For Alex Part6

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Report: Rumsfeld OK’d abuse Sebelius

McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — Top officials

techniques on
detainees at
Guantanamo Bay,
in Afghanistan
and at the Abu
Services Committee report bluntly
refuted the Bush administration’s
repeated claims that the abuses,
which helped fuel the Iraq insur-
gency and damaged America’s rep-
techniques, redefined the law to
create the appearance of their
legality, and authorized their use
against detainees,” said the
report’s 19-page unclassified exec-
— including former Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and
Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, the
former chairman of the Joint
Ghraib prison in
Iraq, a bipartisan
Senate report
utation around the world, were the
work of a few low-level “bad
“Senior officials in the United
utive summary. “Those efforts
damaged our ability to collect
accurate intelligence that could
save lives, strengthened the hand
Chiefs of Staff — were responsible Thursday. States government solicited infor-
for the use of abusive interrogation The long-awaited Senate Armed mation on how to use aggressive Please see RUMSFELD, Page 4A

Surviving pit bulls’

Associated Press

TOPEKA — Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ office

received a suspicious letter containing
powder Thursday, joining a growing list of
governors who have received similar
envelopes this week.
Part of her Statehouse

future uncertain
office was shut down for
two hours while Capitol
Police and local firefighters
investigated. Sebelius
spokeswoman Nicole
Corcoran said the FBI and
U.S. Postal Service have

People across nation send aid for 102 abused dogs taken over the investiga-
The Kansas Highway

Patrol, which oversees the Capitol Police,

said preliminary tests showed the material

KANSAS was non-hazardous. The Department of

Health and Environment will do further tests,
the patrol said.
„ Watch a
In other states, the powder was flour,
cornstarch or other harmless food substance.
Sebelius remained in her private office
video of the throughout the incident. It wasn’t sealed
pit bulls and off, so she could enter and leave through a
interviews with side door. But law enforcement officials
Kay County
sheriff’s Please see LETTER, Page 12A
„ View a
bull photos
„ Join a
discussion at
The Eagle’s
pet Web site,
lists raise
com. Under
Forums, click
on “What do
you think
should be
done with
the Oklahoma
pit bulls?”
Photos by Bo Rader/The Wichita Eagle
TOP: One of the 106 pit bulls found on a farm west of Newkirk, Okla. ABOVE: One pit bull patrols the top of some cages on the farm.
Kay County Undersheriff Steve Kelly says he doesn’t know how the dog gets up there, but it seems to be happy there. BY JIM DWYER
New York Times News Service
BY BECCY TANNER are still here, in wire pens and
The Wichita Eagle plastic barrels. Google has released its map of the national
One dog was dead and anoth- brain and appetites for 2008, and it turns out

EWKIRK, Okla. — er dying when authorities that many, many people across America have
Some pit bulls shiver in arrived. Two have since been been asking the Internet “what is love?” and
the cold, skin and fur euthanized because they were “how to kiss.”
hanging from their in such poor shape. One had On the surface, these kinds of lists are
bones. been in a fight and her head supposed to reveal what Google calls the zeit-
Some wag their tails was covered with wounds. geist of 2008, though it’s not much of a sur-
as strangers approach. The 102 surviving dogs now prise that people were interested in Sarah Palin
Some try to hide. have food, water, shelter and and Barack Obama. But they also provide hints
Still others growl and lunge at straw — and an outpouring of of the level of personal details that people are
other dogs. support from across the nation. now turning over to search engines and related
Almost all have heavy chains But their future is uncertain. businesses without much awareness.
around their necks. “What’s going to happen to The lists, said Lt. Col. Greg Conti, a profes-
More than a week after these animals is still pretty sor of computer science at West Point, “are
hunters stumbled across 106 vague,” said Ruth Steinberger, just major tsunami-type activities, big waves
emaciated and dying pit bulls at in the online searches.”
this remote farmhouse, the dogs Please see PIT BULLS, Page 12A Conti, the author of “Googling Security:
How Much Does Google Know About You?”
Jail trusties from a Kay County, Okla., detention facility help feed (Addison-Wesley, 2008), contends that
HOW TO HELP THE PIT BULLS, PAGE 12A and water the dogs found on a farm in Kay County.
Please see GOOGLE, Page 4A


Gloria has questions for the president

The Wichita Eagle PART SIX OF SEVEN Apparently this was a White House
joke. Bush smiled.
“Well, we are here to encourage
You don’t seem bitter, the president He thought for a moment. you,” Bob said. “To make it worth-
of the United States had just told the I’m supposed to be the encourager while. To make the war worthwhile.”
Funcheon family. Are you? here, he said. Karen unfolded a paper she’d held
Karen thought this was an odd The Funcheons looked puzzled. in her hand.
question. Of course they were bitter. Bush tried to explain: “I guess it’s my turn.
They had lost their son Alex six Wellæ.æ.æ. the word around the “Just like your mother and father
weeks before. Karen had wanted to White House is that I’m the raised you and your brothers to be
die every day since. Encourager in Chief, among other God-fearing and to be leaders, we Courtesy of the White House
“No,” Bob said. things. Word is that I’m the raised our children to be God-fearing From left, Gloria Funcheon, President Bush, Karen
You . . . well, Bush said, his voice Commander in Chief, the Decider in Funcheon and Bob Funcheon pose for a photo after
trailing off. Chiefæ.æ.æ. the Encourager in Chief. Please see ALEX, Page 8A the family’s visit with the president.

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