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narl Cinar Koy


, ,

. ,


................................................................................... 3
...................................................................................... 5

................................................................................................ 13
Cinarli....................................................................................... 21
Eastern Thrace......................................................................................... 71
.................................................................................................. 85
Ganochora................................................................................................. 94
................................................................................................ 101
Crusates Rodosto...................................................................................113
Rodosto................................................................................................... 126
Tekirdag................................................................................................. 140
Hemingway Rodosto................................................................................ 150
Rodosto 1922.......................................................................................... 152
................................................................................................ 165


. (:


. . 20, 1999.

. . 29. , (
' ): /
62. ,
, . ,
, 1987, . 258262, . 1. . 9-12-84.
. 9. . . .
, . . , ,
, 60 ,

. 1922. . . .

, ,
, .

, , ,

, , , , ,
, , , ,
, , ,
, , , ,
, , , ,

, , , , .








. .
A Local History John A. Alexander: Potidaea, its History and Remains.
Pp. xi + 146; 23 plates, 2 maps. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia
Press, 1963.

. . .
, Cinarli
Cirarkioy. . , , .

Myriophyto, Platanos, Kalamitsion, Peristasis, Herakleitsa, Sterna,
Loupida, Yenikoy, Limniski (Golcuk), Kalodendro (Yaac). Ethnically,
the majority group within these two subgovernorships was Greek4. In


1912, according to the Greek Bureau of Foreign Information, the

composition of the population in the two kazas was as follows6:
of the Holy Mount (Tekfur Da) of the Gallipoli peninsular, along the
PhotodentroCultural: .
... , , , , , ,
, ...
Platanos 716 680 1.396
Propontis coast. Administratively they belonged to the two
subgovernorships (kaza): Myriophyto and Peristasis and
ecclesiastically, to the two church provinces: GanosChora and
MyriophytoPeristasis, which up till 1919, came under the jurisdiction
of the Gallipoli sancak2 of the vilayet of Adrianople3. The two divisions,
the governmental and the clerical, did not coincide. In the archives of the
Sees, however, their boundaries are quite distincta fact which allow us
to define them with precision, thus avoiding the confusion which often
accompanies this issue. The villages and the towns under the
subgovernoships can be found in the tables in the Appendix. The church
provinces were made up as follows: 1) GanosChora: Chora, Ganos,
Avdimion, Milio, Leptochorion (incekoy), Kastampolis, Kerassia,
Sterna is included in the kaza of Peristasis only in the statistics of 1911.
From 1913 onwards is
TABLE 1Greek Population of the kazas of Myriophyto and Peristasis
( 1911 ) I. Kazas of Myriophyto Towns and Villages Men Women Total
Myriophyto (Miirefte) 2.408 2.217 4.625
The communities under examination here were established in the region
. 8 2012
.... , ,
, , , , ...
. ... .
. . . . . . .
. .


. 31 478. 1965 ... 418

211 260
213 ... 427 17 24
16 19 310
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. .

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. cinarlik dere,
cinarli koy, .


423,.501503. 29. , (
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1919, , ,
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, 1987, . 258262, . 1.
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", . .

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20002010 ,

, . iNews. Gr. com
: . 23 2011
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...10 2013

...., , , ,
. Cinar Koy (inar)
19 21
32.000 , , , ,
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, 1914, ,
, 4000, 4500, 5000,
5000 3000, . ,


, ,
, , , , , , ,
, 1909
, , ,
, , , , ,
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( )
( ) .
, , ( 32.000
20 , 30.500 ),
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1908, () .
, 1892

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, , ,
, :

2 64100

. .
, (), ,
, , , , .
. 2015



, ,
, , , , ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , , ,
, , , , ,
. 27 60.000. .
1063, 1343 1354
,, 1766

1914 1915.

. . ... 48.
. 1892


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, , 25 (1956) . 43 .. , I. .,

: ...1878

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enkyklopaideias periechon ta Kyritera ton epistmn kai
technn 1864 ... , 720
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historias kai geogrphias bialambanon perilpsin ts ...1890
historikomythikon kai geographikon ... 209 Daniel
Demetrios Magnes 1834 ... . (Cicones),



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ts Hellniks glsss ... kai epitomon tn en
tois ...Skarlatos D. Vyzantios 1852
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gegraphikn ...Nikolaos Lorents 1837 ... ( ,
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Eastern Thrace
A Catalogue of Paris Peace Conference Delegation Propaganda in
the ...Hoover institution on war, revolution and peace (Stanford, Calif.).
1926. 2054 cm. At head of title: J. E. Guchoff. "La plus grande partie de
ce livre a paru en 1915 Paris sous le titre L'alliance balkanique." Prf.
High committee for Eastern Thrace. The Bulgarian character of Eastern
Thrace; facts, statistical data ...
A dictionary of geography, ancient and modern 681 Josiah
Conder 1834 Eastern Thrace. 2. Kirkilissa . Ditto. 3. Silislria . .
Bulgaria. 4. Nicopoli . . Central Bulgaria . . . Nicopolis. 5. Widin . .
Western ditto. 6. Sofia. . J Southern do. ( Thrace 7. Tchirmen Northern
Thrace. 8. Kostendi] . Northeastern Macedonia. 9. Uskub .
A Dictionary of Geography, ancient and modern, etc 681 Josiah
CONDER (Editor of The Patriot..) 1834 Eastern Thrace. 2. Kirkilissa
. Ditto. 3. Silistria . . Bulgaria. 4. Nicopoli . . Central Bulgaria . . .
Nicopolis. 5. Widin . . Western ditto. 6. Sofia . . Southern do. and Western
Thrace . . . . . 7. Tchirmen . Northern Thrace. 8. Kostendil .
Northeastern ...
After the Bulgarian occupation of the Greek province of Thrace in April
1941, the Germans imposed direct German rule on Eastern Thrace,
which lay along the Turkish border (left). In this zone were some 1,250
Jews, most of them in the town of ...
Alexander the Great: A New History 14 Waldemar Heckel,
Lawrence A. Tritle 2011 By this he gained not only another foothold in


the east, but also the opportunity to exploit the Pangaeum's rich deposits
of ... decisive influence over central Greece for Philip occurred between
the two campaigns into middle and Eastern Thrace.
Ataturk Alexander Lyon Macfie 2014 In Istanbul, the area of the Straits
and the Caucasus, British forces, numbering some 9,000 men, were
stationed; in Istanbul and Eastern Thrace, six French battalions,
operating as a division; in Cilicia a second French force, again consisting
of ...
Ataturk. Andrew Mango 2011 King Constantine was forced to leave on
30 September, and a military triumvirate took over.32 Its leading spirit,
Colonel Plastiras, declared his determination to fight for Eastern Thrace.
Venizelos reappeared on the scene and tried to enlist ...
Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century 21. Richard
Crampton, Benjamin Crampton 2016 The city and much of Eastern
Thrace reverted to Ottoman rule. Not only did the Turks attack in the
southeast but the Romanians crossed into the undefended northeast of
Bulgaria. There was nothing to stop them marching to Sofia and the ...
Background to Eastern Europe: The Commonwealth and
International ...F. B. Singleton, D. F. Bratchell, E. F. Candlin 2013
Versailies Settlement When the allied leaders met at Versailles in 1919,
Eastern ... The Italians occupied part of Albania, and the Greeks fought
the Bulgarians in Eastern Thrace.
Balkan Worlds 1 Traian Stoianovich 1994 But a few typically
Balkan cultural traits extend into the steppe, and steppic geographic and
cultural traits are manifest in Eastern Thrace and even south of the
Danube and Sava rivers. Some scholars exclude Greece, Dalmatia,
Bulgaria 445 R. J. Crampton 2007 1 For Bulgaria, its nodal
position, between Europe and Asia, between the east and the west, has
determined much ... a dominant Balkan power, in which case it must
advance to the southeast and southwest into Thrace and the Vardar
Bulgarians from Eastern Thrace: Georgi Valkovich, the Destruction
of ...Books Llc 2010



Byzantine Coins 239 Philip Grierson 1982 ... partition that

eventually took shape was on lines very different from those originally
envisaged by the conquerors. The Latin states comprised, broadly
speaking, (1) the Latin Empire itself, consisting directly of little more
than Eastern Thrace...
Capricious Borders: Minority, Population, and CounterConduct ... Olga
Demetriou 2013 Speaking in her Turkish mother tongue, she explained
that she was born in 1905 in a village in Eastern Thrace. She
remembered going to Bulgaria (under the control of which western
Thrace was then), when she was eight (1913), to escape ...
Constantin Carathodory: Mathematics and Politics in Turbulent Times
Maria Georgiadou 2004 Underthe armistice, signed atMudanya on 1 1
October 1 922. the Allies agreed to a restoration of Turkish sovereignty in
Constantinople. the Straits and Eastern Thrace. The Greeks acceded to
the armistice on 14 October, and five days later the ...
Continent 53 1302 1922 The nationalist civil officials
shall be accompanied by a sufficient number of gendarmerie to maintain
order. Allied military forces shall occupy Eastern Thrace to insure order
and to support the interallied missions. The allied military contingents ...
Current history 16, 2 1052 1922
THRACE. The Commission agrees unanimously that the claims of
Greece to the part of Turkish Thrace which might be left outside the zone
of Constantinople are justified. The American, British and French
delegations are of the ...
Current History and Forum ... 16 1052 1922 Eastern
Thrace. The Commission agrees unanimously that the claims of Greece
to the part of Turkish Thrace which might be left outside the zone of
Constantinople are justified. The American. British and French
delegations are of the ...
Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the TurcoGreek
Exchange .Onur Yildirim 2007 11 Based on the assumption that the
compulsory nature of the population exchange was imposed on Greece at
Lausanne, Psomiades postulates that a firm stand on the Eastern Thrace
question by Greece during the Mudanya Armistice or at ...
Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe 58 Richard Voyles
Burks 2015
... Thessally Hadjivassiliou Asia Minor Ioannides
Thessally Karageorgis Euboea Partsalides Asia Minor Porphyrogenis


Thessally Roussos Eastern Thrace Siantos Thessally Stringos Cyprus

Theos Thessally Vafiades Asia Minor Vlandas Crete ...
East Meets West: Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman
EmpireP. L. Cottrell, Monika Pohle Fraser, Iain L. Fraser 2008 With the
treaties of Bucharest (10 August 1913) and Constantinople (29
December 1913) at the end of the Balkan wars the Ottoman Empire lost
the bulk of its European territories (Macedonia and Albania), retaining
only Eastern Thrace. figure ...
East Thrace Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. East Thrace or Eastern
Thrace also known as Turkish Thrace or European Turkey, is the part of
the modern Republic of Turkey that is geographically part of Southeast
Europe, all in the eastern part of the historical region of Thrace. The
area ...
Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and Culture.
Richard C. Frucht 2005
Thrace, like Epirus and Macedonia, is the
Greek part of a larger geographic and historic region. Greek Thrace is
sometimes distinguished as Western Thrace to differentiate it from
Turkish Thrace,also known as Eastern Thrace or European ...
Echoes from the Cobblestones: A Memoir 7 Nicholas A.
Kefalides 2009 It is situated on the northeastern shore of the Aegean
Sea, a few kilometers from the river Evros that forms the border between
Greece and Turkey's European portion, also known as Eastern Thrace.
The city was founded by the Turks in 1860 ...
Economic and Social Development Plan for Eastern Thrace
(Turkey): ...Turkey. Plnlama ve mar Genel Mdrl, Michel
Phlipponneau, Association bretonne de gographie applique 1968
Economic Change and the National Question in TwentiethCentury
Europe Alice Teichova, Herbert Matis, Jaroslav Ptek 2000 Eastern
Thrace and the islands of Imvros and Tenedos were lost to Turkey and
the Greek populations, which during previous centuries had prospered
especially in the Aegean coastal areas of Asia Minor, were expelled or
annihilated.3 ...
Eleftherios Venizelos: The Trials of Statesmanship 170. Paschalis
M. Kitromilides 2008 The most difficult of these for Greece were the
status of Eastern Thrace, claimed by Turkey and still occupied by the
Greek army, the settlement of the refugees expelled from Asia Minor and
the fate of the remaining Greeks in Asia Minor.


eStudy Guide for: Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century by R.

J. ...Cram101 Textbook Reviews 2012 The areas it comprises are
southeastern Bulgaria (Northern Thrace), northeastern Greece (Western
Thrace), and the European part of Turkey (Eastern Thrace). coup: A
coup d'tatisthe sudden unconstitutional deposition ofa legitimate ...
Europe's Third World: The European Periphery in the Interwar Years
Professor Derek H Aldcroft 2013 By the Treaty of Bucharest in August
1913 she was forced to renounce claims to Eastern Thrace and the
southern Dobrudja, while Serbian and Greek control of much of
Macedonia was confirmed. Thus the vision of a 'Greater Bulgaria'
under ...
Faces of the State: Secularism and Public Life in Turkey 46 Yael
NavaroYashin 2002
If one were tentatively to employ naturalistic
geographical categories to designate continents, the area of Turkey in the
aftermath of 1939, was spread between a tip of territory on the continent
of Europe (what is called Eastern Thrace and what ...
Great Britain and the East 22 85. 1922 THE FUTURE
OF THRACE. By Captain john G. Bennett. While much still remains to
be done in reconciling Allied policy, and in awakening commonsense in
the attitudes of Greece and Turkey, events have left the future of Eastern
Thrace the ...
Greece 28 Paul Hellander, Kate Armstrong 2006 Three
Weeks /Alexandroupolis to Igoumenitsa This journey starts in the port
city of Alexandroupolis in Eastern Thrace, and heads west through some
spectacular mountain scenery to finish at the Adriatic port of
Igoumenitsa. Alexandroupolis ...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall of ... Brewer
David 2012 As Greece expanded northwards this dangerous tripwire of
conflict remained, and is there to this day along the 100mile Greek
Turkish border in Eastern Thrace. In the Aegean too a wavy and
sometimes disputed line separates Greek from ...
Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean Irad Malkin, Christy
Constantakopoulou, Katerina Panagopoulou 2013
Adams, John P.
aTopeiros Thraciae,theViaEgnatia andthe Boundaries of Macedonia
Ancient Macedonia 4 (1986): A Communications in SouthEastern
Thrace. In Actes du 2 e Symposium International des tudes


Historical Dictionary of Bulgaria 173 Raymond Detrez 2014

RUMELIA. An Ottoman autonomous province created by the 1878
Treaty of Berlin. Its name derives from the Turkish word Rumeli. Eastern
Rumelia stretched over almost 36,000 ...
History of Soybeans and Soyfoods in Eastern Europe (Including All
of ...William Shurtleff; Akiko Aoyagi 2015 Note: Thrace was a region
in southeastern Europe in the Balkan peninsula, north of the Aegean Sea.
The modern remnant is divided between Greece (Western Thrace) and
Turkey (Eastern Thrace). 1971. Vishnepolskaya, F.A. 1967.
Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints' Lives in English Translation
AliceMary Talbot 1996
Upon her marriage, she moved to her
husband's household in a small town in Eastern Thrace, and eventually
to the city of Vizye,2 where Nikephoros was stationed after having fought
valiantly against the Bulgarians. She and her husband had ...
Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East The
Ottoman Empire is usually regarded as the backbone of Middle East
society in the first period, but two exceptions ... Complementing its more
or less permanent elements of Anatolia, Iraq, the Levant, part of Arabia
and Eastern Thrace in ...
Journal of Medieval Military History 12 119 Clifford J.
Rogers, Kelly DeVries, John France 2014 In order to achieve our goal
we must turn to the battles the Company fought in Asia Minor and
Eastern Thrace before 1305, since these conflicts illustrate the
development of the Catalans' military tactics. A further issue to. 1
Philippe Contamine ...
Legacies of Violence: Eastern Europes First World War 263.
Jochen Bhler, Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Joachim von Puttkamer 2014. In
the Greek part of Macedonia, only about a quarter of the prewar Muslim
population remained; in parts of Thrace an ... A welldocumented
example is that of Eastern Thrace, where the Greek population had
participated in the pillaging of the ...
Lysimachus: A Study in Early Hellenistic Kingship 19 Dr Helen
S Lund 2002
The glowing terms in which Justin describes the
assignment of Thrace in 323 BC to Lysimachus may be suspect, given
the ... The effectiveness of this arrangement in southEastern Thrace is
supported by the fact that Alexander's Thracian ...


Management of Agriculture and Food in the Germanoccupied and

Other ...Karl Brandt, Otto Schiller 1953 ... Dobruja to Rumania; in the
Treaty of Neuilly ( 1919 ) Macedonia went to Yugoslavia, and western
Thrace, including access to the Aegean Sea, to Greece; and in the Treaty
of Lausanne ( 1923 ) Bulgaria lost part of Eastern Thrace to Turkey.
Middle Eastern Societies in the 20th Century 195. Jerzy
Zdanowski 2014 The news of this tragedy had a significant knockon
effect, triggering largescale population movements in the eastern
Mediterranean area. One of the major destinations for the Greek
population was Eastern Thrace. Greeks were evacuated ...
Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory to ...Martin
BaldwinEdwards, Hans J. Vermeulen, Riki van Boeschoten 2015 This
was followed by a mass wave of more than 30,000 refugees from the
areas of Macedonia and Thrace to Bulgaria. Half of these refugees came
from Eastern Thrace (Dimitrov 1985, p. 14). After a wave of population
movements and ...
Migration, Memory, Heritage: Sociocultural Approaches to
the ...REFUGEES. FROM. EASTERN. THRACE. Natalia. Rashkova.
Preliminary (terminological) observations The topic at hand entails
discussing notions related to the culture of memory and its expression in
the experience of the descendants of a ...
Music of Thrace: Thrace, Upper Thracian Plain, Western Thrace,
East ...Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster 2009
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Music of Thrace is the
music of Thrace, a region in Southeastern Europe spread over southern
Bulgaria (Northern Thrace), northeastern Greece (Western Thrace), and
European Turkey (Eastern Thrace).
Nationalism in Europe: From 1815 to the Present 119 Stuart
Woolf 2002
of Smyrna, in Ionia, but after she had fought an
unsuccessful war against Turkey, the districts in Ionia and Eastern
Thrace were taken from her. She was, however, assigned western
Thrace, with a large Bulgarian and Turkish population...
Nations That Evolved From The Five Sons Of Shem: 93
Olufolahan Olatoye Akintola
Racially, scientists classify these Red
Indians as a branch of the Mongoloid race of Eastern Asia. ... of Thrace
fell to the Turks in 1453 but northern Thrace was later annexed by
Bulgaria in 1885 while Turkey acquired Eastern Thrace in 1923.


Nicholas Murray 2013 5 Western Thrace .Ejf'lil'izitl'r'g'fi. onian "1 .

' ,' c ata ja zasltola Eastern Thrace sea 1 kisLahanas "h" 1b ' Giannitsaifi
Sharkoi ., Sea of Marmora A anla . Salonika Bulair T ' r Ottoman Empire
Epirus O E . J ~ Aegean Sea ttoman mplre anina ...
Old and New Islam in Greece: From Historical Minorities to
Immigrant ...Konstantinos Tsitselikis 2012 Venizelos himself pursued
delicate diplomacy and befriended the Muslim elite of Eastern
Macedonia and Thrace as part and parcel of a game with Bulgaria over
who could establish strong links to the local populations in order to
bolster ...
Olivier Henry, Ute Kelp 2016 S ahin Yldrm The Emergence and the
Development of Tumuli in Eastern Thrace (Plates 156167) Abstract
Eastern Thrace has a long tradition of burials under tumuli, resulting
today in a high density of burial mounds. This tradition, which ...
Philip and Olympias: A Novel of Ancient Macedon 232 Peter
Messmore 2002
Philip's army took only three months to find and
defeat Cersobleptes in Eastern Thrace. The humbled former
Macedonian ally was not killed, but left in power and forced to renew his
old alliance with Macedon. He was required to give his only ...
Philip II of Macedonia: Greater Than Alexander 143 Richard A.
Gabriel 2010
THRACE Philip first turned his attention to Thrace,
where events had seriously altered the previous power balance between
Athens and Macedonia in Eastern Thrace. During the year following
Philip's defeat, the Athenian general Chares had ...
Population Resettlement in International Conflicts: A Comparative Study.
Arie Marcelo Kacowicz, Pawel Lutomski 2007 Greeks forced to leave
Anatolia and Eastern Thrace between 1912 and 1916 returned to their
homes in 1919, only to be expelled again in 1922. Greeks ejected by the
Bulgarian government from Western Thrace during the Balkan wars
and ...
Prehistoric chipped stone assemblages from Eastern Thrace and
the ...Ivan Gatsov 2009 Tumulus as Sema: Space, Politics, Culture and
Religion in the First ...
Prehistoric settlements of Eastern Thrace: a reconsideration. Burin
Erdou 2005 This book focuses on the prehistoric settlements of
Eastern Thrace (Turkish Thrace).


Rethinking Violence: States and Nonstate Actors in Conflict 78.

