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1) Limerick poem
Daddy and Mummy
My daddy and mummy so irresistible,
Look upon me with decent reliable,
Forgetting problems all the way,
Make them disappeared sway,
Oh! I am so blessed tangible.
In this poem, I personification about the sacrifices that father and mother had done to their

2) Haiku
Sometimes wondering over
Relevant conclusion off all them
Since apologies being neglected
Worrying about journey to eternity freedom. Whether it is meant to be or not.

3) Free verse

Mechanism of Destruction
I won't wait for the next life,
The time is now, the time is right
Follow the heart unlikely through
If not now, you never were.
The judgement event that occur in life. It could be seriously take for granted.

4) Concrete Poem
When you were here not so long ago, I couldnt look you in the eye, you are such an angel
your skin makes me cry, your float like a feather, in this pretty world.. You are just like an
angel, you are so special, but i know that I am a creep, I am a weird ohhhh
The story of a young man that entirely admire the woman of his life. He said that she could
be the perfect choice for him. But there are some difficulty to be handle too.


Flying In The Air Balloon

Fakruls father told him that his office will be organizing a carnival. The most
interesting event will be the air balloon ride.
Fakrul got up very early and he was ready before his father. When they got there, his
father paid for the ride. Up! Up! Up! And away they flew in the blue sky. His father knew that
Fakrul was so afraid, so he carried and sat him on his lap. Fakrul was happy that he could
see the earth below him. He could see houses and moving cars on the road. They were very
small and looked like ants moving in colonies.
They were heading north. His father showed Fakrul places that they passed over.
They were Batu Pahat, Muar, Gemas and Segamat. They saw children bathing in the river.
They were waving, so Fakrul wave back.
The ride was exciting and Fakrul was very happy. They visited some of the stall at
the carnival but as it getting dark, they went home.

Explanation of the story

The story is about Fakrul who was so excited in attempt to join the balloon ride. He always
imagines getting into the hot balloon every day. He got the chance when his father asks him
to the balloon ride event. Although he was scared, but he manage to feel comfort and happy
during the time in the hot balloon.


Based from the task given, I would assume that poetry and short stories here are a
remarkable item to analyse and built. It all takes a lot of time to. I do believe that the primary
concern of the metaphysical poets was to 'employ something unexpected and surprising'
(Johnson in ed. Greene, 1984, p.678) in terms of comparison, and to achieve a certain
emotion through this. It would be impossible to write purely intellectual poetry about love for
example. The additional factor though which makes me believe that intellect is not valued
exclusively above emotion is that much of the poetry has a self- conscious wit to it - the
poets are aware of the ironies of their work in that they use highly complex analogies with
lofty images of science and mechanics and even the Universe, to (for example) persuade a
woman into bed. A certain incongruity does add to the richness of the form, in which through
juxtaposing obscure images and emotional situations, the Metaphysical poets achieved 'their
wish to say what they hoped had never been said before.

List of references American Heritage Book of English Usage. 1996

1. Teacher introduces the jobs from the flashcards and drills correct pronunciation of each
job. T puts each flashcard on the blackboard and continues to review the other jobs while
introducing the other jobs one flashcard at a time.
2. Class plays Kim's Game. Teacher tells students to close their eyes and removes one of
the cards. The students open their eyes and have to call out the missing job and the teacher
puts the flashcard back on the board. The game can get more difficult by removing several
flashcards at a time.
3. Class plays Find the pairs all together to see how the game is played.
4. Teacher gives one pair of flashcards to each group of 3 or 4 students. Students mix
together the 10 picture cards and the 10 matching word cards and spread them out face
down. Each child turns over two cards and tries to match a picture to a word. If they match,
the child keeps the cards. If not, the child puts the cards back where they were and it's the
next child's turn. The winner is the child with the most cards at the end.
5. Students listen to the song People work and then complete the matching worksheet. If
you have a musical class, students can listen again with the words to the songso that they
can sing along.
6. Students play a game to review language simple clothes and colours and the jobs they've
just learned. (You can read the description to them or all together and then they try to guess
the job. The group that guesses correctly gets a point.)

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