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Time Villian: the truth about Time Squad

by Julian Rodriguez
time villian is a short story book critizing the Cartoon Network TV show Time
it is full of optimism ,wonder, and hope and imagination

Once there was a dictator named Otto Onsworth whos goal was to end the
world he had two henchmen who would go on missions with him.there names
where Larry the Robot and Buck Tudressel.They helped Karl Marx write The
Communist Mafesto until one day a group of researchers decided to rebel.The
Reasearchers decided to kill Otto Onsworth.they spang into battle.they
decided to atttack Otto Onsworths space conlony Buck Tudressel gave the
order for all time cop ships to attack The resitance founding father was none
other than Julian Rodriguez a revolutionary thinker who lived in the 21st
century the reaserchers flew in starfighters designed by thier founding father
in the year 2052.the time cop army fired but the reaserchers where able to
dodge the lasers. One of the reaserchers fired on a time cop starfighter and
the time cop died. The other reaserchers did the same thing to the other time
cop ships and they fell back.the orphaned kid dictator Otto Onsworth got mad
he desprately wanted to end the world so he sent Larry The Robot. It killed
two reserchers. The bravest researcher put a dramaic blow to Larry the Robot

using the ionizer gun. the reaserchers killed Otto Onsworth and the rest of
the time cops and Larry the Robot was sent to the reaserch facility for
reprograming the end

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