Erica Chenoweth, Adria Lawrence 2010 pened as the Second Balkan
War was ongoing, with the alleged reason that the current government,
dominated by the opposition, could possibly cede the city of Edirne in
Eastern Thrace to Bulgaria. To stop the government from surrendering ...
Review of Reviews and World's Work 66 472 Albert
Shaw 1922 Dr. Park was formerly dean of Radcliffe College, and she
now succeeds Miss M. Carey Thomas, who had been president of Bryn
Mawr for twentyeight years) Turkey (Thrace) and return of Eastern
Thrace to Turkey. September r8.The British ...
Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the German... Omer
Bartov, Eric D. Weitz 2013
The first who suffered from this new
exclusionist approach were the Christians who inhabited the European
area later known as Eastern Thrace that remained under Ottoman sway
following the Balkan Wars. It was in these borderlands that ...
Southeastern Europe Under Ottoman Rule, 13541804 320 Peter
F. Sugar 1977 I First Ottoman campaign in Europe Second Ottoman
campaign in Europe Conquest of Cimpe (szmpe) Conquest of Gelibolu
(Gallipoli, Kallipolis) Conquest of Eastern Thrace along the western
shores of the Marmara (Propontis) Sea including ...
Statement on the Question of Eastern Thrace to the Line of EnosMidia.
Turkey: ...Benjamin C. Fortna, Stefanos Katsikas, Dimitris Kamouzis
2013 It is estimated that in 1912 around 550,000 Muslims lived in the
regions of western and Eastern Thrace (51 percent of the entire
population) and about 1,000,000 (58 percent of the total population) in
the region of Smyrna and although there is ...
Strategic Relations Between the US and Turkey 19792000:
Sleeping ...Ekavi Athanassopoulou 2014 In addition, Turkey's location
enabled its participation in three of the four major theatres of war in
NATO's southern flank: the Mediterranean, eastern Turkey and Eastern
Thrace. Furthermore, Turkey could provide a host of bases and ...
Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy C.3001450 78
Michael F. Hendy 2008 The sees newly represented at the council of
787" show a distinct tendency to extend inland into Eastern Thrace as


defined by the Rhodope on the one hand and by the Istranja Mountains on
the other. Those newly represented at the synods ...
Suits and Uniforms: Turkish Foreign Policy Since the Cold War Philip
Robins 2003 Atatiirk was satisfied to consolidate the new state based
on the territory of Anatolia and Eastern Thrace. This clear geopolitical
vision continues to provide an ideological bulwark against territorial
adventurism to the west and indeed the east of ...
Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region A. H. F.
Robertson, Demosthenis Mountrakis 2006 The late colli sional
processes dating from Late Oligocene Early Miocene times were
associated with large strikeslip faults that are recognized in Thrace
(Karfakis & Doutsos 1995), Central Macedonia (Tranos 1998; Tranos et
al. 1999) and ...
Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the
Second ...Marina Cattaruzza, Stefan Dyroff, Dieter Langewiesche 2012
The region was especially important as it was part of the main strategic
transit and trade routes that led from Macedonia and northern Greece
through Eastern Thrace, Istanbul, and the Black Sea Straits to the eastern
part of the Mediterranean...
The American Review of Reviews 66 472 1922 Dr. Park
was formerly dean of Radcliffe College, and she now succeeds Miss M.
Carey Thomas, who had been president of Bryn Mawr for twentyeight
years) Turkey (Thrace) and return of Eastern Thrace to Turkey.
September 18.
The American Review of Reviews 66 472 Albert Shaw
Dr. Park was formerly dean of Radcliffe College, and she now
succeeds Miss M. Carey Thomas, who had been president of Bryn Mawr
for twentyeight years) Turkey (Thrace) and return of Eastern Thrace to
Turkey. September 18.
The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution, 19401944 101
Frederick B. Chary 1972
4 Deportation from the New Territories
Thrace The deportation of the Thracian Jews began on March 4, 1943,
even before Peshev conceived his protest. In all the cities of Eastern
Thrace with major Jewish populationsGiumiurdzhina, Dede ...
The Bulgarians in the Easternmost
Peninsula ...Dimitar Voinikov 2014






The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 1922

Announcement was
made in a cablegram from Constantinople to the New York Times
Monday morning that the Greek evacuation of Eastern Thrace had begun
the day before. The correspondent stated that Allied contingents entered
the ...
The Continent 53 1302 1922 The nationalist civil
officials shall be accompanied by a sufficient number of gendarmerie to
maintain order. Allied military forces shall occupy Eastern Thrace to
insure order and to support the interallied missions. The allied military
contingents ...
The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire Alan Palmer 2011 ... and
Rumbold induced Turkish delegates to come to Mudanya and discuss
there the future of the Straits and Eastern Thrace, and the need for the
Kemalists to respect the Neutral Zone. After ten days of talks at Mudanya
a formal convention ...
The Deluge: The Great War and the Remaking of Global Order 19161931
Adam Tooze 2014 Turkey was to be left with Anatolia and Eastern
Thrace. By early May 1919 the Sultan was under FrancoBritish
supervision in Istanbul. Some 40,000 British imperial troops were
deployed along the railway lines of Anatolia. Greek troops ...
The Development of International Law 484 Geoffrey G. Butler,
Sir Geoffrey Gilbert Butler, Simon Maccoby 2003 They had routed a
great Greek army, had torn up the Treaty of Sevres by seizing Smyrna,
and at the armistice negotiations of Mudania, where they obtained the
promise of Eastern Thrace, had consented to provisional arrangements
for the ...
The Division of the Middle East: The Treaty of Svres 91
Heather Lehr Wagner, George J. Mitchell 2004 Eastern Thrace was
returned to Turkey. The Aegean Islands were divided; Tenedos and
Imbros were granted to Turkey, the Dodecanese were given to Italy, and
those remaining were granted to Greece. The Turkish Straits were to
remain a ...
The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization 337
David Livingstone 2002 Pressure continued upon the Middle East. ...
small towns in Anatolia, founding what came to be called the Ottoman
Empire, which over the next two centuries, began asserting control over
an increasingly large area, including Eastern Thrace...


The Eastern Question 17741923: Revised Edition. Alexander Lyon

Macfie 2014
At a conference of Allied powers held in Paris on 23
September, it was agreed that Mustafa Kemal should be invited to attend
a peace conference, at which a final treaty of peace, providing for a
speedy Turkish repossession of Eastern Thrace ...
The Ecumenical Patriarchate 52 Demetrius Kiminas 2009
MHTPOnOAIE. AAPIANOTnOAEQE. Metropolitan of Adrianople,
most honorable and Exarch of all Haemimontus The city of
Adrianoupolis (Adrianople, Grk...
The End of the Ottoman Empire, 19081923 209 Alexander Lyon
Macfie 2014
At the same time, in order to persuade the Greek
government of the need for some such arrangement, they had begun to
expel the Orthodox inhabitants of western Anatolia and Eastern Thrace;
and they had even threatened that, in the event ...
The Independent 109 233 Leonard Bacon, Joseph Parrish
Thompson, Richard Salter Storrs 1922
law, order and security ; the
total number of gendarmerie in Eastern Thrace and in the Ismid
mutessarifat not to exceed 8,000. VI. Evacuation of Greek troops and
transfer of civil administration to be supervised and directed by Allied
The Interior 53 1302 1922 The nationalist civil officials
shall be accompanied by a sufficient number of gendarmerie to maintain
order. Allied military forces shall occupy Eastern Thrace to insure order
and to support the interallied missions. The allied military contingents ...
The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late
Twelfth ...John V. A. Fine, John Van Antwerp Fine 1994 This policy
change, as we have seen, allowed various Greek aristocrats of Eastern
Thrace, hostile to Kalojan, to secede and seek alliance with the Latin
Empire; recognition by these Greeks allowed the Latin Empire to
penetrate deeply into ...
The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel Under International
Law: ...Howard Grief 2008 peninsula, as well as in European Turkey
(Eastern Thrace), which dismembered the country in its core parts.2
Dissatisfied with these territorial dispositions in regard to Anatolia and
Eastern Thrace, Ataturk campaigned vigorously against the ...



The Making of Modern Turkey 91 Ahmad Feroz 2002 Turkish

territory in Eastern Thrace did not provide the depth necessary to defend
Istanbul from attack by land. But there were political and cultural reasons
which were equally important. In the debate which took place on 13
October 1923...
The Nation 115 522 1922
Take the case of Eastern
Thrace. It is remembered that Greece is the robber, but forgotten that
Bulgaria is the robbed. Now, Eastern Thrace and Adrianople fall to
Turkey. This is determined by her alliances with France and Italy,
pressure of ...
The Near East since the First World War: A History to 1995 Malcolm
Yapp 2014
One was the small area of the onceextensive Ottoman
European territories left to the state in Eastern Thrace. These included
the city of Istanbul. The other five areas were in Anatolia and comprised
the socalled central plateau, a high, dry ...
The North Winds Arrived Early 45 Thanasis Papastergiou 2011
When the Bishop suggested to my grandfather, Father Stergios to pick a
village for his fellow refugees from Eastern Thrace to settle in, he
picked Upper Kleines because of its forests, waters and pastures. Many
wild creatures inhabit the ...
The Origins and Spread of Domestic Plants in Southwest Asia and
Europe Sue Colledge, James Conolly 2007 ... of modern Bulgaria is
situated on one of the routes of distribution of early neolithic agriculture
from the Near East to Europe. ... it was established in the Mesta Valley,
the eastern parts of the Sofia basin and the westernmost parts of Thrace.
The Ottoman Middle East: Studies in Honor of Amnon Cohen xi
Eyal Ginio, Elie Podeh 2013 His current research deals with Ottoman
society during the Bal kan Wars (191213). Among his recent
publications are Paving the Way for Ethnic Cleansing: Eastern Thrace
during the Balkan Wars (19121913) and Their Aftermath, in Omer ...
The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity Scott Fitzgerald Johnson 2012
While their bend forms barriers to movement across the region from east
to west, funneling traffic through the Succi Pass and the Iron Gates gorge,
they are less of an impediment to passage from north to south. The level
terrain in Thrace ...
The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War: New Edition Hew
Strachan 2014
It regained possession of Eastern Thrace, zmir


(Smyrna), and some of the Aegean islands. Under Kemal's leadership,

Turkey became a force for stability in the region. The Treaty of Lausanne,
the only peace treaty to be negotiated, was the ...
The Report: Turkey 2008 7 2008
Half of Istanbul sits on
Turkey's European side in what is known as Eastern Thrace, home to
more than 10% of the country's population. Thrace consists of only 3%,
or 24,000 sq km, of Turkey's 770,760 sq km, and the area is separated
from the ...
The Rocky Road to the Great War: The Evolution of Trench Warfare to
The Routledge Atlas of the Holocaust 138. Martin Gilbert 2012
The Settlement Issue in Turkey and the Kurds: An Analysis of
Spatial ...Joost Jongerden 2007
16. 17. 1918. Immediately after the
Armistice the survivors of the above deportationto the number of
17,000 onlyreturned and were reinstated in their homes. 11. 1918
1919. The successive occupations of Western Thrace, Eastern Thrace...
The Thracians, 700 BC AD 46 5 Christopher Webber 2001 In
about 460 the first Odrysian kingdom was founded by Teres I in
southEastern Thrace, in territory vacated by Persians. The Odrysai was
the most powerful Thracian tribe, the only one to briefly unite almost all
the others (including some of the ...
The Turkish Straits 93 Chrstos L. Rozaks 1987 The loser in
this new redistribution of territories in the Eastern Mediterranean was
Greece, which yielded to Turkey all of Eastern Thrace, the area of
Smyrna, and the islands of Imbros and Tenedos. As far as the question of
the straits was ...
The World War I Reader 329 Michael S. Neiberg 2007 She was
to be given not only the Dobrudja and Western Thrace, but Eastern
Thrace as well, as far even as the MidiaRodosto line. Constantinople
and the straits were to be placed under international control. Central Asia
Minor was to remain ...
Turkey, from Empire to Revolutionary Republic: The Emergence of
the ...Sina Aksin 2007 Turkey's aim was to gain immediate control over
Eastern Thrace so that it could enter the future peace conference with the
question of Eastern Thrace nonnegotiable. This would make Turkey
better able to stand firm on other issues. Although a ...


Turkish Foreign Policy Since 1774 31. William M. Hale 2013

On the basis of bogus population statistics claiming that the majority of
the population was Greek, he put forward a grandiose claim to the whole
of western Asia minor, Eastern Thrace and all the Aegean islands. These
claims were broadly ...
Turkish Foreign Policy, 17742000 44. William M. Hale 2000
On the basis of bogus population statistics claiming that the majority of
the population was Greek, he put forward a grandiose claim to the whole
of western Asia Minor, Eastern Thrace and all the Aegean islands. These
claims were broadly ...

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Alexander Papadopoulos, American National Red Cross, Eleutherios

Venizelos 1919 It is as follows : "Among the refugees from the villages
of Kastampoli and Intzekioi in the region of Ganochora, who were
landed here on the morning of the 18th of the current month from the
steamer Panormus, flying the Turkish flag, there are ...
Anatolia antiqua II: travaux et recherches de l'Institut Franais Jacques
Des Courtils, Aksel Tibet, JeanCharles Moretti 1993 Cf. aussi A.
Germidis, (The Ganochora in Eastern Thrace). 46 (1972) 182288. A
partir du XVIe s. les vchs de Ganos et de Hora sont runi en une seule
iirapxeCa que nos sources appellent ...
Aratrma sonular toplants 10 90 1993 A. Germidis,
Tt Tavoxcopa tfjc 'Avaxoliia epiaic (The Ganochora in Eastern
Thrace), 0146 (1972) 182288. XVI. yzyildan itibaren Ganos ve
Hora'nin tek bir piskoposluk blgesi napxea olarak bir lestigi
sanilmakta ve ravo^cp ...
Balkan Studies: Biannual Publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies
1994 For the economic status and activities of the Greek population in
these two dioceses see Aggelos Germides, To rav6xwpa ttig
AvotoXiktic, 0paiaj<;. IaropiKd, re<a Ypo<piK6 Kai
Aaoypa(piK6, Ogaxtxa (Ganochora of Eastern Thrace.
recognovit,...Carolus ...Ptolemy, Carl Mller 1883 Scylax 68 : {Ganos et
Ganochora),. Slrabo 7 f.. 55 .


Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique

1977 Ce sont : Porphyrios l'hiromoine, Jacques, exvque de
Ganochora, et Anthime hiromoine de Jannina. Si les autres font la
connaissance de Lucas la fin du xvie sicle Moscou, ceuxci viennent
en contact avec lui en Valachie, o tous ...
Congressional Serial Set 62 1948 Born 1906, Ganochora,
Eastern Thrace, Turkey; married Chryssa Hadjivassiliou, member of the
Politbureau of KKE, in Russia, 1934. Welleducated and knows French,
German, and Russian languages. Came to Greece, 1922; member...
Contribution l'histoire de la Thrace propontique durant la
periode ...Louza D. Loukopoulou 1989 On notera l'intrt particulier
qu'offre une inscription funraire provenant de Chora (Sharkeui), dans
les Ganochora de la Propontide2, sur laquelle figuraient les noms de six
membres d'une famille mixte de l'poque impriale3. On soulignera ...
De Oriente: documenta, studia et libri ... 76 1932 Es werden die
Schulen von Anchialos, Adrianoupolis, Ainos, Alexandroupolis,
Ganochora, Epibata, Kallipolis, Aitissa, Madyton, Mesembria,
Myriofyton, Raideston, Saranta Ekklesiai, Skopos, Stenemachon,
Selybria, Sozoupolis, Tyrolloe...
De Thracia provincia Romana 35 Demetrios M. Kalopothakes
Der byzantinische Alexanderroman nach dem Codex vindob. theol. gr.
244 PseudoCallisthenes, Kariophils Mtsaks 1965 (60) Der Mnch
Matthos aus Ganochora in seinem "Handbuch ber die Syntax der
Wortarten", Wien 1795; s. N. Beea. a.a.O., 8.9 ff. (61) Die Epigramme
und die Ansprache befinden sioh unverffentlicht im Cod. 21 des
Seminars fr ...
Der heutige lesbiche dialekt verglichen mit den brigen ... 86
Paul Kretschmer 1905
Der neugriechische Alexander: Tradition in Bewahrung und Wandel
Girgos Velouds 1968 (58) E. Legrand, Becueil de documents grecs
conceraants les relations du patriarcat de Jerusalem aveo la Roumanie
(=Bibl. Gr.Vulg. , Bd. VII), 2. Aufl.,Paris 1903, S.338, 346, 347, 361 und
372 ff. (60) Der Mnch Matthos aus Ganochora in ...
Dermatologische Wochenschrift 35 560 1902 Im dritten
Teile seines Werkes schildert P. ausfhrlich den von ihm selbst in


mehreren, Ganochora genannten Drfern der europischen Trkei

(Provinz Thrakien) beobachteten Fall. Es handelte sich um eine leprse
Mutter, die vier Tchter ...
Die Matrikel der Universitt Leipzig: Die Jahre 1867 bis 1884 Jens
Blecher, Gerald Wiemers 2009 Dresden; Saxen; 15; evangel, luth.;
1879/80: 1190 18.10.1880 Constantinides, Gregorius; ; Philos.;
Ganochora; Trkei; 33; Griech. conf.; Kaufmann + [verstorben]; Ausl.;
Mnchen; Johhannesgae [sic!] N. 7/II; /. 1879/80: 1191 18.10.1880 ...
Die pdagogischen Anschauungen des Adamantios Korais und ihr Einflu
...Chrstos P. Oikonomos 1908 (1780),1) der letztere die von Abassos
(1819).1) Der Metropolit von Jannina, Makarios, legt 10000 Franken an
zur Unterhaltung der Schule in seiner Heimat Chora in Ganochora
(1795).2) Der Bischof Dositheos von Dryinupolis grndet und ...
chos d'orient 1930 Berrhe, fut transfr en 1906 Ganochora comme
prodre, mais donna aussitt sa dmission pour raison de sant (1). Le cas
n'en demeure pas moins typique pour l'extension du principe de la
bigamie jusqu' l'hexagamie. De nos jours, le ...
Echos d'Orient: revue bimestrielle de thologie, de droit canonique...
1971 chies, de 1868 1906 : Tricca, Phanarion, Castoria, Nocsare,
Berrhe, fut transfr en 1906 Ganochora comme prodre, mais donna
aussitt sa dmission pour raison de sant (1). Le cas n'en demeure pas
moins typique pour ...
Essai d'un tableau du folklore musical grec: Le Syllogue pour ... Melp
Merlie 1935 Deux fois par an, au printemps et en automne, de nombreux
muletiers, accompagnant quelque trois cents mulets, quittaient les
villages de Ganochora, sur la Propontide, pour Sozopolis, afin de vendre
l'intrieur du pays le poisson sch...
Estats Units d'Amrica. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs
1948 Born 1906, Ganochora, astern Thrace, Turke ' married Chrysa
Hadjivassiliou, member of the Politbureau of KKyFl, in Russia, 1934.
Welleducated and knows French, German, and Russian languages. Came
to Greece, 1922; member, Central ...
Flore de l'le de Lesbos: Plantes sauvages et cultives 25 C. A.
Candargy 1889



Geographia e codicibus recognovit, prolegomenis, annotatione...Claude

Ptolme, Mller 1883 ... et Ganochora),;. Macron Tichos erat murus
longus quo Chersonesus a Thracia separabatur in isthmo, quem ...
Geschichte und Kultur der Palaiologenzeit: 255 Werner Seibt,
Herbert Hunger 1996 Gallipoli Kallipolis Ganochora 19. Ganos
911.1421.23.27. Genua/Genuesen 65. 101. 121131. 136f. Gephyrai
11.23.27. Germiyan 160. Goten 228. Grottaferrata 149. Hagios Elias (bei
Raidestos) 16. Hali 147. Hebros 17. Helikobunon ...
Grecs et Ottomans, 14531953: de la chute de Constantinople
la ...Jolle Dalgre
2002 Diocses 19131914! 19141918 Total
Arrirepays de Constantinople | (Derkos, Selyvria, Tyroloi) p Presqu'le
de Gallipoli et cte (Ganochora, Hiraklia, Kallipolis, Myriophyto, Enos)
1 30 217! 30 217 Andrinople et son arrirepays j (Vyzie...
Greece Before the Peace Congress of 1919: A Memorandum Dealing with
Griechischer Biographischer Index / Greek Biographical Index 2003 Jh.),
Evangelist, Schriftsteller Tolika F. 283, 379 Matthaios aus Ganochora (e.
17751816), Mnch, Schriftsteller Bretos Papadopulos, Demetrakopulos
1, Sathas, Zabiras F. 283, 380383 Matthaios ho Graikos auch:
Matthaios ...
Hellnismos st Roumania
48 Paula Scalcu, Georgeta
PeneleaFilitti 2006 Printre ucenicii si, care au copiat numeroase
manuscrise n Muntenia, sau numrat Matei al Myrelor, Iakovos de
Ganochora i Antim din Ioannina. Un elev al su, Porfyrios de
Sozopolis, lucreaz n Moldova. Un nepot al lui Luca, Lorin, este ...
Hints on Landscape Gardening 133 Hermann PcklerMuskau
(Frst von), Samuel Parsons 1917 The Graf was said to be in great
demand, and the renown of his name has descended to our times. 1
Compare the funeral monuments in the Troad and on the European
peninsula of the whole Hellespont as far as Ganochoro and Hera clea...
Indogermanische Forschungen 6 221 Karl Brugmann,
Wilhelm Streitberg, August Leskien 1896 ber Weihnachten auf Naxos
erzhlt \1 in der Ecto 1891 (II) 394396, woran sich einige
andere Schilderungen des Festes (aus Varna, Ganochora in Thracien und
Phoiniko in Epirus) anschliessen (396398). Unzugnglich ist ...



