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Thor, the God of Thunder, the beloved champion of Asgard and a figure of

worship among the ancient Norse. He loved his people so much that he
triggered their destruction in the end battle of Ragnarok finally breaking
repeating cycle of futility. Thor was born to Odin, the ruler and sky-father of
Asgard and Earth (a place known to the Asgardiens as Midgard).In the
beginning, it was through Thor's arrogance and lack of control that his father
Odin banished him to Earth stripping him of Mionir as a way of teaching him a
lesson in humility. Thor was placed in the mortal form of a med student
named Donald Blake. Since then, he has spent much of histime on Earth,
becoming a world renowned surgeon working in New York. Thor decided then
that he would remain on Earth and live among the mortals and become their
protector after realizing his love for humanity. Thor is one of the strongest
heroes in the Marvel Universe. Besides his enormous physical strength, and
being durable enough to survive a blast from Celestials, Thor also has energy
manipulation powers that are on par with the Silver Surfer. He is also armed
with Mionir, the mystical Warhammer that has been shown to be capable of
opening passageways through space and time, blocking all sorts of energy
blasts, and bending the elements to its masters will. If pressed in battle, Thor
is capable of entering into a state known as the "Warrior's Madness"
("berserker gang" in Norwegian and Danish alike), which will temporarily
increase his strength and stamina tenfold. Thor is a brute, a warrior
nonetheless, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in his god-like
powers. He has superhuman strength, speed, invulnerability, nigh
immortality, and stamina. Thor is also known for being able to command the
power of lightning which he channels through Mionir. While Thor isn't truly
immortal, he might as well be. He ages at an incredibly slower rate than most
other beings in the galaxy. The full extent of his strength is unknown as well,
as he is always holding it in check during his battles. He is easily one of the
strongest beings in the universe.
Thor vs iron man
so the story goes like this when Thor starts his search for his fellow
Asgardians in New Orleans. Upon arrival, he is horrified and confused at the
city's state after Hurricane Katrina. When an old man known as Ezra notices
him, he constantly starts scolding the thunder god on not saving them. Thor
apologetically reminds Ezra of his death, though the mortal does not seem to
consider this a valid excuse. Iron Man arrives, informs him of the new
government registration system, and orders Thor to sign up and work for the
government or face prosecution. Thor pissed One angry god Irked at Stark's
arrogance, Thor violently rebukes Tony over the Civil War event and the
creation of the Thor Clone with a bolt of lightning. After shrugging off a
repulsor blast from Iron Man's Extremis armor, Thor informs Stark that he is
"no longer holding back" and effortlessly bludgeons his former friend into the

ground and orders Tony to leave Asgard alone lest he "learn the difference
between a god of thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit". Battered and
beaten, Tony suggests a compromise, giving Asgard in Oklahoma diplomatic
immunity, and Thor walks off, leaving Tony to walk home in his destroyed
Thor vs bor
Bor had never met his grandson, but it wouldn't have mattered for Loki's
enchantment extended to Thor's appearance as well. Bor could sense Odin's
power within the form of the demon before him, and he assumed this was the
monster responsible for killing his son. Bor would soon have his revenge.
Striking with a fury only Bor could possess, Thor would have been killed if not
for the Odinforce within his body. Thor tried to reason with Bor, but Loki made
sure the two could not communicate verbally either. Thor sensed something
was wrong and did not want to kill a fellow Asgardian, so he called for help
from the Avengers. Unfortunately for him, it was the new team of Avengers
led by the Iron Patriot who answered the call. The Patriot ordered his team to
take both combatants down, but none could withstand the combined might of
Bor and Thor. Bor didn't want to be overwhelmed by superior numbers so he
called upon forces potent enough to tear the very world apart. Thor knew if
he was to avert this tragedy, he would have to kill his foe. Bor and Thor
squared off one final time and charged each other each one out for blood.
The winner was Thor, but a high price was to be paid. Balder wanted to get to
Thor to tell him who he was fighting and to end the battle, but he showed up
too late to stop Thor from killing the first King of Asgard. Even as Bor lay
dying in the arms of his grandson, he went to Valhalla thinking his body was
still in the hands of the enemy. Loki reminded Balder to kill a member of the
royal family was punishable by banishment from Asgard forever. Balder had
no choice but to uphold the rules of his people, and Thor was cast out.

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