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Objective Oriented Learning Process Format RBT






Semester: I Faculty Name: Mr.Lakshminarayan D K

Subject Code & Title : 15IS13 & Occupational Health and hygiene
Unit No. /Lesson No.: I / 4

T-L tools: Power point

Prerequisite Knowledge:
OSHA standards
1. Topic for Learning through evocation: .com/watch?
v=tq6FDyFe CN0

2. Topic Introduction:
Ionizing radiation, types, effects, monitoring instruments, control programs,
OSHA standard- non-ionizing radiations, effects, types, radar hazards, microwaves and
radio-waves, laser


To understand the Ionizing radiation, types, effects, monitoring instruments,

control programs, OSHA standard- non- ionizing radiations, effects, types, radar
hazards, microwaves and radio-waves, laser
2.2 Specific Objective
1. Define ionizing radiation. (S)
2. List two types of Ionizing radiation. (E)
3. Illustrate the radar hazards. (E)
4. Explore OSHA standard- non- ionizing radiations (E)
5. Mention the four advantages and limitations of Ionizing radiation (E)
Taxonomy of Objectives
Knowledge Dimension
The Cognitive Process Dimension
Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create
A. Factual K nowledge
B. Conceptual Knowledge
C. Procedural K nowledge
D. Meta Cognitive K nowledge
Explanatory Notes: (This is not the notes for the topic. It is an explanatory notes to remember the
reason for doing a particular mapping in the table above)
A.FactualKnowledge : It is a knowledge that contains the basic elements students must know if they
to be acquainted with the discipline or to solve any of the problems in it.
B. ConceptualKnowledge : It includes knowledge of categories and class ifications and the
between and among them.
C. ProceduralKnowledge : It is the knowledge that takes the form of series of logical steps to
be followed. It is more skill oriented and can include algorithms, techniques and methods.

2.3 Keywords :
Ionizing radiation, Monitoring instruments, Control programs, OSHA standard
2.4 KeyDiagrams (if any): -

3. Discussion:
The students will be asked to discuss the relevant topic among their team/other
team/Faculty. The students those who have not taken part will be noted and kindle them to do.
4. Mind Map: (It must revolve around the concept)

5. Summary:
Ionizing radiation
Radiation consisting of particles, X-rays, or gamma rays with sufficient energy
to cause ionization in the medium through which it passes.

Monitoring instruments
Control programs
OSHA standard
Non-ionizing radiations
Non-ionizing (or non- ionising) radiation refers to any type of electro magnetic
radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atoms or
moleculesthat is, to completely remove an electron from an atom or Molecule.
Radar hazards and Microwaves and radio- waves lasers

6. Assessment through S timulating questions/Analogies/New ideas/ Concepts:

1. Why is it important for the safety professional to be familiar with construction
safety practices?
7. References: (Books/Periodicals/Journals)
1. Louis J. Di Berardinis, Handbook of occupational safety and health, Wiley, 1999.
2. Danuta Koradecka, Handbook of Occupational Health and Safety, CRC, 2010.
3. E.J. McCornick, and M.S Sanders, Human Factors in Engineering and Design,
McGraw-Hill, 1982.

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