Journal officiel de la Rpublique franaise 9287 France 1951

18879 x 5054. MACHNIK (Jean), Bottrop (Allemagne), 220215.
21330 x 5057. MACIINIK, ne MIKOLAJCZYK, Walkow (Pologne),
071122. 21331 x5057. ^ MALIATSOS (Efstralios), Ganochora
(Turquie), 050406. 8391x50.
Klaudiou Ptolemaiou Geographike hyphegesis 1 476
Ptolemy, Karl Mller 1883 ... erat Pieov {Heraklitza) , Tvo;, ravat (
Ganos Ganochora)...
La communaut grecque de Gallipoli, Thrace orientale,
18211860: ...Catherine Chardaloupas 2002 Bazar couvert (bedesten) bien
construit, environ 8 000 habitants dont les 3 500 sont Grecs romains. Le
passage venant d'Asie augmente son commerce et de plus les tonneaux de
vins de ses rivages les plus proches, tel Ganochora et ...
La palographie grecque et byzantine: 375 Jacques Bompaire,
Jean Irigoin 1977 Ce sont : Porphyrios l'hiromoine, Jacques, exvque
de Ganochora, et Anthime hiromoine de Jannina. Si les autres font la
connaissance de Lucas la fin du xvie sicle Moscou, ceuxci viennent
en contact avec lui en Valachie, o tous ...
L'Economiste franais 2; 48 459 1920 Elle produit 5
millions d'hectolitres de crales, 5 millions de kilogrammes de tabacs ;
elle possde 40,000 hectares de vignobles, surtout prs de Ganochora et
de Kirk:, qui fournissent environ 128,000 hectolitres de mot. Son btail
se ...
L'conomiste franais: journal hebdomadaire 2 459 Paul
LeroyBeaulieu 1921 ... millions de kilogrammes de tabacs; elle possde
40,000 hectares de vignobles, surtout prs de Ganochora et de Kirk
Kiliss, qui fournissent environ 128,000 hectolitres de mot. Son btail se
compose de 2,500,000 chvres et moutons...
Les Regestes des actes du Patriarcat de Constantinople .... 113
Jean Darrouzs, Venance Grumel 1977 ... archevch avant de devenir
mtropole ; en fait, aprs avoir t donne en pidosis PgaietParion
(voir N. 2110), elle apparat pour la premire fois ici avec un titulaire
propre, le premier mtropolite connu : Gdon, Ganochora, 1611.
Les Regestes des actes du patriarcat de Constantinople: Les actes ...1977
... archevch avant de devenir mtropole ; en fait, aprs avoir t donne
en pidosis PgaietParion (voir N. 2110), elle apparat pour la premire


fois ici avec un titulaire propre, le premier mtropolite connu : Gdon,

Ganochora, 7677.
L'instruction publique chez les Grecs 542 Georges Chassiotis
1881 Massotis (Octave) , professeur l'Acadmie ionienne. 162. Masson
(Michel) , directeur de l'cole d'Athnes, 60. . Mathieu (Henry), 490, 492.
Mathieu, 6\qve de Ganochora, 40. Mavrocordatos (Alexandre),
surnomm le confident des secrets...
L'instruction publique chez les Grecs, depuis la prise de ... 542 G
Ch Chasiotes 1881 Massillon, 260. Massotis (Octave) , professeur
l'Acadmie ionienne, 162. Hasson (Michel) , directeur de l'cole
d'Athnes, 60. Mathieu (Henry), 490, 192. Mathieu, vque de
Ganochora,40. Mavrocordatos (Alexindre), surnomm le ...
Monatshefte fuer Praktische Dermatologie 35 560 1902
Im dritten Teile seines Werkes schildert P. ausfhrlich den von ihm selbst
in mehreren, Ganochora genannten Drfern der europischen Trkei
(Provinz Thrakien) beobachteten Fall. Es handelte sich um eine leprse
Mutter, die vier Tchter ...
Mbadele ncesi ve sonras eski ve yeni adlar ile kuzey
Yunanistan ...Sefer Gven 2010 ... C2 64 Hrana Hrani Katerin C2 64
Turye Ganochora Katerin C3 64 ncekarasu Nehri Aliakmanos R.
Katerin D1 64 Vriaza Vria Katerin B3 64 izvor svoros Katerin B2 64
Vromeri Kalithea Katerin D3 64 Kalivia Kontariotissis Agh.
Spiridonas ...
Orientalia Christiana 2627 156 1932 Es werden die
Schulen von Anchialos, Adrianou polis. Ainos, Alexandronpolis.
Ganochora, Epibata, Kallipolis, Aitissa, Madyton, Mesembria,
Myriofyton, Raideston, Saranta Ekklesiai, Skopos, Stenemachon,
Sel}rbria, Sozoupolis, Tyrolloe...
Orientalia christiana periodica: Commentaril de re orientali aetatis ...2005
Il convient de noter qu'aux archives de Moscou se trouve un acte sign
par l'ecclsiarque Meletios du monastre de l'Assomption de la mtropole
de Ganochora (f. 522, n 157 (26.07.1639)) dont l'criture est trs proche
de celle du n 159...
Persecutions of the Greeks in Turkey before the European war Alexander
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outrages of the Bashibouzouks on Christian women, men, and children";
that in KirkKilisse the conception of property rights totally disappeared,
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Ganochora, generally...
Publication 67 109 1919 It is as follows: Among the
refugees from the villages of Kastampoli and Intzekioi in the region of
Ganochora, who were landed here on the morning of the 18th of the
current month from the steamer Panormus, flying the Turkish flag, there
are ...
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Crusates Rodosto
A History of the Crusades 1 164 Steven Runciman 1987
reassembled, rather crestfallen, at Rodosto, where it awaited the arrival
of the Bishop of Le Puy who was to lead it on to Constantinople. Of
Adhemar's activities in the capital we know nothing. Presumably he saw
the chief Greek ecclesiastics; ...
A history of the Crusades 1 274 Kenneth Meyer Setton
1958 Fortunately for Adhemar, his captors made so much commotion
that Crusaders rushed forth to rescue him. ... stock of supplies intended
for the Crusaders and pilgrims. At Rodosto (Tekirdagh) another brush
with imperials took place, but it was ...
A History of the Crusades: The first hundred years, edited by M.
W. ...Kenneth Meyer Setton 1969 Rhoedestus : port see Rodosto.
Rhone; Rhone (French): river E5d2, 1. Ribagorza (Spanish) : district
south of central Pyrenees, east of Sobrarbe. Ribemont (French): village
19 miles nnw of Laon. Ridefort (French): unidentified place...
A History of the Crusades: The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East
Kenneth M. Setton, Norman P. Zacour, Harry W. Hazard 1985 The
Impact of the Crusades on the Near East Kenneth M. Setton, Norman P.
Zacour, Harry W. Hazard ... After the siege, doge Enrico Dan dolo moved
south with his forces to Rodosto on the Sea of Marmara, where he left a
Venetian ...
A History of the Crusades: The impact of the Crusades on the
near ...Kenneth Meyer Setton 1958 In 1145 doge Peter Polani granted
jurisdiction over the Venetian church of St. Mary in Rodosto to the
Venetian monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore. In 1151 San Giorgio's
control over St. Mary in Rodosto was declared sovereign, as neither ...
A History of the Crusades: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the
Frankish ...Steven Runciman 1954 In consequence, of the Crusading
leaders it was Bohemond who enjoyed the highest prestige in
Lombardy. ... One was to spend the winter in a camp outside
Philippopolis, the second outside Adrianople and the third outside


A History of the Crusades: Volume 1, The First Crusade and

the ...Steven Runciman 1951
reassembled, rather crestfallen, at
Rodosto, where it awaited the arrival of the Bishop of Le Puy who was to
lead it on to Constantinople. Of Adhemar's activities in the capital we
know nothing. Presumably he saw the chief Greek ecclesiastics ...
A Short History of the Crusades 299 Jacob Isidor Mombert
1894 The Fall of Constantinople bring the Story of the Fourth Crusade
An Ungodly War: The Sack of Constantinople & the Fourth Crusade W.
B. Bartlett 2000 extra allies, the Crusaders at last made their way safely
back to the city of Rodosto, where they were admitted by the Greek
residents who were obviously intimidated enough even by this decimated
force to let them in without resistance.
Archivum Ottomanicum 3 193 1971 Already in 1362,
the Crusaders in the West thought that the Turks could be annihilated if
the Crusader fleet cut off the ... On the shores of the Marmara Sea, Hora
and BakacikTepesi to the south of the town TekfurDagi (Rodosto) formed
the ...
Atlas of Islamic History 34 Peter Sluglett, Andrew Currie 2015
As well as fighting the Armenians in Cilicia and the Crusaders in Edessa,
the Seljuks of Rum also managed to hold the ... F re n c h /Ge rm an
Crusaders 1 1 4 8 (Denizli) Sinope Adalia Trapezus (Trebizond)
Constantinople Rodosto Tarsus ...
Authority and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Chronicles Juliana
Dresvina, Nicholas Sparks 2012
The knight Villehardouin reappears
later in the narrative as commander of important military operations in
and around Edirne (343), organizing the retreat of the Crusaders to
Rodosto and then returning to Constantinople for consultations with ...
Battles of the Crusades: Battle of Adrianople, Battle of Lepanto...Books
Llc, Source: Wikipedia, Books Group 2010 Please note that the content
of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or
other free sources online.
Byzantine Jewry from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade 138
Andrew Sharf 1971
First he sailed through the Sea of Marmora,
touching at Rhaedes tus (Rodosto) where there was a community of four
hundred and at Gallipoli where there were two hundred. Then he sailed
across to the eastern shore of the strait once more...


Byzantines and Crusaders in Non Greek Sources, 1025-1204 Mary

Whitby 2007
... prince of Antioch (115361)295 Reynolds, D.F. 301
rhetoric, education of BarEbroyo in 265 Rhaidestos, see Rodosto
Rhineland 134 Rhodes (Greece) 6, 70 Rhosia (Rus), metropolitans of
169, 175, 181 Richard, abbot of St Vanne of Verdun.
Byzantium, Latin Romania and the Mediterranean v David
Jacoby 2001 182 Rodosto was presented in 1219 we may gather that the
ranking of its components also differed from that found in ... The Latin
Empire and the patterns of Venetian migration The Fourth Crusade
generated a demographic phenomenon...
Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes: French Diplomacy in the Age
of ...Orville Theodore Murphy 1982 He had stayed at Rodosto forty
days, he told Rouille, and he had found Count Czaki eager to be 'useful.'
Czaki reassured him that ... The notion of marching in a Crusade as a
latterday centurion appealed to him. He waited "with impatience" ...
Chronicles of the Crusades 86 Geoffrey Villehardouin, Jean de
Joinville 2012 Afterwards came the news of those who had escaped
and were at Rodosto; and these asked him to make all the haste he could,
and come to them. And because he wanted to hasten as much as he could,
and reach them earlier, he left behind ...
Chronicles of the Crusades Geffroy Villehardouin, Jean Joinville 1974
Twelve leagues away, onthecoast, lay Rodosto,avery large andwealthy
city, strongly fortified and well garrisonedby Venetians. Besides allthis,
abody ofmounted sergeants, some two thousand strong, had recently
arrived to help guard the city.
Chronicles of the First Crusade Christopher Tyerman 2011 Now our
agents returned to us at Rodosto from the court of Alexius where we had
sent them. ... Byzantine and Crusader envoys urged Raymond to abandon
his army and, unarmed with a few followers, to hurry to the court of the
basileus ...
Churches Of Eastern Christendom 247 Kidd 2013 ... territory
to the Latin Emperor, threeeighths to Venice, and the remaining
threeeighths in fiefs to the Crusaders. ... 12061669: footholds in the
Peloponnesus, Euboea and the Cyclades: and, nearer CP., Rodosto,
Gallipoli, Heraclea and an ...
Coinage of the Crusaders and the world of Islam 260 Emmanuel
Azzopardi, Daniel Cilia 2006 The partition awarded Venice was the


mainland of Thrace, the Morea, the Dalmatian coast, Albania and Epirus,
and the islands of Andros, Aegina, Salamis, and Negroponte, as well as
the ports of Rodosto and Heraclea. This opened up an ...
Contemporary Sources for the Fourth Crusade: Revised Edition Alfred
Andrea 2008 72 Rodosto, or Tekirdag, on the Sea of Marmara. 73 The
ancient city of Heraclea, also called Perinthus and today known as
Marmaraeneghis in modern Turkey. 74 Selymbria, today Silivri. 75 The
eet initially put in at Chalcedon across the ...
Encyclopaedia britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, literature ...Hugh
Chisholm 1911 The defence that the Crusaders "were bound to pay
their passagemoney to the Holy Land, in one form or other, to the
Venetians, is perhaps a weak one in any case for the attack on two ...
safety to the sea of Rodosto, and thence to the capital.
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1911
The defence that the Crusaders were bound to pay their passagemoney
to the Holy Land, in one form or other, to llle ... in which he commanded
the rearguard, and brought his troops in to the sea of Rodosto, and thence
to the capital.
Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences,
Literature ...Hugh Chisholm 1911 The defence that the Crusaders were
bound to pay their passagemoney to the Holy Land, in one form or other,
to' the ... and conducting the retreat, in which he commanded the
rearguard, and brought his troops in safety to the sea of Rodosto...
Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice 193 Thomas F. Madden
2003 Finally, on April 16, they reached the city of Rodosto, which had
been assigned to the Venetians in the division. ... With the expiration of
the year of service approximately seven thousand Crusaders boarded
Venetian vessels and headed home.
Geographical Magazine
1 To the west of
Constantinople they held the coast past Bulair, Rodosto and Chorlu, only
6o miles from Constantinople. ... In Greece there were Venetian
holdings, with the Latin principality of Achaea, a relic of the Fourth
Crusade, waiting upon ...
Great Ottoman Turkish civilization Kemal iek, Ercment Kuran, Nejat
Gyn 2000 li peninsula on the one hand, and in the Rodosto Malkara
direction on the other. The Turkish settlements caused panic ... The only


hope that the Byzantine emperor John V had was a Crusader army from
Europe. Towards the end of 1355, the ...
Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem 22 Raimond
(d'Aguilers.), John Hugh Hill, Laurita Lyttleton Hill 1968 Byzantine and
Crusader envoys urged Raymond to abandon his army and, unarmed
with a few followers, to hurry to the court of ... Shall I write of the most
fraudulent and abominable treachery of the Emperor's Rodosto is the
Turkish town of ...
History of the Crusades 168 Joseph Fr. Michaud 1882 In the
night that followed the battle, the Crusaders raised the siege of
Adrianople, and retook the route to the capital, amidst ... At Rodosto they
met Henry of Hainault, and several other knights, who were on their way
from the provinces of Asia...
History of the Crusades 2 168 1895 In the night that
followed the battle, the Crusaders raised the siege of Adrianople, and
retook the route to the capital amidst ... At Rodosto they met Henry of
Hainault, and several other knights, who were on their way from the
provinces of Asia...
History of the Crusades, tr. by W. Robson 168 Joseph Franois
Michaud 1852
In the night that followed the battle, the Crusaders
raised the siege of Adrianople, and retook the route to the capital,
amidst ... At Rodosto they met Henry of Hainault, and several other
knights, who were on their way from the provinces of Asia...
In Their Own Words: Practices of Quotation in Early Medieval ... Jeanette
Beer 2014 ... while on guard, JV arrested the flight of the Crusading
army (362); at Rodosto, JV consulted the doge about salvaging the
desperate situation (364); it was planned that JV would take the rear
guard in a night retreat (365); JV did this (366); ...
Knighthoods of Christ: Essays on the History of the Crusades and
the ...Norman Housley 2007 Essays on the History of the Crusades and
the Knights Templar, Presented to Malcolm Barber Norman Housley ...
Adrianople, so that the Cumans were unwilling to charge their disciplined
ranks; he then masterminded a withdrawal to Rodosto ...
Letters from Turkey 262 Kelemen Mikes, Bernard Adams 2000
The monk that preached the First Crusade was Peter the Hermit of
Amiens (C.1050C.1115). 56. ... was born in 1700; after his imprisonment


by the Austrians the Prince never saw this son again, as he only went to
Rodosto after Ferenc's death.
Mediaeval popes, emperors, kings, and Crusaders, or, Germany,
Italy...Mrs. William Busk 1856
The dissensions amongst the
conquerors daily increased in virulence ; their weakness was
proportionate, and the empire of the captive monarch comprised little
more than his portion of Constantinople, with Selybria and Rodosto.
Johannice ...
Medival popes, emperors, kings, and Crusaders: or, Germany,
Italy ...Mrs. William Busk 1856
The dissensions amongst the
conquerors daily increased in virulence ; their weakness was
proportionate, and the empire of the captive monarch comprised little
more than his portion of Constantinople, with Selybria and Rodosto.
Johannice ...
Medival popes, emperors, kings, and Crusaders; or, Germany, Italy...M
M. Busk 1856 The dissensions amongst the conquerors daily increased
in virulence ; their weakness was proportionate, and the empire of the
captive monarch comprised little more than his portion of
Constantinople, with Selybria and Rodosto. Johannice ...
Memoirs of the Crusades 101 Geoffroi de Villehardouin, Jean
Joinville (sire de) 1915
On the morrow they left, and rode straight
towards Rodosto, and came that night to the city; and there they found the
Doge of Venice and Geoffry the Marshal, and all who had escaped from
the late discomfiture; and right glad were these to see ...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade and the Conquest
of ...Geoffrey de Villehardouin RODOSTO. Geoffry the Marshal rode
before and led the host, and rode till he cametoacity calledCariopolis.
Thenhesawthat the horses were weary with marching allnight,andentered
into the city, and put them up till noon. And they gave food to ...
Michaud's History of the Crusades 2 168 Joseph Fr.
Michaud 1852
In the night that followed the battle, the Crusaders
raised the siege of Adrianople, and retook the route to the capital,
amidst ... At Rodosto they met Henry of Hainault, and several other
knights, who were on their way from the provinces of Asia...
Minette: A Story of the First Crusade 165 George Franklin Cram
1901 Rodosto was not so far away, and large bodies of knights from
Bohemond's and Raymond's armies were constantly moving to and from


the city, which was at all hours filled with Crusaders who lined the
streets and frequented the places of ...
Publication 811 10 1919
4) to the chroniclers of the
Fourth Crusade. ... the campaigns of the Crusaders in Thrace, which
was at that time in a very flourishing condition; it speaks of numerous
cities, Adrianople, Arcadioupolis, Didymotichos, Rodosto, Nekise,
Blama, etc....
There the Crusaders pitched
their tents and rested for four days, and then pushed on by the coast road
through Kavala and Rodosto to Constantinople, where they encamped
outside the city and rested for a fortnight in the latter half of May.52 ...
Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy C.3001450 44
Michael F. Hendy 2008 ... where they spent Christmas, the Crusaders
advanced inland by way of the Maeander Valley and reached Laodicea ...
the southern end were Enos on the Aegean dealing with the Maritsa trade
through Edirne, and Rodosto on the Marmara...
Studies on the Crusader States and on Venetian Expansion 212
David Jacoby 1989
Naples: I 172 Robert II, count of Artois: II 630
Robert of Boron, author of romances: II 632 Rocca Imperiale (Italy): II
639 Rodosto (Turkey): XI 222 Rome: IV 44 Rubeus, Iacobus, Gen. in
Nicosia: VIII 162; Otholinus, Gen. rector, Cyprus: VIII 162 ...
The Cambridge Medieval History 4, 1 1140 John
Bagnell Bury, Henry Melvill Gwatkin, James Pounder Whitney 1966
... 524 Reynald of Chatillon, husband of Constance of Antioch, surrender
to Manuel I, 2345 Rhaedestus (Rodosto), port ... seat of government,
25960, 261, 262, 272 Richard I, king of England, and capture of Cyprus
on Third Crusade, 2467 ...
The Cambridge Medieval History 4, 1 1140 Henry
Melvill Gwatkin 1966
... 624 Reynald of Chatillon, husband of
Constance of Antioch, surrender to Manuel I, 2345 Rhaedestus
(Rodosto), port ... seat of government, 26960, 261, 262, 272 Richard I,
king of England, and capture of Cyprus on Third Crusade, 5467 ...
The Cambridge Medieval History Series volumes 15 At Rodosto, four
days journey from Constantinople, Raymond received a request from the
Latin leaders already in Constantinople to hurry on... Their army


included the first expedition of "Englishmen and Britons" to join in the

The Cambridge Medieval History: The Byzantine Empire, edited by
J. ...Joan Mervyn Hussey 1966 ... 524 Reynald of Chatillon, husband of
Constance of Antioch, surrender to Manuel I, 2345 Rhaedestus
(Rodosto), port ... seat of government, 25960, 261, 262, 272 Richard I,
king of England, and capture of Cyprus on Third Crusade, 2467 ...
The Cambridge Medieval History: The Eastern Roman empire (7171453) Henry Melvill Gwatkin, James Pounder Whitney 1923 ... cape,
Skanderbeg's castle on, 585 Rodosto (Rhaedestus), siege of, by Torn
icius, 111; becomes Venetian, 421; taken ... 305 Raymond, of SaintGilles,
count of Toulouse, 335; in First Crusade, 336, 338sqq.; death, 342
Raymond of Poitiers ...
The Canadian Methodist Magazine 7 377 1878
struggle of Titans surpassing aught that Xerxes or Alexander, Belisarius
or Chosroes, Moslem or Crusader ever witnessed. ... From the ancient
city of Adrian, which the bulk of the Russian army had reached, to
Rodosto, is almost continuous ...
The Crusades 115 1870 They undertook to besiege the rebels
of Hadrianople ; and such was the pious tendency of the Crusades, that
they ... On the third day, the weary troops beheld the sea, the solitary
town of Rodosto, and their friends, who had landed from the ...
The Crusades 41 Rgine Pernoud 1962 The Crusaders from
the north, Lorrainers, Walloons, and those from Brabant, were grouped
under a leader called Godfrey ... crossed Albania and then took the
antique Via Egnatia, through Salonika, Roussa [Keshan], and Rodosto,
arriving in ...
The Crusades 47 T.A. Archer 1900
However, despite such
experiences and the consequent warfare, this host at last made its way to
Rodosto, whence Raymond, at Alexius's bidding,hurried on to
Constantinople. Raymond, unlike Bohemond, Godfrey, and Robert of
The Crusades 76 George Archibald Campbell 1938
natives harassed the Crusaders, killing the laggards, making quick
attacks and retreating into fastnesses where they could ... Alexius avenged
the attack by sending his mercenaries against the pilgrims at Rodosto, but
shortly afterwards he ...


