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Who is GOD?

Definition of God-based on Taittiriya Upanishad 2.1-in Krishna Veda

Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma
Reality-Knowledge-Infinity is Brahman
What is Brahman ?
Satyam Jnanam Anantam is Brahman
To understand this we have to unzip this definition
Antam= Limit
Anantam= No Limit
In Vedanta limitation is in 3 things
1. Desa(Space )-Desa Paricheda Sunyam(Limited)
2. Kala(Time )- Kala Paricheda Sunyam(Eternal)
3. Vastu(Object)- Vastu Paricheda Sunyam(Non dual)
Located in particular space but not in other space.
Eg:- A piece of clalkpease is in my hand it means its not in otherplaces
Its means this chalk is limited to some space. Similarly every thing having limited space. like book is limited,
building is limited etc
Desa Paricheda Sunyam- It means anamtham which means no limit in space. Brahman is not limited to particular
space. Sarvawyapi=Omnipresant.
Kala Paricheda- Cut off in time.Every object or entity livingthing , everything have limit in time(Life is a dash from
woumb to tomb).
It means everything having bugining and ending.
Kala Paricheda Sunyam-No bigining and no ending in time.
No limit No time Limit= Eternal
Vastu Paricheda= Any entity or object is vastu.
Every vastu has a limitation.
This is a book but it is not a calk or durter etc. It is a book and it is limited to book.
Nothing is attached to this book.. Nothing apart from Brahman=Non dual
--SatyamIs God real or actually exists?
Brahman is not limited, not limited to time and not limited to object!
It means Brahman is every where every time !!
If Brahman is every where show now?
Satyam is real Chalk exists
Duster exists
Table exists
Man Exists
Planet exist
It means all these this are real.
All the above objects are Satyam=Real but?
Is this this are limitless, Real, limitless to time ? No
Brahman is both Satyam and Anantam.
In Vedanda there is a procedure called LAKSHNANA= Implied meaning

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