then again, found that great correspondence was identified with lower
delinquent behavior. To be sure, family, especially family functioning was essentially identified

with delinquent behavior (Fortin, 2003; Perren and Hornung, 2005; Wiium and Wold, 2006;
Smith and Hall, 2008).



Firstly, our lawmakers should dig deeper into current social problems. These "batang
hamog" are only victims of poor social support from the administration. The government needs
more psychologists to tell us that most of these young criminals are mere results of environment,
peers, abusive parents and extreme poverty. Notwithstanding that, large population of them, if
not all, are being encouraged by their peers to join drug syndicates whose taking advantage of
their weakness and exception to criminal liabilities. These people who were behind every one of
the violations including those "batang hamog" ought to be the primary focuses of the PNP on the
grounds that they are considered as the foundation of all these. Our juvenile law just needs
changes, not brutal changes that can just change our nation into a corrective spot for youthful
criminals whose acumen for good and bad has been totally obscured out by negative social
Second, the arrangement to suspend the procurement exempting 15 years of age and
beneath from any criminal liabilities can possibly bring more damage than to be fixed. On the off
chance that you put juvenile in a correctional facility, you're additionally presenting them to
further affront and harm, much more regrettable than if you simply let them wander around the
roads. These juveniles have distinctive needs and unless the administration begins giving hope to

the restoration program and making social changes to elevate those families living in the
extremes of poverty, we can never anticipate that our juvenile equity will advance any further.
These children are our hope so we need to create practical changes that will change their
lives for good and not make it more hopeless. We dont really need any laws but we need that
complete cooperation of both the administration and concerned people who could possibly be an
instrument for changes that can help the lives of these "batang hamog.

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