The Crusades 1 108 Harold Lamb 1934 We came to

another town, Rodosto by name. When soldiers of the emperor there
wished to revenge themselves upon us, we killed a good many of them
and took some plunder. Here also our envoys, who had been sent ahead to
the emperor...
The Crusades ...: Iron men and saints 108 Harold Lamb 1930
We came to another town, Rodosto by name. When soldiers of the
emperor there wished to revenge themselves upon us, we killed a good
many of them and took some plunder. Here also our envoys, who had
been sent ahead to the emperor...
The Crusades to the Holy Land: The Essential Reference Guide: ...Alan
V. Murray 2015 1105) One of the leaders of the First Crusade (1096
1099) and later first count of Tripoli (11021105). ... imperial troops at
Rodosto after Raymond had gone on to Constantinople to negotiate with
the Byzantine emperor, Alexios I Komnenos.
The Crusades, C.1071c.1291 42 Jean Richard 1999
arrived in Byzantine territory, the Crusaders had also been well received
by the governor of Durazzo, who was the future ... In his absence, the
Provencals, inturiated by the hostility of the inhabitants, sacked Roussa
and Rodosto ...
The Crusades. A.D. 1095-1261. (Forms the Close of Chap. 57, with
the ...1869 They undertook to besiege the rebels of Hadrianople; and
such was the pious tendency of the Crusades, that they ... On the third
day, the weary troops beheld the sea, the solitary town of Rodosto, and
their friends, who had landed from the ...
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 4 304
Edward Gibbon 1890
They undertook to besiege the rebels of
Hadrianople ; and such was the pious tendency of the Crusades, that they
... On the third day, the weary troops beheld the sea, the solitary town of
Rodosto, and their friends, who had landed from the ...
The Encyclolpaedia Britannica 229 1899 The Encyclopaedia
Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: 1890 Latest Edition. A Dictionary of
Arts...Thomas Spencer Baynes 1902 The defence that the Crusaders
were bound to pay their passagemoney to the Holy Land in one form or
other to the ... in which he commanded the rear guard, and brought his
troops in safety to the sea at Rodosto. and. thence to the capital.


The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences...Hugh

Chisholm 1911 Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of
[European] ...
The Encyclopdia Britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences...Hugh
Chisholm, James Louis Garvin 1926 The defence that the Crusaders
were bound to pay their passagemoney to the Holy Land, in one form or
other, to the Venetians, is perhaps a weak one in any ... and brought his
troops in safety to the sea of Rodosto, and thence to the capital.
The Encyclopdia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1895
The defence that the Crusaders were bound to pay their passagemoney
to the Holy Land in one form or other to the ... the retreat, in which he
commanded the rearguard, and brought his troops in safety to the sea at
Rodosto. and.thence to the ...
The Fall of Constantinople: Being the Story of the Fourth Crusade
Edwin Pears 1886
Being the Story of the Fourth Crusade Edwin
Pears ... The Lingua Franca which the Crusaders were able to understand
was closely allied to the dialect of Latin spoken in Italy, and ... Others
were at Rodosto, on the north coast of the Marmora.
The First Crusade 87 Steven Runciman 1992
Raymond's army had reassembled, rather crestfallen, at Rodosto, where it
awaited the arrival of the Bishop of Le Puy who was to lead it on to
Constantinople. Of Adhemar's activities in the capital we know nothing.
Presumably he ...
The First Crusade: "The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres" and
Other ...Edward Peters 2011
Our ambassadors, who had been in
Constantinople, came to Rodosto saying that Alexius promised to
reimburse carefully all losses of the Crusaders after their arrival in
Constantinople. They further stated that Duke Godfrey, Bohemond,
Count ...
The First Crusade: The Accounts of EyeWitnesses and Participants
August C. Krey 2012 After a four days delay here, we traveled through
Macedonia, through the valley of the Strymon, and through Crisopolis
and Christopolis, Praetoria,32 Messinopolis, Maera, Traianopolis,
Neapolis, Panedor, Rodosto, and Heraclea, Silivri, and ...
The First Crusade: The Call from the East xvii Peter Frankopan
2012 Crusader route across Asia Minor, 10978 Admnopk Black Sea 0
Crusader armies Sinope Byzantine expeditions Rodosto Constan '


0131Nikomeclia Kyzikos Nicaea Kibotos 7 Abydus D Dalassenos, 10978

0 Dorylaion ...
The Fourth Crusade: And the Sack of Constantinople 291
Jonathan Phillips 2011
Their target was Rodosto. a threeday march
away on the coast, but the wounded hampered any quick progress. One
group of Lombards split may and managed to reach Constantinople
within two days (:6 April), where they broke the awful ...
The Franks in the Aegean: 1204-1500 53 Peter Lock 2014 One
year on from the capture of Constantinople only the coastal towns of
Rodosto and Selymbria remained in Frankish ... The crusading army had
largely dispersed in March 1205, most discouraged by the catalogue of
military disasters.
The Geographical Magazine 26 1 Michael Huxley 1953
To the west of Constantinople they held the coast past Bulair, Rodosto
and Chorlu, only 60 miles from Constantinople. ... In Greece there were
Venetian holdings, with the Latin principality of Achaea, a relic of the
Fourth Crusade, waiting upon ...
The Historians' History of the World: A Comprehensive Narrative
of ...Henry Smith Williams 1907 In the night that followed the battle,
the Crusaders raised the siege of Hadrianopolis, and retook the route to
the capital... At Rodosto they met Henry of Hainault, and several other
knights, who were on their way from the provinces of Asia...
The Historians' History of the World: The later Roman empire Henry
Smith Williams 1904 Beyond the Bosporus, they only preserved the
castle of Peges ; on the European side, only Rodosto and Selym bria. ...
The bishop of Soissons and some other Crusaders, invested with the
confidence of their unfortunate companions in arms...
The history of chivalry and the Crusades 2 247 Henry
Stebbing 1830 The siege of Adrianople was raised ; and, after a hasty
march, during every moment of which they were in danger of destruction,
the Franks reached Rodosto, where they met the brother of Baldwin
returned from his expedition into the Asiatic ...
The History of the Crusades (Complete): Joseph Francois Michaud
Crusaders, and, to excuse their desertion, drew a lamentable
picture of the misfortunes that threatened the empire. All the ... Beyond
the Bosphorus, they only preserved the castle of Peges: on the European
side, only Rodosto and Selembria.


The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward
Gibbon, Henry Hart Milman 1844
They undertook to besiege the
rebels of Adrianople ; and such was the pious tendency of the Crusades,
that they ... On the third day, the weary troops beheld the sea, the solitary
town of Rodosto,(27) and their friends, who had landed from the ...
The later Roman empire 294 Henry Smith Williams 1908
Beyond the Bosporus, they only preserved the castle of Peges ; on the
European side, only Rodosto and Selymbria. ... The bishop of Soissons
and some other Crusaders, invested with the confidence of their
unfortunate companions in arms...
The Life and Letters of Edward Gibbon: With His History of the
Crusades 1889
to confirm the conditions made by his son with Cl:
French Crusaders, 452; jealousy of his son, 453. ... to solicit the aid of
the Republic, 44r ; his masterly retreat before Joannice, 469 ; reinforced
at Rodosto, 469 ; his character and abilities, 471.
The Life and Letters: With His History of the Crusades 505
Edward Gibbon 19?? to confirm the conditions made by his son with
the French Crusaders, 452 ; jealousy of his son, 453. ... solicit the aid of
the Republic, 441 ; his masterly retreat before Joannice, 469 ; reinforced
at Rodosto, 469 ; his character and abilities, 471.
The Ottoman Empire: Conquest, Organization and Economy Halil nalck
1978 Already in 1362, the Crusaders in the West thought that the Turks
could be annihilated if the Crusader fleet cut off the ... On the shores of
the Marmara Sea, Hora and BakacikTepesi to the south of the town
TekfurDagi (Rodosto) formed the ...
The Routledge Companion to the Crusades 21 Peter Lock 2013
Apulia Bohemond and Tancred leave Roger Borsa at the siege of Amalfi
to join the Crusade. ... Oct. 21: People's Crusade annihilated by Kilij
Arslan at Civitot. ... Apr. 18: Raymond leaves Provenal army at Rodosto
and goes to meet Alexios.
The Sportsman 160 G. Bentinck's b. c. Crusade, 2 yrs. old 2 Col.
Peel's ch. c. brother to Vulture, 2 yrs. old 3 Ld. Exeter's ch. c. Rodosto, 4
yrs. old 4 The winner was claimed. 6 to 4 agst. Rodosto, and 6 to 4 agst.
brother to Vulture. Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each; ...
The Story of the Crusades 47 Thomas Andrew Archer 1894
However, despite such experiences and the consequent warfare, this host
at last made its way to Rodosto, whence Raymond, at Alexius's bidding,


hurried on to Constantinople. Raymond, unlike Bohemond, Godfrey, and

Robert of Flanders...
The Times History of the War 22 521 1921 Rodosto :
Army inspection. III, 66. Ell off. May, 1915, VI, 96. ... Rodosto, captured,
October 12, 1916, XVI, 310. Sailing ship, March, 1915, V, 400. in ... by
submarine, VII, 158. TurkeyinAsia: Abydos, held by knights of the
Fourth Crusade, 1204...
The Turks: Ottomans (2 v. ) Hasan Cell Gzel, Cem Ouz, Osman
Karatay 2002
... had already began their conquests in Gallipoli
peninsula on the one hand, and in the RodostoMalkara direction on ...
Towards the end of 1355, the emperor sent his representatives to Pope
Innocent VI and begged for a Crusader army to be ...
the unholy Crusade 1204, 142 John Godfrey 1980
demoralized survivors from the Latin army were kept in some sort of
order by Villehardouin and Dandolo, and brought safely to Rodosto on
the Marmora, but when news of the defeat arrived in Constantinople
there was consternation.
Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of History 1941
Reblata, 41 Remission of sins granted Crusaders, 16 Robert, count of
Flanders, 3, 4, 23 25, 28, 29, 36, 52, 53, 55, 60, 67... Rodosto, 27
Romania, 11, 16, 32, 34, 37, 55 Rome, 1920, 24, 32 Route of Fulcher and
his companions through the ...
University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of History 1941
Reblata, 41
Remission of sins granted Crusaders, 16 Robert, count of Flanders, 3, 4,
23 25, 28, 29, 36, 52, 53, 55, 60, 67... Rodosto, 27 Romania, 11, 16, 32,
34, 37, 55 Rome, 1920, 24, 32 Route of Fulcher and his companions
through the ...
Unknown Crusader Castles 241 Kristian Molin 2001 These
factors also explain why it took the Crusaders five years to capture
Corinth: with so few soldiers available, an all out ... It was not until they
reached the fortified city of Rodosto, situated along the Sea of Marmara,
that they finally found ...
Victory in the East: A Military History of the First Crusade 105
John France 1996
A Military History of the First Crusade John
France ... Raymond seems to have received letters of safeconduct from
the Byzantines and he had apparently sent on envoys to Constantinople
for about 18 May these met the army at Rodosto.


Villehardouin and de Joinville: Memoirs of the Crusades 98

Geoffroi de Villehardouin, Jean Joinville (sire de) 1955 Memoirs of the
Crusades Geoffroi de Villehardouin, Jean Joinville (sire de). established
the ... THE HOST REACHES RODOSTO Geoffry the Marshal rode
before and led the host, and rode till he came to a city called Cariopolis.
Then he saw ...

OBSERVATIONS ...Richard Pococke 1745 Of DEMOTICA, Rodosto ,
and GALLIPOLI. W: left Adrianople on the feventeenth, travelled
fouthwards, and paffed through a village called Ahercui, where there is a
large kane for the grand fignor's camels, which are bred in that country ...
A Description of the East: Pt I Observations on Palaestine or
the ...Richard Pococke 1745 ... the antients Toronaeus. The northem
cape of this promontory is called cape Laura, and is the promontory
montory Nymphaeum of the antients; and the cape of Monte. 144
OBSERVATIONS Of Demotica, Rodosto , and Gallipoli Of mount
A general collection of ... voyages and travels, digested by J. ...John
Pinkerton 1811 WHEN I left Constantinople, I went to Adrianople,
Rodosto, Gallipoli, and some other places in Thrace ; and on the
twentyfourth of July embarked at Gallipoli, and sailed to the Dardanels
on the Asia side; it is called twelve leagues; butTis no ...
A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages
and ...John Pinkerton 1811 WHEN I left Constantinople, I went to
Adrianople, Rodosto , Gallipoli, and some other places in Thrace ; and
on the twentyfourth of July embarked at Gallipoli, and failed to the
Dardanels on the Asia side ; it is called twelve leagues ; but' is no ...
A Geographical Dictionary Or Universal Gazetteer, Ancient and Modern
Joseph Emerson Worcester 1823 ... Rodosto 20,000 Silistria 20,000
Oiorgiew 18,000 Gallipoli 17,000 Negropont Trajanopoli 16,000 15,000
Jassy . 14,960 Banjaluka 14,000 Delfino 12,000 Samendria . 12,000
Athens . 12,000 Trebigno 42,000 Deaths to Excess of This excess ...


A History of the Crusades: The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East
Kenneth M. Setton, Norman P. Zacour, Harry W. Hazard 1985 17
Venetian ecclesiastical authorities also owned property on the Byzantine
island of Lemnos, in Byzantine Rodosto on the north shore of the Sea of
Marmara, and at Halmyros, the Byzantine port in Thessaly. These three
ports often served ...
A History of the Crusades: The impact of the Crusades on the
near ...Kenneth Meyer Setton 1958 In 1145 doge Peter Polani granted
jurisdiction over the Venetian church of St. Mary in Rodosto to the
Venetian monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore. In 1151 San Giorgio's
control over St. Mary in Rodosto was declared sovereign, as neither ...
A numismatica manual 60 John Y. AKERMAN 1840 ... Rodosto
). Aut. JE. R.4. Bizya ( ).Aut. JE. R.6. Imperial, JE. R.2. to R.6. Hadrian
to Philip, Jun. Byzantium, afterwards Constantinople (Istambut). Aut.
AR. R.6. JE. C. to R.4. Imperial, C. to R.6. From Julius Caesar to
Abraham Miguel Cardozo: Selected Writings 301 Abraham
Miguel Cardozo, David Joel Halperin 2001 They sent copies of the full
text of the decree to Brusa, Edirne, Izmir, Rodosto , Gallipoli and Izmit,
with the intent that they excommunicate me, which the people of Rodosto
, Gallipoli, and Izmit refused to do. What was their reason? That I had ...
Abri der Geschichte des Mittelalters: Lehrbuch zu Vorlesungen
an ...Friedrich Rehm 1840 Nur die Klugheit Villehardouins machte es
den wenigen aus der Schlacht Geretteten und den Venetianern mglich
sich nach Rodosto
zurckzuziehen. Die meisten Stdte Romaniens
fielen in die Hnde der Komanen und ihrer Verbndeten...
Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons 59 679
1869 Before 1867 this great facility was only enjoyed by 13 of these
towns, viz., Adrianople, Rodosto , Silivri, LouieBurgas, Midia, Gallipoli,
Keshan, Giumorgina, Hasskioi, Philippopolis, Eskizaghra, Slimin, and
AhialoBurgas. By the end of May ...
Ahmet C. Yaliner, Efim N. Pelinovsky, Emile Okal 2012
Allgemeine Zeitung Mnchen: 1829, 9 12 1020 1829 Der
Kapitain des Kauffahrers hat noch weiter angefhrt, da General Roth
mit einem Korps sich gegen Rodosto , am Meere von Marmora, in
Marsch gesezt habe. Heute ist ein Feldjger hier angelangt, welcher
Depeschen aus dem ...


An Epitome of Universal Geography, Or, A Description of the

Various ...Nathan Hale 1830 Cerigo dope Mi Rodosto ...
Augsburger Ordinari Postzeitung von Staats, gelehrten, historisch ...1829
Seinem Vornger, der keineswegs mit Ungnade seine Stelle verloren hat,
ist Rodosto
an der Kste des Rare di Marmora zum Aufenthalte
angewiesen worden. Zum Kaimakam des Growessiers urde Halil
Pascha, der sich im Laufe des ...
Augsburgische Ordinari Postzeitung von Staats, gelehrten...1824
Statthalterschaften von Rumelien, in Rodosto, Widdin u. s.w. wirklich
erfolgt. Sie werden auch in Ansehung der Seetruppen und
Schiffsequipagen in den zur Stellung dieser Mannschaft verpflichteten
Provinzen eingefhrt. Wenn die Sache in ...
Black Sea pilot: the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus,
Black ...United States. Hydrographic Office 1927 There is anChorage all
along this shore, but it is not good, and landing with the ordinary
northeasterly winds is very difficult, especially between Panados and
Rodosto , where a rocky ledge lies about 200 yards outside the beach and
is an ...
Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes: French Diplomacy in the Age
of ...Orville T. Murphy 1982 The Porte had always provided refuge for
those rebels who had played a role in Hungarian uprisings, and at
Rodosto , near Constantinople, there was a colony of Hungarians,
former rebel leaders, who lived under the protection of the Sultan.
Chronicles of the Crusades 86 Geoffrey Villehardouin, Jean de
Joinville, Sir Frank Marzials 2007 Afterwards came the news of those
who had escaped and were at Rodosto ; and these asked him to make all
the haste he could, and come to them. And because he wanted to hasten as
much as he could, and reach them earlier, he left behind ...
Chronicles of the Crusades Geffroy Villehardouin, Jean Joinville 1974
Twelve leagues away, onthecoast, lay Rodosto ,avery large andwealthy
city, strongly fortified and well garrisonedby Venetians. Besides allthis,
abody ofmounted sergeants, some two thousand strong, had recently
arrived to help guard the city.
Churches Of Eastern Christendom 247 Kidd 2013 ... the
advance of the rival Empire of Nicaea. Venice acquired Crete, which she
held, 12061669: footholds in the Peloponnesus, Euboea and the


Cyclades: and, nearer CP., Rodosto

important quarter in CP. itself.

, Gallipoli, Heraclea and an

Collection des mmoires relatifs lhhistoire de France... 372 M.

