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Report of Work Done- Jaydeep Mehta

Academic Year 2015-16 Std 9 GHIL & 10 GHIJ (1st Term)(August 2016)
September 2016


As an advisory 10I

Updating attendance on tges 360

Establish communication channels via student emails and Edmodo
Initiate discussions on current affairs like GST, Indian Politics and others

As a Geography Teacher

Std 10 Natural Vegetation of India completed, assignments discussed

Std 9 Plate Tectonic Theory sessions 3 & 4 completed according to the
Blended Learning Method, videos given to students, seen by some at home,
assignments in class discussed, Chapter 4 Volcanism introduced in all
sections 9 GHIJ

As a team member Team 3

Create and update team communication on Edmodo

Assisted the Investiture committee by managing invitations for all concerned
Assist team representative in scheduling substitution, display information on
team board, handling discipline issues collaboratively.

As a Geography Team Member

Prepared separate papers for std 9 UT Retest std 10 Primer 1

Discussions on OEP for std 9 and Duke of Edinburgh Award programme

Jaydeep Mehta

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