Petitot (ClaudeBernard), Claude Bernard Petitot, Alexandre Petitot 1819
M. Petitot (ClaudeBernard), Claude Bernard Petitot, Alexandre Petitot,
Louis Jean Nicolas Monmerqu. 20. Us apprirent en chemin comme les
autres la deffaite de l'Empereur et de ceux qui estoient avec luy : et tenans
la route de Rodosto ...
Constantinople and the Latins: the foreign policy of Andronicus
II...Angeliki E. Laiou 1972 For obvious reasons, one of the first cities to
suffer the attack of the Catalans was Rodosto . In the summer of 1305,
while Ferran Ximenes de Arenos with part of the Catalan army raided
Thrace up to the walls of Constantinople, Berengar de ...
Correspondence, etc., respecting the affairs of Turkey Great Britain.
Foreign Office 1878 At Ainadjik we met a Commission composed of a
Major of the 2nd Corps, Hussein Effendi, and Georgaki Effendi, members
of Council at Rodosto . They had been sent by the Governor to inquire
into a list of outrages in the villages, and to ...
Cultivated Vegetables of the World: A Multilingual Onomasticon Stanley
J. Kays 2011 ... see Kashmiri Ribagoran see CatalanValencianBalear
Ribbi see Loko Ribia see Themne Rodiya see Sinhala Rodosto
see Armenian Rodrigues Creole see Morisyen Rolongsee Tswana
RotoruaTaupo see Maori Rue see ...
Dateline: Toronto Ernest Hemingway 2014 Shorty and Company were
going a stretch along the stone road intheir motorcar en route back to
Rodosto and Constantinople and gaveme a liftalongthe stone road past
the procession of refugees into Adrianople.All the streamof slowbig ...
Delphi Complete Works of Mary Shelley (Illustrated) Mary Shelley 2013
When we arrived at Kishan, we learnt, that on hearing of the advance of
Lord Raymond and his detachment, the Turkish army had retreated from
Rodosto ; but meeting with a reinforcement, they had retrod their steps.
In the meantime ...
Die Neue Europische Fama welche den gegenwrtigen Zustand
der ...1738 ... dieses einen VisirAgasi mit Commilon, ihn von Seiten des
Sultans einzuladen, mit seinem ganzen Gefolge anhero zu kommen. Der
VisirAga langte am 13 zu Rodosto an, und erffnete sofort dem Prinzen
die Ursache seiner Abschickung.


Handelsbetrieb ...Rudyard Kipling 2014 Gleichzeitig mit der
Versenkung dieses Schiffs, so berichtet die E. 11 weiter,wurde Rauch
vonosten her bemerkt; es warein Dampfer, der die Explosion bemerkt
hatte und im Eilschfitt auf Rodosto zufuhr. Die E. 11 jagtehinter ihmher,
biser an ...
Diplomatisches Archiv fr die Zeit und Staatengeschichte 1830 Er
schiffte sich daher ohne Sumni am 9. nach Rodosto ein und kam, den
Weg von dort nach Adrianopel zu Pferde zurcklegend, am II. Abends in
lezterer Stadt an. Der russische Oberbefehshaber empfing ihn mit
Zuvorkommenheit und ...
Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939 725 Great
Britain. Foreign Office, Sir Ernest Llewellyn Woodward 1970 The line
which they suggested would start from a point just east of the Gallipoli
Peninsula near Ganos and west of Rodosto , and then run northeast of
the Maritsa to the west of the towns of Baba Eski and Kirk Kilisse to the
Bulgarian frontier in ...
Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice 193 Thomas F. Madden
2003 Finally, on April 16, they reached the city of Rodosto , which had
been assigned to the Venetians in the division.The Greeks there
surrendered peacefully. After securing the city, the Latins held a council
to discuss their options. Concluding that ...
evangelical christendom: a montly chronicle of the churches 625
Members of the Evangelical Alliance 1864 Ho chose Rodosto , as the
place nearest Constantinople. The question whether he would leavo
Constantinople or not was not left to his choice. His only choice was
between Rodosto and other places. This is a pretty fair specimen of the
'state ...
Fairplay 299 32 1986 The Rodosto charter was arranged
on Medoil's behalf by its Spanish agent, Propetrole, through a broker,
Berge y Compania. The vessel's nomination was immediately acceptable
because she had recently performed a similar voyage without ...
Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign 8 Edward J. Erickson 2010
At 1 am on 2 August 1914, the Ottoman General Staff sent mobilization
orders to the commander of the III Corps in Rodosto
Tekirda).19 The following day, which was the first numbered day of
mobilization (3 August), the III Corps ...


Geschichte Papst Innocenz des Dritten und seiner Zeitgenossen. Friedrich

Emanuel von Hurter 1841 Alle vernahmen unterwegs die Nachricht von
der Niederlage; Alle trafen zu gegenseitiger Ermuthigung in Rodosto
zusammen ; t7t) Li eom vier volt, si que uns, qui por psor Se mort Kit
ckose, <zu le mens eiort Kockesl.
H.O. Pub 155 58 United States. Hydrographic Office
1920 58 GANOS RODOSTO . Hora (Khoraz) Light, group flashing
white, 164 feet above high water, visible 19 miles, is exhibited from a
white iron tower located on the summit of South Cape. AnChorage.
There is fair anChorage off Hora, in 5 to ...
Histoire de Constantinople, depuis le rgne de l'ancien Justin ...Procope
de Csare, Cousin 1685 assiege Rodosto . Les habitant lui demandent
la vie. II attaque d' autres sorts. Vn Evque est accuse tde trahison. 6l
Chap. XXVi. L'Empcreur & Us Genois envoent des ^Ambafadeurs aux
Catelans. Irruption de ces peuples. Prieres publiques ...
BellesLettres ...Acadmie des Inscriptions et BellesLettres (Paris) 1761
Par l'cheHe de la carte, les milles dont elle donne la mesure sont dfinis
sor le pied de soixante au degr : 8c d'un point pris au centre de
Constantinople, en tirant une ligne droite de lest l'ouest jusqu'
Rodosto ( ce qui fait la plus grande ...
Histoire litteraire de la France: ou l'on traite de l'origine et du ... Paulin
Paris 1832 Henri, frre de Baudouin, gouvernait en qualit de rgent : il
revint, avec le marchal, Constantinople, ne conservant, de tant de
conqutes, que Rodestoc ou Rodosto , et Salembrie ou Selivre. Dandolo
mourut ; le rgent commena le sige ...
Histoire littraire de la France: suite de treizime sicle jusqu ...1832
Henri, frre de Baudouin, gouvernait en qualit de rgent : il revint, avec
le marchal, Constantinople, ne conservant, de tant de conqutes, que
Bodestoc ou Rodosto, et Salembrie ou Selivre. Dandolo mourut ; le
rgent commena le sige ...
Histoire romaine depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu' la
translation ...Echard 1742 Phyver; il alla Rodosto, Napoli, H E N R
Y 8c ensuite Christopole, dont le z, LASCAR_ Gouverneur lui ferma
les portes, 8c An de N.S. ne voulut pas mme que les habi x108tans
portassent des vivres son Armec. Henri ayant t ...



Hotel Transylvania Michael T.G. Yepes 2014 Franois II Rkczi,

Princeof Transylvania, died after a short illnessin 1735, in Rodosto ,
Turkey. Rodosto
, at an approximate two days' distance from
Constantinople, was situatedby the sea of Marmara. In Turkishexile, R.
was politically active ...
Hungarian Authors; a Bibliographical Handbook 486 Albert
II. RAKOCZI FERENC Born March 27, 1676 in Borsi; died April 8,
1735 in Rodosto , Turkey. Prose writer, prince, general. Son of Ferenc
Rakoczi I, Prince of Transylvania, and Ilona Zrinyi.
Il Templare. I segreti della citt santa Paul Doherty 2010 PARTE.
TERZA. Rodosto . Festa. di. Sant'Isidoro, 4. Aprile 1096. Dies quoque
angustiaemoerorisac tristiae. (Ma anche un giorno di amarocordoglioe
tristezza.) Dies Irae di san Colombano A destra!. La voce di Ugo di
Payens, secca e aspra...
La Turquie d'Asie: Table alphabtique 316 Vital Cuinet 1831 Dr.
Pococke, having a line of 16 hours from Rodosto to it, places the bridge
at 41 '6 from the latter. Demotica, or Dimotuk, ( Didymotichus,) is 6
hours to the S. of Adrianople, on the west side of the Hebrus, or Maritza.
Pococke makes it about 3^ ...
Le Corbusier, the Noble Savage: Toward an Archaeology of Modernism
Adolf Max Vogt, Radka Donnell 2000 With this drawing LC took in
hand the thread that led him via the Shipka Pass, Kazanluk, Stara Zagora,
and Khaskovo (in Bulgaria today) and past Adrianople/Edirne and
Rodosto /Tekirdag (in the European part of Turkey today) to
innumerable ...
Malerische Reise in einigen Provinzen des Osmanischen Reichs Edward
Raczynski, Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen 1828 In dem oberen
Geschosse, fhrt ein Korridor zu smmtlichen fr die Gste bestimmten
Stuben. Eine solche sehr zweckmige Einrichtung ist ziemlich die
unserer Klster in Polen und Deutschland. Der innere Hofraum des Han's
in Rodosto ...
Mary Shelley: The Ultimate Collection (All 7 Novels including ... Mary
Shelley 2014 When we arrived atKishan, welearnt, that onhearing of
theadvance of Lord Raymondand his detachment, the Turkisharmyhad
retreatedfrom Rodosto ; but meeting witha reinforcement, theyhad
retrodtheir steps. In the meantime, Argyropylo, the ...


Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade and the Conquest

of ...Geoffrey de Villehardouin RODOSTO . Geoffry the Marshal rode
before and led the host, and rode till he cametoacity calledCariopolis.
Thenhesawthat the horses were weary with marching allnight,andentered
into the city, and put them up till noon. And they gave food to ...
Missionary Herald 30 249 1834 The number of Greeks in
Rodosto is estimated at 380 houses, though there are 200 more in ruins,
having been consumed by a fire which occurred eighteen years ago. They
have three churches standing, four were burnt, and also one ...
Monarchy and Exile: The Politics of Legitimacy from Marie de
Mdicis ...P. Mansel, T. Riotte 2011 ... 30, 35, 38, 123 Riotte, Torsten,4
rituals, 569,80, 106 Roberto I,267 Rodosto , 968,99,100 Rohl, John,9
Romano, Liborio, 2578 Rome Bourbonsof Naplesinexile in,2637
Stuartsinexile in,16775 Rosetti, Carlo, 35 Rothschild,Adolphe de...
Narrative of a tour through some parts of the Turkish empire [by J. ... John
Fuller 1830 In the night it came on to blow harder, and at eight the next
morning we were off the coast between Rodosto and Cape St. George,
and saw on our left the islands of Marmara, which are much higher than
the land on the European side.
Observations on the Islands of the Archipelago, Asia Minor,
Thrace...1745 Of DEMOTICA, Rodosto , and GALLIPOLI. 77 E left
Adrianople on the feventeenth, travelled fouthwards, and W paffed
through a village called Ahercui, where there is a large kane for the grand
fignor's camels, which are bred in that country ...
Observations sur les routes qui conduisent du Danube ... 17
Jacques Jean Marie Francois Boudin de Tromelin 1828 Il y a
d'Andrinople nos24 lieures, Rodosto , 24 heures. ' La colonne de
gauche devra toujours assurer ses communications avec la mer Noire; une
route non carrossable en suit la cte; une route intermdiaire va de
KirkKilissia ...
Oeuvres ...: Le monde moral; ou, Mmoires pour servir l'histoire ...
abb Prvost 1823 Ce prince, qui la France continuoit defaire une
pension considrable, en avoit confie l'administration l'abb B....,
homme de mrite, mais infidle ministre, dont la ngligence ou les
dissipations avoient priv la petite..cour de Rodosto d'un ...
OEuvres choisies de l'Abb Prvost, avec figures abb Prvost 1784 Il
avoit l'honneur d'tre attach M. le P. de R. . . . retir , comme nous ne


pouvions l'ignorer , ei> Turquie , sous la protection du grandseigneur, qui

lui donnoit pour retraite la ville de Rodosto fur le bord du canal de la
mer Noire. Ce prince ...
Oeuvres choisies de l'abbe Prevost, avec figures: Le monde moral,
ou ...Antoine Franois Prvost 1784 Ce prince, qui la France continuoit
de faire une. pension considrable , en avoit confi l'administration
l'abb . , homme de mrite , mais infidle ministre, dont la ngligence ou
les diffipations avoient priv la petite cour .de Rodosto d'un...
[ Tome ...AntoineFranois Prvost 1784 Il avoit l'honneur d'tre attach
M. le P. de R.. .. retir, 'comme nous ne pouvions Pignorer, en Turquie ,
sous la protection du grandseigneur, qui lui donnoit pour retraite la ville
de Rodosto , sur le bord du canal de la mer Noire. Ce prince , ...
Oriental Translation Fund 33 19 1834 Conquests of
Sultan Orkhdn. The Castles of Yazi, Kogreh, and in Rumeti, Yanboli,
Galibolf, Moderni, Kojd Eli, Iznikmid, Belakabad, Brussa, Tarakli,
Goinek, Karassi, Balikersi, Bergama, Adremyt, Ashluna, Rodosto , and
Bulair ; the last was ...
Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923 Caroline
Finkel 2012 Although he had been of no practical help to the Ottoman
cause in Hungary, from August 1718 until his death in 1735 he remained
with his retinue as guests of the Ottomans in the town of Tekirda
(Rodosto ), to the west of Istanbul on the north ...
Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons and Command Great Britain.
Parliament. House of Commons 1879
Passavia: Zeitung fr Niederbayern. 1841, [2] 1841 November 1841)
folgenden Artikel: Da die dem vormaligen Growesir, ChosrewPascha,
zu seinem Aufenthalte in Rodosto festgesetzte Zeit ihrem Ende nahe
war, und er selbst, wegen seines hohen Alters, des kaiserlichen Mitleids
wrdig ...
Publications ... 155 95 United States. Hydrographic
Office 1927 RODOSTO 95 There is anChorage all along this shore, but
it is not good, and landing with the ordinary northeasterly winds is very
difficult, especially between Panados and Rodosto , where a rocky ledge
lies about 200 yards outside the beach ...



Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c: And of a Cruise in the ... Sir
Adolphus Slade 1833 Rodosto
Posthorses Haidebouroun Tartars
.Ouzoun Kiupri Lodging Marizza Adrianople Russian hospital Arhmaneh
Hass Keuy Bulgarian village Philippopolis Greek house Charlatan
Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, Etc., and of a Cruize in
the ...Adolphus Slade 2011 343 That night, after a very frugal supper on
black olives, we resumed our recumbent canine position, and at three a.
m. cast anchor at Rodosto . At five we landed, and while horses were
being brought from grass I discussed a pint of cafe" au ...
Remains of the late John Tweddell: being a selection of his letters ... John
Tweddell, Robert Tweddell 1815 The remaining effects were by Signor
Logotheti put on board a greek or russian ship, in the Piraeus, bound for
Constantinople, which unfortunately was wrecked or stranded in the
Seaof Marmora, near Hera clea, or Rodosto . The English ...
Report 18 138 Commonwealth Shipping Committee 1878
At Ainadjik we met a Commission composed of a Major of the 2nd
Corps, Hussein Effendi, and Georgaki Eifcndi, members of Council at
Rodosto . _ They had been sent by the Governor to inquire into' a list of
outrages in the villages, and to ...
Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls on the Manufactures,
Commerce...Great Britain. Foreign Office 1881 RODOSTO . Report by
ViceConsul Dussi on the Trade and Commerce of Rodosto for the Fear
1880. J'AI l'avantage de vous remettre sous ce pli la statistique de
l'importation et de l'exportation, ainsi que le mouvement du port de
Rodosto ...
Rodosto ' E's a Bujdoso'k Sirjai. to Rte'nelmi Kutata'sok a Helyszine'n
Ka'lma'n Thali 2012 This collection includes works chronicling the
development of Western civilisation to the modern age. Highlights
include the development of language, political and educational systems,
philosophy, science, and the arts.
Rodosto , Rodosto : roman 2 Sevda Sevan 1987
Sailing directions for the Dardanelles, sea of Marmora, and
the ...Admiralty hydrogr. dept 1877
Southeastern Europe Under Ottoman Rule, 13541804 320 Peter
F. Sugar 1993 ... of the Marmara (Propontis) Sea including the cities of


Tekirdag (Daidestos, Rodosto ) and Corlu (Tsorulon, Tsouroullos),

Didymoteichos (Dimetoka, Dimotika) Conquest of Thrace east of the
lower Maritsa (Evros, Hebros, Meric) river including ...
Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy C.3001450 44
Michael F. Hendy 2008 ... Black Sea, and those at the southern end were
Enos on the Aegean dealing with the Maritsa trade through Edirne, and
Rodosto on the Marmara, dealing with the trade of lower Thrace.30 c C
a "8 w | The Thessalian Plain was. 28 Admiralty ...
Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis 40
Tekirda (Rodosto ): The Sea receded after the earthquake along the
Tekirda coast and then returned with some force causing no damage [6].
Yeilky (San Stefano): Engineer M. Ed. Schneider says that the ships
anchored off Yeilky were ...
The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History 548 Raymond
Kevorkian 2011 In the most important Armenian colony of the region,
that of Tekirda/Rodosto , with an Armenian population of roughly
17,000 in 1914, the deportations were preceded by a number of alarming
events. We must first recall the massacres ...
The Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated): 5 Novels &
440+ ... Rudyard Kipling 2015 Mr. Silas Q. Swing At this pointit was
off Rodosto enter a small steamer which does not halt when requested,
and so is fired at with "several rounds" from a rifle. The crew, on being
told to abandon her, tumble into their boats with such haste ...
The Franks in the Aegean: 1204-1500 53 Peter Lock 2014 One
year on from the capture of Constantinople only the coastal towns of
Rodosto and Selymbria remained in Frankish hands, whilst in the Troad
all conquests had been abandoned in order to bolster the Latin position in
Thrace and to ...
The Greek Settlements in Thrace Until the Macedonian Conquest
Benjamin H. Isaac 1986
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward
Gibbon 1805 On the third day, the weary troops beheld the sea, the
solitary town of Rodosto, 27 and their friends, who had landed from the
Asiatic shore. They embraced, they wept ; but they united their arms and
counsels ; and, in his brother's absence...



The Independent 1807 1898 Tlic city of Rodosto , on the

European shore of the Marmora, is fairly favorable for the development
of an evangelical church. The location is good for health, and the
Armenian and Greek Christians, who compose threefourths of the
population ...
The Independent 50 1807 Leonard Bacon, Joseph Parrish
Thompson, Henry Ward Beecher 1898 Tlie city of Rodosto , on the
European shore of Marmora, is fairly favoralile for the development of an
evangelical church. The location is good for health, and the Armenian and
Greek Christians, who compose threefourths of the population and ...
The Last Man 92 In the meantime, Argyropylo, the Greek
commanderinchief, had advanced, so as to be between the Turks and
Rodosto ; a battle, it was said, was inevitable. Perdita and her child were
to remain at Kishan. Raymond asked me, if I would not ...
The Last Man Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 2015 In the meantime,
Argyropylo, the Greek commanderinchief, had advanced, so as to be
between the Turks and Rodosto ; a battle, it was said, was inevitable.
Perdita and her child were to remain at Kishan. Raymond asked me, if I
would not ...
The Man Who Would Not Die: A Novel of Count Saint Germain Paul
Andrews 2014 The captain left him off at the Rodosto docks and sailed
off for Istanbul. Rakoczi looked out at the town his father had spent the
final years of his life in. The Turkish sailors had called it Tekirdagh. It
was a picturesque village with a curved bay ...
The Mediterranean Fleet, 19191929 Paul Halpern 2016 At 1500 L.T.
Revenge, Stuart and Swallow weighed and proceeded towards
RODOSTO . Stuart and Swallow were detached and returned to
CONSTANTINOPLE at 1600 L.T. Revenge anchored off RODOSTO
at 1629 L.T., finding the ...
The Missionary Herald 49 177 1853 I went last week
with Mr. Benjamin to Rodosto , to attend a council for the installation of
Mr. Mugurdich, formerly at Trebizond, as pastor of the infant church
there. \Ve left here on Monday the 7th instant, about noon, in the
steamer .Yeni Dunyeh ...
The new Mediterranean pilot, containing sailing directions for the ...John
William Norie 1817 From Gallipoli an E. by N. course will take you
between Capes Karabourga, or Caraburnu, and Rodosto ; and then,


steering E. by S., you will run along the northern side of the Island
Marmara. Marmara is high, and coming from the west...
The Panoplist, and Missionary Herald 3134 50 1835 It
was like the countenance of an old friend. Not only was our journey's end
now near, the heat and burden of the day soon to be over, and a quiet
Sabbath in the Armenian monastery at Rodosto in prospect; but this was
the familiar Marmora ...
The Treasury of knowledge, and library of reference ... 421
Goold Brown, Lyman Cobb, A gentleman of the New York bar 1834 ...
Salonica Samendria Silistria Sophia Trajanopoli
Trebigno Tricala Widiu Varna Zeitoun Zwornick Y. United
Scales. Mount St Elian Fairweather ML Rocky Mountains, Long Peak
James Peak ...
The Via Egnatia under Ottoman rule (13801699): Halcyon Days
in ...Elisavet A. Zachariadou 1996
The Warfare Collection Complete Historiographical Military
Works ...Rudyard Kipling 2015 Mr. Silas Q. Swing At this pointit was
off Rodosto enter a small steamer which does not halt when requested,
and so is fired at with "several rounds" from a rifle. The crew, on being
told to abandon her, tumble into their boats with such haste ...
DISTRICT. Rodosto , from which I have named this district, is situated
on the north coast of the sea of Marmora, about 90 miles from
Constantinople. Six or seven miles west of Rodosto , the country is
mountainous, but ...
Transactions 3 North of England Institute of Mining and
Mechanical Engineers 1855
Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States: in
the ...Mordecai Manuel Noah 1819 ... thence large quantities of red and
white wines, ordinary and fine, all in pipes and barrels; these most
esteemed, and of the greatest consumption, are loaded in the Sea of
Mamora, such as the wines called Alonski, and these of Rodosto .
Turkish Atrocities: Statements of American Missionaries on the ... James
Levi Barton 1998 In one instance a village of Bulgarians were
dispossessed of their homes and much of their moveable property and



deported, via Malgara, Rodosto , Constantinople and Varna to Bulgaria.

I saw many of these people in Malgara and Rodosto ...
Umblick auf einer Reise von Constantinopel nach Brussa und
dem ...Freiherr Joseph von Hammer Purgstall 1818 Rodosto . 18. Hie
requiescit, Frauciscns Rkoczy Dei gratia electtts Transylvaniae
Princeps , partium Regni Hungariae Do minus et Siculorum Comes
aetatis suae XII. a matre avulsus miro Divinae Providen tiae ordine per
carceres , per ...
Umblick auf einer Reise von Constantinopel nach Brussa und
dem ...Joseph von HammerPurgstall 1818 Rodosto . 1'8. Hie
requiescit, Franciscus koczy Dei gratia. electus Transylvaniae Princeps
partium Regni Hungariae Dominus et Siculorum Comes aetatis suae
XII. a matre avulsus miro Divinae Providentiae online per carceres, per
Unknown Crusader Castles 241 Kristian Molin 2001 It was not
until they reached the fortified city of Rodosto , situated along the Sea of
Marmara, that they finally found refuge from the pursuing forces of
Kalojan.29 The walls of Rodosto effectively saved the Frankish and
Venetian army from total ...
Voyage l'embouchure de la mer noire: ou essai sur le Bosphore
AntoineFranois Androssy 1818 Rodosto , p. x59 ; autrefois Bizanthe
des Samiens, vingtquatre heures de Constantinople, sur la Mer de
Marmara, cte d'Europe. Sa population est de trentecinq quarante
mille ames. C' est Rodosto que sont tablies les familles des ...
Voyage en More, Constantinople, en Albanie et dans
plusieurs ...Franois Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville 1805 Ils
trouvrent le vice consul franais de Rodosto , gmissant dans ses foyers
, et totalement spoli. Enfin , aprs des fatigues accablantes et des
dangers sans cesse renouvels pendant vingtdeux jours , depuis leur
dpart de Patras , ils ...

A History of Ottoman Architecture 93 John Freely 2011 3.8

Byk Kartran: Sinan bridges; caravansarai of Sokollu Mehmet Pasha


Some twenty kilometres beyond Lleburgaz highway 100 comes to

Byk Kartran, from where highway 565 leads south to the Marmara
shore at Tekirda. Byk ...
A'dan z'ye Tekirda rehberi 2005
Advances in Temperate Rice Research 96 K. K. Jena 2012 PhD
thesis. T.. Tekirda Ziraat FakltesiTekirda. Gaytancolu O. 1997.
The evaluation of production, price and market policies applied in rice in
Turkey. T.. Tekirda Agricultural Faculty, Tekirda. Ph.D thesis. Srek
H, Beer N. 1997.
Advances in the Systematics of Fossil and Modern Insects: Honouring ...
Dmitry Shcherbakov, Michael Engel, Michael Sharkey 2011 Tekirda.
08.05.2010. SP. ECCUS 254 JF901890 Sivas 18.05.2010 sp. ECCUS 255
IF901891 Erzurum 06.06.2010 Genus Species Voucher no. GenBank ac
Location Col. date cesslon. 366 Mahir Buda/e et al. / ZoaKqyx 130:
3634378 ...
Aalar iekteydi Glsm Cengiz 2014 Heyamola Yaynlar'nn
balatt Trkiye'nin Kentleri dizisinde, Tekirda, Mavi Gzl Kent
(2009) balyla Tekirda' anlatan ok gzelbir kitap yazan ksel
Demir'le yllardan beri srdrdm balar kopmad, bugn de arayp
soruyoruz ...
Altan imen 2004 Tekirda'da yedikleri kfte piyaz, yolda nlerine
kan kpei, hattaMelody'yle yaptklarbtn konumalar bile
hatrlyordu. Cumartesignn de tam olarak hatrlyordu. Sra pazar
sabahna geldii zaman olaylar bulanklamaya balyordu.
Annotated Catalogue of the Ampulicidae, Sphecidae, and
Crabronidae ...Toshko Ljubomirov, Erol Yildirim 2008 Tachysphex (s.s.)
cabrerai: Pulawski, 1967: 408 (Hatay, el, Tekirda). Tachysphex (s.s.)
grandii: Pulawski, 1967: 408 (Sivas). Tachysphex grandii: Puawski,
1971: 185 (Sivas). Tachysphex consocius: Puawski, 1971: 189 (Hatay,
Antiquities; Tekirda; Turkey.
Artisans of Empire: Crafts and Craftspeople Under the Ottomans Suraiya
Faroqhi 2009 At first glance the declarations from the Gaziantep,
Tekirda and Jerusalem registers may appear as local peculiarities. But
the similarity of the formulas applied, in spite of the enormous distances
involved, makes it seem likely that such ...


Atatrk ve Milli Mcadelede Tekirda 1988

Babaeski, Krklareli ve Tekirda camileri Mehmet Tuncel 1974 Cured,
Smoked, and Fermented: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on ...
Baedeker Reisefhrer Zypern 79 Helmuth Wei 2013 Dezember
1840 in Tekirda (Rodost) geboren und war seit 1857 Beamter in
Istanbul. Schon in seiner Jugend einer der schrfsten Gegner der
despotischen Sultane, veranlasste ihn seine kritische journalistische
Ttigkeit 1867 zur Flucht ...
Balkan: Halide ALPTEKN 2014 Garbn afakn sarmsa elik zrhl
duvar Benim iman dolu gsm gibi serhaddim var Mehmet Akif Ersoy
Yunan ordusu Bat Anadolu'da yapt taarruzlarda stnlk salad ve
Tekirda'a bir tmen kard. Bizim de Tekirda'daki 55.
BursaTekirda olaylarini kapsayan DevSol (THKP/CDevrimci
Sol) ...Turkey. Sikiynetim Komutanlii 1 Numarali Askeri Mahkemesi
(Istanbul) 1984
anakkale muharebelerinde
ehirde ...2012





Cereal Research Communications 2829 187 2000 Blge

Mdrl Tekirda l Mdrl Toprak Analiz Sonulan, Tekirda. 5.
Anonymous. 1999a T C Babakanlk Ky Hizmetleri Genel Mdrl,
stanbul 18. Blge Mdrl Tekirda l Mdrl Toprak Analz
Sonulan. Tekirda. 6.
Chat Sohbetlerinde Beklentiler Ak ve Seks: Tm plaklyla ... Metin
Alen 2011 Otogarda Tekirda'a hareket eden ilk otobse bindim, iki saat
kadar yolculuktan sonra, Tekirda'n giriinde, bir alveri merkezi
nnde indim, Meltem'i aradm, tarif ettii alveri merkezinin nnde
beklediimi syledim,ksa sre sonra ...
Crafts and Craftsmen of the Middle East: Fashioning the
Individual ...Suraiya Faroqhi, Randi Deguilhem 2005 Bursa, Tekirda,
Jerusalem and, to some extent, Cairo form the exceptions which prove
this particular rule. For the present, nobody knows why it is in the later
1500s and not at some slightly earlier or later date that we observe the
growing ...
Dark market: cybercriminelen, cyberpolitie en onze veiligheid in
een ...Misha Glenny 2012 Tekirdag,. WestTurkije,. maart. 2001. Een
niet onknappe man in een elegante zwarte smoking nam mij van top tot


teen op terwijl hij het kleine, rechthoekige vertrek binnenkwam. Zijn

zwarte ogen onder een kalend voorhoofd benadrukten zijn ...
Der Untergang einer mittelmaBigen Macht, die GroBmacht sein wollte
Mrz 1676 auf Schloss Borsi im Komitat Semplin, Slowakei; 8. April
1735 in Tekirda in der Trkei); gilt heute als ungarischer Nationalheld
und war seinerzeit der reichste Adlige im Kniglichen Ungarn. Er war
Gespan des oberungarischen ...
Deutschtrkische Agrarforschung: Vom 24. Mrz 30. Mrz 2003
an ...Andreas Bramm 2004 1 Prof. Dr. Trakya University , Agriculture
Faculty of Tekirda, Department of Animal Science, 59030 Turkiye 2 Dr.
Trakya University , Agriculture Faculty of Tekirda, Department of
Animal Science, 59030 Turkiye 3 Res. Asist. Trakya University ...
Die Vertreibung der Juden aus den Provinzen Edirne, Tekirda...2004
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Istanbul 14 DK 2014 ...
Glmarmara Sndrg Salihli Turgutlu Alaehir Kula demi Tekirda
Krklareli Edirne Svilengrad Lambuh Demirky Saray Babaeski
Lleburgaz Uzunkpr erkezky orlu Malkara Kean psala
Alexandroupolis Bursa Kepsut Harmanck ...
Doa. Trk veterinerlik ve hayvanclk dergisi 2004 J. Chromatog..
1988; 438: 451453. 3. ztek. L: Peynirde Olgunlama ve Buna Etkili
Olan Faktrler. II. Milli St ve St rnleri Sempozyumu (1213 Haziran.
Tekirda, Trkiye). Tekirda Ziraat Fak. Yay. No: 125. 1991. 4.
akmak, S.: Peynir ...
DuMont ReiseHandbuch Reisefhrer Trkei, Westtrkei, Zentralanatolien
Peter Daners, Volker Ohl, Hans E. Latzke 2016 Tekirda, das antike
Rhodestos, ist eine Provinzstadt am nrdlichen Ufer des MarmaraMeers,
die es durch einen kleinen Handelshafen, von dem landwirtschaftliche
Produkte aus dem Hinterland verschifft werden, zu einigem Wohlstand ...
Eyll Karanlnda Diyarbakr afa 12 530 Selim Crkkaya
2014 50'den sonra Eide, Sakarya, Tekirda, Tokat' kar; 63'e kadarki
ehirler Krdistan'la bizim Karadeniz ehirleridir." Kemal'in bu nerisine
dier esirler katldlar. Birgn sabah erkenden Kema Bugn
Hakkri'deyiz ha!"diye seslendi Akife...
Folklore and Literature: Studies in the Portuguese, Brazilian...MANUEL
DE COSTA FONTES 2000 ... the Canary Islands, and among the
Eastern Sephardim of Salonika, Rhodes, Sarajevo, and Tekirda.1 The


ballad was not printed in the collections published during the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries (see Ro drguezMoino 1973)...
Fotoraflarla Tekirda iirleri antolojisi 2009
From Thracians to the Present, from Mythology to the Travellers: ...ksel
Demir, Ihsan Ycel, Tuba Kiper
Gda kimyas 1994
Hasbahede Sonbahar: Zekeriya Yldz 2013 Ziyafet sofralar iin
Tekfur Da'ndan, Bursa ve Tekirda taraflarndan 16.000 kmes hayvan
toplanm, halkave askere kurulacaksofralar iinzmit'te 10.000aa sini
yaptrlm, 10.000 cam erbet kavanozu ve geceleridn alannn ...
Helen Saberi 2011 Prof. Dr. hsan Soysal. Native Animal Genetic
Resources of Trkiye, Tekirda, Namk Kemal Universitesi, 2007, pp. 3
23, 4555, 7179. Artun nsal. 'Silivrim Kaymak!' Trkiye'nin
Yourtlar. stanbul: YKY, 2007, pp. 199200. Artun nsal, pp.
Hikmet evik 1971 Lonely Planet Turkey
Ibrahim Sirkeci, Gven eker, Ali Tilbe 2015
Integration of Earth Science Research on the Turkish and Greek
1999 ...Naci Grr, Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos, Nilgn Okay 2012
The Tekirda Basin isa 1155m deep, rhombshaped depression. It is
borderedby a1.1 km high, prominent bathymetric escarpmentin the
north,dipping south with 1123 degrees.The southern slope of the basinis
less inclined (67 degrees) and is ...
Karyei Darca'dan Darca lesine: 39 Mutlu Kerem Kolcuolu
2013 Yldrm Bayezt'n dneminde Karaman blgesinden ve Tekfur
Da'ndan (Tekirda) getirilen Yrkler Drama'ya yerletirildi. Osmanl
idare sisteminde Rumeli Beylerbeylii'ne bal bir kadlk olarak
tekilatlandrlm, 1912 Ylna kadar ...
Kirkpinar All about Turkish Oilwrestling 185 ... 1929 Gastinarli
Mlayim Pehlivan (Gastinar) 1930 Kara Ali (Bandirma) 1931 Kara Ali
1932 Kara Ali 1933 Kara Ali 1934 Mlayim Pehlivan and Tekirdali
Hseyin together 1935 Hseyin Alkaya (Tekirda) 1936 Hseyin Alkaya
1937 Hseyin ...
Yldz Dalar ; Krklareli atalcaKocaeli ; stanbul, zmit, Adapazar


Ergene ; Edirne, Tekirda Gney Marmara ; Bursa, Bilecik, Balkesir,

anakkale DALAR Kvrm Dalar Yldz, Samanl, Biga, Koru,
Iklar, Kaz ...
Landwirtschaft und






Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Legacy 254 Elisabeth

zdalga 2013 With this object, Greek cultural associations were set up
in Sarand (1865, southern Albania), Plovdiv (1869), Tekirda (1869),
Macedonia (1871), Edirne (1872), Lleburgaz (1872), Thrace (1872),
Epirus (1872), Varna (1872), Thessaloniki ...
Lonely Planet, James Bainbridge, Brett Atkinson 2015 The museum is
west of the Tekirda Archaeological & Ethnographic Museum, on the
opposite side of the road. MUSEUM Namk Kemal House (Namk Kemal
Evi; %2629128; Namk Kemal Caddesi 7; h8.30amnoon & 15pm
MonFri)F ... Misha Glenny
2012 Prigione di Tekirda, Turchia
occidentale, marzo 2011 Un uomo piuttosto attraente con indosso un
elegante abito nero e una cravatta nera mi scrut con occhio attento
mentre entrava nella saletta rettangolare. Gli occhi neri sotto la fronte
alta ...
Marmara Denizi'nde, Bykekmece (stanbul)Marmara Erelisi ...1996
Mauritania and Newly Emerging Economies in Africa Turkey and China:
Fouad Farhaoui
Museums of the World 523 Gale Group 2002 Tekirda Devlet
Gzel Sanatlar Galerisi (Tekirda State Gallery), Sar Kk, Tekirda T
(0282) 2626012, Fax: 2628000 Head: Melahat Ayvaz Public Gallery
31841 Tekirdag Mzesi (Tekirdag Museum), Vali Konag Cad No. 21,
Tekirda ...
Namazla Yeniden Dodum:
Yaar Alptekin
Alptekin. 10 Mart 1962'de Tekirda'n arky ilesinde
dodu. arky lisesinden mezun olduktan sonra stanbul'ageldi.1980



ylnda mankenlie balad.

dzenlenmi olduu dans ...



National Romanticism: The Formation of National Movements: ... Balazs

Trencsenyi, Michal Kopecek 2006 About the author Namk Kemal
[1840, Tekirda (Rumelia) 1888, Chios (Tur. Sakz)]: journalist, writer
and bureaucrat. The son of the court astrologist, Namk Kemal received a
thorough education in traditional Islamic studies and was exposed ...
New Public Management in Turkey: Local Government Reform Yksel
Demirkaya 2016 The scholarly contributions to this volume from
academics teaching at universities throughout Turkey offer a
multidimensional and multifunctional analysis embracing a variety of
Nurs Yolu: Necmeddin ahiner 2014 ... Hazretleri, yllarsonra
Trkiye'ye dnecek olanbir talebesinden unlar talep eder:
Trkiye'den bana Tekirda kavunu getir. Bir de Trkiye'de
Bedizzaman Said Nurs var. Ozta selam ve hrmetlerimi syle,nekadar
talebesi olduunu sor.
NusratlYacTekirda arasndaki blgenin hidrojeolojisi 2007
OECD Territorial Reviews OECD Territorial Reviews: Istanbul, Turkey
2008 OECD 2008 (4) Tekirda (693 000 inhabitants), the adjacent
province to the west of Istanbul, is specialised in lowtechnology
industries as well, including textile activities in apparel, knitted fabrics
and textile fibres. Its spatial development cannot be ...
Osmanl belgelerinde Tekirda 2012 Turkey 175 James
Bainbridge 2009 And you certainly won't go hungry here; Tekirda
boasts its very own spicy variety of kfte (meatballs). Sights The
waterfront is the city's focal point, with a long promenade running round
the bay and punctuated by cafs, restaurants, parks...
Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923 Caroline
Finkel 2012 Although he had been of no practical help to the Ottoman
cause in Hungary, from August 1718 until his death in 1735 he remained
with his retinue as guests of the Ottomans in the town of Tekirda
(Rodosto), to the west of Istanbul on the north ...
Rakoczi Ferenc ve Tekirda Cell nal 2003
2011Tekirda: ...2011





Seme Romanlar: Yazarlar, Eserleri, Roman zetleri, Eletiriler...Asm

Bezirci 2015 lhan Tarus YAAMI lhan Tarus, 27 Ocak 1907'de
Tekirda'da dodu. lkokulu Tekirda, Biga, Nide'de; ortaokulu Konya,
Ktahya, anakkale, stanbul'da; liseyi yine stanbul'da okudu. 1927'de
Hareket dergisinde bir oyunu basld. 1928'de ...
Son Piyade: Faruk KEYSAN 2014 Hatta akam haberlerinden sonra
bazen hava durumuna bakarken yarn hava nasl olacak diye; aklnda hem
stanbul'un hem de Tekirda'n tahminlerini tutard. Her seferinde
Tekirda'n tahminleri kard burada. stanbuldan iki vasta ile ...
Sorrowful Shores: Violence, Ethnicity, and the End of the
Ottoman ...Ryan Gingeras 2009 Between stops in Edirne, Tekirda, and
Istanbul, he received an education fitting a young man with imperial
ambitions.1 His excellence as a student, as well as the years his father
served the empire, finally brought him to the Ottoman Military ...
Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human Weapons 129 Banu
Bargu 2014 ... Izmir, Edirne, Bolu, Kocaeli, Tekirda, and Adana. Each
prison was designed with 103 threeprisoner units and 59 oneprisoner
units, housing up to 368 prisoners. In November 2000, six The
Biosovereign Assemblage and Its Tactics 129.
Tekirda 1967 [bin dokuz yz altm yedi] il yll
Tekirda 1973 [bin dokuz yz yetmi ] il yll 1973
Tekirda 1973 il yll 1973
Tekirda bibliyografyas Aydn Oy 1993
Tekirda deerleri sempozyumu, 18 Eyll 21 Ekim 2010: bildiriler kitab
Aytekin Erdem, H. Murat Veliolu, Fikret Yklmaz 2010
Tekirda Deneme stasyonu Mdrl'nn 1961 yl alma raporu
Tekirda eski ahap ev sslemeleri 1999
Tekirda eski ahap evleri 1996
Tekirda folklor aratrmas 1978
Tekirda halk oyunlar aratrmas 1992
Tekirda Halkevi yaynlar 1970
Tekirda il yll, 1967 1967


Tekirda ili yer adlar 1964

Tekirda mzesine doru: Tekirda tarihi aratrmalar Hikmet evik
Tekirda Naip tmls 2004
Tekirda sonsuz gurbet Hasan Akarsu 2010
Tekirda tarihi aratrmalar Hikmet evik 1949
Tekirda ve evresi basn tarihi hakknda ksa notlar Hasan Adnan
nelin 1966
Tekirda ve evresi vakfiyeleri 1993
Tekirda: erkezky, orlu, Hayrabolu, Malkara, Marmara Erelisi...
Tekirda: mavi gzl kent ksel Demir
Tekirda tarihi aratrmalar

2009 Tekirda Yrkleri;

Tekirda: Mreftearky ky eridi monografisi smail Hakk Kurtulu

2005 Tekirda li (Turkey); history; monograph of historical structures,
buildings, etc.
The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History 548 Raymond
Kevorkian 2011 A last wave of deportations, which targeted the families
of craftsmen and soldiers, was carried out during the night of 1718
February 1916 on the initiative of the interim vali, Zekeria Zihni Bey,
formerly the mutesarif of Tekirda.14 It emptied the ...
The Hunt for Lord Cyric: An eShort FollowUp to DarkMarket Misha
Glenny 2011 In the realm of the cyberthief, your best friend can be your
worst enemy, or worse still, undercover law enforcement. The Hunt for
Lord Cyric: An eShort FollowUp to DarkMarket uncovers the trail of the
most elusive cyberthief of all.
The Rough Guide to Turkey Rough Guides 2016 West of Istanbul, the
city's straggling suburbs slowly dissipate into small, unattractive
settlements squeezed between the main E80 highway and the north
Marmara coast. Roughly halfway between Istanbul and the Gelibolu
Peninsula, Tekirda ...
They Had Faith in Turkey: September 5th30th 2006 11 2006
Tekirda'daki evi mze olarak muhafaza edilmektedir. Soka "Macarlar
Soka" adn tamaktadr. ehir parkndaki heykeli vatan airi Namk


Kemal'in heykelinin karsndadr. Budapete'de Parlamento bahesinde

(2) ve Kahramanlar ...
Tm znelerim Sensin: 69 . Uur Toprak 2011 Tpk, senin
karma ktn gibi. te Sevdiim! DOA ve BEN 70 | Eksikliim
oktur, Ben de Bilirim. Eksiklikle kabul eyle. | 69 Ha GKKUAI, ha
SEN! 20.04.98 Tekirda 14.07.03 SANA BENZYORUM 63 USTA
Tuna dergisinin 1996 yl kuruluundan itibaren Tekirda temsilciliini
yapan Zahit Gney, dergi yazlarnda da aktif rol stlenmitir. 1997
ylnda ilk iir kitab nsan Olmak kitabnda kan iirlerden dergide de
zaman zaman iirleri yaynlanm ...
Turkey Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
Charlotte McPherson 2014 May: Silifke (music and folklore), Tekirda
(cherry festival) June: Bursa (silk festival) July: Edirne (traditional grease
wrestling), Akehir Nasreddin Hoca festival October: Antalya
(international arts festival) December: Demre festival (Saint ...
Turkey 181 Verity Campbell 2007 %0282 / pop 118,000 You'd
think a town famous for rak (aniseed flavoured brandy) and kfte would
have no end of loyal fans, but as most travellers are passing through on
their way to or from Greece, Tekirda is often no more than a pit stop ...
Turkey 268 Dux Schneider 1975 E5/1 beyond Tekirda [107
km.] on joining the Edirneistanbul road. It is paved and in good condition
all the way [249 km.], though the stretch from Silivri to Kuckcekmece
near Istanbul is narrow for the traffic it carries. Bus Dolmuf or bus
from ...
Turkey Real Estate Yearbook 2008 2008 114 2008 Tekira
Shopping Center will be Tekirda's first shopping center. Redevco
Edirne, the shopping center being developed in Edirne by Redevco. The
Corio Bursa shopping center developed by Maya and Corio in Bursa will
have a GLA of 80,000 ...
Turkey Real Estate Yearbook 20092010 167 2009 In Tekirda, in
2000, the working population was 301,628. According to sectoral
distribution, 38.8% of this population was working in agriculture, 26.2%
in industry and 35% in the service sector. The reason for the high increase
of the working ...



Turkey: A Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit 175 Tom Brosnahan,

Pat Yale, Richard Plunkett 2009 TEKiRDAu IS) 0282 /pop 134,000
Famous both for its grapes used to produce some decent wines and even
better raki (pi 76) and cherries, Tekirdag is perched in the hills above an
attractive bay on the northern shore of the Sea of Marmara ...
Turkish Migration Conference 2015 Selected Proceedings 531
Trklerden Semeler: Sevtap Yazar 2013 Yresi: Tekirda nce
giyerim ince Pembe yakr gence nsanbir ho oluyor Sevdiini grnce
Of sen yana ben cama kimizin resmini karsnlar yan yana Derelerin
akl Kimden aldn akl Dne dne oynuyor Aabeyimin akr Of sen
yana ...
Turquie 2013-2014 Petit Fut (avec cartes, photos + avis des lecteurs)
Dominique Auzias, JeanPaul Labourdette 2012 ... Isparta : 0246 Izmir :
0232 Izmit : 0262 Kars : 0474 Kayseri:0352 Konya : 0332
Malatya : 0422 Manisa: 0236 Mersin : 0324 Mula: 0252
Nevehir : 0384 Nide : 0388 Samsun : 0362 Sinop : 0368
Tekirda : 0282 Trabzon ...
Turquie 20132014 Petit Fut (avec cartes, photos + avis des lecteurs)
Collectif, Dominique Auzias, JeanPaul Labourdette 2012 ... Isparta :
0246 Izmir : 0232 Izmit : 0262 Kars : 0474 Kayseri:0352 Konya :
0332 Malatya : 0422 Manisa: 0236 Mersin : 0324 Mula: 0252
Nevehir : 0384 Nide : 0388 Samsun : 0362 Sinop : 0368
Tekirda : 0282 Trabzon ...
Urban Groundwater Management and Sustainability 258 John H.
Tellam, Michael O. Rivett, Rauf G. Israfilov 2007 The case study
presented examines the town of orlu in the Tekirda Province of
Turkey, where various types of waste are disposed into unsanitary landfill
sites without any separation or classification of hazardous and
nonhazardous waste.
Yurt ansiklopedisi: Trkiye, il il : dn, bugn, yarn. Tekirda...1984
Yzmde Nazm zi Var Gney zkln 2015 Haim can,1933'te
Siverek kaymakaml ile balayan yneticilik yaamn Tekirda,
Erzurum, Antalya, Bursa ve Samsun illerinde valilik yaparak
srdrmtr. Onun Bursa Valilii, 14.09.1945 01.08.1950 tarihleri
arasndadr. Bursa Valisi ...



Yzyllar boyunca Tekirdal airler ve yazarlar 1995 Kuantum ifresi:

Blm 3

Hemingway Rodosto
Ararat - 9 - 6 1968 ... "Refugees from Thrace" are reprinted
with the permission of Charles Scribner's Sons from By-Line: Ernest
Hemingway edited by william White (1967). ... They are doing very good
work at Rodosto on the coast, but can only touch the fringe.
Athens alive, or, The practical tourist's companion to the fall of man.
Kevin Andrews - 1979 - They are doing very good work at Rodosto on
the coast, but can only touch the fringe. There are 250,000 Christian
refugees to be ... good soldiers and splendid leaders. They were removed
and their places filled with ERNEST HEMINGWAY 307.
By-Line Ernest Hemingway - 2011 - Ernest Hemingway. Come buttar
per ... Shorty e compagni avrebbero fatto in macchina un pezzo di quella
strada per tornare a Rodosto e a Costantinopoli, e mi offrirono un
passaggio oltre il corteo dei profughi diretti a Adrianopoli. Il fiume dei ...
By-Line Ernest Hemingway: Selected Articles and Dispatches of
Four ...Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - Selected Articles and Dispatches of
Four Decades Ernest Hemingway ... along the road in their motor car en
route back to Rodosto and Constantinople and gave me a lift along the
stone road past the procession of refugees into Adrianople.
Dans un autre pays: voyage avec Ernest Hemingway - 130
Genevive Hily-Mane, Guy Degen - 1999 - Dans ce livre aux dimensions
limites, la revue de tous les voyages qui ont inspir Hemingway, oblige
laisser au curieux d'Hemingway en Espagne le soin d'y regarder par ...
Rodosto, on the Balkan peninsula, was choked with refugees.
Dateline: Toronto Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - Ernest Hemingway ...
Shorty and Company were going a stretch along the stone road intheir
motorcar en route back to Rodosto and Constantinople and gaveme a
liftalongthe stone road past the procession of refugees into Adrianople.All
the ...
De sorte huller: om tilblivelsen af et sprog i P.O. Enquists ... - 19
Thomas Bredsdorff - 1991 - Den gr et godt stykke arbejde ved Rodosto
nede p kysten, men kan kun klare udkanten. Der er 250.000 kristne ...



Da Pound giver den 23-rige journalist opgaven, ved Hemingway endnu

ikke hvordan han skal lse den. I forlagsbrochuren ...
Different Dispatches: Journalism in American Modernist Prose David T.
Humphries - 2006 - Wornall even gave Hemingway the last line of In
Our Time when he described the king by noting, Like all the Greeks
he ... to Rodosto and Constantinople and gave me a lift along the stone
road past the procession of refugees into Adrianople.
Ernest Hemingway: a Life Story - 130 Carlos Baker - 1969 - But
a car came in just then from Rodosto, bearing two American cameramen
who had been filming the evacuation. The taller man, whose name was
Shorty Wornall, offered Ernest a folding cot and they all turned in. Twice
in the night he awoke ...
Hemingway on War Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - Rodosto, onthe Balkan
peninsula, was choked with refugees. The suffering and foodless Greeks
and Armenians awaited some meansto carry them intoGreece. Little
relief, it is believed, will greet the refugees when they arrive in Greece.
Knyvvilg - 37 - 13 1992 -Ernest Hemingway: Az reg
halsz s a tenger Elbeszlsek Europa. Dikkonyvtr. 272 oldal.fzve
100 Ft A Nobel-djas amerikai r vi- ... Os to rod volt-e Rodost?
Tortnelmi klontudstsok Krilerion. 350 oldal.fzve 160 Ft Az
erdlyi ...
Orient/West - 9 - 82 1964 - They are doing very good work
at Rodosto on the coast, but can only touch the fringe. ... 15 IV While
Hemingway was overseas, in Asia Minor writing this news story and the
others, he also sent material in "cabelese" for the International News ...
Schweizer anglistische Arbeiten: Swiss studies in English 1976 -They are
doing very good work at Rodosto on the coast, but can only touch the
fringe. ... In Our Time (1925), it had to undergo several revisions and
severe pruning until it had that special quality of "incompleteness"
Hemingway was after (24).
The Creative Void: Hemingway's Iceberg Theory - 24 Romeo
Giger - 1977 - Hemingway's Iceberg Theory Romeo Giger. A Silent,
Ghastly Procession Toronto Daily Star: 20 ... They are doing very good
work at Rodosto on the coast, but can only touch the fringe. There are
250,000 Christian refugees to be evacuated ...



The Hemingway Collection Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - Ernest

Hemingway ... main stream moves through, there is no Near East Relief
at all. They are doing very good work at Rodosto on the coast, but can
only touch the fringe. There are 250,000 Christian refugees to be
evacuated from Eastern.
The wild years - 200 Ernest Hemingway - 1962 - Ernest
Hemingway. with exhausted, staggering men, women and children,
blankets over their ... They are doing very good work at Rodosto on the
coast, but can only touch the fringe. There are 250,000 Christian refugees
to be evacuated from ...
Un corresponsal llamado Hemingway ; [seleccin y edicion,
Felipe ...Ernest Hemingway, Felipe Cunill - 1984 - Shorty y su
compaero se dirigan de nuevo en su automvil a Rodosto y
Constantinopla; como me invitaron a ir con ellos tuve oportunidad de
seguir un rato la procesin de refugiados que se diriga a Adrianpolis. La
columna de lentos ...

Rodosto 1922
A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to
the ...Spencer C. Tucker - 2009 - ... Kemal was recalled and appointed to
command the 19th Division based at Rodosto on the Gallipoli Peninsula
with the rank of ... The Allied powers agreed to withdraw their troops
there, and Kemal ended the sultanate on November 1, 1922.
America - 27 - 580 1922 - Fifty thousand refugees have
been removed from Rodosta to villages of the interior, but 25,000
remained. There are 10,000 undisciplined ... has ever had to face. T is
rather an anomaly to see a country two-thirds 580 October 7, 1922
American Classic Pedigrees (1914-2002) - 385 Avalyn Hunter 2003 - *Lulalu was clearly bred as a miler, as her dam Luciebella was by
*Epinard's best son Rodosto, winner of the 1 933 ... by the very good
1922 Epsom Derby winner, Captain Cuttle, and the next three dams were
also by Epsom Derby winners.
Armenian Folklore Bibliography - 202 Anne M. Avakian - 1994 ... Caesarea: Alboyajian, Arshag, 1937; Chaharmahal: Eremian, Aram,


1922, 1923, 1923-25; Charshanjak: Erevanian, K. S.... 1956; Rodosto:

Pachajian, Sarkis K., 1971; Samoshayvar: Vahe, M., 1906; Sassoun:
Anonymous, 1895; Sebastia.
Before the Nation: Muslim-Christian Coexistence and Its
Destruction ...Nicholas Doumanis - 2013 - ... 87, 92, 103 , 11014, 123,
127, 1423, 152, 1645, 166 Rodosto (Tekirda) 150 Rodrigue, Aron 6
Romans, term 30... 1412, 1478, 149, 150, 154, 171, 181, 203 n.142
destruction of (1922) 14, 68, 131, 133, 163 Rum community 29, 30...
Before the Silence: Archival News Reports of the Christian
Holocaust ...Sofia Kontogeorge Kostos - 2010 - Rodosto and other ports
on the Sea of Marmora are choked with refugees, who are arriving by the
tens of thousands in an ... 2006 The New York Times, September 16,
1922 FOREIGN AREA ON SEA FRONT Smyrna Had About 250,000 ...
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the ... Robin
Leonard Bidwell, Kenneth Bourne, Donald Cameron Watt - 1997 - (No.
408.) (Telegraphic.) R. Constantinople, September 12, 1922.
(.ECUMENICAL Patriarchate repoits that there are some 50,000
refugees at Rodosto, who were without bread yesterday. A delegate from
patriarchate enquired to-day whether ...
By-Line Ernest Hemingway: Selected Articles and Dispatches of
Four ...Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - The Toronto Daily Star OCTOBER
20, 1922 ADRIANOPLE.In a never-ending, staggering march the ...
They are doing very good work at Rodosto on the coast, but can only
touch the fringe. There are 250,000 Christian refugees to be ...
Current history - 16, 2 - 1081 1922 - ... of Turkes
[PERIOD ENDED AUG, 10, 1922 Norway reduces taxes on foreignowned property and makes a commercial ... British commander, alone
frustrated this project, for which Greece had mobilized all her military
strength at Rodosto...
Dateline: Toronto - 288 Ernest Hemingway - 2002 - THE
Thousands of Christians, many hungry and with all ... Rodosto, on the
Balkan peninsula, was choked with refugees. The suffering and foodless
Greeks and Armenians ...
Different Dispatches: Journalism in American Modernist Prose David T.
Humphries - 2006 - 1922 and told him about his interview with the Greek
king (Selected Letters 9192). ... road in their motorcar en route back to


Rodosto and Constantinople and gave me a lift along the stone road past
the procession of refugees into Adrianople.
Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the Turco-Greek
Exchange ...Onur Yildirim - 2007 - Reconsidering the Turco-Greek
Exchange of Populations, 19221934 Onur Yildirim ... A petition dated
the early months of 1922 reveals that the leaders of the Isralite
community in Rodosto (Tekirda) had appealed on behalf of the entire ...
Directory - 58 Cornell University - 1916 - J. 1922 L D 2 Maxson,
C. P. 1921 M (Absent) Maxson, L. M. Grad D 1 May, F. A. 1920 A H 4
May, G. H. 1922 A (Chem) A 2 Mayer, K. A. 1920 Ag ... Rodosto, Turkey
New York City Kin ston, Pa. ochester Mayville Corona Corona
Rochester, Pa.
Documents Diplomatiques Francais 1922 - 408 Ministre des
Affaires trangres (Paris) - 2007 - Des deux tracs de la frontire tablis
par les experts militaires, Poincar avait refus le premier qui attribuait
Rodosto, ville certes majorit grecque, la Grce dj en possession
d'Andrinople, ville majorit turque. La seconde ligne, qui ...
Documents diplomatiques franais: 1922. 1er juillet-31 dcembre France.
Ministre des affaires trangres - 2008 - 1922. 1er juillet-31 dcembre
France. Ministre des affaires trangres. particulier. D'aprs les
propositions de la confrence de Paris, la frontire de Thrace devait
partir de Rodosto, les Grecs conservant la presqu'le de Gallipoli. Si je
me ...
E. J. Brill's First Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1913-1936 M. Th. Houtsma 1993 - ... to Turkey after the war and remained Turkish after the victory
of the Turkish nationalists, in 1922 (Treaty of Lausanne 23rd July, 1923).
Kirk Kilise is now, with Adrianople, Rodosto and Gallipoli, one of the
chief towns of Eastern Thrace.
Encyclopdia Britannica: A New Survey of Universal Knowledge Walter
Yust 1941.
Ernest Hemingway: a Life Story - 130 Carlos Baker - 1969 - But
a car came in just then from Rodosto, bearing two American cameramen
who had been filming the evacuation. The taller man, whose name was ...
No one spoke [1922] 13- Lausanne 131 or even grunted. It was all 130
12. Black Forest ...



From empire to republic: The Turkish war of national

liberation ...Stanford J. Shaw, Forsnet (Firm)., Turkish Historical Society
- ... an indication that they are to reinforce the British there....78 A month
later, the situation in Rodosto was even more chaotic: What local
authority there is in ... Colonel Trelcar asked the Greeks whether they 78
15 September 1922 Friday night.
Great Britain and the East - 22 - 433 1922 - All the troops
who succeeded in embarking at Mondania have landed at Rodosto, and
numerous officers who had ... As soon as this is done the troops which
belong to the four younger classes (1919, 1920, 1921, and 1922) will be
sent to the ...
Guide to Hungarian studies - 2 - 901 Elemer Bako - 1973 "Mementos of Prince Francis Rakoczi II in Rodosto and Istanbul." THE
HUNGARIAN QUARTERLY (New York) ... nemzet politikai szemle'ben
1922 szeptember 1-tol 193*+ augusztus 31-ig kozolt anyagbol. CSubject
list in reference to the legal...
He would recall that, before the Paris Conference in March, various
frontiers in Eastern Thrace had been proposed.7 The British Government
had put forward a proposal to push back the Sevres frontier in Thrace to
the Midia-Rodosto line.
Hemingway on War Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - OCTOBER 16, 1922
CONSTANTINOPLE.Thousands of Christians, many hungry and
with all their earthly ... Rodosto,onthe Balkan peninsula, was choked with
refugees. The suffering and foodless Greeks and Armenians awaited
some ...
Hospital Corps Quarterly - 10-11 - 119 1926 - lApr., Jan.,
July, Oct., Oct., [Apr., |July, Oct., Apr., 1020 1422 1922 1918 1920 1920
and 1921 1922 1919 192(1 1918 1921 1922 ... ROCKEFELLER
Hushamatean Rotostoyi hayerun, 1606-1922 1971 ngiliz Belgelerinde Atatrk, 1919-1938 - 6 - 247 Bill N.
imir - 2005 - Has since been a member of the Constitutional
Commission of the Assembly, in 1922 being president, and reporter from
1923 till ... In September 1927 was elected Deputy for Rodosto, and in
November, while still retaining membership of the ...


ngiliz belgelerinde Lozan Bari Konferansi, 1922-1923 Kemal ke,

Boazii niversitesi. Atatrk lkeleri ve nklp Tarihi Enstits - 1983 Les campagnes de l'arme hellnique, 1918-1922: Prf. du gnral ...Jean
Lopold Emile Bujac - 1930 - Le 3e rgiment et un groupe
d'automitrailleuses suivant la grand'route Rodosto - Camelar. A Rodosto
s'achevait le dbarquement du 3e rgiment de cavalerie et de l'artillerie de
campagne. Ce mme temps, sur la faade de la Maritza, la IXe ...
Lloyd's Register of Shipping - 2 - 1063 1922 - ... Praga
Procida Proteo Quirinale Radium Resurrezione Riva Trigoso Rodosto
Roma Rovato Roverbella Rovigno Salzburg ... 1790 Derna 1813 Egadi
1922 Friuli 1961 Iberia 1982 Ignazio 1961 Iride 1763 Iris (Oil Eng,) 1742
2000 tons and ...
Minorities in Greece: Aspects of a Plural Society - 99 Richard
Clogg - 2002 - ... Armenian communities by the sudden and rather
unorthodox creation in 1922 of another Armenian ecclesiastical see...
Adrianople and Rodosto) provoked the opposition of some members of
the Thessalonian community and, particularly...
New York Times Index for the Published News 1922
Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States 1938 - ...
'(Bristol) to the Acting Secretary of State Constantinople, Septemher 15,
1922 4 p.m. [Received September 15 (16?) ... refugees at Smyrna and
40,000 without food, shelter or even water at Mudania and similar
conditions at Rodosto.
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States United
States. Dept. of State - 1938 - ... at Constantinople {Bristol) to the
Acting Secretary of State Constantinople, September 15, 1922 4- Pm [Received ... refugees at Smyrna and 40,000 without food, shelter or
even water at Mudania and similar conditions at Rodosto.
Ships of Mercy: The True Story of the Rescue of the Greeks :
Smyrna...Christos Papoutsy - 2008 - The True Story of the Rescue of the
Greeks : Smyrna, September 1922 Christos Papoutsy. During the days
and ... At Rodosto, there were about eighty thousand refugees, of which
at least thirty-five thousand were still there." Rodosto, however ...
The Armenian community of Rotosto (ie Rodosto, Tekirda in Turkish),


The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History - 924 Raymond

Kevorkian - 2011 - Mehmed Cemal Azmi (born in Dyarbekir and
executed in Berlin in April 1922), was a graduate of the Mlkiye (1891),
the head of ... Born in Rodosto in 1872, this prelate studied theology at
the University of Rochester in the United States and ...
The Armenian Genocide: Cultural and Ethical Legacies - 338
Richard G. Hovannisian - 2011 - ... Rodosto, and other Ottoman
territories in Europe (Rumelia) only to perish en route. Most of the other
Armenians in Istanbul escaped the same tragic fate as did those of Izmir/
Smyrna, at least until 1922. Part I commences with the ...
The Economic History of European Jews: Late Antiquity and
Early ...Michael Toch - 2012 - 1160: Benjamin of tudela: 11.
Constantinople, european turkey), ca. 1160: Benjamin of tudela: 14. ...
1034: mann, 19201922: ii, 344; holo, 2001: 21921. Again in 1135:
starr, 1939: 228 ...
The Encyclopdia britannica - 19 - 378 Franklin Henry
Hooper, Walter Yust - 1937 - (W. B. P.) RODOSTO, a town of European
Turkey, in the vilayet of Rodosto, on the coast of the Sea of Marmora, 78
m. west of Constantinople. ... From 1920 to 1922 it was in Greek
territory but was restored to Turkey by the Treaty of Lausanne.
The Encyclopaedia of Islam - 10, 163-178 - 414
Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb, Bernard Lewis, Johannes Hendrik
Kramers - 1998 - (A. Sawides) TEKIRDAGH, modern Turkish
Tekirdag, the former Rodosto, a town and port of Turkey, on the
European ... (10 August 1920) and occupied by the Greek army until its
recapture by the Turkish army in October-November 1922.
The Encyclopedia britannica - 19 - 378 James Louis
Garvin, Franklin Henry Hooper, Warren E. Cox - 1929 - (W. B. P.)
RODOSTO, a town of European Turkey, in the vilayet of Rodosto, on the
coast of the Sea of Marmora, 78 m. west of Constantinople. ... From
1920 to 1922 it was in Greek territory but was restored to Turkey by the
Treaty of Lausanne.
The Hemingway Collection Ernest Hemingway - 2014 - Procession. The
Toronto Daily Star OCTOBER 20, 1922 ADRIANOPLE.In a neverending, staggering march ... They are doing very good work at Rodosto



on the coast, but can only touch the fringe. There are 250,000 Christian
refugees to be ...
The Life of a Regiment: The History of the Gordon Highlanders... Charles
Greenhill Gardyne, Wilfrid Miles - 1961 - The arrival of more
reinforcements soon meant a change of scene for the Battalion who, in
November 1922, made the sea passage to Rodosto in eastern Thrace.
Rodosto is remembered for its plague of black flies. The Greeks, by
The Near East - 22 - 433 1922 - All the troops who
succeeded in embarking at Moudania have landed at Rodosto, and
numerous officers who had hitherto ... 1921, and 1922) will be sent to the
Thracian front in order to relieve the older classes, which will, with the
exception of ...
The New Near East - 7 - 57 1921 - What is being
accomplished at Rodosto can be done little by little throughout the Near
East. It only needs ... and of fur! From 'THE OUTLOOK. 'March :1. :
91: HE French evacuation has driven the Christian population from
Cilicia. MAY, 1922 I7.
The Register, Cornell University - 19-22 - 246 Cornell
University - 1919
The Sphere: An Illustrated Newspaper for the Home 1922 - s 'seen today : With Scotland Liddell at Rodosto, October, 1922. British troops,
oxen waggons and - donkey carts, pack horses and piles of corn and
maize in sacks. Kitchen utensils a chair or two+ = peasants from all that
part of some rugs.
The Statist - 100 - 397 1923 - LONDON, SATURDAY,
SEPTEMBER 16, 1922. THE PERIL ... _The new frontier suggested in
March last left Rodosto, a Greek town, to the Turks, but kept Baba Eske
and Kirk Kilisse on the Greek side of the Turco-Grecian frontier. It is
claimed ...
To the Desert: Pages from My Diary - x Vahram Tatrean, Agop
Jack Hacikyan, Ara Sarafian - 2003 - ... expanded by the author between
1919 and 1922 into its present form. ... Heghine (Harpoot), Takoohi
(Harpoot), Khacher Aghpar (Moush), Karekin (Trebizond), Sarkis
(Moush), Torkom (Rodosto), Stepan (Adabazar), and Pakrad


Turkey and Greece: The Aegean Disputes - 937 Deniz Blkbasi 2012 - Paris, Imprime nationale 1922. ... de la Turquie d'Europe situs
l'ouest d'une ligne brise allant de Midia sur la mer Noire Rodosto sur la
mer de Marmara et de Rodos la mer Ege n'est evidemment qu'une
premire exigence destine ...
Verfolgung, Vertreibung und Vernichtung der Christen im
Osmanischen ...Tessa Hofmann - 2004 - Die Griechen OstThrakiens
waren in dieses Verfahren eingeschlossen. Am 22.Mrz 1914 berichtete
das griechische Vizekonsulat in Rodosto von trkischen Plnen, in OstThrakien ber eine Million Muslime aus Makedonien anzusiedeln.
War in the Balkans: An Encyclopedic History from the Fall of
the ...Richard C. Hall - 2014 - Kemal was overshadowed during this
period by the rise of his flamboyant contemporary Enver Pasha (1881
1922)... Kemal was recalled and, with the rank of colonel, appointed to
command the 19th Division based at Rodosto on the ...
West's Louisiana statutes annotated - 276 Louisiana, West Group,
West Publishing Company - 1955 - Rodosta, 1931, 173 La. 145, 138 So.
124. 4. Sanitary code Acts 1906, No. 98 (LSA-R.S. 40:11), authorizing
the State Board ... Coco, 1922, 152 La. 241, 92 So. 883; State v. Bass,
1923, 153 La. 269, 95 So. 714; State v. Hughes, 1922, 152 La.
Winston S. Churchill: The prophet of truth, 1922-1939.
Companion. ...Randolph Spencer Churchill, Martin Gilbert - 1983 Served successively in Constantinople, Rodosto and Jerusalem, 191518. German Vice-Consul in Poznan (Poland), 1920-2 and in Brno
(Czechoslovakia). Consul in Beirut, 1931-2. Minister in Kabul, 1933-7.
Served in Prague, 1939-40, and in ...
World Battles and Their Leaders Who Changed Global History Walter J.
Whittemore - 2008 - In November 1, 1922, he forced the resignation of
the sultan of Istanbul. Then, in 1923, with himself as president... In 1915,
he took command ofthe 19'h Division at Rodosto on the Gallipoli
peninsula. Instead of waiting for German ...
World War I: Encyclopedia - 1 - 630 Spencer Tucker,
Priscilla Mary Roberts - 2005 - ... Sofia, Bulgaria, Kemal was recalled
and, with the rank of colonel, appointed to command the 19th Division
based at Rodosto on the Gal- lipoli Peninsula. ... With the external threat
overcome, Kemal ended the sultanate on 1 November 1922.



World War One - 1004 Spencer Tucker, Priscilla Mary Roberts 2006 - ... Kemal was recalled and, with the rank of colonel, appointed to
command the 19th Division based at Rodosto on the ... in Ankara and
successfully directed Turkish forces in the defeat of Greek forces in
eastern Anatolia during 19211922.
The Greek-Turkish War, 1918-23: an Australian press perspective Stavros
T. Stavridis - 2008 - ... the Asia Minor army, was to inspect these troops
at Rodosto, a port located on the European side of the Sea of Marmora. ...
Allied Warning.," July 29, 1922, p.9 ; New York Times, July 29, 1922,
p.3 this report came via associated press; The ...
Botanical Abstracts - 13 - 196 Burton Edward Livingston,
Jacob Richard Schramm, Mrs. Mildred Stratton Krauss - 1924 1922. The history of the 2 species in Lincolnshire is given. W. II.
Burrell. 1275. BESSET, ERNST A. Our common dandelions. ... Willd.
subsp. rumelicus Degen from Bulgaria, and T. Nikolovii Degen & Urum.
from the vicinity of Rodosto.
A history of the Peace Conference of Paris - 6 - 36 Harold
William Vazeille Temperley, Royal Institute of International Affairs 1969 - Turks, the Turkish frontier being advanced westward from the
Chatalja lines to Rodosto ; (v) in the case of the Armenians certain
vague ... The Italian separate Agreement, April 1922, and the Kemalist
capture of Smyrna, September 1922.
Encyclopedia Britannica: a New Survey of Universal Knowledge 1952 (W. B. P.) RODOSTO or Tekirdag, a town of European Turkey, in the
vilayet of Tekirdag, on the Sea of Marmora, 78 mi. west of Istanbul. Pop.
... From 1920 to 1922 it was in Greek territory but was restored to Turkey
by the Treaty of Lausanne.
Encyclopdia Britannica: a new survey of universal knowledge Walter
Yust, University of Chicago - 1968 - (W. B. P.) RODOSTO or Tekirdag,
a town of European Turkey, in the vilayet of Tekirdag, on the Sea of
Marmora, 78 mi. west of Istanbul. Pop. ... From 1920 to 1922 it was in
Greek territory but was restored to Turkey by the Treaty of Lausanne.
The Turk in America: The Creation of an Enduring Prejudice -
435 Justin McCarthy - 2010 - 5; and "Report Turks Killed Many in
Rodosto," New York Times, March 4, 1920, p. 3 [from the Greek


Legation in Paris]). 27. "Refugees in Athens Tell of Massacre," Olean [N.

Y.] Evening Times, September 18, 1922, p. 1. 28. "Turks Murder ...
The Armenians of New England: Celebrating a Culture and Preserving
a ...Marc A. Mamigonian - 2004 - He came to the United States in March
1922, took the lead of the daily Hairenik in Boston, then created Hairenik
Monthly in ... Shushanian (born in 1902 in Rodosto, died in 1942 in
Rouen, condemned to solitude and destitution) is the author of ...
Sephardim in Twentieth Century America: In Search of Unity Joseph M.
Papo - 1987 - Three small societies, Rodosto, Silivria and Tchorlu jointly
pledged $50. The total amount was deposited with the New York Kehillah
and returned to the Societies in 1922 by Albert J. Amateau, secretarytreasurer of the defunct Federation.
Women physicians and surgeons: national and international organizations
Esther Pohl Lovejoy - 1939 - Rodosta, Thrace, September 26, 1922. I
have instructed Dr. Missak Babelian to take charge of our work here. He
has today opened a clinic. . . . All arrangements are made for the opening
of a thirty-bed sick camp, and for the taking over of the ...
The Nation and Athenum - 31 - 783 1922 - THE
ATHENjEUM Saturday, September 16, 1922. ... Third Army Corps
appears to have made a successful, but fruitless, stand against Turkish
attacks; it is now, significantly, being withdrawn via Rodosto to reinforce
the Greek army in Thrace.
New Outlook - 132 - 279 Alfred Emanuel Smith, Francis
Walton - 1922 - 1922 ton is cold to the suggestion of debt cancellation. ...
New York, October 5, 1922. shal Sir Henry Wilson and Marshal Foch
made its mark upon the world's history. ... Adrianofile
The Outlook - 132 - 279 1922 - New York, October 5,
1922. shal Sir Henry Wilson and Marshal Foch made its mark upon the
world's history. ... Rodosto A Panderma Mudania ...
The American Racing Manual - 975 1947 - ... Halma 26
Northeast, b. h, (1905), Perth 24 Predicates, ch. h, (1909), Le Roi Soleil
25 Cyrus, ch. h, (1922), Sardanapale 29 Brulette, b. m, (1928), Bruleur 16
Bruleur, b. h, (1910), Chouberski 14 Rodosto, ch. h, (1930), Epinard 21
The New Armenia - 17-21 - 42 1925 - The year of 1922
was one of expectancy, for though M. Poincare, the new Premier, had in


1920 criticized M. Briand's ... the part of Thrace east of a line running
from the Stroudja mountains to the west of Rodosto, and the whole
Smyrna zone...
The World Wide Illustrated Encyclopedia - 2 - 4579
Charles Ralph Taylor - 1935 - Outside of Istanbul itinople) the only two
cities are >le or Edirne, and Rodosto. This re- ... Until 1922 the Turkish
Empire was a theocratic limited monarchy under the Sultan or Padishah,
who was also Caliph or successor of the Prophet. During ...
Gleanings and Memoranda - 55 - 443 1922 - ... to a point
on the Bulgarian frontier in the western part of the Stranja mountains,
leaving Rodosto, a Greek town, to the Turks and placing Baba-Eske and
Kirk Klllsse on the Greek side of the Turkish frontier. ... 1922.
The Irish Horse - 24 - 152 1956 - Fairway (B. 1925) Fair
Trial (Ch. 1932) Lady Juror I (B. 1919) f Rodosto /Phalaris \ Scapa Flow
f Son-in-Law i Lady I ... (Br. 1935) Colombo (B. 1931) G rand Peace (B.
1929) fSolarlo (B. 1922) I Serena I (B. 1929) f Manna (B. 1922)
[ Lady ...
Who was who: A Companion to Who's Who, Containing the Biographies
of ...1961 - Headmaster and preacher, Rodosto and Metras, 1897- 1900 ;
after returning from Germany, Prof, of Divinity at the above College,
1904, Principal, 1907 ; Metropolitan of Selefkia 1912) and remained
Principal and Prof, until 1922, then called ...
Once upon a time Jews lived in Krklareli: the story of the Adato ... Erol
Haker - 2003 - 4AAIU, Rodosto (Tekirdag), 13.12.1922, David Levi to
Paris, Annual Report 1921/1922. AAIU, Yambol, 06.07. 1904, Aron
Halevy to Paris, Annual Report 1903/1904., issue no 6 14Tishrei, 5671
[1911]., Kirklisse, 24.10.1922...
Whitaker's Almanack - 626 Joseph Whitaker - 1938 - 12 2O
14,791 Foxlaw (1922), by Son-in-Law Alope.... 23 1922 | Lord
Woolavington's Captain Cuttle ... 10 to 1 | S. Donoghue | F. Darling . ...
1933 Rodosto T. Brown Betty...Chatelaine ...Foxhunter 4y 9st.
Annals of Opera, 1597-1940 - 827 1943 - L'Antigona delusa da
Alceste, 1 660. Zich, Otakar (1879-1934) Mallfsky Napad, 1910. Vina,
1922. See also p. 586. Zichy, Geza (1849-) *Alar, 1896. Roland Mester,
1899. Nemo, 1905. Rakoczy Ferenc II, 1909. Rodosto, 1912.


The Spectator - 128 - 390 1922 - Rodosto is Greek; Kirk

Kilisse is Bulgarian. In both cases self-determination breaks down
simply because events have made it ... forth, would be lost in the
functioning of the University as a frigid examining body. These 390 THE
[April 1, 1922.
The Times Index - 178 1968 - History of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation, Dashnaktsutiun...
He went to Sofia in 1922 and then to Paris, where he founded Harach. He
was elected to the ARF Bureau at ... Nevrouz Family The family came
from Tekirdag and joined the ARF early on, in Rodosto, where they were
living. They dealt with the ...
The Official Index to the Times - 178 1968 - The Earl of Reading:
A Sketch of a Great Career at the Bar, on the ...
Sardr Ali Khn (Saiyid) - 1924 - Mr. Lloyd George (that " great but
eccentric genius," to use Mr. Montagu's words) a few days after the
Rodosto affair passed a eulogium in the House of Commons (4th August,
1922) on the prowess of the Greeks, extolling in particular the ...
Tests and Triumphs of Armenians in Turkey and Macedonia - 42
Jensine Oerts Peters - 1940 - On March 12, 1922, carrying only one
suitcase, I again left my beloved homeland. ... We did not know where we
were to go, but the guiding thought to look for Armenian refugees led us
on until we came to Rodosto, East Thrace, only six hours ...
The beauty of Sephardic life: scholarly, humorous, and personal ... Sam
Bension Maimon, Albert S. Maimon, Eugene Normand - 1993 - We
returned to Rodosto along with other families, but some families
remained in Istanbul. Before the Bulgars came, the ... of Turkey from the
Greeks. I remember it was in the summer of 1922 that once again
Tekirdag was under Turkish rule.
Politics and demography: Armenians, Turks, and Kurds in the
Ottoman ...Levon Marashlian - 1991 - 143 pp. Book is on Mush Sanjak,
in Bitlis Vilayet. Papazian, Sarkis K. Hushamadian Rhodostoyi hayerun,
1606-1922 [History book on the Armenians of Rodosto]. Beirut:
Doniguian Press, 1971. 266 pp. Rodosto (Tekirdagh) is on the
Maramara ...



The World Almanac & Book of Facts - 140 1923 - Revenues of

National Headquarters during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922,
were... At Rodosto 5.000 refugee were established on farm lands;
agricultural development of 16,000 acres organised In the ...
Monthly Circular Ottoman bank, Constantinople - 1926 Commerce Reports - 368 1922 15,000 Rodosto.. 62,1! Niriofito ...43,000 . ... 1922. Canadian mills,
generally speaking, commenced the year 1921 with a fair amount of
unfilled orders on hand. As the months went by, the value of unfilled
orders became steadily ...
Brick and Clay Record - 61 - 636 1922 - The boys fashion
the brick themselves and set them in the Children of Rodosto, Thrace. at
a Yard of Newly Sunbaked ... 3 A. S. T. M. TENTATIVE STANDARDS
A. S. T. M. Tentative Standards for 1922 have been issued in bookform
and are ...
The Independent - 197 1963 - ... for the Near East Relief, food is
needed for 260,000, 140,000 having been cared for; the 260,000 being
scattered through the Greek isles and in Athens, Saloniki, Rodosto, and
other places. ... October. 14,..1922. T. H. E. 197 INDEPENDENT.
The Nation and Athenaeum - 31 - 783 1922 - The Nation
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1922. ... Third Army Corps appears to
have made a successful, but fruitless, stand against Turkish attacks; it is
now, significantly, being withdrawn via Rodosto to reinforce the Greek
army in Thrace.
The Economist - 95 - 495 1922 - Figures for the year ended
March 31, 1922, have now been adjusted in accordance with the Finance
Accounts just .... An encounter between patrols, or the news of massacre
and ill-treatment of Moslems at Rodosto or Adrianople, may still at ...
Quarter-century Record, Class of 1894 Yale College - 238 Yale
University. Class of 1894, Frederick Dwight - 1922 - Both his parents
were also born in Rodosto, Thrace, his father in 1824, and his mother in
1830; and they both died there, his mother in 1892, and his father in
1896. He had two brothers, Hrant K. Kebabian, M.D. Jefferson Medical
College 1892 ...
Advocate of Peace - 84 - 157 1922 - They finally decided
on a line running from Ganos, on the Sea of Marmora, to the Bulgarian


frontier, in the region of the Istranja Mountains, leaving Rodosto, a Greek

town, to Turkey, and Kirkkilisseh.... 1922. 157. ADVOCATE. OF.

Adrianople, 82, 83, 126, 127, 128,

130, 133, 134, 135
Adrianoupolis, 82, 95
Black Sea, 80, 128, 136
Bulgaria, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
83, 133, 139
Bulgarians, 73, 76, 81, 139
cinarlik dere, 14
Constantinople, 73, 74, 81, 84, 97,
98, 99, 100, 107, 109, 127, 129,
130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 139,
Eastern Thrace, 71, 72, 73, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
83, 84, 85, 94, 95
Gallipoli, 13, 79, 97, 98, 101, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131
GALLIPOLI, 126, 134
Ganochora, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
100, 101
Ganos, 13, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 130
Ganos-Chora, 13
Greece, 50, 51, 52, 57, 61, 62, 63,
68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 87, 95, 96,
97, 101, 103, 135, 148
Greek, 13, 48, 52, 65, 72, 74, 75,
76, 77, 81, 82, 85, 94, 97, 101,
135, 137, 143, 144
Istanbul, 64, 72, 80, 81, 83, 84,
110, 135, 137, 141, 142, 145,
146, 148
Macedonia, 49, 57, 61, 72, 74, 75,
76, 77, 78, 80, 144
Myriophyto, 13, 14, 97
Ottoman Empire, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81,
82, 134, 146
Platanos, 13
Rhaidestos, 101

Rodosto, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,

131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136,
137, 138, 139, 140, 146
Smyrna, 78, 80, 81, 84
Sterna, 13, 14
Tekirda, 136
Tekirdag, 133, 136, 140, 145, 149
Tekirda, 131, 135, 136, 140, 141,
142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147,
148, 149, 150
Thrace, 49, 55, 57, 71, 72, 73, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83,
84, 85, 88, 95, 96, 98, 101, 102,
107, 127, 129, 134, 136, 137,
Thraki, 49, 57, 61
Vakalopoulos, 49, 56, 65, 86, 88,
103, 106, 108, 110
, 60, 107
, 1, 13, 14, 15, 19,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
, 51, 53, 65
, 5, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 49, 50, 53, 55,
56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68, 85, 89,
, 88
, 70
, 70
. , 66
, 15, 19, 20, 87, 88, 89, 92
, 16, 19, 20, 87
, 5, 15, 19, 20, 85, 86,
87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
, 85
, 93
, 71
, 86, 89, 107, 111
, 1, 18, 21, 66, 93


, 1, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20
, 17, 18
, 17, 18
, 89, 111, 112
, 112
, 101
, 86, 87, 102, 104, 106,
108, 111, 113
, 102, 104, 109, 110, 112,
, 14, 19, 68, 88, 89,
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113
, 68, 101, 103
, 16, 20, 102, 103,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
, 112
, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20
, 67
, 87
, 92

, 16, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56,

57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 87, 88,
91, 93, 106, 111, 113
, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
23, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 86,
89, 91, 92, 103, 111, 112
, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20
, 58, 67, 94, 103
, 48, 50, 52, 53, 57, 60,
65, 66, 70, 71, 92, 113
, 51, 54, 59, 64, 68
, 57, 58, 61, 65, 67, 68,
, 65, 105
, 15, 19, 20, 86, 88, 92
, 15, 19, 20, 92, 108
, 70, 111
, 15, 19, 20, 88, 90
, 14, 19, 20, 87, 105
, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19


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